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Exploring the Essential Features of “Lindsay Wilson – Booked”
Finally a sales system that’s authentic, simple and heartfelt – and specifically designed for coaches
Booked: The System that Has Been Tested in Over 50,000 Sales Conversations and Has Knowingly Generated $50 Million in Sales Over the Past 25 Years
Why This Course
The Backstory of $50 Million in Sales…
When Lindsay started doing sales 25 years ago, she was “the worst salesperson in the world”. Her integrity and empathy did not only get in the way of her selling to others…. it actually made her turn down people who were ready to buy and needed her the most.
Today, she is the go-to sales expert for coaches, speakers, teachers and authors. Some of the biggest names in the industry get in line to learn from her. And her average sale for the last couple years has been a $36,000 package.
“Wait a minute… How is that possible?”, you might want to ask.
How did Lindsay go from being “the worst salesperson in the world” to becoming the most sought after sales expert?
How did she transform her mindset and realize that sales is not manipulation… but selling is actually serving instead?
And how did she transition from being a broke salesperson to closing an incredible $50 million over the last 25 years?
I’ll tell you what Lindsay did to flip the script in just a second….
But first, here’s what’s most important for you to know:
It was not her integrity or her empathy that kept her from being good at sales.
It was the fact that the sales methods she’d been taught were not congruent with her values and beliefs.
Those sales tactics felt manipulative and pushy. Fake and dishonest…. And they made everything inside of her scream “NO” with resistance.
Sound familiar?
See, Lindsay was basically left with 2 options:
- Walk away from sales forever and give up because it’s “just not for her”. Or…
- Create a method that not only tolerates her integrity and her empathy, but that is built upon it instead.
You’ve probably guessed it by now: Lindsay chose option 2 and she created her own sales method – different from anything else you’ve ever seen.
A method that allows you to leverage your integrity, your empathy and your desire to serve.
A method that’s focused on connection and conversation – with conversion being a pleasant side-effect of that.
And a method that’s transformative, truthful and that creates results beyond what you think is possible…
Real Results… Time and Time Again
Ever since she designed her own system, Lindsay did not only have $50 million of sales go through her hands… she also taught hundreds of clients and other coaches to use this system and create extraordinary results:
Client Success Story 1
Kylie was already one of the most respected marketers out there. She’d generated hundreds of thousands of leads and millions of Dollars in sales for her clients. But she was terrified of doing sales herself…
A few weeks after that, she doubled and later on even tripled her rates – and with it her bottom line.
Kylie had always lived by the concept that her true nature was love, but there was a disconnect between love, her inner values, and sales. She was constantly questioning her value and ended up not serving at her highest level.
And imagine that: Kylie closed a year’s worth of sales within just one week… so if she continued to do that for a year, she would have easily upped her revenue to 52 times what it was before…
Simply by replicating Lindsay’s system for her own business.
But Kylie isn’t the only one….
Now, I’m not promising you a 600% increase in profit (even though it’s totally possible). But what I am promising you is that if you apply Lindsay’s strategies and scripts to your business… you can easily double or triple your ability to sell.
If you doubled your ability to sell, what’s the change you could make in the world?
I want you to take a moment and really think about this.
How many more people could you serve?
How many more lives could you transform?
And how big of an impact could you make as a coach?….
If you allowed yourself to overcome the fear and resistance toward sales and truly mastered this skill?
And most importantly: What is the loss if you DON’T learn how to shift your sales?
See, sales is not about manipulating someone to hand over their credit card for some junk they don’t even need and won’t ever use….
Sales is about putting your gifts out there – and getting your skills to the people who need you the most.
And, obviously, this is important for anyone in business…. but it’s absolutely crucial for you as a coach.
Because you’re not just selling soap or fancy kitchenware. You’re not just selling some “nice to have” accessories…
You’re selling transformation!
And the freedom, abundance, peace, balance, achievement, growth and success that come with it. So, as a coach, you KNOW how important it is to get your gifts out there – from you to the people who need you the most!
But I know….
That doesn’t change your belief that you’re “not good at sales”.
That you have no clue what to say during a sales conversation.
And that selling is simply not your strong suit.
So here’s what you need to know:
Sales is not a talent. It’s a learnable skill.
See, most coaches have a paralyzing misconception in their heads…that if they’re not natural born salespeople, they will never be good at sales.
But let me ask you this:
Are you a natural born online marketer?
A natural born expert in your field?
Or even a natural born coach?
Probably not.
And while sales (or online marketing or coaching) naturally come easier to some people due to their personalities and individual backgrounds, fact is that ALL of these things are learnable skills.
They can be taught. They can be practiced. And they can absolutely be mastered – by YOU.
And when it comes to selling with love and integrity? You are already lightyears ahead of most people.
