*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Yaro Starak’s – Blog Mastermind 2.0”
How I Make A Minimum Of
$10,000 To As Much As $55,000
Per Month, Blogging Part Time
The Only Step-By-Step Blog Program With Genuine Life Changing
Success Stories From Every Day People — And You Can Be Next!
A Proven Pathway To Full-Time Internet
Income WITHOUT Selling Your Soul!
Blogging is one of the most straight forward methods to start an internet business. It is financially lucrative, personally satisfying, can be built on something you already enjoy, and (in my experience) is by far the best way to get started making money online.
You don’t need a lot of equipment, money, or even writing skills.
I’m convinced anyone can start a blog from scratch, build an audience, and have a genuine income potential of anywhere from $10,000 up to $55,000 per month or more, if they follow the steps I’m about to reveal to you.
Yes, you can do it, too.
Here’s what that means to you…
No One Controls Your Life…
Would you like to be able to add some serious excitement to your life…
…to create something that is uniquely your own…
…that has the potential to make you enough money that you can stay in bed on cold, blustery winter mornings instead of having to go to work…
…or would let you go to the beach on Wednesday if the surf is up, or to simply spend time chatting with friends whenever you wanted?…
If that sounds like something you want for your own life, stay with me because I’d like to share my simple system with you and teach you how to duplicate my results and start earning a full time income blogging part time.
I have a tested and proven system called
Blog Mastermind. It’s a week-by-week coaching program in which I show you, step-by-step, how to:
Set up and
customize your blog
(even if you don’t have a
clue about “tech stuff”!) - STEP2
Build your
(this has got to be the easiest
way to get traffic ever invented!) - STEP3
…and make
(yes, a full-time income is possible
working as little as 2 hours a day, like I do!)
Blog Mastermind is for:
- People who are tired of sitting on the fence and want to start earning a generous income online doing something you love
- Bloggers and online publishers who are looking for a way to generate MUCH more income from your blog with LESS time and effort.
- Coaches, Experts, Authors, Speakers, Trainers, or Entrepreneurs who want to use a blog as a marketing tool to establish authority, to “Build A Platform”, generate BUZZ, attract new business and create a massive competitive advantage in your niche.
A blog can make you the “Go-To” Guy or Gal in your
marketplace – and I show you exactly how inside my program
“Blog Mastermind is about finally having the
freedom to live life on your terms…
To wake up each day knowing you can do
WHAT you want, WHEN you want”
Let Me Explain…
I’m writing this page you are reading from a cafe in the city of my hometown Brisbane, Australia.
It’s mid-afternoon. I’m sitting here enjoying an orange juice and watching hundreds of people, wearing suits and work clothes, rushing back and forwards going to and from jobs they don’t like, jobs that leave them feeling empty and unfulfilled but they have to ‘stick with’ to keep food on the table and pay bills for yet another month.
That doesn’t have to be the story of your life.
As a successful Blogger, a whole new world of options opens up to you. Suddenly things that yesterday were just wishes, hopes and dreams become real life choices.
Stop Trading Hours-For-Dollars
If you currently work a job, or freelance, coach or consult, or do any activity where your potential to earn an income is capped by the hours you work, then it’s time for you to change. It’s time to choose a better business model.
Instead of getting paid-by-the-hour, why not get paid even while you are sleeping! – I know that sounds cliche, but it’s true.
Your blog can sell digital products to people around the world 24 hours a day. Transfer what you know into passive income streams.
I’m Yaro
Why Should You Listen To Me?
Good question! Here’s why I’m qualified to teach you how to start your own money making blog…
My name is Yaro Starak. You might already know me from my Blog Yaro.blog or my EJ Podcast, or my video channel Yaro.TV, or perhaps you subscribe to my email newsletter.
- 1998
I connected to the internet for the first time at university and quickly fell in love with the world wide web. - 2005
After success with various online businesses, I started a blog for the first time, opening up an entirely new way of making money online. - Present
More than 15 years later I still make my living from blogging, traveling the world with my laptop
I Was A Beginner…
When I first started my blog back in January 2005, I was an absolute beginner…
I quickly discovered that blogging was easy to do and also heaps of fun. I started to build a loyal, responsive readership.
My Blog visitor numbers kept growing day-by-day until one day I realized “Wow! I can actually make money with this!”, so I threw myself into experimenting with different techniques to make money.
Currently, I update my blog once a week, and consistently make a minimum of $10,000 US to as much as $55,000 US every single month!
And this is STABLE, reliable income (I’m still blogging for my living today – more than 15 later!), built on a solid foundation, not a temporary flash-in-the-pan, here-today-gone-tomorrow pipe dream.
How My Life Has Changed
While everyone needs money to survive, making money isn’t an end in itself – it’s the choices and freedom that money can give you that I value.
