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Exploring the Essential Features of “Rick Blyth – Cashflowing Chrome Extensions“
Are You Ready To Launch And Monetise Your First Profitable
Chrome Extension In The Next 30 Days? 🚀
Unlock Your Potential
How Would You Like To:
- Explore the potential of Chrome Extensions to tap into this lucrative market as it grows?
- Earn passive income using your software skills?
- Reduce the financial risk for yourself and your family that’s associated with relying on a single employer or client for income and build a lifeboat in case anything happens to your primary income?
- Build up a cash-flowing asset that you could sell one day for a life-changing cash lump sum payment?
- Work on your own schedule and prioritize the things that matter to you.
- Have more control of technical decisions?
- Have more location freedom to travel and work wherever and whenever you like?
- Achieve a sense of purpose and fulfilment in your work by creating a kickass product that solves problems and adds value to people’s lives
- Make your family proud and leave a lasting digital legacy for future generations?
If you’re a software developer looking to leverage your coding skills to earn some extra income, I suggest you take a good look at the world of Chrome Extensions!
As I’m sure you know, Chrome Extensions are small plug-ins for the Google Chrome browser that can enhance any website on the internet. Furthermore, you can expand the reach of your extension to all the other major browsers from the same codebase!
Chrome Extensions are an excellent way for software developers to reach a vast audience of users.
Here are some of the high-level benefits of developing Chrome Extensions:
1. Potential Profits
Many Chrome Extension developers are earning a full-time living, and some are earning a disproportionate income as a solo developer 💰
Personally, I’ve generated over $500,000 from my niche Chrome Extensions for Amazon sellers, demonstrating the huge potential out there that’s just waiting to be discovered.
One of the best things about Chrome Extensions is that you build them once and then sell them to many people. This leveraging of your time shifts your time spent at the keyboard from active income (paid per hour/week/month) to passive income (paid for the quality of the product you produce). You can charge a one-off fee or preferably charge a recurring monthly or annual subscription.
To whet your appetite, here’s a table showing how much you can make even with a small number of users. These subscription fees are very realistic for micro-niche Chrome Extensions, and you can even charge more than $30 if you provide enough value.
Of course, the exact numbers will depend on the pricing strategy, user acquisition tactics, and the specific Chrome Extension being developed.
However, as you can see, even a small user base can generate a significant amount of recurring revenue each month. With the right approach and consistent effort, making good money through Chrome Extensions is definitely achievable.
In terms of an exit, generally, you can expect a 40x-60x monthly net profit multiplier. You will need at least 18 months of development and growth before you can demonstrate to potential investors the user base is stable/growing and that all KPIs are trending in the right direction.
2. A Vast Audience
There are over 3.2 billion Chrome users worldwide! All you need to do is find a niche within this huge user base that you can target with a great Chrome Extension.
If we compare the opportunity on the Chrome store with that of the iOS app store we can see that the Apple App Store has an audience of around 1 billion users, with around 3.6 million apps in the app store.
However, when it comes to Chrome, the contrast is striking. The audience is enormous at 3.2 billion users, but critically, there are only 200,000 Chrome Extensions in the Chrome store 🤯
Therefore, the Chrome web store offers a much greater opportunity than the iPhone app store because there are far fewer apps per user.
If you can create a decent Chrome Extension, you’ll have a far higher chance of standing out in the Chrome Web Store than you do in Apple’s App Store.
3. Portability To Other Browsers
When you develop a Chrome Extension, you’re not just restricted to the Chrome Web Store. You can also submit your extension to other browser stores such as Opera, Edge & Mozilla.
While the number of users on these other browsers is significantly lower than Chrome, it’s still an option worth considering.
Thanks to the browser extension standardisation efforts of the W3C, it’s now possible to write a single extension that can be installed on all major browsers with just a few minor tweaks during publishing.
4. Low Running Costs
Another great benefit of developing Chrome Extensions is that they run locally client-side, meaning there’s very little server maintenance and costs to worry about.
This contrasts with web apps which generally require backend servers to function.
While this doesn’t mean that developing Chrome Extensions is cheap or free, it does mean that the costs are significantly lower than developing apps on other platforms.
In my Chrome Extensions, I hosted the user’s data within their own private Airtable base, which was on the free tier 99% of the time.
Thus, the monthly server costs were negligible compared to the cost of provisioning and maintaining multiple backend servers.
5. Level Up Your Development Skills
Building Chrome Extensions is a great way to improve your technical skills. It requires a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to get started, but you can start off super simple and build up the complexity as you go.
Let’s not forget that if you’re able to develop a popular Chrome Extension, it will definitely look good on your resume.
You can also use Chrome Extensions as a way to learn new development frameworks and libraries. For example, you can build a Chrome Extension using a framework such as React, Vue or Angular to become more familiar with it.
Can You Relate to This?
- You’re too busy and too tired to work on side projects when you get home from a hard day’s work.
- You’re not clear on how to monetize your coding skills other than paid per hour/day/month work.
- You’re tired of hearing about multi-million dollar SaaS apps that are completely unrelatable to regular software developers.
- Perhaps you’ve impulse-bought countless domains, and before you know it, the renewal email is in your mailbox and you’ve done nothing with it! 😲
- Maybe you’re living in fear of losing your job and not being able to support your family.
- You’ve heard enough airy fairy theory to last a lifetime. Where’s the actionable advice from regular everyday software developers with successful side projects?
- Maybe you suffer from idea overwhelm or shiny object syndrome – bouncing from one side project to the next, without seeing them through to fruition.
- Maybe you don’t have any ideas to work on, and you’re missing that inspiration and motivation to build a successful Chrome Extension.
- You’ve probably seen countless articles and YouTube videos giving generic advice but you just want an actionable step-by-step framework to tell you exactly what to do in the exact order you need to do it.
Hey, Frustrated Software Developer I Hear You 🙂
You know there’s more to life than working your 9-5 and you want to start a side project (and maybe you like the look of Chrome Extensions) but you’re not sure where to start.
