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Exploring the Essential Features of “Central Banking 101 – Fed Balance Sheet 201 Course”
This course will make you an expert on the Fed’s balance sheet. In the first half we discuss the various components of the Fed balance sheet and how they behave. In the second half we will through a number of real life case studies.
Course Overview
- Learn from someone who had full access to the Fed’s balance sheet and studied it for years
- Detailed overview of the assets holdings of the Fed and what drives them
- Detailed overview of the liabilities owed by the Fed and how they behave
- Walk through case studies showing how QE, FX Swaps, TGA/RRP and QT impact the Fed’s balance sheet
Joseph Wang
Joseph is the CIO of Monetary Macro LLC, author of Central Banking 101, and operator of Fedguy.com. Earlier in his career he was a senior trader on the Federal Reserve’s Open Markets Desk, a credit analyst at S&P Ratings, and an attorney in New York. Through his career he has had the opportunity to study the financial system from the outside as a market participant, but also from its very center on the Desk. His work aims shed light on what often appears to be an opaque system, and to bridge the gap between academia and practice when it comes to financial markets.
Joseph holds a B.A. in Economics from Northwestern University, a J.D. from Columbia Law School, and an MSc. in Financial Economics from Oxford University.
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