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Exploring the Essential Features of “Tim Castleman – Funnel Hacking Live Notes 2017”
95% Of Russell Brunson’s Own Customers Couldn’t Get Access To Funnel Hacking Live, But We Did… And We Took Notes On Everything…
Funnel Hacking Live is one of the most exclusive events in IM year after year for a reason…
It’s packed with some of the biggest names in Internet Marketing.
This year was NO different with…
- Russell Brunson
- Tony Robbins
- Jason Fladlien
- Trey Lewellen
- Garrett White
- Todd Brown
…and over a dozen other successful marketers spilling their guts and giving away some of their best methods for making money with funnels.
The odds are, if you’re reading this, you did NOT attend the live event.
Most of Russell’s own customers didn’t even get a chance to get in on this event…
…and that’s for a reason…
Methods Shown At This Event Were Just Too Powerful To Release To The Public…
Unlike other events that open the doors to thousands of people…
…Russell intentionally makes Funnel Hacking Live exclusive with only a few hundred tickets sold…
In fact…
Less Than 5% Of His Own Customers
Even Had A Chance To Attend This Event
Although you may have missed the chance to attend Funnel Hacking Live for yourself this year, we’ve got you covered with the next best thing…
Hi there, Tim Castleman here.
Although getting a ticket to Funnel Hacking Live is next to impossible… we’re fortunate to have Russell’s blessing to come to the event year after year and take notes.
This is our 3rd year to be invited back by Russell as the exclusive notetakers at Funnel Hacking Live, and the content, speakers, and money-making information being shared this year was better than it’s ever been…
These 7 Figure Marketers Showed Us Money-Making Methods And Tactics That Have Never Been Revealed Before…
Russell Brunson
Russell pulled out all the stops this year and flew in some of the world’s top online entrepreneurs for this closed door event.
Of course, Russell is one of the top online marketers in the world, and he’s got some excellent ideas and methods that he shared at the event. When Russell speaks, I listen. And this is what I heard…
- How to instantly create belief in your customer’s mind and sell anything
- A strategy Russell has only ever shared with his Inner Circle that he calls the Epiphany Bridge…. This one was really powerful, and it’s something I’ll definitely be using in my business
- Simple funnel tweaks that don’t take much time but consistently BOOST conversions by 200-300%
- Multiple list building funnel techniques including one where you can get PAID to build your list… (I liked this method because I know a lot of people struggling or just starting out could do extremely well with this method
- And a whole lot more…
We also heard from ‘heavy-hitters’ like…
Jason Fladlien
Jason is one of the top super affiliates in the world, and an expert Amazon seller…
When Jason talks… I listen. He’s the guy who personally got me going with online marketing, and he’s a REAL 7 figure marketer. I was personally drawn to Jason when I was starting out because he’s the ultimate ‘newbie to millionaire’ story…
Jason was making $12 per hour painting houses, got sick of it, and within months created a 6 figure online business… of course he’s doing 7 figures now, and he just keeps getting great results.
Jason loves helping others and is always out there sharing what works and even warning people about stuff that doesn’t. Over the past year, he has been crushing it with Amazon, and during the event he showed us the 7 Amazon funnels that he’s personally created that are working really well for him right now.
Again, I have a little bias with this guy, but I LOVED everything Jason shared during the event… As usual, high-quality, actionable methods and techniques that anyone can use to make money…
Trey Lewellen
Trey’s story is remarkable. This guy pretty much came from out of nowhere to making millions online with Ecommerce. If you’re interested in Ecommerce, even a little, Trey’s a great guy to listen to and follow because it wasn’t that long ago that he was a struggling newbie.
During the event, Trey revealed how he went from $0 to multi-millionaire in his FIRST YEAR online with his ecommerce funnels… and how you can do the same.
Trey showed us his funnels, how he created them, why they work, and how anyone could easily do the same thing.
Having The Chance To Learn From Just One Of These Top Marketers Was Worth The Price Of Admission, And Then Some…
But it didn’t stop there.