Sure, you can probably hack together something simple but how do you know if anyone will even find it useful, let alone pay for it! After all, who cares about a Chrome Extension that turns the background colour of a webpage to red … nobody’s going to pay for that!?!
You worry about how you would market it. After all, you’re primarily a software developer.
How are you supposed to find a great idea, build the solution, find potential users and market your Chrome Extension? There are only so many hours in a day!
That’s where I want to bridge the gap and show you regular guys and gals (just like me) how to start something small in your spare time. You can then nurture and grow your Chrome Extension into a profitable side hustle that you enjoy working on and that brings in some additional income.
Who knows, one day it could become your full-time gig, just like it did for me and many other regular software developers just like you!
Imagine how you’re going to feel once you’re running your own Chrome Extension that is beloved by a niche group of users.
They’re happily paying you a recurring monthly subscription fee for your extension and what’s more …they’re telling their friends about it and leaving great reviews from one of my Chrome Extensions, Merch Wizard
Before you know it, the Chrome Extension has taken on a life of its own, with the user base inundating you with requests for more and more features. The more features you add, the bigger and better your extension will become, which in turn means you can charge a higher recurring fee for it.
Eventually, your users might even beg you to let them buy a lifetime licence, which led to the lifetime sale email
Just Imagine …
Imagine waking up every morning with the freedom to work on your passion project. You’re excited to work on your Chrome Extension knowing that you’re in total control of your time and technical decisions. Every feature you add compounds over time and makes your offering and makes your app even more valuable 🚀
Imagine how happy your wife/husband/partner will be with you when not only have you put your skills to work to earn you additional income whilst you sleep, but also you’ve put yourself on the path to much more freedom to spend more time with your family on your schedule.
What started off as a side project earning you some beer money, can soon swell to rent money, which you can then scale up to quit your job money. Generating a stable income that far surpasses the limits of traditional active income from employment is deeply satisfying.
Talking of quitting your job (or at least having the option to), imagine what it would feel like to finally be in complete control of your own destiny and income. You’d no longer be a slave to the machine. No more office drama and endless Zoom and gloom!
Job security is something we all desire, but unfortunately, it’s not always guaranteed. Many of us have experienced the sudden and devastating loss of a job due to company bankruptcy or economic downturns.
As someone who has experienced the sudden and devastating loss of a job due to company bankruptcy, I can attest that job security in permanent employment is not all it’s cracked up to be. I was working at a company in London that went bust one day, without warning and left us all with no jobs and no pay packet at the end of the month 😢
So, let me ask you which do you think is more SECURE & RELIABLE?
Relying wholly on one company to pay your salary each month. They’ve got to ensure projects are delivered on time and profitably to sustain a big payroll. Your employer may face financial troubles, economic downturns, or even industry disruption, leaving you without a job and a source of income.
Having thousands of customers paying you a recurring monthly subscription fee, providing you with a steady and reliable stream of income that can grow and scale over time. You have the freedom to work on your passion project and be in total control of your time and financial future.
I know which option I’d choose in a heartbeat! 💘
That said, you don’t have to go all in and quit your job tomorrow! The great thing about developing Chrome Extensions is that you can do it in the evenings and weekends whilst working full-time or even freelancing part-time (I didn’t jump ship until I had built up a decent runway and had hit $5k MRR from my Chrome Extensions).
Once you’ve identified your micro-niche and you’re embedded in the community, you will likely spot opportunities for other extensions or you may find your users request you to build another Chrome Extension for another website they’re frustrated with.
That’s what happened to me … a number of my Merch Wizard users (Merch By Amazon creators) requested that a similar tool be created for Amazon’s KDP Platform. After investigating the feasibility of building such a tool, it was a clear no-brainer, and I set about building KDP Wizard!
After a few months of splitting my time between developing and building some marketing hype around its release, I was ready to push the button. I launched KDP Wizard and had a successful $30,000+ launch purely through organic traffic 🚀
Now, back to your future story … let’s fast forward a few years and by this time, you’ve scaled your user base considerably and added many innovative features to your extension. Your income levels are stable, and perhaps you would consider selling your app for a lump sum cash exit.
You might be surprised by just how much these Chrome Extensions are worth!
Depending on a number of factors, you could be looking at a cash lump sum of 40x-60x the monthly net profit.
If you’re at $5k profit per month, you could be looking at around a $250,000 cash lump sum exit.
Increase that profit to $20k per month, and you could be in line for a million-dollar exit 💰
And the best part? Chrome Extensions generally have low overheads, which means your profits can soar without the burden of excessive server/hosting costs.
All it takes is building something of value that solves a problem for a niche group of users, scaling it up, and both your regular subscription income and your net worth will rocket.
In total, I’ve generated over $500,000 from my Chrome Extensions, which just goes to show the huge potential there is out there in these micro-niches. And I’m not alone, I know several other Chrome Extension developers that have earnt similar amounts as solo developers.
Turning Aspirations Into Achievements
I’m sure all of that sounds great but equally, it probably seems like a distant dream that “other” people do.
You’re probably thinking to yourself 🤔:
- Can I really make money through Chrome Extensions?
- Do I have the technical skills to build a Chrome Extension?
- Isn’t the Chrome store saturated?
- How can I find the time to build Chrome Extensions?
- How can I find a great niche?
- How would I find ideas?
- How can I validate my ideas, so I don’t waste my valuable time?
- How on earth do I go about this?
I will address all these valid questions and concerns later on but for now, let me assure you that if I can do it, you can do it too!
You just need a step-by-step, actionable guide from somebody who has navigated these waters successfully.
I’ve made mistakes, tried a bunch of experiments, worked with other founders, and I’ve found out what works and what doesn’t.
So, let me introduce you to a resource I’ve been working on for a few years …. my step-by-step, actionable guide to building profitable Chrome Extensions.
An end-to-end, practical guide to taking you from zero to Chrome Extension hero
Introducing Cashflowing
Chrome Extensions!
The definitive course on building and monetizing Chrome Extensions, created by a successful Chrome Extension developer that has earned multiple six figures from his Chrome Extensions.