In 2007, after two years as a professional blogger, I realized two of my dreams – I bought a brand new car and purchased my own house – all from the proceeds of my blog business!
I was able to purchase a brand new Suzuki Swift with tinted windows, safety pack and rust proofing as extras. I paid $25,000 cash in one full payment.
A couple of years later I gave the Swift to my mother, bought myself a “man-toy” car. I paid $85,000 for a brand new BMW 135i — definitely an upgrade on the Suzuki!
The Half-Million Bachelor Pad
Just two short years after buying my first home, in 2009 I bought a second property, a half-million dollar inner city apartment, with a massive outdoor area, swimming pool, gourmet kitchen, all right in the heart of all the action in Brisbane.
And this really blows my mind — I completely paid off the entire loan for my new apartment just two years later!
I became a “property millionaire” before aged 30 all thanks to this little blog I started back in 2005.
Travel The World And Make Money At The Same Time!
One of the great things blogging gives you is that you’re not tied down to one location. As long as you have a laptop and an Internet connection, you can work from anywhere.
Recently I went on a round the world trip traveling for 8 months, running my blog from places like Fiji, Hawaii, New York, Chicago, Las Vegas, Toronto, Montreal, London, Amsterdam, Paris, Rome, Athens, Dubai and Singapore, using just my laptop.
In each city I rented nice apartments and the whole time I was blogging and earning thousands of dollars. There’s just no way I could travel like this if I had a “real job”.
I even managed to come home after my travels with more money in my bank account than when I left – how often do you hear people say that about their holidays!
Blogging Has Changed…
At the end of 2014, I made the decision to once again teach people how to make money with a blog using the unique formula I have refined over the previous seven years.
A lot has changed. The internet is a MUCH more crowded place than when I started.
Because of this how you go about starting a blog business has changed too.
Back in the “good old days” you could start blogging, pick topics you were passionate about and people would find you. The traffic would start pouring in because no one else was doing it.
Then when you were ready you could switch on the money by running ads.
Sadly this just doesn’t work anymore. It’s an out-dated model because there are too many well established websites.
You end up spending months and months publishing content and your traffic just does not grow.
To make matters worse, with all the social media platforms and mobile applications, you can literally spend your entire life trying to build traffic using a
dozen different websites and apps.
It’s enough to drive anyone crazy!
Then there is the biggest problem of all…
You think you are not succeeding because you are not working hard enough, that you are not producing enough content like all the other top bloggers do.
You decide to redouble your efforts, to do more – add a podcast or videos or some other kind of epic content, creating even more work.
It’s great to produce amazing content and have a podcast or do videos, but there’s a time to expand, and that’s in response to success, not in response to failure.
When Did It All Get So Complicated?
When things don’t work, you should not add more things to do – you will do more of what doesn’t work and end up even more tired and frustrated.
If you’re like most bloggers you feel frustrated by your lack of traffic and income and overwhelmed by all the things you are “supposed” to do to build an audience.
You’re tired of seeing other people get more and more traffic and earn more and more money, while you struggle to make even $1,000 per month.
You’ve been told the key to success is to produce mountains and mountains of free content, build relationships and engage a community.
You’re supposed to be everywhere, showing up on podcasts, youtube, facebook, twitter, linkedin, pinterest, snapchat, tiktok, instagram, kindle, and let’s not forget, build an email list too.
This is all on top of creating valuable content for your blog!
… And I haven’t even mentioned what you have to do to make money from all this work…
How on earth are you meant to do all of it, especially if you have a full time job?
What if I told you there is a smarter way to blog, a system that goes completely against all the common advice…
1 You DO NOT need to be everywhere all over the internet
2 You can earn MORE from LESS traffic
3 You don’t need to be special, have a unique talent or perfect timing
4 It’s not about using some kind of software technology or any “traffic tricks” that might get you in trouble with Google
5 You do not produce free content hoping to be rewarded sometime in the future.
6 It’s about eliminating tasks, not adding more things you have to do
7 And it’s perfect for people just starting because you can validate where the money is with just a small amount of traffic
A Smarter Blogging System
I developed this smarter blogging system after years of testing and following different methods of blogging myself.
I’ve also had the privilege to coach over 3,000 paying members how to make money with a blog.
Graduates of my programs have gone on to make hundreds of thousands of dollars from their blog businesses, in niches as diverse as skiing, acne treatment, cars, tennis, home music studios, model trains, speed reading, book publishing, BMX bikes, financial advice for women, home loans, fat loss, sports betting, tv pitching and how to be a virtual assistant.
I’ve also helped two people start blogs that went on to make millions of dollars, which is truly mind boggling!
Most Blogs Are Abandoned Within A Month
A recent survey by Technorati found that, of the 133 million blogs they had tracked since 2002, only 7.5 million had been updated within the past four months and, of those, only 1.5 million had been updated within the past 7 days.
