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Exploring the Essential Features of “Tim Kelley and Beth Scanzani – The Shadow Quest llluminating & Reclaiming the Gifts of Your Unconscious”
A 18-session On-demand Video Training
Discover a unique set of proven shadow integration practices to illuminate the unconscious patterns that drive your decisions.
Bring forth more of your gifts and make more empowered choices to enrich your life, work, and relationships.
Are there situations and aspects of your life where you feel on autopilot… despite years of personal growth work?
Even if you’ve attended many workshops, spent hundreds of hours in therapy and devoted years to spiritual practice, most of your decisions are STILL driven by your unconscious.
In childhood and your early years of development, you nurtured the aspects of your personality that would get your needs met. Although these aspects have served you well in developing skills and strengths to navigate your life, this process of identifying strongly with certain qualities and rejecting others also cuts you off from other parts of yourself and limits your ability to fully experience and express your potential.
People usually think of “shadow” aspects as negative qualities…
However, you may be pleasantly surprised to discover that many “positive” qualities that you wish you had more of are also buried in your unconscious — often flying just under the radar of everyday consciousness. They’re revealed in your reactions to people and situations, as well as projections (good or bad) that you impose on others. Admiring someone can reveal as much about your shadow as judging others.
Over time, these patterns have created imbalances in your life, work, and relationships.
Perhaps you have vowed to “never date a person like that again,” yet, find yourself in a similar relationship… again… and again.
Or you find your limiting beliefs (and other internal programming) are keeping your big visions for your work in the world, way too small.
Or maybe you feel flat, stuck, or like your life lacks luster… or you find yourself getting reactive and triggered over and over again by certain people or situations.
If you resonate with any of the challenges above, you’re most likely experiencing an imbalance stemming from aspects of your psyche that are relatively disowned. The path to wholeness is through embracing ALL of who you are.
Your shadow is almost always trying to get your attention… whether “acting out,” undermining your efforts, or drawing you to certain types of people and situations. It also appears in dreams as symbols, people, and messages.
Becoming conscious of your shadow and disowned aspects is not just about uncovering negative patterns within your unconscious; often, your shadow is obscuring your greatest gifts.
Shadow Integration Work: A “Hero’s Journey” to Discover Your Hidden Gifts
Shadow integration work is a quest to rediscover the parts of you that you’ve disowned, embrace the fullness of who you are, and embody the gifts you find there — in service to yourself, others, and the world.
The keys to this life-changing journey are courage, curiosity, appreciation for all aspects of who you are, and a holistic approach — with practices powerful and engaging enough to help you clear a path for discovery and integrate what you find in a healthy way.
In this immersive training with Tim Kelley and Beth Scanzani, two highly skilled facilitators of shadow integration work, you’ll be guided in a journey — using a number of proven techniques to actively work with your projections, disowned parts, polarities, and dreams.
These techniques will help you create more internal balance, more access to the inner resources you have been gifted and find the “treasures” in your shadow.
Tim Kelley and Beth Scanzani have spent years working with their own unconscious and those of students, exploring the full spectrum of shadow teachings and methods — including Jungian psychology, Inner Harmony Parts Work, dreamwork, and Voice Dialogue.
In this brand-new live video training, you’ll work with, and begin to master, the most powerful methods for recognizing your shadow and embodying the gifts hidden inside.
During this profound 5-month journey in working with your shadow aspects, you’ll:
Enhance your understanding and appreciation of the unconscious aspects of your psyche Reclaim unknown, forgotten, and disowned aspects of your fully expressed being Learn about the dynamics of equilibrium, opposites, and wholeness and how these natural forces affect you Understand how your personal work reintegrating shadow aspects of your Self impacts the collective Understand why certain aspects of your humanity were suppressed and “disowned” Expand your perspectives about the impact of disowning aspects of who you are, including qualities you truly admire and wish you had more of Learn to use the people and events around you to identify and integrate lost aspects of your Self Identify the conscious and unconscious fears that block your progress on your path Remove fear and resistance to any goal, vision, dream, or purpose Explore how the illusion of separateness and polarization manifests internally and in the world Deepen your appreciation of the nature of consciousness, nonduality, and transpersonal identity
A Special Invitation From Tim Kelley & Beth Scanzani
Discover the gifts of your shadow when you join us…
You’ve done a lot of consciousness work and reclaimed lost pieces of yourself before… now you’re ready for graduate work: the direct exploration of the unconscious.