I am confident that this is the best Chrome Extension course on the internet. Not only does it give you the technical chops to develop and test Chrome Extensions, but it also teaches you the business side of things too.
You’ll learn how to find and validate ideas, build, test, release, market and monetise your Chrome Extension effectively. No more guesswork!
I’ll share their tried-and-tested techniques, tips, and strategies with you, giving you insider insights that you won’t find anywhere else online.
Now it’s your turn to transform your passion for coding into a profitable Chrome Extension business within a few short months.
The course runs you through each step of my 10-step end-to-end process in bitesize, actionable lessons to take you from the research phase, through to MVP and beyond to a potential cash exit too.
Image showing the 10 steps to Cashflowing Chrome Extensions
What You Will Learn
- How to Find Opportunities to build profitable chrome extensions.
- How to Build, Debug, Test and Release Chrome Extensions.
- How to Monetise Your Chrome Extensions.
- How to Find Users & Scale Up your Chrome Extension’s user base.
- How to Engineer A Successful Cash Exit when selling your Chrome Extensions.
- All The Best Practices & Tips I Can Cram In From My Years In The Trenches.
Course Created By Rick Blyth 🌐
I have earnt over $500,000 by developing and monetising my own Chrome Extensions 💰
This has enabled me to quit my (crappy) corporate job and now I’m here to help you develop your own profitable Chrome Extensions 🚀
I have 5 years of experience developing Chrome Extensions and over 20 years commercial experience in software development. I have also written a book on Micro SaaS called the Micro SaaS Handbook 📖
I created this course because I believe that all software developers can build a profitable Chrome Extension with the right guidance. I’m excited to see what you create in the course!
Let me show you what’s covered in the course modules ….
Module 1: Quickstart Chrome Extension Build
Ready, Set, Build!
We’re diving straight into the fun stuff, building something right off the bat and getting hands-on experience in module 1.
You’ll learn how to develop, test and debug a real Chrome Extension in 20 minutes, ensuring you get to the good stuff straight away!
- Foundational Fundamentals
Introducing the key concepts you need to know at a high level and laying the foundations for building successful Chrome Extensions. - Creating Your First Chrome Extension In Under 20 Minutes
Let’s dive straight into a hands-on build of a simple chrome extension so you can experience first hand how to create a simple extension quickly. - Testing Out Your First Chrome Extension
Learn how to run, test and debug your newly created Chrome Extension.
Module 2: Finding the Opportunities
In this module, you will learn the process of identifying profitable niches and finding opportunities for you to build a profitable Chrome Extension.
Learn about the different types of niches, the key features of the Chrome Extensions Developer API, and how to find opportunities to leverage them to solve users’ problems.
Then you can use the Idea Generator & Scoring tool to rank niches, brainstorm ideas and hone in on your best opportunity.
- The Key Features Of The Chrome Extensions Developer API
The critical and lesser known features that you need to be aware of when coming up with ideas & solutions. Once you’ve finished this lesson, you’ll have the knowledge needed to harness the power of Chrome Extensions to create feature-rich extensions for your target audience. - Finding Killer Niches
Learn about the different types of niches and the key characteristics of great niches so you can identify a profitable niche for your Chrome Extension to maximize your chances of success. - Niche Deep Dive: Validate Your Opportunity
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to drill down into your target niches and validate the potential market opportunity - Identifying Problems & Opportunities
How to find the painful problems and figuring out how your Chrome Extension could help solve them. - 4 Strategies To Finding Chrome Extension Opportunities
You’ll learn how to identify gaps in the Chrome Web Store, research niche markets, and leverage existing online communities to find untapped demand. - Reverse Engineering Successful Chrome Extensions
You’ll learn about successful Chrome Extensions, what problems they’re solving, and how they’re delivering value to their users. You’ll also gain insights into the strategies and techniques that these successful extensions have used to achieve their popularity and success. - The Idea Generator & Scoring Tool
You will use the tool from the course bonus section which will allow you to rank niches, brainstorm ideas and score the opportunities to hone in on your best opportunity. You’ll no longer have idea overwhelm or idea famine, you’ll be able to methodically select the right idea to work on.
Module 3: Extension Build Accelerator
In this mega-module, you will take your Chrome Extension development to the next level with this comprehensive module.
By the end, you’ll be ready to build your own feature-rich Chrome Extension with confidence.
- Setting Up For Success
You’ll learn about the essential tools and platforms you need to set up in order to be efficient and effective in your Chrome Extension development process. - Mastering The Building Blocks
You’ll learn the key components of Chrome Extensions and how they interact including the Manifest, Permissions, Content Scripts, Service Workers, Messaging Engine & Popups. - Constructing Your Chrome Extension
Hands-on experience building a Chrome Extension with worked examples of the Manifest file, Content Scripts, Service Workers, Messaging Engine & Popups. - Mastering Chrome Extension Use Cases
We will run through some common use cases showing best practices and shortcuts on how to tackle real-world coding scenarios in your Chrome Extension development including:
✅ Calling external APIs
✅ Leveraging Notifications and Alerts
✅ Utilising a Local Database
✅ Connecting to a Remote Database
✅ How to use the Shadow Root DOM
✅ Leveraging the Chrome Omnibox
✅ Updating the Chrome Extension Icon with badges
✅ Monitoring app installs and updates
✅ Tapping into the right click Chrome context menu
✅ How to run periodic background jobs
✅ How Identity works in Chrome Extensions
✅ Best Practices for CSS in Chrome Extensions
✅ Setting up Keyboard Shortcuts
✅ Packaging up a chrome extension ready to publish to the chrome store
✅ And more! - Analyzing Winning Successful Chrome Extensions
Hands-on experience looking at successful Chrome Extensions and analyzing their features, functionality, and user experience. By the end of this lesson, you’ll have a solid understanding of what makes a Chrome Extension successful and be able to apply these strategies in your own development efforts. - Over The Shoulder Build
Building out some sample Chrome Extensions utilising some of the techniques from earlier lessons. Source code is included for all examples. - Source Code QuickStarts
✅ Chrome Extension with TypeScript
✅ Chrome Extension using React
✅ Chrome Extension using Vue
✅ Chrome Extension using Angular - Building Best Practices & Tips
All the tips and best practices I can give from my years of developing Chrome Extensions.