We also got to learn from a guy that needs no introduction…
Tony Robbins
Whether you’re into the mindset stuff or not…
The 3 hour TRANSFORMATION process that Tony did for us during the live event was life-changing… And we got notes detailing everything from Tony’s entire presentation.
I was really impressed with everything Tony had to say. This guy knows how to give you the tools you need to get your mind in the right place. I’ve also seen the $25,000+ price tag to get into a Tony Robbins event, so getting a chance to hear from him here, in addition to all of these experts was HUGE!
And that’s just some of what was covered during the closed door event…
Multiple High-Profit Funnels Were Dissected Into Simple, Actionable Steps, and We Got To See How To Build And Make Money With Each One…
Email/ List-Building Funnels
Russell is a list-building and email marketing wizard. I believe that more than ever after seeing what he taught us about list-building funnels.
Russell revealed a simple funnel anyone can use to grow or build a list even if you don’t have a product or service just yet. We even got to see real-world examples of people that got PAID to build their list while they were working to get their products or services off the ground.
Again, another cool method for anyone… even people just starting out.
Membership Funnels
One of the best ways to create a life-changing stream of passive income is with a membership site.
Stu McLaren, a membership site expert, revealed the funnel he personally uses to get people into his membership sites and keep them there.
He also revealed how he grew his membership sites to 10,000+ members and the simple steps he uses to minimize attrition.
Ecommerce Funnels
Trey Lewellen is the go-to guy when it comes to anything Ecommerce these days.
Remember when I said earlier Trey came from out of nowhere and he’s now pulling down 7 figures in annual revenue with his Ecommerce business? During the event, he broke down the EXACT funnels he’s using to get the best results with Ecom.
I was shocked at just how simple his funnels were, and how easily anyone could setup something like this. If you’re into Ecommerce, what Trey shared with us was mind-blowing…
Amazon Funnels
During the event, Jason revealed the 7 funnels he personally created to scale his Amazon business to 6 and even 7 figures using paid ads.
Although most people get nervous about investing money in traffic, the way Jason does it makes it easy for anyone to get a positive return on investment… even newbies.
Whether you want to do anything with Amazon or not, there are so many takeaways and ideas that Jason just seemed to throw out during his time on stage… I got so many ideas from Jason… yet again!
Supplement Funnels
Again, Russell shared his expertise during this bonus session where he revealed how he has created winning funnels for supplements.
He let us look behind-the-scenes at what he and his team created for Neuracel. Russell also showed us a supplement funnel that was created for a company called Pruvit that is banding $300k in sales daily.
There were some big takeaways here that anyone can use to profit…
Are you starting to see a theme?
Event Funnels
There’s no question that there’s BIG money in events.
Darren Stephens knows that. In fact, we learned that his record for a single weekend is $2.5 million in sales from one event with just 100 people. Crazy!
He walked us through the frontend and backend funnels he uses to get great results with events. These funnels are pretty simple, but work time after time.
Social Webinar Funnels
Kaelin and Brandon revealed how they were able to take their company from zero to $200k per month using a completely unique Social Webinar funnel that they came up with.
They showed us everything from the simple steps to getting this setup, how everything works, their results, and how to use this to sell any type of online training or continuity.
If you’re looking for a simple funnel that you can use to get big results quickly, you’ll love this one.
The Podcast Funnel
We learned how Justin and Tara Williams used simple podcast funnels to launch a coaching business, an online marketing business, and an energy healing movement.
The podcast funnel makes it easy for anyone to go from a standing start to getting a large following extremely quickly and will also help you get ranked FAST in iTunes. If you’re just starting out or you want to make some big steps quickly, THIS is your funnel.