This means that, of all the blogs Technorati has tracked, only 5.6% are active, even within the last four months, and only 1.1% are active within the past week.
Not only are people not making any real money with their blogs, most are giving up as well!
That’s not what I want for you and your blog. I want to teach you my new, up to date and SMARTER blogging system, designed specifically for the current environment.
How Can You Avoid Blog Failure?
The first and most important concept to understand is this:
You get more from doing less when you focus on ONE thing.
Concentration is key (and the secret behind how you can achieve a “2 hour work day” with a blog).
You have heard of the 80/20 rule, which states that there are a small number of things responsible for the greater number of results.
Did you know there is another concept that takes the 80/20 rule and refines it even further?
It’s called “The One Thing“, popularised by Gerry Keller, who wrote the book about it.
Let me save you some time and give you the one key concept that you need to know from his book (and Gerry would love that I’m telling you only ONE THING from his book) –
In any given situation, for any given goal you have, there’s always ONE BEST THING you can do.
There are many things that can help, and you can reach an outcome following many paths, but there will always be a BEST option.
Your task is to identify the best thing and FOCUS your effort there.
What Is The One Best Thing
You Can Do For Your Blog Today?
In the case of blogging, there is only one technique or step you should focus on today that will bring you the best result in the quickest time.
The problem is knowing not only WHAT to do, but WHEN to do it.
That’s exactly why a coaching program like Blog Mastermind is so powerful.
It gives you not just the proven formula to build a profitable blog, but it also tells you what order to work in, step-by-step.
Your challenge is not to add more and more things to your to-do list, but to do the opposite.
What you need to do is remove more and more things until only your BEST ONE ACTIVITY is left.
Once you complete that activity and have a result, there is always a next best activity for the next step.
When you do the right thing at the right time in the right order, then you have the keys to success.
Unfortunately nearly every person who starts a blog intending to make money from it, does not know what to focus on or what order to work through.
For example, do you know the answer to these questions?
- Should you choose a topic for your blog based on what you know or what the audience wants?
- What do you focus on first, writing blog posts or adding an email newsletter to your blog?
- When should you start testing money making techniques on your blog? And which techniques do you test first?
These are just a small sample of so many questions you need to know the answers to.
If you don’t, like all those other bloggers who fail, you will choose to do the wrong thing at the wrong time and end up with a “dead” blog.
Blog Mastermind Is Live!
(NEW Version)
I’d Like To Invite You To Enroll In The Next Round Of
My Blog Mastermind Program
Here’s exactly what you get as a Blog Mastermind member…
The foundation of the program are the multimedia workshops, where I personally guide you through each of the key steps to create your blog business platform.
There are six (6) workshops in all, each broken up into concise modules that you can study at your own pace. I recommend you complete one workshop per week, which is just one module a day (a very realistic goal!).
All the workshops are video presentations you can watch online inside the Blog Mastermind private members area, or download and take them with you as portable files on your smartphone, tablet or laptop. They are also available in MP3 audio-only and text PDF transcripts with slides.
The content is focused on how to turn your blog into a full time income stream, with step-by-step instructions and actions for you to take at the end of each workshop, so you not only learn, you take action and get real results.
Here’s an outline of what you’ll find in each workshop:
How To Set-Up Your “Blog Sales Funnel” To Make Money From Day One
The first workshop focuses on the BIG PICTURE – the overall platform you are going to create as the basis for your online business.
I teach a unique system called the “Blog Sales Funnel”. This means you are going to combine a focused niche blog and a problem-solving email list to sell your own digital products and services.
By the end of the first workshop you will have created your first Blog Sales Funnel.
In this workshop I reveal:
- How to quickly set up the core technology you need: the blog itself and your email list (I’ll introduce you to people who can set this up for you)
- A proven research process to determine what your target market will buy so you never have to “guess”
- What is the single best FIRST BLOG POST you should make (every blog should have this key article)
- How to set up vital blog pages you need to create strong rapport and turn new visitors into loyal repeat readers
- A paint-by-numbers formula for writing a killer headline that you will use to invite people on to your email list
- How to optimize your blog for maximum email subscriptions from day ONE (Hint: It has a lot do with where you place the email optin form on your blog)
- How to craft your first successful offer (offering a product to your audience for sale) without requiring any pushy sales “tricks” or hypey language
By the end of this first workshop you will know exactly who your target audience are, how you are going to help them (and make money doing so!) and will have set up all the key components for your basic automated blog sales funnel (your blog and your email list).
Email Marketing Mastery: A Step-By-Step Template To Create An Automated Email Sequence That Sells
This second workshop builds on the first one, giving you the EXACT EMAILS to write and the SEQUENCE TO SEND THEM to make sales of your digital products.