Module 4: Testing & Publishing
In this module, you will learn how to test out your Chrome Extension and tools and techniques you can use to streamline testing to produce the highest quality app you can.
- Effortless Extension Testing
Writing test cases for Your Chrome Extension, debugging and troubleshooting your tests. This lesson includes best practices for testing your Chrome Extension to ensure the best possible product for your customers. - Recruiting Your Army Of BETA Testers
You’ll learn how to find the right beta testers, what qualities to look for, and how to effectively communicate with them to get valuable feedback. This network of beta testers will help catch issues before they go live and help shape your Chrome Extension’s product roadmap. - Publishing Perfection
How to publish to the chrome store and best practices around setting yourself up to be in the best possible position when it comes to exit from your app. You’ll also learn about Featured Badges and how to get them applied to your Chrome Extension.
Module 5 – Launching, Promoting and Monetising
In this module, you will learn how to launch, promote, and monetize Your Chrome Extension.
- Turning Your Idea into Income
You’ll learn about the various monetization strategies you can use when monetizing your chrome extension. We’ll run through pricing strategies and talk about the pros and cons of each of them. - Show Me The Monetisation
You’ll learn how to integrate with various payment providers such as Stripe, Gumroad, WooCommerce and the pros and cons of each of them. - Launching Your MVP
You’ll learn organic methods of launching and promoting your app and getting your first paying users. We’ll also run through multiple channels that you can leverage to bring in a steady stream of new users to your app.
Module 6 – Scaling Secrets
In this module, you’ll learn how to take your Chrome Extension to the next level, expanding its reach and growth to maximize your potential for success. You’ll learn strategies for scaling your extension and increasing your monthly income.
- Measuring Success
You’ll learn about the key performance indicators (KPIs) that you should be tracking on your Chrome Extension and how to improve them. - Prerequisites For Scaling
You’ll learn about user acquisition, customer engagement and retention strategies to minimize customer churn. We’ll make sure the ship is technically stable and prepped for an influx of users to avoid the mistake of premature ramping having a negative effect on your entire user base. - Building Your Marketing Machine
You’ll learn how to build your marketing machine that will help you scale your Chrome Extension and reach a wider audience. You’ll learn about the different marketing channels and strategies you can use to promote your extension. - Scaling
You’ll discover how to leverage organic promotion alongside paid advertising, affiliate/referrals and partnerships to scale up your user base and income.
Module 7 – Engineering An Exit
In this module, you’ll learn about the key strategies and tactics that you can use to exit your Chrome Extension business successfully. You’ll eventually exit from your extension, it’s just up to you how and when you do it. In this module we will explore the various ways to exit from your Chrome Extension, including selling it for a cash lump sum payment.
You’ll learn about the key metrics and KPIs that you need to track, and how to position your Chrome Extension for success in the long term
- Why Sell?
We’ll run through the various reasons that you might want to sell your Chrome Extension for a cash lump sum. - Where To Sell?
You’ll discover the various online brokers that can help facilitate the sale of your Chrome Extension. I’ll give you several recommendations on which brokers would be the best positioned to help you sell your Chrome Extension for top dollar. - What Next?
Having personally sold and exited from my Chrome Extension business in a multi-6 figure deal I will share my experience and advice to maximize your potential exit. - How To Sell?
How to use this methodology to develop bigger Chrome Extensions with more income and larger exits.
Course Bonuses
1) Chrome Extensions Stats
Access to statistics on over 1,000’s of live Chrome Extensions with their ratings, last updated date and user count. You can use this to find opportunities to create updated versions of popular but abandoned Chrome Extensions.
2) Idea Generator & Scoring Tool
This tool will help you rank niches based on their potential, brainstorm new ideas, and score opportunities to determine which one offers the best chance for success.
With this tool, you’ll be able to focus your development efforts on the most promising niches and increase your chances of creating a successful Chrome Extension.
And don’t worry, you’ll have your own copy of the tool so you don’t have to share your ideas on any 3rd party platforms or with anyone, they’ll remain completely in your control.
3) Source Code Turbo Templates
Get up and running quickly using your favorite Javascript framework by leveraging these quickstart boilerplate templates so you’re able to hit the ground running and start coding your extension right away:
✅ Chrome Extension with TypeScript.
✅ Chrome Extension with React.
✅ Chrome Extension with Vue.
✅ Chrome Extension with Angular.
4) Deluxe Domain Directory
Access to statistics on the top 1,000 websites and web apps so you can explore opportunities to build profitable Chrome Extensions for the most popular sites.
By analyzing this list, you can also identify areas where there are gaps in the market, which can be an opportunity for you to develop an innovative Chrome Extension to address these gaps.
And don’t forget, when it comes to developing Chrome Extensions, it’s not just popular websites that present opportunities for developers, but also popular web apps.
5) Chrome Extension Website In A Box
You’ll learn how to quickly build a high-quality website using the latest AI technology, allowing you to rank in Google for relevant search terms and generate a steady stream of leads.
This pre-designed template includes all the necessary features for you to build a fully functional website.
This will mean you can get your site up and running in a matter of days, not weeks and it will serve you as a timeless asset.
6) Micro Niches Mega List
This is a curated list of 500 micro-niches, complete with descriptions, website links, and estimated user base sizes, all at your fingertips.
This list will provide you with a wealth of inspiration, giving you the power to choose the perfect niche that aligns with your passions, expertise, and development goals.
Let’s have a quick recap of what’s included in this mega course bundle …
- Cashflowing Chrome Extensions Course
The definitive Chrome Extension course, teaching you how to find and validate ideas, build, test, release, market and monetise your Chrome Extension effectively.