If not now, when? Will conditions really be better for this journey later, or are you just allowing yourself to avoid what’s calling you deeper?
We’ll show you the key structures and practices that will stabilize and support you as you grow and expand in unforeseen ways. And we’ll teach you how to identify and clear the very natural fears that this exploration stimulates. The descent into shadow is made much easier with proper preparation, support and community.
You’ll begin your journey in the realm of the psychological, learning how every relationship in your life is trying to show you your shadow, and what to look for in order to receive and interpret these constant, subtle messages.
You’ll also learn how identifying and integrating your unconscious psychological material can instantly transform the most challenging relationship dynamics — and sustain these profound shifts.
As you travel backwards along the path of your life, picking up the aspects of yourself that you cast aside so you could fit in, belong, perform, and be loved, you’ll see how in the formation of your personality, you chose to empower certain features and abilities of yourself and to suppress and discard others.
Then we’ll enter the world of dreams, learning how to remember and interpret the powerful symbols and messages your unconscious sends you every night.
Finally, you’ll enter the collective, universal unconscious, peering behind the curtain of duality. You’ll begin to see the very nature of polarity… and what lies beyond it.
Of course, we’ll show you how to identify and integrate shadow on your future path, continually expanding and upgrading your sense of self without limit.
We hope you’ll join us for this truly profound journey.
Tim & Beth
What You’ll Discover in These 18 Sessions
This program will features teachings, interactive training sessions, and experiential guided practices — giving you a holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you need to recognize and integrate your shadow aspects and their gifts.
One of both Tim and Beth’s gifts is to work with the group field and respond to the needs that arise in the moment based on their own higher guidance, which creates an atmosphere of discovery, adventure, and enhanced spiritual power.
Module 1: Lighting the Torch
The Beauty of That Which Cannot Be Seen
Before you begin your journey, you need to understand where you’re going and why. You also need to pack for the trip! Most people have a very limited understanding of terms like “shadow” and “unconscious.” Many also fear their dark places, leaving them forever controlled by the aspects of themselves that they refuse to see or hear. Clearing up these misunderstandings will demystify the shadow and begin to illuminate the aspects of yourself you’ve been rejecting.
In this module, you’ll:
- Enhance your understanding and appreciation of the unconscious aspects of your psyche
- Explore the ways that reclaiming the unknown, forgotten, and disowned aspects of your fully expressed being can transform your experience of yourself, your life and your key relationships
- Increase your clarity about the consequences of neglecting this essential work for you and others
- Learn about the compelling, engaging, and Self-supportive processes and systems that are available to support you in The Shadow Quest
Module 2: Mapping the Terrain
Understanding the Realm of the Unconscious
You’ll take many “dives” into the shadow, experiencing a variety of techniques. What are you looking for? How will you know when you’ve found it? And what will your newfound awareness of your unconscious allow you to be and do? Once you begin to understand how the unconscious works, you’ll see how essential a grasp of it is to have fulfilling, long-lasting, intimate relationships.
In this module, you’ll:
- Expand your understanding of the dynamics of equilibrium, opposites, and wholeness and how these natural forces affect you and the world around you (This is especially important for change agents!)
- Understand how your personal work reintegrating shadow aspects of yourself impacts the collective
- Learn to notice the clues that show you when your shadow has risen up
- Identify potential obstacles and challenges along your path
Module 3: Clearing the Path
Removing the Obstacles to Finding Your True Self
Most people are stopped by their fears before they’re able to begin an exploration of their shadow. Learn to identify and clear the fears blocking your path. These same techniques can be used to clear your fears of any goal, dream, or purpose! You’ll also need to establish practices and support that will carry you through this program. Many people are stopped on their journey because of fear, doubt, and lack of adequate preparation and self-care. Clearing these obstacles will create a smooth path forward for your growth and development.