There is no point building up your audience until you are certain about what you want them to do once they get to your blog. This workshop will answer that question, and give you the exact process to take people through after they discover your blog.
In this workshop I reveal:
- Basic email marketing training so you know exactly how automated emails can be used to sell digital products on autopilot
- The most powerful psychological triggers that grab attention and engage your audience (to make sure people read your emails and click your links!)
- How to set up an automated “new visitor experience” that converts first time blog readers into paying customers
- When you should send emails, how many you should send and what types of emails to send
- The importance of “preselling” and how to use this content-driven concept to have your blog audience asking to buy things from you before you even make an offer
- My 9 email “templates”: the exact email formats I use in my business responsible for almost every cent I have ever made online as a blogger
- A step-by-step task sheet to map out a two-week email sequence that is a proven sales machine, which you can plug straight into your blog
This workshop is an email writing bootcamp, a complete course in and of itself. I promise if you apply what you learn in workshop two you will recoup the cost of Blog Mastermind more than three-fold at minimum.
How To Create Blog Content That Magnetically Attracts Devoted Readers
Workshop three is where the serious blogging begins. The first two workshops establish your platform for turning blog visitors into customers. Now it’s time to build-out the platform with content and start to cement your authority.
In this workshop you learn:
- The 7 key blog post formats that lead to the most traffic
- How to create a Personal Brand so strong that you become THE dominant figure in your industry or niche
- What 3 blog articles you need to publish during your first month of blogging.
- How to produce Authentic Content and why this one ingredient is the difference between success and mediocrity
- When and where to include create multi-media content in your blog posts
- How to choose the best content schedule that leverages your strengths
- The 80/20 Rule of blog content: How to get more results from less content
Advanced Traffic Techniques To Automate Your In-Bound Visitor Flow
These are what I call high-leverage traffic strategies and tactics. When you implement these techniques your traffic will grow AUTOMATICALLY. This is a key to a true 2 hour work day blogging lifestyle.
These are the strategies that can turn you from an average blogger with a few hundred readers, to an A-List blogger with thousands of regular readers and authority in your niche.
These are the Secret Weapons I used to build up my blog
Inside, you’ll discover:
- How to tap into big traffic sources even when you are just starting out and no-one knows who you are
- What is the current modern ‘best-practice’ for search engine optimization, especially when it comes to attracting traffic from Google for free
- The exact hands-off techniques I use to gain traffic from Social Media without spending hours and hours on social sites
- The real secret sauce – what I call Conversation Marketing – how to leverage the natural communication flow that occurs online between blogs and social sites, and how to capture the lion’s share of the traffic!
- The unique and very strategic way I use Podcasting – and you can too – to attract the right type of audience to your blog (the kind that buys your products!)
- The only traffic technique you need to focus on when you are just getting started (and why it’s so important you ignore the rest in the beginning!)
- The key component behind every successful blog (Hint: it has a lot more to do with your ability to make friends than any technical tricks)
How To Create Your Entry-Level Front-End Product
Did you know that your own product will sell up to ten times more than affiliate products? Plus you make significantly higher profit margins when compared to other money-making techniques like advertising.
When you build a popular blog people want more from you. This is why almost all bloggers will say things really changed the day they started selling their own products (it certainly did for me!).
In this module you’re going to create your first product to sell from your blog, using my rapid product creation formula. You could literally have your first product up and ready for sale in a matter of days.
This module is all about the money. You’ll master:
- What product types you can create and which I recommend as the very first product you offer
How to deliver your product using only two simple technologies (don’t make things complicated if you don’t have to!) - The right pricing structure for a front-end offer and why this is so important long term
- Whether you should start with a written product, audio product, or video product and how to quickly create all three formats at once
- How to get your audience to tell you exactly what to put in the product before you even create it
- What parts of the product creation process you should outsource and what you should spend 90% of your own personal time on
- How to automate the sale and delivery of your product so you can wake up each morning to with more money in your account without you lifting a finger
How To Turn Your Blog Into A Real Business (Or, “How to Work Less and Earn More”)
This is all about Exponential Income Growth and the Exponential Freedom that goes along with that.
Learn how I can get away with only writing a few blog posts every month, yet make much more money than the average blogger AND even it do it while traveling the world. It’s all about lifestyle – blog WHEN you want, from ANY country and make enough money to live a FANTASTIC and relaxed life.