The course runs you through each step of my 10-step end-to-end process in bitesize, actionable lessons to take you from the research phase, through to MVP and beyond to a potential cash exit too. No more guesswork! - Bonus 1 – Chrome Extensions Stats
Access to statistics on 1,000’s of live Chrome Extensions. You can use this to find opportunities to create updated versions of popular but abandoned Chrome Extensions. You get 3 months of access to chrome-stats premium for free – worth $150. - Bonus 2 – Chrome Extension Idea Generator & Scoring Tool
This tool will help you rank niches based on their potential, brainstorm new ideas, and score opportunities to determine which one offers the best chance for success.
With this tool, you can focus your development efforts on the most promising niches and increase your chances of creating a successful Chrome Extension. - Bonus 3 – Turbo Templates
Get up and running quickly using your favourite Javascript framework by leveraging these quickstart templates so you can hit the ground running and start coding your extension right away.
Download the source code and walkthroughs for the quickstart templates in Typescript, React, Vue & Angular. - Bonus 4 – Deluxe Domain Directory
Statistics on the top 250 websites and web apps including 3 x Chrome Extension ideas for each one, so you can explore opportunities to build profitable Chrome Extensions for the most popular sites. - Bonus 5 – Chrome Extension Website In A Box
You’ll learn how to quickly build a high-quality website using the latest AI technology, allowing you to rank in Google for relevant search terms and generate a steady stream of leads.
This will mean you can get your site up and running in a matter of days, not weeks and it will serve you as a timeless asset. - Bonus 6 – Micro Niches Mega List
This is a curated list of 500 micro-niches, complete with descriptions, website links, and estimated user base sizes, all at your fingertips.
This list will provide you with a wealth of inspiration, giving you the power to find the perfect niche that aligns with your passions, expertise, and development goals.
As we recap the contents of the Cashflowing Chrome Extensions course and bonuses, I want you to pause for a moment and think about the true value of this opportunity. This isn’t just a sunken cost; it’s potentially a life-changing investment in your future.
By enrolling in this course, you’re arming yourself with the knowledge and tools that will transform you into a formidable force in the world of Chrome Extensions. You’re not just learning how to create one successful extension – you’re unlocking the power to master the process, refine your skills, and consistently build even bigger, better, and more profitable Chrome Extensions.
Keep in mind I’ve personally generated over $500,000 from my Chrome Extensions, and now I’m sharing all the insights of my success with you. So, when you invest in this course, you’re investing a fraction of that amount for the potential to achieve an incredible return on your investment.
Seize this opportunity to shape the future you’ve always dreamed of and unleash your full potential with Cashflowing Chrome Extensions. I really encourage you to believe in yourself, your abilities, and the transformative power of this investment.
Just Imagine …
Imagine being able to learn how to build profitable Chrome extensions while also earning passive income. That’s exactly what my referral program offers!
Once you purchase Cashflowing Chrome Extensions, you’ll automatically become an affiliate and receive your own unique referral link. This link is your key to unlocking your opportunity to earn while you learn.
Sharing your link with your network of software developer friends and colleagues is the perfect way to earn a 35% commission for every sale made through your link. That means you can make your own investment back within just three sales!
But the benefits don’t stop there. I also offer second tier referral commissions. That means when people you referred, refer others to my course(s), you’ll receive a percentage of their earnings too! It’s like compounding interest but for your passive income!
I’m excited to offer you this opportunity. Not only will you be learning how to build profitable Chrome extensions, but you’ll also have the opportunity to earn passive income by sharing my course with others.
It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.
Potential Transformations –
Your Before & After
- Feeling stuck in your current career.
- If you get promoted, worrying you’ll be less hands-on and stuck in even more meetings.
- Commuting for several hours each week.
- No creative control, just handed a dry spec to work on.
- Far removed from end customers.
- Struggling to find consistent work and income.
- Struggling to make enough money to support yourself or your family.
- Stuck in the traditional 9-5 schedule.
- Feeling unfulfilled in your work.
- Lacking the knowledge to monetize your coding skills.
- Worried about having all your eggs in one basket.
- Have no time to explore new technologies.
- Your ideas for new innovative features are shunned.
- Maybe you’re stuck in a testing, debugging, or maintenance type role.
- You’re worried about what your legacy will be. Just another 9-5 employee watching the years go by without any meaningful achievements or lasting impact.
- Lacking motivation as you have no clear direction and path to start a side project.
- Feeling overwhelmed with where to start with a side project.
- Suffer from constant interruptions throughout the day.
- Low confidence with Chrome Extension development or side projects in general.
- Stuck in pointless meetings and Zoom and gloom!
- Feeling burnt out from long hours at your job.
- Not loving the office politics and drama 🙈
- Achieving financial freedom and the ability to work for yourself full-time as a successful Chrome Extension developer.
- Building a profitable and sustainable passive income stream with your Chrome Extension business eliminates the need to constantly seek promotions to climb the corporate ladder.
- No more wasting time on a long commute, enjoying the freedom to work from anywhere with your Chrome Extension business.
- Enjoying creative control and ownership over your work and developing skills in entrepreneurship, marketing, and product development that may not be used or developed in a corporate environment. And ultimately, building solutions that make a meaningful impact on your customers.
- Engaging directly with your customers, getting valuable feedback and insights to inform your product roadmap leading to increased customer loyalty and retention and a reliable stream of income.
- Building a thriving Chrome Extension business for steady and reliable income.
- Achieving financial security and stability with a successful Chrome Extension business, either as a side business or your full-time gig.
- You can work on your own schedule and prioritize the things that matter to you.
- Achieving a sense of purpose and fulfilment in your work by creating a product that solves problems and adds value to people’s lives.
- Feeling confident you can leverage your coding skills to create a profitable Chrome Extension business.
- Reducing the financial risk associated with relying on a single employer or client for income. Increasing your potential for long-term financial stability and growth by building a portfolio of successful Chrome Extensions.
- Using your coding skills to explore new technologies and create innovative solutions with your Chrome Extension business.
- Having the freedom to explore and implement innovative ideas with cutting-edge features, generating recurring revenue and providing value to your customers.
- Finding fulfilment and satisfaction in creating something new and innovative rather than just maintaining existing code.
- Finding a clear and actionable guide to building profitable Chrome Extensions, and gaining the motivation and direction to execute on it.
- Having a clear path to building a profitable Chrome Extension business.
