*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “John Crestani – Super Affiliate System PRO“
“I Walked Into My Boss’ Office to Ask for a Raise… But He Laughed in My Face and Showed Me the Door”
Keep Reading to Discover How This Humiliating Experience Led Me to Quit My $60,000 Job and Make $388,677 Online That Same Year… Using What I Now Call “Profit Cycles”
From the desk of John Crestani
Caged Employee-Turned-Internet Millionaire
December 9th, 2022
Dear friend,
Let’s cut the B.S.
I’m not going to promise that this is going to make you a millionaire…I’m not going to guarantee that you will be able to quit your job, buy a Lambo, and live like a rockstar either…
All I’m going to say is that…
If you read every word that follows and you carefully replicate what I’m about to show you…
You can make your first online paycheck sooner than you think is possible.
Or Keenan Hanmer, earning $918.89 …
How about David James earning $460.61 …
Just like Gab D’or who earned $460.61
And Anna Fragiorgi earning $1,500 …
Seth Johnson earned $921.22 …
Or Frank Battiston who made $956.00…
…The list is virtually endless.
And before you make any assumptions…
These People Were Complete Beginners!
They Didn’t Have Any Existing Skills, Experience, Or Money To Invest
So, how the heck did they start making money so fast?
Two words:
To give you a quick rundown…
It’s a unique approach that allows you to use “FREE CREDITS” (more on that in a second) to test and find other people’s “Profit Products” to sell…
And then – once you start making sales – you can re-invest the money you made to generate 2x, 3x, or even 5x returns – without any risk of losing it.
They say there’s no such thing as safe investment…
But, this is damn close.
And the best part is…
Once you find your “winner”, you can just keep reinvesting your profits to make as much money as you want, as often as you want.
I personally used this method to go from $0 to $388,677 in my first year…
Then I reinvested those $388,677 to make $933,944 in my second year…
And before I knew it,
I made over $21,000,000.
and created the lifestyle of my dreams.
“I’ve Seen Guys in Lambos
Preaching Stuff Like This Before… I Don’t Buy It Anymore”
And you know what?
I’m actually glad that you are thinking that…
Because skepticism is a trait of highly intelligent people.
That’s why I told you at the beginning that I won’t try to sell you another “million-dollar dream”…
But rather show you how to make just ONE, FIRST paycheck.
Because once that happens…
Once you feel that rush of pride and confidence when you make your first sale…
All your doubts and insecurities will go out of the window…
And you’ll see that this opportunity is as real as they come…
We’ll get there in a second.
Bur first, let’s address the elephant in the room…
I’m NOT a Marketing Genius, a
Natural-Born Entrepreneur, a Trust Fund Baby,
or Even a Particularly Intelligent Individual
In fact, just a few short years ago, I was one of those lifeless, brainwashed 9-5’ers you see in the subway.
The crazy thing is, I had done everything “right”:
I went to a prestigious college… Found a good job in the big city… Put my head down and worked hard for years…
But, for some reason, I just couldn’t catch a break.
It felt like no matter what I did, no matter how many hoops I jumped through, or targets I exceeded – the needle wasn’t moving.
“On paper”, I was living a good life, working in a solid job for a reasonable paycheck…
But in reality, I was hating every second of my life.
I was selling myself short, working so hard and making so much money for someone who wouldn’t care if I died the next day.
And the worst part is…
Even though I was working hard and making my company a lot of money, I didn’t get any recognition – let alone a raise.
In fact…
After I paid my rent, bills, the crazy gas prices and put food on the table…
I had barely anything left.
At one point it got so bad…
I wanted to propose to my girlfriend, but I couldn’t afford a ring.
Can you imagine how powerless I felt, being unable to do the one thing I felt I was supposed to be able to do?
It was so embarrassing, I was ready to do whatever it takes to make an extra couple grand…
So I decided to do something desperate…
I Resorted to Being a “Human Test Subject”
…Or, in plain English – A “human guinea pig”…
I would literally go into a laboratory… Choke down a bunch of untested (and potentially dangerous) medicines… And get paid for it.
Needless to say, it wasn’t worth it:
I was throwing up all the time, feeling poisoned by all of these experimental medicines…
And I couldn’t tell my family or friends about it (or ask for help) because I was too embarrassed to admit what I was doing.