This is my favorite workshop where you will learn:
- How all the pieces fit together: Once you see the big picture after completing the five previous workshops, your pathway to a million dollar business will be clear
- How I can get away with only blogging once a month, yet my traffic continues to grow
- The only three elements you must devote the majority of your personal time to if you want long term success (I’ve been blogging for 15 years, so I know the key to longevity)
- What to do when things go wrong: My structured testing sequence so you can isolate where your problems are and fix them
- How to ramp up your income through incremental improvement (a few small tweaks to your blog sales funnel can grow your income exponentially)
- How to pack up your bags and travel the world with your blog business
- You end your training with the presentation of my complete “framework” for successful blogging –
- This is an 8-Step chronology that takes your blog from Zero to Hero and summarizes what you need to do in very clear and simple steps, putting all the pieces together from the previous workshops
Plus! – Checklists and Task Sheets
The workshops include checklists and task sheets that give you the exact steps to take to implement what you learn. This is where the “rubber hits the road” – it’s time for you to get out there and build your blog business following the step-by-step instructions I give you every workshop.
Ticking the box as you get each step done is an important motivation and accountability tool. Many of the graduates of Blog Mastermind have told me that it was the tasks that they appreciated the most because it was clear what they had to focus on each week.
Transcripts, Audio MP3s And Portable Video
I realize not everyone likes to sit in front of their computer and watch videos. Because of this I’ve given you text PDF transcripts of every workshop, a downloadable audio-only MP3 version of every workshop and smaller file-sized portable videos to take with you on your smartphone, tablet or laptop.
No matter whether you like to read, listen, watch or all three while you are on the go – you have the option.
Print Outs For Everything
All the task sheets, transcripts and slide presentations are available to print out if you prefer to study in a non-digital format.
The Million Dollar Bloggers
I’ve had the pleasure of coaching two people who went on to create Million Dollar Blogs.
Mitch Wilson
Mitch Wilson was one of the very first members of Blog Mastermind back in 2007. His blog was initially about college football in the united states, his passion. He later expanded to all sports and focuses on offering tips on who will win games.
In my first week of the Blog Mastermind course I had less than 50 hits a day. Within two months I was up to 3,000 hits a day. Today I get a million visitors a month.
It hasn’t been luck, it was by following the steps that Yaro provided for me (he’s not paying me to say that!). I’m so grateful to have actual people who read my stuff.
What Blog Mastermind did was help me channel my efforts to the right areas as opposed to me guessing. You can spend the time executing because Yaro gives you the plan to follow.
I started blogging because I loved cars. I loved people reading my opinion on my blog. I had the passion for it.
Once you figure out the basics, the SEO, the best way to write, use original content — all the things Yaro covers and I gained a lot from — I was able to build up my blog quickly.
Yaro convinced me it’s a good idea to put some ads on my blog and see how that goes, and I did. It went really well. In fact within six months of putting ads on my site I was making more money than I was earning in my full time job at the time.
Alborz Fallah
I met Alborz Fallah back when I started my own blog. Shortly after Alborz started three different blogs, but settled on the one that did the best – CarAdvice.com.au.
Today Alborz’s car blog has grown into a fully fledged company valued at over $10 Million, with a staff of over twenty people, offices in Sydney and Melbourne and does several million dollars a year in revenue.
No One Else
Teaches This Blogging System.
How To Make $100,000 A Year From As Few As 100 People
What’s unique about the blogging system I teach is you can profit from very small audiences.
You can actually make more from less traffic and you don’t need a massive email list to make big money.
So how can this seemingly counterintuitive outcome occur for you?
The key is in what you DO with the traffic.
The answer rests in one simple idea that every truly successful business person knows…
You can earn much more money from your EXISTING CUSTOMERS.
Traditionally bloggers focus only on how many people they can attract to their blogs and how large they can get their email list.
If you can get to tens of thousands of daily visitors you earn big money from advertising.
Unfortunately that outcome is REALLY hard, requires an incredible amount of work and takes years to achieve.
It also means you have ZERO customers.
Instead of having customers you actually send people AWAY from your blog when they click ads to go to other websites where they spend money.
How crazy is that!
This is a broken model that too many bloggers follow blindly because they see everyone else do the same thing.
Nearly everyone who follows this model fails. That’s why I shared with you stats showing 94% of blogs are abandoned within three months.
Don’t feel bad if you have followed this model, I made the same mistake when I started.
I spent almost two years working really hard to get my traffic up so I could sell more advertising.
Then I discovered the smarter model, the model where as a blogger you have CUSTOMERS.
It’s also a smarter model because you can use it to make money from DAY ONE.
It’s not a complicated idea, but it is a shift from how most bloggers think.
Pay attention to this…
Instead of trying to go after huge amounts of traffic and scrape a few pennies from each visitor using advertising, you SELL SOMETHING.
When you sell things, each buyer is worth $20, $100, even a $1,000 when they really love what you sell.
That’s EACH customer.
Here’s some basic math for you.
Imagine you use your blog to find just 100 customers this YEAR.
That’s right – you have the ENTIRE year to find just 100 people who love what you sell.
Those 100 customers spend $1,000 each.
Bear in mind that’s $1,000 over a YEAR. They don’t have to spend it all in one transaction.