- Enjoying pure, uninterrupted focus on your Chrome Extension business, increasing productivity and efficiency.
- Mastering Chrome Extension development and learning insider secrets to build popular extensions that solve problems for your customers.
- Being more productive and happier when you can focus on getting your best work done without constantly stopping for pointless meetings!
What Will Your Legacy Be?
Will you continue as a 9-5 employee without a successful side-project, relying on one source of income, just watching Netflix and feeling that your potential is not being fulfilled?
Or will you build a strong sense of personal accomplishment and pride in your work by building a profitable portfolio of Chrome Extensions?
These Chrome Extensions can provide financial security and stability for yourself and your family while also leaving a lasting digital legacy for future generations.
Time Well Spent: Transform Your Future
As a software developer, I understand that time is a precious resource. Balancing a day job, personal/family life and a side hustle can be challenging. That’s why I want to address the time commitment concerns you might have when it comes to finding the time to take the course and build your own Chrome Extensions.
You probably want to know how long it takes to complete the course and how long does it take to build a Chrome Extension?
Well, the good news is that in the first module, we do a quickstart build and test of a Chrome Extension so you get straight into it. No boring theory here!
The rest of the course will take you some time to run through, but if you have any experience in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you’ll find the learning curve relatively gentle.
I’d imagine you’d get through the course in a few weeks, depending on your current situation and how much time you can dedicate to it. In any case, don’t forget you have lifetime access to the program and all future updates, so there’s no rush! FYI, I define what lifetime means in this context in the FAQs, it’s not literally until one of us dies! 💀
To answer “how long does it take to build a Chrome Extension?” I’ve got to say it depends. My first Chrome Extension, which made me over $3,000, took me around 4-5 hours to cobble together over one weekend. It was super basic, but it did everything it said it would, and critically, it fixed a painful problem for my user base.
You can contrast that with the development time for one of my latest Chrome Extensions, KDP Wizard …. which took me several months of full-time development.
However, you don’t have to hit a home run with the first release of your first Chrome Extension. Starting small with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is often the best way to validate your idea and to see how it’s received by potential users.
You can always iterate and pivot your way to success as you gather feedback and learn more about your target audience. By starting with an MVP, you can save time and resources and focus on what matters most – creating a Chrome Extension that people will love and use regularly.
Don’t let the fear of not hitting a home run right away or your perfectionism hold you back from starting your potentially life-changing journey.
Stop Dreaming, Seize The Moment & Start Building
There has never been a better time to start developing Chrome Extensions
Are you tired of dreaming about a better future without ever taking action? The time to start building your Chrome Extension portfolio is now!
Imagine being the hero to a group of micro-niche users who have been struggling to find a solution to their specific problem. You could be the one to provide them with a valuable Chrome Extension that enhances their online experience and makes their lives easier. These micro-niches are waiting for someone to come in and fill the gap, and that someone could be you.
Also, consider the financial stability that comes with building up your user base and income. It can provide a great safety net in case you lose your job due to unforeseen circumstances, unexpected layoffs or a recession. And heck, if you’re feeling truly ambitious, you can even quit your job and work for yourself full-time.
The potential for a life-changing cash lump sum exit is also within reach. By building a successful extension and growing your user base, you can position yourself for an exit that could provide financial freedom for years to come.
And let’s not forget the satisfaction of impressing your friends and co-workers that you’ve built a Chrome Extension that thousands of people pay for and love to use 🤣
Furthermore, you don’t need years of development experience or any budget to get started. With the right guidance and support, I believe anyone can create a successful Chrome Extension.
This is a course you can go through on your commute, your lunch time, at the gym. Anytime. Anyplace.
So, don’t let fear, procrastination or self-doubt hold you back any longer. If you wait, then 6 months from now, you might still be jumping from side project idea to side project idea. Let’s get this thing done right here, right now.
You can take your first step towards a brighter future and start developing your own Chrome Extensions today. The possibilities are endless, and the rewards are waiting for you.
Who Is Cashflowing Chrome Extensions For?
This course is for you if:
- You’re a software developer looking for a flexible way to earn extra income while still maintaining your day job or freelancing contract.
- You’re willing to put in the time and effort required to create a profitable Chrome Extension, even if it takes a few attempts before you succeed.
- You’re looking for a legitimate way to leverage your coding skills to turn your passion for technology into a profitable and sustainable business.
- You have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript and are willing to learn new skills. Even if you’re completely new to Chrome Extension development, this course will help you learn the skills you need to create successful extensions that users will love.
- You’re excited about the potential of Chrome Extensions and want to tap into this lucrative market while it’s still growing.
This course is NOT for you if:
- You’re looking for a get-rich-quick scheme that requires no time or effort. Creating successful extensions that generate recurring and sustainable income requires time, effort, and dedication.
- You’re looking for a course that promises overnight success or guaranteed profits without any real work. Whilst I can provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed, ultimately, your success depends on your willingness to put in the effort and implement the actionable steps.
- You’re not excited about the potential of Chrome Extensions and don’t see the value in tapping into this growing market.
You’ve Got Two Choices Here ….
1) You can keep trying to figure out how you can leverage your programming skills to work on a side project building an app that someone might find useful and might pay for. You can keep scouring free blog posts and YouTube videos but never make any meaningful progress …
– Or –
2) You could use my actionable step-by-step course to create and launch your first Chrome Extension within a matter of weeks. Soon, you will be experiencing the sweet taste of recurring subscription income, and once you’ve tasted it, I’m sure you’ll be hooked!
Think about where you want to be six months from now. I mean, think of where you want to be just ONE month from now.
Do you have a step-by-step plan on how you’re going to get there?
If you’re ready to stop dabbling around with half-hearted side projects and actually start generating meaningful income, then Cashflowing Chrome Extensions is going to be the course that changes everything for you.
I hope to see you on the inside!
Easing Your Worries
I know there can be a lot of questions and confusion if you’re planning on building and monetising a Chrome Extension for the first time.
If you don’t have a plan to follow, it can be easy to make mistakes, become overwhelmed and never end up at the finish line.