Because you are a coach!
You already have the skills to lead and guide others through deeply transformative conversations.
You already know how to connect, relate and get your clients to open up.
And you’re already committed to making a positive impact and changing people’s lives.
All you need?… Is a proven method, specifically designed for coaches, that allows you to leverage these skills to create heartfelt sales conversations that convert.
So that you can serve at the highest level possible, help the people who need you (and are committed to creating change) and increase your own levels of abundance at the same time.
Which is exactly what Lindsay will teach you in Booked.
Author Profile
About Lindsay Wilson
Lindsay is a sought-after sales coach who sold everything from eyeliner to Britney Spears’ piano and has trained hundreds of others to do the same – with integrity, honesty and love.
Her average sale – for years – has been $36,000 coaching packages. Whether you want to sell $99 sessions or $35,000 packages, her method is proven to create results – especially if you’re a coach. Many gurus have sold their first $50k offers with Lindsay’s training because the method she teaches simply converts.
Why? Because what she teaches is unlike any other sales method you’ve ever heard of.
Her approach is based on love, integrity, truth and transformation, and allows you to leverage your coaching skills and “sell” in a way that’s authentic to you.
The skills Lindsay teaches work everywhere, for everything and as she likes to say: “World peace could be achieved by a series of successful sales conversations.” So, if your gifts aren’t being used to their highest extent in the world because you have a sales problem, that can change today…
What You’ll Learn
Here are 7 reasons why joining Booked will transform your business:
01 Close More Sales
Here goes the obvious one! When you join us for Booked, you will easily double or even triple your ability to sell. Where you felt unsure of what to say and how to say it in the past, you’ll have exact scripts and systems to rely on from now on – systems that basically close the sale for you. Whether you’re selling single sessions at $199 or 12-month packages at $100K, the scripts and systems you’ll learn in Booked work no matter what you’re selling… and no matter at what price.
02 Serve at a Higher Level
If you can’t sell, you can’t serve. But when you join us for Booked, you’ll not only discover how to increase your profits and your income…. But you’ll be able to serve at a much higher level, too. Here’s why: More sales equals more clients. More clients equals more lives transformed. And more lives transformed equal a greater impact and positive change in the world.
03 Sell with Ease
I know you don’t want to sell. You want to heal, transform and uplift. Which is why the sales method you’ll learn in Booked is specifically geared toward your skills and gifts as a coach. Instead of having to learn awkward sales scripts and systems that don’t feel congruent with your values and beliefs…. You’ll simply learn how to lead a coaching conversation that sells. So get excited to coach and have people raise their hand to become your clients when you’re done. Yes – it can be that simple!
04 Create Real Transformation
Here’s a quick reality check: Nobody closes 100% of the time. (And you probably wouldn’t want that either, since not everyone is the right client for you.) But the system you’ll learn in Booked isn’t just providing value after someone buys from you… but it actually creates transformation during your sales conversation instead. So whether your prospect ends up becoming a paying client or not, one thing is certain… You’ve got a win-win situation right there: They get the transformation they want and you’re fulfilling your life’s purpose as a coach.
05 Sell High-End Packages
Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been successfully coaching for awhile, one thing is true for all of us: The highest priced packages are always the scariest to sell. And you probably have beliefs like “Nobody’s going to buy that” that are holding you back big time. Which is why I love the scripts and systems you’ll learn in Booked… They create results no matter what you’re selling and no matter at what price. Lindsay has sold anything from soap for $2 to a million Dollar condo in one phone call (a condo she’s never even seen, by the way). Booked works because it’s not about the numbers. It’s about human connection, heartfelt empathy and the ability to create transformational results…. Which make the price tag almost irrelevant! You’ll see for yourself when you join us!
06 Identify Your Perfect Clients
Not everyone is right for you. My guess is that you only want clients who are ready, open and committed to creating change. You want the action-takers and the implementers only (otherwise it’s frustrating and wasting time on both ends). The scripts and systems you’ll learn in Booked are not only highly effective if you want to sign on new clients… they’ll also help you sign on the RIGHT clients for you. Through the conversational process, you’ll learn to identify who’s a match and who’s not – including how to let the wrong prospects go with love. So don’t worry about taking money from someone who won’t value your work! When you apply what Lindsay teaches in Booked, you won’t even end up in that sticky situation in the first place.
07 Put Your Integrity First
Lindsay has never manipulated anyone into a sale. Rest assured that all the scripts and systems you’ll learn in Booked are not just highly effective… but they’re absolutely congruent with your values and beliefs as a coach. You’ll never have to sacrifice your integrity to create results. And you’ll never have to pretend to be someone you’re not. You’ll simply learn how to leverage your coaching skills and plug them into a system that allows you to sell by sharing your truth. It feels good and it creates extraordinary results – with love, honesty and integrity.