They might start by purchasing your $20 ebook, then join your group coaching program you launch six months later that costs $300.
Then another few months later you offer a more advanced program for $500 or a $49 a month subscription program or service.
Not every one spends $1,000. Some spend more,
some spend less.
You might average 250 customers who spend $500 ($125,000 total income),
Or 1,000 people who spend $100 each ($100,000)
Or 50 customers who spend $5,000 ($250,000) in total
over a year.
The exact calculation doesn’t matter. It’s the principle that you need to understand.
More From Less
You can make $100,000 a year or more if you use your blog to attract customers and then sell them as much as they want from you.
You don’t spend your entire year trying to get your traffic up into the tens of thousands, instead you build a nice steady small traffic stream, and identify your customers, one sale at a time.
Best of all, you can offer something for sale from day one and thus start earning from day one, as soon as you build your first traffic stream.
Keep in mind you don’t have to sell digital products like ebooks and online courses.
You might have physical products you make yourself, or software, or services you offer.
If you don’t have anything to sell, the first thing you can offer is your time.
Phone coaching if you have knowledge and experience, or freelance services related to your market, are great first products you can offer from day one.
What you sell doesn’t matter as much as making the decision to sell something.
And of course, I cover how to do all of this inside Blog Mastermind.
What Your Life Could Look Like
This Doesn’t Have To Be A Fantasy
Imagine for a second you no longer work a 9 to 5 job.
There are no deadlines, no staff meetings, no frustrating workplace dramas, no sitting in traffic to go to and from a place you really don’t want to be.
You don’t have an annoying boss, there is no one you have to ask permission from to take a holiday and your income is not capped to standard rates.
Your day can start with a sleep-in for as long as you like. If you work best at 8pm in the evening or 11am in the morning it doesn’t matter — you decide when you work.
You can spend as much time with your children and loved ones as you like, cook healthy home made meals, exercise so you feel yourself again and take your family on holidays.
Speaking Of Holidays…
Imagine every few months you hop on a plane and live somewhere else.
Your blogging business only requires a laptop and an internet connection, so you can truly live the laptop lifestyle anywhere on the planet.
How about waking up to perpetual sunshine in Hawaii, or spending a year living in different exotic cities of Europe, or exploring Australia or India.
Do you like the tennis? Why not attend all the Grand Slams in Melbourne, Paris, London and New York. Maybe you want to play all the world famous golf courses, or swim in the great barrier reef or go whooshing down the slopes with your skis in Canada.
The travel options really are limitless once you have a blog business that is completely virtual.
The best thing about your new life is that you are in CONTROL.
Control equals freedom. When you are in charge of your own business, your own time, where you live and what activities you fill your days with, you truly can live the life of your dreams.
Obviously this is not an overnight outcome, but I promise you, if this is your goal, you can have it. All you need to do is start.
What Topic Should You Start A Blog About?
If you’re new to blogging you’re probably asking this question –
What topic should I focus on if I want to make money with a blog?
That’s the number one question I am asked by beginners and also the most critical part to get right when you first get started.
As you can imagine, after helping so many bloggers I know what makes for a good topic, which is why I am excited to announce this special bonus I am offering to new members of Blog Mastermind…
The Blog Money Finder
Over the years I have continuously refined and revised the methodology I guide members through to ensure they have a topic for their blog that can actually lead to money.
This is especially important given today’s crowded internet — you have to pick the right niche from day one or everything else will fail!
How To Find Your Best Blog Topic
Inside this special bonus training you will learn:
- How to find the sweet spot that matches your strength, with what the market will actually pay money for
- What to do if you feel you don’t have any passion or expertise that can be turned into an income source
- How to conduct the 3-layers of research to identify where the money is
- Plus I’ll explain what the “MEGA-NICHES” are and why almost all the money to be made online is within these 4 subject areas
- How to map out a vision so you can see how far a potential topic can take you (is this a million dollar topic of just one time income stream?)
My “Blog Money Test” Process
As part of this training I also take you through a second very practical short workshop, that is designed to give you the exact steps to validate if there is money to be made in your niche.
This video will take you through these steps:
- How to come up with an “assumption” about a target audience, which you will base your test on (this is an assumption about a problem that you can help them solve)
- The actions to complete a real live test where you get actual paying customers
- What to do if your test fails so you can make changes until you finally prove you have found a money making topic to build your blog business on
Even if you already have a niche this special bonus training will help you become crystal clear on exactly whom you serve, what they need, how you should best deliver it to them and of course – how to maximize your profits as a result of delivering so much value.
Power Podcasting
Back in 2005, I was one of the very first bloggers to start a podcast as part of their blog and wow, did it ever help to grow my audience.
Maybe you came to this page because of one of the interviews I did on my podcast.
Podcasts are great for traffic, allow people to hear your voice and feel stronger rapport with you, and help you to connect with important people in your industry.
