*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Bedros Keuilian – Close Clients 3.0”
They All Laughed When I Said I Sold $89,705 In Personal Training Programs In Only 43 days…But Their Laughter Quickly Turned To Amazement When I Showed Them These Eighteen NOTARIZED Sales Agreements
Dear Success-Minded Fitness Professional,
I can show you how to sell more fitness programs, increase your closing percentage, and convert more leads and prospects into paying clients all while increasing your average sale amount by as much as 600%…
…and I’ll prove it to you.
Are you having any of these problems?
You’re a great trainer but you have a hard time selling yourself and your services to people who need it the most.
You’re tired of getting objections like “I can’t afford it”, “I need to talk to my spouse” and “I don’t have time to workout”.
You’re frustrated because even though you’re getting leads and prospects, you’re missing out on a lot of income and profits because you just can’t seem to convert enough prospects into paying clients.
You’re Not Alone
Over 90% of fitness professionals lack the number one skill they need to sell more of their personal training and boot camp programs.
If you own a fitness business or are responsible for bringing in the sales for a fitness center then pay close attention for just a few minutes because what I’m about share with you can mean the difference of at LEAST $100,000 to $250,000 in additional income over the next 12 months for you.
I know that sounds like a bold claim to make so let me prove it to you with the case studies of actual trainers (down below)… as well as my story.
I was awful at selling my training programs.
It frustrated me to no end to know that I lost a new client even though they could afford my program and even though I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I could get them in amazing shape.
As it turns out, being a great trainer doesn’t make you the most successful trainer on the block.
One day, a client of mine broke the news to me – “Bedros you’re horrible at sales!”
His name was Steven and he owned a real-estate office across the street from the gym that I trained at… his entire multiple million dollar producing business was built on sales, so he knew a thing or two about the subject.
Of course my rebuttal to him was: “Yeah but I sold you personal training”.
To which he calmly replied: “No you didn’t, you just took my order. You’re an order taker, not a closer”.
His words cut deep.
The next day he brought me an audio program to listen to. The program was by Tom Hopkins, a guy who taught real-estate brokers how to sell.
That one program changed the trajectory of my life and my business because it got me to invest in my non-fitness skills, an area of my business, which I had unknowingly neglected for years.
For the next six months I invested in everything I could get my hands on to help improve my ability to sell my services and generate more money.
After a few short months I wasn’t afraid of selling any more because I looked as myself as the assistant buyer and not as a sleazy sales guy.
Rather than using high-pressure sales tactics, I focused on educational based selling which made it much easier to convert leads and prospects into long term paying clients.
Before long I was converting 9 out of 10 leads into paying clients and my business finally hit the six figures in annual income.
I went from being broke and taking orders to routinely selling $50,000 – $75,000/month in personal training programs.
And I’ve got the proof to back it up.
So rather than TELL you about it, I’m just going to SHOW you the proof – because seeing is believing.
See, we keep all the “old” sales agreements in two really big filing cabinets in my garage. Recently I went into one of our old filing cabinet and randomly pulled out a handful of client agreements. You can see them below.
In just a matter of 43 days I sold 18 new training programs. That may not sound like a lot to you until you see that the total revenue generated from those 18 clients was: $89,705
But, don’t take my word for it… HERE’S THE PROOF:
Client Contract Value: $89,705
Total Number of Sessions Sold: 2,376
In Case You’re Still a Little Skeptical Allow Me To Give You Further Proof That I Am The Real Deal and That This System DOES Work…
But, don’t take my word for it… HERE’S THE PROOF:
- During a five year period I personally sold over 120,000 personal training sessions.
- My (PERSONAL) best sales day was: $27,640 – that’s a lot of training sessions to sell in one day!
- My second best sales day was $17,400
- And my third best day was $13K and change (I don’t remember the exact amount)
- I’ve helped two of America’s largest training companies generate annual sales exceeding $21 million – each. In fact, they still use my Close Clients system as the sales process to power their multi-million dollar personal training businesses.
I hope you don’t think I’m bragging…
See, I’m not telling you any of this to impress you.
I’m telling you this to impress upon you that I know what it takes to close the deal and routinely sell big multi-thousand dollar personal training and boot camp packages.
“In the past I’ve only shared this proven fitness sales system with my top consulting and mastermind clients who pay thousands of dollars for my time… but for the first time ever I’m making it available to you.”
Today I’m on a different mission – I’m on the prowl for you, the motivated fitness professional who is ready to discover the single most important skill that will get you more clients, and help you generate reliable and predictable income from your fitness business…
…because the truth of the matter is that if you want to help people achieve their fitness goals you first have to get them to say yes to your offer and understand that you’re the solution to their fitness and fat loss problems.
“I was going to send you an email but I had to call you up. I just close $40,000 in personal training in an hour and a half.”
Listen to how Andrews closed $40,000 in PT sales in under two hours using the Close Clients system.