In this module, you’ll:
- Identify the conscious and unconscious fears that block your progress on your path
- Learn powerful tools that can remove fear and resistance to any goal, vision, dream, or purpose
- Identify the key conditions that will allow you to transform yourself into a powerful agent for actualizing your purpose
- Explore ways to practice self-care as you encounter your shadow
Module 4: Through the Looking Glass
Seeing the Unconscious at Play in Relationships
Every person, relationship, and event in your life is reflecting your unconscious back to you, if you only know what to look for! Learn to spot the telltale signs. And once you know you’re facing yourself, learn how to discover and integrate the disowned aspects of yourself that are asking to be reclaimed. Until you’ve mastered this key skill, your unconscious will constantly color and skew your relationships with your loved ones, boss, employees, and clients.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn how shadow aspects of the psyche are created
- Understand why certain aspects of your humanity were suppressed and “disowned”
- Expand your perspectives about the impact of disowning aspects of who you are, including qualities you truly admire and wish you had more of
- Learn to use the people and events around you to identify and integrate lost aspects of yourself
- Discover additional techniques for clearing the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that can block your path to your dreams and purpose
Module 5: Digging for Treasure
Rediscovering the Parts of Yourself You Left Behind
As a child, you learned to suppress certain things, especially when confronted with challenging and painful experiences. Learn how these formative wounds cost you much of who you really are, and how to reclaim the selves that you left behind. Leaving your childhood wounds in your shadow means that your every decision and motive is rooted in avoidance of early trauma.
In this module, you’ll:
- Access greater clarity about the wounds you received in childhood (and beyond) and how they run your life every day
- Explore how your psyche’s well-intended attempts to respond to wounding events has resulted in limited self-expression and freedom, difficulty in relationships, and resistance to realizing your full potential
- Lean how to unlock the doors that imprison your disowned and discarded shadow to allow greater access to your emotions, full self-expression and confidence — and all the freedom, intimacy, and vitality this brings
- Transform your ego’s appreciation for and relationship with your core wounds, so you access an exciting new way of living that’s no longer driven by your patterns
Module 6: Walking in Dreamtime
Exploring the Realm of Symbols
Dreams provide the most direct possible channel to the unconscious. Interpreting this raw shadow material can be very challenging, though, unless you know what to look for! This module is a window into the extraordinary world of images and symbols, the native language of the unconscious. This advanced form of work with the unconscious will open up whole new realms of beauty, power, and resource!
In this module, you’ll:
- Expand your understanding of dreams and dreaming as messages from your unconscious
- Learn to interpret personal, collective, and universal dream symbols
- Learn practical and useful techniques to increase dream recall
- Practice incubating dreams to receive guidance and growth in specific areas
- Explore “waking dreams” as a way to become aware of your unconscious in everyday life
Module 7: Coming Home to Wholeness
Integrating the Totality of Your Self
Having explored your personal unconscious, you’ll begin to see the vast forces moving through humanity, the world, and universe. And you’ll be ready to equip yourself to continue the lifelong practice of exploring and identifying your shadow, and that of the larger collective. The ultimate goal of exploring the unconscious is a new and vaster sense of self, one more fully capable of manifesting your purpose and changing the world.
In this module, you’ll:
- Expand your love, appreciation, and compassion for all parts of yourself and humanity
- Explore how the illusion of separateness and polarization manifests internally and in the world
- Deepen your appreciation of the nature of consciousness, nonduality, and transpersonal identity
- Imagine who you can be and what you can accomplish as you reclaim more and more of your beautiful, fully-expressed being and share your precious self in the world
- Develop ongoing practices and support systems to continue to rediscover and integrate more and more of your shadow
What People Are Saying About Tim Kelley and Beth Scanzani…
“It helped me reach another level within myself…”
Tim is exceedingly clear in his presentation of the material and truly walks the talk. This course has given me a boost in my personal unfoldment, that was worth many sessions with a healer, by simply doing the homework. It helped me reach another level within myself and with the unfoldment of my path in a shorter amount of time than if I had been doing my personal process on my own. And what a valuable tool to support my clients in doing more extensive inner exploration for their unfoldment this is!