This was the absolute lowest point in my life.
I was trading my health and well-being for a few measly bucks… And I STILL barely made enough to cover all my expenses and survive another month.
It was the final straw for me… something had to change.
I Knew I Deserved More, So I Went Into My Boss’ Office to Ask for a Raise
I had worked too hard for too long to be risking my health for money.
Plus, I calculated that I’d made $800,000 for the company since I got there.
So, in my mind, the raise was a logical next step.
I wrote down my pitch… prepared answers for every question he could possibly ask…
And walked into my boss Mr. Glickstein’s office ready to take what’s mine.
“You know boss”, I started…
“I’ve been thinking about this for a long time and I’d like to discuss a raise”…
Mr. Glickstein looked me straight in the eyes…
With the most disrespectful smirk on his face…
And calmly replied:
Mr. Glickstein replied this way because he KNEW that I had no other option… and that he could easily tell me no and i’d have to keep working for him, at this pay, anyway.
It was at that moment that I realized that I was NEVER going to get paid what I was worth.
I was on my way towards spending my entire life working for people like Mr. Glickstein…
And the very thought of being treated like this for another 30-40 years made my stomach turn.
Granted, I was scared to quit because
This paycheck was the only stability I had in my life…
But, at the same time, I knew so many people who eventually made their peace with being “slaves to the corporate system” and spent their entire lives in soul-sucking jobs…
I didn’t want to be one of them.
… Even if that meant taking a leap of faith and risking everything.
And just like that, my career was over.
I made a promise to myself that I was going to find a way to quit my job…
And that I was NEVER going to let anyone disrespect me like that again.
The only problem was…
I had no clue where to start.
I’m Not Going to Lie… It Was PAINFUL
I wish I could tell you that I was confident enough to quit my job that same day and leave the office with a bang like Jerry McGuire…
But the truth is, I spent MONTHS jumping from one business to another.
Or, should I say, from one failure to another.
Shopify… Ebay… Amazon… You name it.
I would hear about a new business model that’s been working for others… I’d try it and spend weeks working on it… Only to fail miserably.
For the first time in my life, I actually started to believe that I might not be good enough to succeed.
“Maybe Mr. Glickstein was right. Maybe I am as worthless as he thinks”…
But then one night…
I saw an advertisement online.
A guy named Kelly Felix was having a paid mastermind for successful online marketing folks…
And apparently, everyone who’s making serious cash online was going to be there.
Obviously, I wasn’t nearly successful enough to be invited… And even if I was invited, I still couldn’t afford the ticket..
So I did something CRAZY:
I figured out that the event was taking place at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood… And I sneaked in!
But, that’s not all…
I hid in the back of the room until the event was over… I waited for Kelly to get off the stage… And I literally jumped him!
I wasn’t going to let him go until he told me how I could turn things around… So that’s exactly what he did.
And Just Like That…
An Internet Millionaire Introduced Me to an Unlikely Business Model That Was Going to Change My Life Forever
The first thing he told me was:
“John, forget about eCommerce and other “hot” businesses everyone is buzzing about… What you need is a Cash Flow Business”
He went on to explain that there are people making ridiculous amounts of money with other people’s DIGITAL products like courses and ebooks…
And that they are actually willing to offer guys like me a healthy commission if I can help them sell a few copies.
Then, he showed me his earnings…
This guy was making THOUSANDS of dollars in pure profit… And he said that he was barely doing any “work” there
I was sold.
It was obvious that this business had 3 big advantages:
These product owners had put in thousands of hours and invested millions of dollars to ensure these products are as good as possible.
They had all the infrastructure in place, customer support, sales reps…
So all I needed to do is take their products and recommend them to people.
I was allowed to promote these products any way I knew – paid or free.
So, I could get my feet wet without spending a dime.
As Kelly explained, I didn’t need to create big marketing campaigns or invest into tools or even a website…
All I needed was a simple webpage (that I could build in a few clicks) and a way to send people to it.
The way I saw it, I had nothing to lose.
If it works – great.
If not – all I lost was a couple of hours of time.
I was in.