NASM/ACE Certified Personal Trainer & Fitness Chef
How This Whole Thing Came To Be…
It all started when I set out to create a systematized sales approach for my own personal training business. I had plans to grow my business to multiple locations and since I couldn’t be at every location, I had to find a way to duplicate my sales system though my staff.
Here’s what I required of my program…
- The sales system had to promote and sell “big ticket” training and boot camp programs.
- It had to be easy to duplicate for my multiple locations and for staff that had no previous sales knowledge.
- And the entire sales system had to be educational based… no high pressure selling, I despise that stuff.
That was the beginning of the Close Clients sales system.
Since then I’ve spent more time developing, fine tuning, and re-crafting this incredible system that’s proven to convert 9 out of 10 prospects into paying clients.
If you’re a fitness pro, this sales process will help you close anyone who is sellable – period.
NOTE: This is NOT a marketing or lead generation system (although you do get an awesome lead generation funnel as a free bonus gift).
See marketing is everything you do to get leads and prospects to call, email, and come into your facility.
Selling is what converts leads and prospects into loyal paying client. And Close Clients is all about making you great at selling yourself and your services without every coming off as sleazy and without using high-pressure sales tactics.
See, I’ve developed the most potent fitness sales system and script for closing clients on big ticket training programs – more often – without any pressure and without having to deal with buyers objections.
Here’s what you’re going to learn from the Close Clients Fitness Sales System…
In this module you’ll learn the psychology of the buyer and how to overcome their fears and resistance of working with a personal trainer.
This entire module is dedicated to understanding the prospects thought pattern and teaches you educational based questioning to help you uncover the prospects needs, wants, commitment level and potential objections before they ever come up.
Before you can sell anything, you’ve got to understand your prospects state of mind and make them feel understood.
As with anything, there’s a formula to “selling, without selling” and a large part of that is you becoming the assistant buyer. However, your potential client is not going to allow you to become the assistant buyer until you can establish rapport and quickly position yourself as the local fitness expert.
In this module you’ll learn the 7 secret steps to winning the prospect’s heart and mind over and quickly positioning yourself as the local fitness expert so that you can become the assistant buyer and avoid any potential objections that may come up and kill your sale.
This is the core of the program. Simply watch, listen and learn this easy to follow script and process and make it your own and you’ll never have to worry about losing a prospective client again. In this module we’ll role play the entire sales process from the time the prospects walks in to the time sign the agreement and give you their payments.
You’ll learn to control the entire sales process through body language, voice inflection, tonality, and by eliciting a desire to buy through the educational sales process that you’ll deliver.
You’ll discover how easy it really is to move a prospect to making the buying decision with zero sales pressure. This is truly the art of being the assistant buyer!
“I need to think about”
“I need to talk to my spouse
“I can’t afford it”
‘I don’t have time to workout”
If you don’t follow the formula then you’re likely to get one or all of these four objections when attempting to make the sale. And there’s nothing that derails a consultation and kills your mojo faster than an objection.
In this module I’ll show you how to overcome and avoid all four of these objection during the rapport building process so that they NEVER come up during your educational based selling process or worse, when you ask for the money.
There’s never been an easier way to sell fitness programs then this.
SPECIAL BONUS: New Group Close Module! (Included Free!)
Discover How to Close 30-70 Clients AT ONCE With My Group Close System So You Can Bring in Boatloads of Profit in Even Less Time!
Even if you had a perfect closing rate, you’d still only be closing 1 client per hour. That’s great, but what do you do when you get 20, 30, 50, or 100 new leads from Facebook or your email list who want to come and start your challenge or promo on the same day?
This is where you need to close people in a group environment. Just imagine how much faster you could grow your fitness business if you were able to close 30-70 people per hour.
That’s literally an exponential increase in your income and impact!
Now obviously, what I’m about to share with you is an advanced technique–you’re going to want to get a good number of 1-on-1 closes under your belt before you start using this group closing system.
In this new bonus module–included FREE for anyone who purchases Close Clients–I’m going to show you the system I developed to reliably close 90% of prospects into clients in a group setting.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- When to schedule your orientation (this will make or break your conversion rate!)
- The best time for you to start group closing, so that you can avoid embarrassment and jump right into group closing like a pro
- Exactly how to set up the room for you orientation so you get maximum leads converted to paying clients
- How to structure your presentation so every client is excited, trusting you, and ready to sign up by the time you reach the close
- The one thing you MUST NOT DO at the end of your presentation (this will basically kill your close–don’t do it!)
- A special trick you can use in your group close to make your testimonials even more powerful and convincing
- A simple 5 step process you can use to create your presentation–no guesswork, just use this
- How to counter and overcome objections for the whole group by giving them a special risk-reversal offer (It’s an offer they can’t refuse…like in The Godfather, but better…)
- Exactly how to structure your close so that your leads will convert into loyal, paying clients without a second thought
I’m also giving you access to a private two hour mastermind session that I did with my top clients where we covered fitness sales and closing the entire time.