The Focus Of The Entire Event Was You’re Just ONE Funnel Away From Changing Your Life…
All the speakers at the event had that one thing in common…
…they all changed their lives with just ONE funnel…
- Some of the speakers were on the brink of bankruptcy and turned things around with a single funnel
- Others struggled for months or even years trying to “figure it all out” before finally creating that one funnel that finally gave them time and money freedom
- We even heard from a married couple that literally saved their marriage with just one funnel…
Russell Brought In Marketers From All Walks Of Life To Show Us In Detail How They Changed Their Lives Forever With Just One Funnel…
…and how you can take what they’re doing and get the same sort of results in your online business…
Brandon & Kaelin Poulin
Stu McClaren
Jason Fladlien
Alex Hormozi
Tara & Justin Williams
Alex Becker
Todd Brown
Liz Benny
Dean Holland
Henry Kaminski
Rob Kosberg
There’s no question, this event was powerful, and I always leave events like Funnel Hacking Live with methods that will add $10,000 – $100,000 to my bottom-line…
The good news is, my team and I got NOTES on everything…
- Every speaker
- Every funnel
- Every never before seen method
- All of it…
Even though getting a ticket to Funnel Hacking Live was pretty much impossible unless you’re in Russell’s ‘Inner Circle’ or you happen to grab a ticket the minute they go on sale…
And you likely missed out on what was one of the greatest events I’ve ever been to…
I’ve got your covered…
Today, You Can Get My Notes (Which Is The Next Best Thing To Being At The Live Event) At A FRACTION Of What You’d Have Paid To Go…
I say the “next best thing”…
Actually, in many ways, getting the notes is BETTER than being there.
You get to stay home.
Save your money.
And I have a TEAM of notetakers getting all of the best information from the event…
…you know, the good stuff that you can IMMEDIATELY take action on.
In fact, my notes are SO GOOD, that most of the marketers that attend Funnel Hacking Live actually buy the notes too so they can relax and enjoy the event without worry about taking notes…
That’s how good these notes are…
Over The Past Few Years, My Team And I Have
Become Experts At Taking Notes
When it comes to taking notes at live events, we know our stuff…
We’ve taken notes at all sorts of events including Funnel Hacking Live, IM Summer Camp, Todd Brown’s Marketing Funnel Automation Live, Clay Collins / LeadPages Converted and more…
We are good at what we do, know exactly what information you need to get results from the notes, and we organize everything in an easy-to-follow format.
People LOVE the notes we take and make a lot of money from the information inside.
But don’t just take my word for it…
Here’s What REAL People, Just Like You,
Have To Say About My Event Notes
The Methods, Ideas, And Techniques Taught At Live Events WILL Make You Money When You Use Them
You won’t find this calibre of information in most info products and training courses.
The stuff taught at live events is CUTTING EDGE…
…and many of the speakers are revealing methods that they would NEVER release outside of a live event.
Point blank… Funnel Hacking Live is one of those events I look forward to every single year because I walk away with ideas and methods that make me THOUSANDS of dollars…
When You Get The Funnel Hacking Live Event Notes, It’s Like You Were There… Without Actually Being There
I’ve already shown you an impressive lineup of speakers like Tony Robbins, Russell Brunson, Jason Fladlien, and many more people that have CHANGED their businesses and their lives with just ONE funnel.
With all the different funnels, blueprints, and methods being covered, don’t you think you’d be able to find at least one thing inside the 100+ pages of notes that you could use to make money in your online business?
Because I was at the event, I can tell you without a doubt that EVERYONE will get something from my notes.
This isn’t some ebook or course about some ‘method of the week’…
You’re getting notes that cover EVERYTHING from the very exclusive, closed door, Funnel Hacking Live Event…
Inside the notes, you get…
- Funnel blueprints that you can use to “copy and paste” your way to profit
- Step-by-step training from real 6 and 7 figure marketers that are pulling back the curtain to what’s working for them and giving you a proven method for success
- An overview of all sorts of different funnels, so there really is something for everyone…
- Plus, you’ll get some of the best mind-transforming methods you’ll ever learn… Heck, have you ever looked at how much Tony Robbins charges for his events? Whether you’re a Tony follower or not, the value just in the notes that cover Tony’s section are worth hundreds of dollars… easy.
Don’t miss this.
These notes WILL change your life if you get them and take action on them…
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