I Still Remember That Morning…
I Woke Up and Saw $372.11 in My Account
Was it a glitch?
Was it a family member who felt sorry for me?
It was real.
A genuine person who wanted what I was recommending online.
That’s the minute I started believing I could do this.
I could really shift my life, give myself new freedoms, and earn a living online.
And, I was damn right.
The next morning I had another one…
Then another one.
And another one…
And by the end of the year,
I earned $388,677.00 – more than 5X my salary in my 9-5 job
…The rest is history.
Next year, I made over $900K.
In my third year, I cracked the $1M mark
And today I make millions, virtually every month.
… all by simply repeating this same process over and over and over again.
Now, You Must Be Thinking…
“Ok John, Nice Story… But How
Do You Actually Do It?”
That’s the fun part!
You see, I’m eternally grateful to Kelly for introducing me to this business model… But he didn’t really have time to teach me how he does it.
And even if he did, chances are he would tell me to run Facebook and Google ads – neither of which I could afford.
I had to figure out my own way.
So, I spent months experimenting with all these different strategies…
Until I finally found what I believe to be the simplest, fastest, easiest…
And most importantly, the cheapest way to make money doing this…
It looks like this…
Start Making Sales for FREE
(Go from $0 to up to $5K+ FAST)
My biggest problem was that I didn’t have ANY money to invest, so I had to figure out a way to show these products to people for FREE.
So, I found a little-known way to get major advertising platforms like YouTube and Facebook to give you FREE credits for advertising.
It’s kinda like a gift card for ads.
I personally used free YouTube credit when I started:
I used my $100 credit to generate $200…
Reinvested $200 to make $400…
Took 400 and made 800…
And just kept doing that over and over again until I spent $267,000…
… and made $1,155,515 in return.
In other words, I made my first $1,155,515 without spending a dime of my own!
Find A “Profit Product” That’s Guaranteed to Sell
There are hundreds of marketplaces and millions of products you can sell as an affiliate, but only 1% of them are true winners.
(I learned this the hard way)
So I’ve developed a set of criteria that helps me figure out – with utmost certainty – whether or not it could be a winner.
The great news is that this is someone ELSE’S product and they’ve done 90% of the work for us.
They handle all of the fulfillment
They handle all of the marketing
They give you everything you need to copy and paste (images, ads, emails)
They handle customer support
They educate the potential customers and do all of the selling.
We don’t need to do any of this.
This saves me a lot of time and money in testing… And allows me to be profitable from day 1.
Use Profit Cycles to Scale to Up To $10,000 and Beyond
All you need to do is make that first paycheck – ideally using “free credits” – and from that point it just SNOWBALLS.
Every time you make a sale, you simply reinvest or “cycle” that profit to make even more… And you just keep doing this until you hit your goal.
Let’s say you invested $100 in free credits and made $200 back.
Now you just need to reinvest those $200 to make up to $400… Reinvest $400 to make up to $800… Reinvest $800 to make up to $1600…
And before you know it, you’ll be making up to $10,000 or more.
It’s completely up to you how much you are going to make.
Simply keep “cycling” your profits until you hit your goal.
It can be up to $1000 or up to $1,000,000.
It’s really that simple.
When you have a product that SELLS… An audience that BUYS… And advertising that you don’t have to PAY for…
The question isn’t whether or not you are going to make money
The question is HOW FAST and HOW MUCH…
And the answer to that question is…
You Can Make AS MUCH as You Want…
AS QUICKLY as You Want… AS OFTEN as You Want
nce you find your winner (which can be done in 24 hours)…
It’s almost like having a license to print money.
Simply, figure out how much you want to make.
nvest $50 per day = Make up to $100 per day = ~$3,000 a month = 36k a year
Invest $100 per day = Make up to $200 per day = ~$6000 a month = 73k a year
Invest $250 per day = Make up to $500 per day = ~15,000 a month = 182k a year
And again… it can be someone ELSE’S money, not even your own.
And it’s someone ELSE’S product.
Doing this has made results like this possible…
And the best part is…
Unlike a job, your online business is making you money 24/7/365:
While you are sleeping… Eating… Having fun with friends… Traveling… Playing basketball… Watching Netflix… Sleeping some more…
You get the idea.