In this video you’re going to be a fly on the wall as we role play incoming phone call scripts, actual sales consultations, dissect the entire fitness sales process, handle and overcome the top four buyer objections, present prices and programs, ask for the sale, and even go deep into the science of persuasion using Nuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and the influential power of “inner self talk”.
You’ll even see me critique and tear apart their existing sales process and show you the big mistakes that you’re most likely making that’s causing you to lose clients and leave tons of money on the table.
And right before your eyes you’ll see as they gain more confidence and improve and execute a perfect sales presentation. Best of all, you’ll get the same results as you watch these training videos and go through the simple steps to double and even triple your closing skills and income.
And through this “fly on the wall” training video series you’ll get all the benefits of being there live and in person without paying the $1,500 per person fee that they paid.
How The Close Clients Sales System Works…
Close Clients is a bona-fide proven sales system for fitness professionals of all levels. It’s not a marketing system that requires additional expenses, cost, time or effort. This system is developed to take your existing leads and prospects and convert them into loyal paying clients.
It completely takes the guess work out of selling personal training and boot camp programs.
Here’s how it works…
Let’s assume that today you sit across from ten prospects each month. And let’s assume that you close 60% of the prospects on an average training or boot camp program of $900.
This generates you $5,400 in monthly revenue.
Now let’s apply the Close Clients sales script and system to this exact scenario, assuming again that you sit across from ten prospects each month – you can expect to close 80-90% of all consultations.
And since the Close Clients script and system has been crafted to promote and sell big ticket six and twelve month programs – you can easily increase your average sale from $900 to $2,500 (or more).
Using the Close Clients PT sales system you can generate $25,500 in monthly revenue versus $5,400/month without spending and extra dime on marketing and without any additional effort on your part.
Heck, I know these numbers may still seem ridicules to you.
That’s why I gave you so much evidence by sharing with you my actual sales agreements and how my staff and I consistently closed $50,000 to $75,000 each in addition to the success the stories above from your peers.
And even if you cut the results of the example above in half you’re still going to double, and even triple your current monthly revenue. And that’s impressive no matter how you look at it.
Do the math yourself with your existing numbers and you’ll see for yourself. The numbers don’t lie. And like I said earlier, seeing is believing.
Best of all you no longer have to deal with inconsistent sales and unpredictable income. Close Clients gives you total control of your business. This is a true system and it’s been proven thousands of times over.
Don’t you owe it to yourself to try it out and see the results?
Here’s What You’ll Learn With The Close Clients System…
- Discover why attempting to sell over the phone is the “kiss of death.”
- Get the simple script to convert phone inquires into sales consultations.
- Four powerful questions to ask to identify the prospects “hot buttons” and get them to want to buy.
- How to use the “options close” so you never have to deal with a “yes or no” again (this little gem makes buying a YES/YES option for your prospect.)
- You’ll also get a “fly on the wall” view of a complete sales consultation and presentation. You’ll see one of my top mentorship clients take the prospect from the “meet and greet” to closing a big sale using the actual Close Clients System.
- How to get every single client to agree to auto debit payments.
- Why charging LESS is actually causing you to lose clients.
“Before watching Close Clients, my sales presentation was all over the place. I never knew what to say next or how to overcome objections. I basically left the closing conversation to chance and went along with whatever the customer wanted. After watching Close Clients, I close more deals than ever. My income has gone from barely 5k/month to upwards of 9-10K each month thanks to this system.”
Your Bonus Gift!
When you get Close Clients I’m going to give you a free gift to help you get more leads and prospects into your fitness business through Facebook.
And now that you’ll know how to convert more leads and prospects into paying clients you’ll have both the marketing and sales side of your business covered!
I’ve asked Joshua Carter, one of my top clients and Facebook traffic hacker to share with you his best performing Facebook ads, promotions, posts, and list building tactics. In this three part tutorial training videos you’ll lean…
- A proven client attraction funnel using Facebook
- Done for you AND PROVEN Facebook ads that work
- The secret to laser target your perfect audience
- How to choose the perfect image that gets the most clicks
- 20 *TESTED and PROVEN* ready to use Facebook ad images
- How to access Facebook’s SECRET HIDDEN IMAGE VAULT (FREE)
- Discover how to create a custom landing page in seconds so you can build a massive email lists of leads and prospects.
- BONUS VIDEO: How to create an ad that pulls in clients with ONE CLICK
Look, right now you are just one click away from getting your hands on the most tried and true personal training sales system ever.
You get it all… the script, the diagrams, the fly on the wall view of over four hours of serious fitness sales training, and the entire close clients sales consultation video with Joshua Carter and an actual clients. PLUS you’ll get the new footage – Close Clients 2.0 for no extra charge!
So you get to see the actual sales process in action.
Best of all this system has a proven track record of over ten years and thousands of fitness professionals swear by it. It’s been used in virtually every type of economy and demographics with tremendous success.
Bedros Keuilian
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/