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Exploring the Essential Features of “John Elliott – Payment Card Security Processing and the PCI Standards”
It is not because criminals can turn it around and steal your payment card data. It’s because they have the ability to turn the stolen data into money. This is the course. Payment Card Security, Processing, and the PCI Standards, you’ll discover how a payment card transaction gets from the Store to your statement and In the Learn more about the process the Electronic messages that are sent between the Banks and payment card schemes.
First, you’ll find out How criminals turn the data into money and how the They are being stopped by the payment card industry the Everyone should have access to security standards and Everything in the You must follow the process. Next, you’ll learn about which PCI An organization must have authorized assessors to verify compliance. the various PCI Security Standards. Finally, you’ll explore the foundation qualification, the PCI This is a professional that you might be interested in.
At the end of this course, you’ll understand how the payment system works and the PCI Security Standards Protecting this data is an important role.
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