— Marianne Carduner, Michigan
“Permission to do the things I want to do and less self-sabotage”
With this course, Tim provided us with valuable tools to transform the psyche. I’m noticing more alignment, more peace of mind, more permission to do the things I want to do and less self-sabotage. I’m now also helping clients with that and the first results are very positive. Thanks, Tim, for your wisdom, skills, enthusiasm, and dedication!
— Saskia, Netherlands
“A learning experience that goes deep and has a powerful and lasting impact”
Beth shows up to teach with the perfect combination of deep heart connection, and massive amounts of skill, talent, knowledge, and insight. Over the years I have experienced teachers that taught me a lot. And I have experience those who opened my heart. Beth does both; perfectly blending the head and the heart to create a learning experience that goes deep and has a powerful and lasting impact.
— Michelle Radomski, Creator of One Voice Can
“Transformed not only my relationship with myself, but also my interpersonal experiences”
I have been through a very challenging treatment for pre-cancer, and I think that without the course — its content, challenge, variety, the relationships with buddies, fellow participants and Tim — I might not have pulled through as well as I did. I give this course credit for it transformed not only my relationship with myself, but also my interpersonal experiences.
— Anna, Corvallis, Oregon
“A life-long depression has lifted”
Working with Beth Scanzani has been one of the greatest privileges of my life. She’s guided me in dreamwork and parts work, primarily using Voice Dialogue. She’s led me into the deepest aspects of my intellectual, emotional, and spiritual being. Together we’ve discovered wonderful insights and released long held emotions. As a result, a life-long depression has lifted. I am freer and more relaxed than ever before. The many conflicting wants and needs within me are now a harmonious chorus. I am no longer at odds within myself. Beth is knowledgeable, skilled, and compassionate in her work. I have complete trust in her. I cannot give any higher recommendation than to say she has guided me to a level of healing I did not think possible.
— Tony Weaver
“Understand, integrate, and promote greater harmony among the voices within”
The course with Tim Kelly was worth every penny! It was of value to me professionally and personally. Tim guided us masterfully on a journey on how to understand, integrate, and promote greater harmony among the voices within. Thanks for an enlightening and rewarding experience!
— Anne Palmer, Bergen County, New Jersey
Here’s What You’ll Receive
- Eighteen 90-minute Recorded Class Sessions With Tim Kelley and Beth Scanzani
Experience a rare opportunity to learn from two of the world’s most renowned change agents — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to learn the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential. - Eighteen PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions
In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given. - Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Shadow Quest Virtual Program
We feel honored Tim Kelley and Beth Scanzani have chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training.
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll benefit by Tim and Beth’s teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — at your own pace.
If you’re serious about helping yourself and others create more joyful and fulfilling lives, you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training with Tim Kelley and Beth Scanzani.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
More Praise for Tim Kelley and Beth Scanzani…
“Tim is a master…”
Tim is a master, and I have personally watched him transform hundreds of people’s lives — including my own.
— Marcia Wieder, Founder and CEO of Dream University®, author of Making Your Dreams Come True
“I know of no better guide than Tim”
Tim Kelley’s work is of the highest caliber. His insight, precision, and skill shine out from a field that is typically hazy. I know of no better guide than Tim.
— Helen Palmer, bestselling author of The Enneagram
“She’s my go-to expert in the areas of dreamwork and… navigating the subconscious”
Beth holds a wonderful balance between left- and right-brained perspectives, and she’s my go-to expert in the areas of dreamwork and the most subtle nuances of navigating the subconscious…
— Audrey Seymour, True Purpose Institute TM trainer and founder of Clear Change Group
“His method will be the standard for years to come”
What Einstein did for physics and Gutenberg did for printing, Tim does for purpose. You’ll discover that we’ve been in nursery school with respect to what we know, and how we access purpose. Tim’s work puts us into college. His method will be the standard for years to come. Well done, Tim.