So, if you are not a particularly hard working person and you like to actually enjoy your life…
Don’t worry, “hustle” and “grind” is not a requirement here…
Interested? Want to Give It a Shot Yourself?
You Only Have THREE Options Really
If you are still reading this, it means that you like the idea of writing your own paychecks from your laptop (I mean, how could you not?)…
So, it’s time to show you with THREE roads you can take at this point:
You can say that you’ll “think about this”… You can even bookmark this page and promise to return in a few days…
But let’s be honest – that’s not going to happen.
Sooner than later, you’ll be back in your everyday life…
In that vicious cycle you’ve been trying to escape…
This hope and enthusiasm you are feeling right now will get sucked out of you… And you’ll just let it go.
I’ve seen it happen so many times. And I’d hate to see it happen to you.
I shared some nuggets with you today…
I told you why this is the business to be in…
So, you may want to go out there and try to connect the dots yourself.
The problem is, it could take you A LOT of time and money to figure it out.
There are millions of products to sell… Hundreds of markets to sell to… Dozens of advertising platforms to use…
And the only way to know what works best is to try it all.
So, unless you have all the time in the world and tons of money to play with, I suggest you go with the option #3.
Not just that I’ve made $21,000,000 for myself… But I’ve also helped THOUSANDS of people start making money online.
Ahsan Habib made over $7,800.00 when he first started…
Matthew Rodis bought a car
and made over $9,000.00…
Tony Strange bought a new home with his business earnings…
Ronnie Sandlin made over $71,479.00…
…The list goes on and on.
I’ve seen it all. I’ve tried it all. I’ve done it all.
And I’m willing to share it ALL with you, so you don’t have to waste time and money figuring it out on your own.
Tony Duchars made over $700.00..
Ahsan Habib made over $7,800.00 when he first started…
Matthew Rodis bought a car
and made over $9,000.00…
Tony Strange bought a new home with his business earnings…
Ronnie Sandlin made over $71,479.00…
…The list goes on and on.
I’ve seen it all. I’ve tried it all. I’ve done it all.
And I’m willing to share it ALL with you, so you don’t have to waste time and money figuring it out on your own.
If That Sounds Good… And You Don’t Mind Taking A Shortcut
to Potentially Your First $100, $300, or Up To $500+ Online…
I’d Like To Offer You A Spot Inside the Super Affiliate System PRO
Jut to make it clear:
Super Affiliate System PRO is NOT a course.
It’s a practical, plug-and-play system that does 90% of work for you, so you can start making a
full-time income as soon as humanly possible.
You’ll get access to The Super Affiliate System PRO Training that walks you through the whole process – step by step, click by click.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve never done any business online before…
Heck, it doesn’t matter if you can barely use Facebook and Google…
By the time you finish watching the training, you will have enough knowledge to call yourself an online marketer.
You’ll get a database of battle-tested “Profit Cycle” products that are guaranteed to sell like crazy in 2022 an beyond…
Plus, you’ll be granted access to the best affiliate networks that are otherwise very selective about who they let in.
You’ll get the keys to my library of proven million-dollar ads, images, and videos…
So you can simply replicate them to create ads that are almost guaranteed to work (just copy and paste them).
I’ll give you “buyers lists” of millions of people who are proven to buy products similar to yours…
So you can upload them to your ad network of choice and make your campaign profitable from day 1.
I’ll hand you done-for-you, ready to use websites…
Hyper-converting, million-dollar sales pages… A domain & hosting for a year… And more.
I’ll teach you a bunch of FREE methods you can leverage to make those first few sales…
Plus I’ll give you free credits so you can start running traffic
without risking your own money.
3173 People Have Gone Through The Program…
And Now, They Are Living Completely Different Lives
Brian Pfieffer grew to over $53,000.00 + …
Jan Vargas went from zero to $1,276.00… then grew to $19,484.35 .. and then grew that to $113,486.48!
Sean Pura reached the $1,000,000.00 mark…
Tyler Ellison made $1,483,376.48…
Ryan Dinnebeil made over $103,750.00 and quit his job
Will You Be the Next Great Success Story?
Here’s What You Get When You Enroll In..