Without the right guidance, it can be challenging to make any meaningful progress at all, with your ideas gathering digital dust on the neverending to-do list!
Let me try and answer some common questions and doubts I’ve heard:
I’m already busy, how will I find the time to build a Chrome Extension?
With easy-to-follow modules, you can work at your own pace, whenever and wherever you have time. Plus, the skills you learn in this course can help you create a profitable side hustle or even replace your full-time income, so it’s worth investing a little time now for a potentially life-changing return in the future.
Also, within the course, I’ve created a 30-day step-by-step action plan to get you to MVP. If you don’t have the capacity to do it in 30 days and need longer, then you can simply spread out the tasks into a 90-day action plan or whatever you’re comfortable with.
Finally, I’ve also added a tonne of actionable mindset, motivation, quitting your job and productivity tips into a mini-course (you can find out on the next page), which can help you to find the time that you couldn’t find previously.
This isn’t the “right time” for me
Life is chaotic. I’m sure you’ve experienced that by now and waiting for a mythical period of several months of calm is probably just wishful thinking 🤣
I started building my side hustles while working as a full-time Technical Director of an insurance software house. I was also training to complete an Ironman triathlon and helping to raise our young child. With the right mindset and focus, you can achieve so much in a short period of time.
Don’t forget the Chrome Extension market is growing rapidly, and there’s no better time to capitalize on this trend than now.
Finally, you will have lifetime access to the course, so if this really is a bad time for you, you can always implement what you learn when the timing is better. FYI, I define what lifetime means in this context in the FAQs, it’s not literally until one of us dies! 💀
Let me add this genuine warning though, the price of this course will only ever increase, so if you’re thinking about investing in it, I’d recommend doing it sooner rather than later.
Can I really make money through Chrome Extensions?
Absolutely! With over 3 billion active users on the Google Chrome browser, the demand for quality Chrome Extensions in micro-niches is higher than ever.
Of course, the exact numbers will depend on the pricing strategy, user acquisition tactics, and the specific Chrome Extension being developed. However, as you can see, even a small user base can generate a significant amount of recurring revenue each month. With the right approach and consistent effort, making money through Chrome Extensions is definitely achievable.
Needless to say, the cost of the investment in this course will arm you with the skills and techniques you need to bring in far more than the cost of the course in a short period of time, with relatively few users.
Do I have the technical skills to build a Chrome Extension?
If you have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you’re already well on your way to building a successful Chrome Extension.
And even if you’re not an expert in these areas, this course will guide you through the process and teach you everything you need to know to create a great Chrome Extension. With step-by-step instructions and real-world examples, you’ll gain the skills and confidence needed to build a profitable Chrome Extension.
Isn’t the Chrome Store saturated?
While there are many Chrome Extensions in the store, there is still a huge demand for quality, niche-specific extensions. This course teaches you how to identify profitable niches, conduct market research, and create extensions that fill a specific need. With the right strategy, you can create a successful extension that generates consistent income and is potentially sellable for a cash exit too 💰
Also, don’t forget that the Chrome Store has far fewer Chrome Extensions per user (200k extensions for 3 billion users) than the iOS App Store has apps per user (3.2m apps for 1 billion users).
That equates to 277 users per iOS app vs 16,000 users per Chrome Extension a
How would I find ideas?
Finding the right idea for a Chrome Extension can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, it’s easier than you might think.
In the course, we touch on several techniques to generate Chrome Extension ideas within a single niche. There are at least 4 strategies that I will teach you on how you can find profitable Chrome Extension opportunities. Multiply that out by the number of micro-niches you can target, and you’ll soon be spoilt for choice.
And don’t worry, I’ve got you covered when you get to that stage with a tool that will help you rate and rank your potential ideas to determine which one is the best one to pursue first.
How can I validate my ideas so I don’t waste my valuable time building something nobody wants?
There are several techniques we can use to carry out some soft validation to make a data-driven decision before proceeding with an MVP.
However, the MVP is the ultimate proof of concept, and it will find out the answers to these key questions:
- Does this app solve a real problem for a real set of users?
- Are those users willing to pay for this solution?
- Is it possible to target and attract users?
The majority of us software developers are somewhat perfectionists. You have to throw that out of the door for your MVP, or risk losing weeks/months of your life for no good reason.
That’s why I recommend getting a barebones MVP out there as soon as you can. The first version of the app should be basic, have lots of missing features and potentially be a little rough around the edges. But, critically, it has to function correctly and begin to solve the user’s problem.
How on earth do I go about this?
Developing profitable Chrome Extensions may seem daunting, but with the right framework and approach, it can be a very achievable goal.
This course combines the technical aspects of building, testing and releasing a Chrome Extension with the business and marketing aspects that you need to get started too.
By following this framework, you can concentrate on each step and not procrastinate about future steps. We’re going to take it one step at a time.
What’s Your Why? 🧐
I want to tell you today why I set about building Chrome Extensions back in the day. It wasn’t just because Chrome Extensions allowed me to make passive income, to finally get out of the 9-5 grind, or start living life on my own terms.
Deeper down, it was because I really wanted to prove to myself that I could build something of my own from scratch that would allow me to provide financial security for my family, while also having the freedom and flexibility to spend more time with them 👨👩👧👦
I wanted to build something that I was in total control of. Something that I could build up from the ground up … just as I wanted it to be. My baby.
My “big why” was that I wanted to prove to myself that I could create a successful business on my own that would allow me to be in control of my own destiny, without being at the mercy of someone else’s agenda.
As you may already know if you’re familiar with my backstory, I was one unhappy fella in the last few years of my corporate career. I knew I HAD to commit to making a big change 😢
I’m not sure what your situation is right now, but I want to ask you ONE question: WHY are you interested in building your own software apps?
Think about it for a second.
Most likely, there are real reasons, important reasons. Goals you want to achieve, things you want to do, people you want to spend time with – and starting your own business, however small it starts off, is a means to that end.
Whatever your reasons may be, I want you to know that they are valid, and that your goals are achievable.