How To Easily Start A Podcast
I’ve decided just for this new version of Blog Mastermind, I am going to teach everything I know about Podcasting as a bonus. You will learn:
- The very basic podcasting technical setup I use (including microphone, software and file hosting), which I have taken with me as I travel around the world
- How to make your podcast stand out from all the new podcasts that are crowding up the internet
- The exact process I use to conduct in-depth and personal interviews (people tell me they listen to my show and I seem to know exactly the right question to ask at the right time – I’ll explain how you can do this too)
- How to convince the best guests to come on your show so you can connect with powerful people in your industry, even when you are just getting started
- And most important, how to strategically structure your podcast so it’s a conversion tool – it convinces listeners to buy your products and services
Having a podcast is not mandatory, but it is a whole lot easier to do than video and allows you to have multi-media on your blog, which is very powerful.
With this bonus, I’m going to make it real easy for you to start your own successful podcast.
Live Coaching With Yaro
I realize the workshops and bonus training might not answer every question you have. I also understand how much people value having direct access to a coach and mentor.
This is why I make myself personally available for 4 live training sessions you can participate in as part of your Blog Mastermind membership. The live training webinars begin shortly after you sign up for Blog Mastermind.
How To Ask Your Questions Live
- You can join a live training webinar using your computer, laptop, or smartphone
- There are no limitations on the number of questions you can ask (I only request that you give other members a chance to ask questions too, so everyone gets a turn)
- I won’t hold back on the “severity” of my advice, if I think you are making a mistake I will tell you (I act as if I am a invested partner in your blog, so treat you as such)
- All webinars are recorded and available for download as an audio MP3 and streaming video shortly after they end
- I change the scheduling around so no matter where in the world you are located you will have a chance to ask a question live
- If you can’t make a live call you can email me a question in advance, which I will address live during the webinar
- I will stay on the live webinar for as long as it takes to answer all questions, so don’t be afraid to ask anything
In the past the members of Blog Mastermind who have attended or listened to every coaching session are consistently the ones who go on to build successful blogs.
Mitch Wilson, one of the million dollar bloggers I mentioned above, attended every coaching call I did during the first ever training of Blog Mastermind. He reported back on how his blog was growing and asked for advice whenever he needed it. This is how you stay accountable and get results.
You Can Ask Me These Kind Of Questions…
- What topic is right for you in your unique situation?
- How can you turn your underperforming blog into a money making one?
- What is the number one thing you should do to grow your traffic?
- What’s the perfect product or service for you to sell from your blog?
- How can you find the time to work on your blog when you have so many other commitments?
Or any other question you have… Nothing is off limits!
How The Coaching Sessions Work
1 You receive a special live coaching webinar link
2 When the webinar is due to begin you click the link to join live
3 You can listen as other people ask questions and I answer
4 You can also request to speak directly to me
5 You can ask as many questions as you like
This is just like personal coaching + a mastermind all in one. You can speak to me directly and you can listen in as other people are coached too!
The Health And Wellness Bloggers
Frances Kerr and Leigh Peele were two of the first people I helped grow their blogs
who went on to get amazing results. Both these women focus on subjects regarding
health and wellness and use their blog and email list to sell their own products and services.
Frances Kerr
Frances started a blog about alternative methods to treat acne. She wrote ebooks, which she sells from her blog, and later expanded to sell other health related products and services.
To be honest I did not believe at all that I would be able to make an income from a blog. I thought I might just give this a go as a hobby because having a blog might be fun. If I knew I would be sitting here today knowing I was making a good income from blogging I would not have believed it at all.
My ebook sells for $27 US and I sell at least one a day and that’s been for over two years. I calculated it all the other day and I got all excited thinking how just me sitting in cafes with a cup of tea, writing everything out into a word document has generated thousands of dollars.
I was out for my morning run, and I had my iPhone with me to listen to music. I checked my email on the way home and I made four book sales. I sold four books while in my sleep the previous night. It’s like magic :-).
I would really like to say how important it is for people to stick with it. Honestly, if Yaro was not there to support me, I would have given up. If people don’t have the kind of support (you get) from a mentor, I think they will give up. I’m so glad that I did stick with it.
I watched Yaro’s video, read a few things about the program, then I bought Blog Mastermind and I started applying it from day one.
I went from having a readership of 200 to 300 per day on average, and now I get as high as 5,000 to 6,000 a day, averaging 3,000 to 4,000 readers every day. It was shocking how fast things started to grow after implementing some of the ideas in the Blog Mastermind program.
Just through my blog and the email list I grew from my blog, I went from making $20 a month, to making $4,500 a month. It’s just insane!
I truly believe I would not be where I am today, with the stats and all the traffic (to my blog), if I did not follow Yaro’s principles. He did such a good job of packaging it all together in a very “idiot proof” format. It takes a lot of work, but the information is completely there.