Course Information
Introducing Booked
The High-Converting Sales System for Coaches Who Don’t Want to Sacrifice Their Integrity for Results
Look, I want to be really honest with you:
Booked is not just another sales program that teaches you the standard tricks you can find in any corner of the internet…. Booked is Lindsay’s life work packaged into a program that’s tailor made for coaches like you – because it honors your values, beliefs and, most importantly, your integrity.
- Yes, you’ll get the exact scripts and sentences you need to close any sale.
- Yes, you’ll get the conversational structure and tested systems to replicate.
- And yes, you’ll easily double or triple your ability to sell and increase your income if you follow the steps provided in Booked.
But what really matters is this:
Joining Booked will not only allow you to skyrocket your sales and your business.
It will allow you to create sustainable transformation with your prospects, to serve at the highest level possible and to get your gifts out there…. in a way that feels authentic and true!
See, what Lindsay teaches is radically different from any other sales method I’ve ever come across. There is no manipulation, no pushy-ness and no sleazy tricks involved in her system… Just honesty, integrity and love – packaged into an easy-to-follow structure that simply converts.
Here’s exactly what you’ll learn when you join us for Booked:
Module I
10 Things to Say to Save a Sale
In the first Module, you’re going to dive right in: You’ll learn the exact scripts and sentences – including the psychology behind it – to lead a conscious sales conversation that converts.
You’ll discover all the key elements as well as the structure, and you’ll get bonus closing tips to ensure you get this crucial part right – with ease.
Module II
Objections Aren’t Real
Most people make the mistake of handling objections after they give the price – if they handle them at all. This Module will teach you when you should really tackle objections, what the 5 most common ones are and how to handle them with love.
You’ll discover the one objection you actually WANT people to have, why objections are often a reflection of your own unconscious beliefs and how to overcome them once and for all
Module III
Advanced Sales Script
Most coaches give too much during their sales calls which doesn’t actually help them convert. In this Module, you’ll learn the advanced sales script that solves this problem for you and allows you to leverage your coaching skills to close.
You’ll discover the “Lindsay Cheat” – the easiest way to close that gets your prospects to ask you for the sale including the step-by-step script you can instantly replicate for your own business.
Module IV
Being in a Sales Conversation
What can you do before and after a sales conversation to increase your conversions? What metrics do you need to measure to get better at sales? How many leads do you need to achieve your financial goal?
Module 4 will provide strategic answers to all of these questions and Lindsay’s advanced sales calls lessons that she usually only shares with her paying clients. You’ll learn the most important lessons she learned in over 50,000 sales conversations and the mistakes you get to avoid from the get-go.
Module V
High-End Sales Script
In this Module, you’ll discover the 6 steps to close high-end sales including the exact questions to ask and when to ask them to achieve the greatest results. Lindsay will walk you through each step of the script, teaching you how to intertwine a powerful story, how to include memorable facts and the one thing you’ve never heard that closes any sale.
Module 5 will give you access to the entire script, Lindsay’s single most powerful sales tool and you’ll even learn what to do when your prospect says no.
Module VI
Ninja Sales Tips
This Module goes even deeper into the highest level secrets of successful sales. You’ll learn everything from how to secure payments in full to getting people to refer more prospects to you. You’ll discover not only the 5 key elements of how to transform a prospect into a paying client, but how to transform them into someone who is set to get results. You’ll also get ninja tips on how to deal with grumpy prospects and people trying to quit, how to identify who’s right for you and who’s not, and the practical closing steps including what to do once someone signed up to be your new client.
You can use these psychological tools and strategies yourself, and you can even teach them to a sales team.
The World Doesn’t Need You to Play Small
The world needs you to step up, own your worth and share your gifts at the highest level.
So let me ask you this:
How good would it feel to know you’re working with purpose, delivering massive value to the world?
How amazing would you feel if you knew that signing on new clients is just as easy and fun as serving them?
And how excited would you be to hear sentences like “How can I continue to work with you?” or “Where do I enter my credit card details”?
Sounds like a pretty sweet dream, right?
Well… It’s not!
It’s the reality of every single coach who got the opportunity to learn from Lindsay. And it will be your reality, too, when you decide to join us for Booked.
Don’t let this be the training you wish you had 3 years ago…
Let this be the training that truly transforms your business.
That truly multiplies your impact.
And that truly increases your income, your profit and your bottom-line – now.
Look, the way I see it, you have 2 options:
- Give in to the excuses and fears that are coming up for you right now. (Will this really change anything for me? Am I going to regret this? How do I know this will work? And so on)
- OR… Trust your intuition, say yes to playing big and show up as the powerful coach you truly are.
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