The Super Affiliate System Pro TODAY
Unlimited Access To The Super Affiliate System PRO Training
You’ll be getting LIFETIME access to the training…
So, every time we update it (we’re on our sixth improved version now) – you’ll get access to all the new stuff for FREE!
About the training itself…
Everything inside is set up for YOUR success which
means you’ll have an entire team and clear goals
to keep you on track and accountable.
We’ve even set the entire training up in multiple languages so anyone, anywhere can implement this system and see success…
In fact, we’ve even spent tens of thousands of dollars making the members area as easy to navigate as
possible so it will work on ANY device!
Seriously, you’re going to struggle to find an excuse as to why this won’t work for you… Because it’s working for so many people just like you already!
Winning “Profit Products” + Guaranteed Acceptance
We’ll hand you the best product / affiliate
offers out there, including some of the ones I’m currently using myself!
Basically, we’ll be your very own vetting service – only leaving you with the best of the best.
And, get this…
I’ve shown some of the top product creators
how amazing our students are and have
managed to unlock some backdoor access
to the best, highest converting products…
So, doing this one through me, John Crestani, means you’ll get guaranteed acceptance into this exclusive listing of top products to sell, otherwise closed to most affiliate marketers out there!
DFY Profit Page Builder: Pre-Configured, Hyper-Converting Profit Pages, Optimized Over Millions of Dollars
These are the pages where you are
going to put the product.
Every one of them has been optimized over
millions of dollars and you can literally click
and copy them in under 5 minutes using
our pre-configured software.
We have hundreds of success stories from
students who have automated this process…
And if they can do it – so can you!
Drag & Drop: Website Editor WITH Domain, & Hosting For A Year… Included!
Forget about hiring a web designer
or – God forbid – learning to code.
We’ll set you up with a domain, hosting, AND website editor (on OUR dime) so you can make
any edits you want to your pre-configured pages.
You won’t need to figure out anything technical
as you get this going…
It takes under 5 minutes to set these
up and you’ll only have to do it once!
Done-For-You: Pre-Configured Library Of Million-Dollar Ads, Images, Videos!
You’re going to get access to millions of dollars worth of testing, tweaking, and perfecting… So you can skip all the guesswork and create a winning campaign right out of the gate.
You can literally copy-and-paste our best performing ads, images and videos into your
OWN campaigns and watch them
generate you 2x, 3x, or even 5x returns.
But you are getting all of their expert advice at no additional cost for the rest of your journey.
Private “Accelerated Growth” Mastermind
You know how they say: You are the average of the 5 people you spend time with.
Well, as of today, you’ll be hanging out with hundreds of hungry, driven, ambitious affiliate marketers who are on the same journey as you.
So, instead of politics and other craziness going on
in the world…
You’ll be surrounded by great energy,
inspiring success stories, selfless support,
and real world advice you can’t
find anywhere else.
The Next 17 People Who Enroll Today Will Get
6 Valuable Bonuses
$1,100.00 in Traffic Campaign Credits
PLUS Proven Free Traffic Methods!
Remember the “free credits” I talked about?
Those $100 in ad credits I turned into $1M+?
Well, to maximize your chance of succeeding, I’m going to give you ANOTHER $1000 in credits you can use to run ads on different platforms.
Feel free to ask him ANYTHING you want… He’s been instructed to hold nothing back. 😉
The 21 Day “ROI + Profit” Roadmap
We’ll tell you EXACTLY what to do – step by step –
in order to make the money you invested
in this program back PLUS make a profit.
In other words, just 3 weeks from today, you
will have made your money back
and generated some profit on top of it.
Done-For-You, High Ticket Commission Bundle: Make
Sales of Up To $500 Or More!
How would you like to make up to $500+ per sale?
Just one sale a day equals six figures a year;
5-6 sales a day makes you a millionaire.
This bonus module will show you
how to get there.
Pre-Paid Business LLC Creation
& Tax Savings Consultation
Last but not least, we’ll help you turn this little
side hustle of yours into a legitimate business
you’ll be proud to tell your friends and family about.
We’ve gone ahead and paid FOR an expert to
create an LLC for you AND consult with you
on how to save the most on taxes… you
have that when you’re ready and start
making money with the program.
