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Exploring the Essential Features of “Deron Wagner – Sector Trading Strategies: Turning Steady Profits Even In Stubborn Markets”
Product Description
“Every day the market is open – whether the Dow is moving a point at a time or making triple-digit leaps – SOME sectors are outperforming the market, while others are lagging,” says Deron Wagner in his new video course. Now, you can profit from this disparity using Deron’s powerful sector trading strategy. Move by move, Wagner shows you how to … * Assess which market sectors are the strongest * Pinpoint the leading issues in top-performing sectors * And “short” the laggards in the under-performing categories This triple-play approach works in all investment climates – and allows you to produce steady – sizeable – returns in high-flying or more subdued markets. Wagner clearly shows you how to: * Define the major market sectors * Understand relative strength – and relative weakness * Use the sector-trading two-step: Rotating out of weak segments and into strong ones * Select top “tracking stocks” in hot sectors Plus, volume and trend trading techniques, “riding” the institutional money flows, profiting from reciprocal sector relationships and more. While it’s a great for method long-term investors – it’s even more critical for active, short-term traders. Don’t make another market move without using Wagner’s on-target approach.
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