— Martin Rutte, Co-editor of Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work, founder of Project Heaven on Earth
“You can’t help but feel held while you’re lovingly nudged…”
Beth’s ability to lead, teach, mentor, inspire, support, and move with all that goes on in and around parts work is nothing short of remarkable. In her unwavering commitment to help lost parts find their way home, you can’t help but feel held while you’re lovingly nudged to go ever so slightly deeper into the process. When I traverse my inner landscape, I don’t leave home without Beth!
— Catherine Mitchell, Curator of The JoyfulProfit Movement and wayfinder to full self-expression in life and in business
“Now I feel much more capable… to have the maximum positive impact”
Working with Tim has transformed me in ways I couldn’t have imagined! I am far better prepared as an agent of change; now I feel much more capable to use my resources and power to have the maximum positive impact and create a lasting legacy. Any leader who wants to create a better world should hire Tim and employ his methods.
— Scott Brickman, social investor and Chairman, the Brickman Group Partner, Monumental Sports
“A roadmap for the discovery of our true purpose in life”
Tim Kelley gives us all a roadmap for the discovery of our true purpose in life. If you want a life filled with meaning and purpose, let Tim be your guide. You won’t be disappointed!
— Howard Behar, former president of Starbucks Coffee
About Tim Kelley
Tim Kelley is a global change agent and internationally-renowned expert on higher purpose. He works with top leaders in many fields and countries to transform human institutions and evolve society to its new form. Tim’s methodology, True Purpose™, has been featured internationally in magazines, newspapers, and on television. Tim has trained over 1,000 consultants, therapists in his methods and taught Voice Dialogue on three continents.
He has worked with hundreds of CEOs, including top leaders and executive teams from such companies as Nabisco, ING, Oracle, Lexmark, and AOL. He formerly worked as a leader at Oracle, two levels below the CEO.
He’s the author of True Purpose and the bestselling co-author of three other books. Tim has commanded military organizations, including an amphibious assault craft unit, and is a retired Naval Reserve officer. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from MIT.
About Beth Scanzani
Beth Scanzani is a highly respected and multifaceted life teacher. A lifelong student and curious soul, Beth agilely synthesizes a diverse range of knowledge, resources, and strategies to design programs and practices that create meaningful transformation.
True to her nature, Beth’s studies encompass a purposeful blend of psychological, scientific, and spiritual perspectives. She’s attained numerous certifications including True Purpose Coach™, Belief Closet™ Practitioner, Master Career Coach, Dream Coach™, iPEC Empowerment Coach™, Energy Leadership Coach™, and Theoretical Foundations of Coaching with David Rock. In addition, she’s a trained practitioner and teacher for Voice Dialogue™.
Beth is deeply passionate about sharing knowledge and strategies that create meaningful and sustainable transformation in service to co-creating a world that works for everyone. Beth has co-developed and/or co-taught many teleseminars for the True Purpose Institute™, The Shift Network, and others including Voice Dialogue Mastery, Inner Harmony/Practitioner Training, Purposeful Coach Training, Blessing Yourself, Divine Guidance on Purpose and Purposeful Marketing.
Beth also serves as a valued guide for those who wish to explore deeper meaning, insight, and guidance through their sleeping dreams and waking life stories. She co-developed and teaches Stories From the Night Shift, a NASW CEU eligible seminar for therapists and other practitioners who want to increase their competence and confidence in accessing the treasures buried in sleeping dreams.
Through her work as a teacher, Beth demonstrates her dedication to providing transformative courses, workshops in service to those who are ready to reclaim their inner wisdom, embrace their life purpose and true nature, and wholly offer their unique gifts to others… and to the world we all share.
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