What is your ultimate goal? I know there’s a bigger reason behind your plans, your dreams, and your ideas. It’s not to start a business just for the sake of it.
Maybe you’re looking to reduce the financial risk for yourself and your family that’s associated with relying on a single employer or client for income and build a lifeboat in case anything happens to your primary income 🚣♀️
Perhaps you’re looking to build up a cash-flowing asset you could sell for a life-changing cash lump sum payment one day 💰
Or maybe you simply want more freedom. The freedom to work on your own schedule, whenever and wherever you want, in whatever technologies you want.
Whether it’s financial security, freedom, independence, a sense of purpose, or something else entirely, the first step in all of this is to understand your “why”.
During difficult times in the journey ahead, your why will drive you and motivate you to keep going and push through the turbulence and into the clear skies 🛫
Hey, my name is Rick Blyth and I’m a software developer at heart. I spent 20 years in the corporate world as a software developer progressing all the way up to Technical Director 🤓
I quit my day job a few years ago after building several profitable bootstrapped Chrome Extensions. I was able to resign with confidence and focus on scaling up my Chrome Extension 📈
Eventually, I went on to make over $500,000 from my Chrome Extensions through the subscription income and cash lump sum I received when I sold and exited. 🙌
My Journey to Chrome Extension Success
I started as a Software Developer around 20 years ago, working at a few small companies and a long stint at one big company.
I worked hard and climbed my way up the corporate ladder (Dev -> Senior Dev -> Team Lead -> Dev Manager) until finally, I was promoted to Technical Director of an Insurance Software company 🏅
In theory, I should have been happy … I’d reached the “pinnacle” but within a few years I was feeling unfulfilled and sad 😔
I was leaving the house at 7am and getting back at 7pm, just in time to see my kids for 30 mins before they headed to bed.
Those 12 hours were generally made up of commuting (on a busy train with standing room only), pointless meetings and general chaos, interruptions and firefighting on the daily.
I was living for the weekends although even then, quite often there’d be ad-hoc support or weekend work required.
I was being paid very well (close to a six-figure UK salary), but I was unhappy with the grind and thought there must be more to life than what I was experiencing now I was “at the top” 🗻
I started reading self-development books and became obsessed with my thirst for self-improvement.
There was one book in particular (Rich Dad Poor Dad) that would teach me principles that would change my life forever.
I couldn’t put it down and I finished it in a weekend.It’s an old book but the principles it teaches around being paid per hour vs “passive income” will hold true forever.
It set me off on a journey to find my own freedom.
I started looking if I could build some digital assets that could bring in passive income whilst I was asleep/working. I briefly flirted with some Amazon selling platforms (FBA, Retail Arbitrage, Private Label) but they weren’t for me.
I then discovered the world of print on demand products which didn’t require any inventory or cash investment up front which seemed a safer and easier way to build up some digital assets.
Amazon had just launched their own print on demand platform (Merch By Amazon). It was ok but at the time the UI for creating the products sucked.
It was very tedious to create & edit products and involved alot of copy/paste and repetitive work. I wondered if I could use my coding skills to build some Chrome Extensions to help make it all easier 🤓
I built my first chrome extension in a weekend and it was both super simple and super UGLY!
However, it did make it way quicker to edit products, so it was at least useful. I had written out a draft post promoting it to the Facebook group but I was hovering over the “Publish” button for ages.
Worries were creeping in:
😱 “Will anyone buy it?“ …
😱 “Will they think I’m hacking them?”’ …
😱 “What if someone at work sees it?”
YOLO …I hit publish and went to bed
I was excited/nervous to check my emails the next day …. holy smokes … people have actually bought it! Even better, they’re starting to rave about my app in the Facebook groups and more people are buying it. My crappy looking app was a success! 🏆
✅ I was making sales in my sleep.
✅ I had a direct connection with the users and was receiving positive feedback from them.
✅ I was in sole charge of the code, it was my baby.
That simple little app and it’s (minor) success showed me that there was a viable way of making money from my software skills. It lit a fire deep within me as I could see the potential that was there … 🔥
If I could build on this initial app, re-market a bigger/better app to my existing customer base I’d probably be able to get them to pay a recurring monthly fee.
Hmmm …. if I could get 500-1,000 Merch creators to pay me $10 a month then I’d be in a position where I could consider quitting my crappy day job 💡
I went on to build more apps for the Merch community, working evenings and weekends but it was truly a labour of love 😍
One day whilst walking my dog, an idea for a Merch chrome extension popped into my head that literally stopped me in my tracks (my dog just stared at me bemused).
I felt I was on to something big and I was right, it turned out to be my biggest app and it changed everything for me 💡
I worked hard on developing and promoting it … made cutbacks and saved money such that we’d built up a small runway of savings and within 12 months I was finally in a position to do it …
No more crappy meetings/office drama/chaos/commute 💩
More focus/family time/freedom/calm 😃
Determined to never go back to the 9-5 grind, I worked on my flagship app non-stop and then launched another app in a second but related niche of Amazon sellers.
My second app launch was a multi five-figure launch using purely organic traffic which I was very happy with.
I went on to scale my apps up to a point I was making a comfortable living for a family of four (around $10k month on average).
However, after spending a few years working in the same niches I was beginning to be distracted by other potential opportunities.
This shiny object syndrome eventually led to me looking to sell my apps as it became clear that the niches and the apps just weren’t as exciting to me as they were in the early days.
So I decided to put them up for sale ..
I researched the various online marketplaces to sell SaaS apps on and once I’d found the right one for me, I set about getting a valuation for my Chrome Extensions.
After several weeks of vetting and reviewing the key SaaS metrics of both apps it was finally time to lock in a valuation and the listing went live on the marketplace one Monday afternoon.
What happened next shocked me 🤯
My apps sold at the full asking price within 5 hours of going live!
Since selling my apps I have had some time to reflect on my journey and what I should do next.
I decided to share my story and to help other Software Developers start their own Chrome Extensions as side hustles and who knows … one day they could grow to a point they could quit their day jobs like I did.
I’m making it my mission to help other programmers do what I’ve done and unlock the potential they have inside them 🚀
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/