Last but not least, you’ll be granted an
EXTRA SPOT inside of SAS PRO, so you
can bring a friend, a family member,
a colleague, or a partner with you.
They will get access to the entire program for
FREE, so the two of you can work together
and support each other on this journey.
Yours for FREE When
You Enroll Today
To Sum It Up…
Here’s EVERYTHING You Get When You Enroll Today
Unlimited Access To Super Affiliate System Training
Winning “Profit Cycle” Products + Acceptance
DFY Profit Page Builder: Pre-Configured Profit Pages
Drag & Drop: Website Editor WITH Domain, & Hosting
DFY Pre-Configured Library Of Million-Dollar Ads!
Private “Accelerated Growth” Mastermind
Zero-Risk: Stronger-Than-An-Ox 30 Day Guarantee
BONUS #1: $1,100.00 in Traffic Credits + Free Methods
BONUS #2: The 21 Day “ROI + Profit” Roadmap
BONUS #3: High Ticket $500+ Commissions
BONUS #4: Pre-Paid LLC & Tax Savings Consultation
BONUS #: 2-for-1 Mentorship Access
And YOU Can Get Started With This System
At the lowest price it’s ever been offered! 🔥💵
But As I Said, You Are Not Going to Pay Anywhere Near That…
In Fact, I Want You to Have the Entire System at the Lowest Price It’s Ever Been Offered
(On This Page And This Page Only)
Remember, I’ve been in our shoes…
I know firsthand what it feels like when you want to turn your life around so badly but your resources are limited….
So I would be a hypocrite if I asked you to invest thousands of dollars with me just like that.
FAIR WARNING: This Price Is Only Available Right Here, Right Now. If You Leave the Page, Chances Are You Won’t See It Again.
Now, Before We Give You The Link To Join In Just A Moment… Don’t Take My Word For It..
Check Out MORE Real Results From People Just Like YOU
(And Also Hear Their Experiences!)
Moad Lifandali made $7,831.40 …
It’s Not Your Fault That You Struggled Before…
But As Of Today, It’s 100% YOUR Responsibility
You’ve been lied to.
You’ve been brainwashed that you have to go to school and get a job in order to be “successful”.
You’ve had all these limiting beliefs that prevented you from taking your life into your own hands.
AND, most importantly, you didn’t have the right information to get to the next level in your life and business.
So, it’s not your fault that you’ve been stuck for so long.
…But not anymore.
Now you know the real truth.
You now know how quickly and easily you can turn things around by starting an online business.
And, you have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get 90% of the work done for you by the man who’s already made $21,000,000+ with this.
In other words…
You no longer have an excuse not to turn things around.
All you need is one tiny investment of $997 (or even $397).
And some courage to pull the trigger.
I’m Not Asking You to Say “YES” or “NO…
I’m Just Asking You to Give It a Shot
It’s like buying a house:
You have to see inside it before you can decide.
So, what I want you to do is get on the inside of the Super Affiliate System PRO and see if everything I promised today is true.
Go through the program… Create your first campaign… And see what happens.
If it’s exactly what I promised, you can decide to stay.
If it’s not for you, no hard feelings.
Whether it’s 29 minutes from now or 29 days…
If you ain’t happy, I ain’t happy.
And if you want your money back, you can get it.
All you have to do is email me and tell me “Yo John, I want my money back”… And you got it, and in short order.
It’s as simple as that.
As You Can See, I’ve Done Everything I Could to Make
This Decision as Easy as Possible for You…
Now It’s Up to You to Pull the (Risk-Free) Trigger
I won’t try to trick or pressure you into joining the program.
Truth to be told…
Whether you enroll today or not, my life won’t really change much.
I’ll keep making a significant income online doing this… as you can see here…
nd I’ll still have THOUSANDS of students to share knowledge with and help reach the same level of success.
So no matter what you decide, we’ll continue to do well.
But, will you be able to sleep knowing that you had the perfect opportunity to turn things around and start creating the life you and your family deserve…
…But you passed?
That’s the decision you’ll have to live with…
But, I hope that this risk-free opportunity is one that you take us up on (before it’s too late)… so that we can turn those results into potentially your results. One last time…
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/