You have to make sure you don’t waste your time doing the wrong thing. That is where Blog Mastermind comes in. I got Yaro’s program and it was an instant click. It is the step by step information that you need. I don’t go to anyone else on blogging. Yaro is my source and it has worked out perfectly for me.
Leigh Peele
Leigh is a personal trainer who focuses on fat loss. She joined Blog Mastermind the very first time I taught the program, and was one of the hardest working members. She put in the effort, and as you can hear in this interview, got some amazing results in just a matter of months.
Blog Mastermind Is Not Only
The Most Comprehensive Guide
To Making A Consistent Full-Time
Income Blogging Part Time,
But Members Love
Being A Part Of It As Well!
Charles Kirkland:
“I wanted to take my blogs to the next level. Just because I know how to write a blog post doesn’t mean I know how to make them work.
Learning how to tweak my blog for SEO purposes easily tripled my traffic.
My ClickBank sales went from $400 a month to over $5,000 per month.
If you’re not where you want to be with your blogging you need to look at Blog Mastermind“
Francis Wade, Jamaican Time Management Expert
Francis is one of the very few bloggers from Jamaica and the only Jamaican blogger within Blog Mastermind.
Blog Mastermind transformed blogging from a fun hobby to a profit centre for Francis:
“I looked around before signing up for Blog Mastermind just in case there was anything better that would be available, but there wasn’t.
Blog Mastermind is the perfect link between someone who likes to write and turning that writing into money or income.”
Eric Grey, Classical Chinese Medicine Expert
“I consider that my success has been pretty amazing considering how small my niche is. I went from a PageRank 1 to PageRank 5 in 9 months.
I’ve also met people from all over the world who have the same passion for the topic that I have.”
Here Are MORE
‘Expert-Endorsement’ Testimonials
From Industry Leaders
Take A Few Moments to Read
What Other People Are Saying
About Me and My System…
It’s nice to know that some of the leading bloggers today recommend my training too…
“I wish there was something like this around when
I first started out in making money from Blogs”
Darren Rowse
Yaro Rocks! – What more can I say?
I’ve been watching Yaro’s Blogging profile and expertise grow over the last couple of years and have had the pleasure to meet and work with him on a number of occasions.
Yaro knows what he’s talking about and has built his Blog into an authority on the topics that he writes about. Bloggers can learn a lot from him!
“It’s nice to have everything neatly
organized and tied in directly with a strategy for making money that goes well beyond just
producing content and AdSense”
Brian Clark
When I first collaborated with Yaro Starak, he struck me as someone who would make it. But at the time, Yaro was only making about $1,000 a month from his online marketing efforts after a year of hard work. He seemed resolved to take things to the next level, but I could tell he was a bit frustrated. What a difference a couple of years makes! Now, Yaro makes a good living from Blogging, working part-time.
He’s not promising to make you a dot-com millionaire, but you can get out of your day job. That’s the first step.
Your Class Begins Today
I Can Tell How Serious You Are…
You would not be reading this page if you were not serious about growing your own profitable blog.
You desire to quit your job, have true financial freedom, travel the world and do what you want with your life.
Blogging is by far the most satisfying online businesses available today. You get to indulge in topics you care about and help others explore the subjects you love.
You don’t have to force yourself to promote products you don’t like, or learn how to master things like buying traffic using complicated advertising platforms like AdWords.
You can sell products and services you care about in an honest and genuine way. You can write using your own voice in a casual, “every day” style just like you write emails to your friends or post to Facebook.
The upfront costs to get started with a blog are minimal. You don’t have to be a professional writer. There are no qualifications required – just the will to begin.
This Is THE Blogging Course
Blog Mastermind is the original professional blogging course.
It’s the longest running and most established blog training program available today. It’s the “ivy-league” of blog programs.
When I taught the program for the first time in 2007 there was nothing else out there like it. Still today you won’t find another blogging program with as much history of success as Blog Mastermind.
I’ve published my own blog for ten+ years and coached others to build money making blogs for eight+ years (you won’t find any other blog coaches with this much experience!).
There are no other blogging programs created by a blogger who has sold over a million dollars worth of products and services from his blog and has taught other bloggers who have made millions of dollars with their blogs.
I have the track record to back up the promises.
If you’re serious about this industry, then I’m serious about taking you to the next level.
I can’t wait to start working with you!
If you have reached this point and you are still not sure if Blog Mastermind is right for you, then I recommend you go back up this page and pick one of the graduate case study interviews to listen to.
Play the audios or read the transcripts of my interviews and you will see how “normal” these people are, who today make serious money thanks to their blogs.
It’s not rocket science, you can do this too.
To your blogging success!
Yaro Starak
Blog Mastermind
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/