*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Michael Norman – Your Instant Life Revolution”
If You Can Spare 55 Minutes
I Will Show You How To Absolutely Transform Your Emotions, Your Health, Your Relationships… In Fact Your Entire Life… FOREVER! It’s Simple. It’s Easy.
Now You Too Can Learn the NEW Simple “Automatic Change” Secrets That Allow ANYONE To Take Breathtaking Control Of Their Life Without Willpower — Even If NOTHING Else Has Worked Before…
My name is Michael Norman — and if you hang with me for a second here… this time next week you won’t recognize yourself. You’ll be a passionate, powerful person already enjoying the things you can only dream about now. And the best part is… I’ll even pay you to transform your life, if you choose!
Here’s what’s going on: Take a look at the testimonials in the box on the right.
Did you read them? You’ve got a medical doctor (a guy who owns one of the busiest psychological practices in Australia, nonetheless) who got over a very difficult and painful problem in just 7 minutes… an everyday woman who, in less than an hour, was freed from a terrifying fear that had plagued her since she was just 9 years old… and an occupational psychologist who was cured of one of the most notoriously “difficult-to-treat” psychological problems in just 45 minutes!
Each of these people had their lives turned around, literally in minutes, even though NO ONE else had been able to help them, every attempt they’d made to change their situation had failed miserably, and they came to me with…
Nothing But
A Shred Of Hope.
It can be unbelievably hard (even heart-breaking) when you yearn to change one or more aspects of who you are, so you can live the kind of life you’ve always dreamed of… and nothing you try seems to really make a measurable difference.
Even if it’s just ONE way of thinking, feeling, or behaving that’s holding you back from the real success and happiness you’re after… it can start to feel like you may never have what you truly long for. That you’ll always have to settle for less than your heart truly desires.
It definitely isn’t a nice feeling — so if any of this resonates with you (even a little) you need to know… you’re not alone!
That’s why it’s so important that I reach you today.
Because… I believe this letter will be one of the most important messages you have ever received in your life. It’s about your emotional happiness… your relationships… your success (in ALL things)… and most importantly… the very exciting (yet almost unbelievable) TRUTH that…
You Really Can Transform Your Life
AUTOMATICALLY And Without Willpower
In Just Minutes!
Let me explain: Over the last seven years I’ve been the “last-port-of-call” for hundreds of people, all around the world, who urgently needed to make seemly impossible life-defining changes.
Most had tried everything they could think of, in a futile attempt to change their situation. Anything from hundreds of appointments with the most credentialed, successful, and respected doctors and psychologists in their city… to intense (and insanely expensive) week-long self-help seminars with world famous motivational gurus… to all kinds of new fancy prescription medications… alternative therapies… and every ounce of willpower they could muster. ALL with zero success. (In fact, quite a few were actually worse off for their attempts — and rapidly losing all hope that they would ever have the life they dreamed of.)
That’s a life-sapping situation to be in. Spending thousands and thousand of dollars (and countless hours) looking for THE solution, with nothing to show for it.
It’s enough to make even the strongest person feel dejected, beaten, and disappointed. With just a shred of hope left.
That’s why most clients come to me for (virtually) one reason, and one reason alone: I’m the only person (as far as I’m aware of) willing to work with anyone… no matter their situation… “Paid-Only-By-Results”.
What it means is that I ONLY get paid if they get…
ALL The Changes
They Hunger For.
It’s the way I’ve ALWAYS worked, because I believe it’s the only ethical choice. (Ever notice that the “charge per hour” madness actually rewards incompetence, because the longer therapists take to get results, the more they get paid?) Plus, as you can see from the testimonials you just read, I wouldn’t make much of a living if I charged by the hour.
And in seven years of working this way, only one person has ever asked for their money back.
I’ve worked with people from all walks of life, who had all kinds of problems. From high-school kids with crippling learning disabilities… to high-flying entrepreneurs who seemed to have it all (but were lost in a world of depression)… to psychologists and medical doctors who didn’t know where else to turn… to suicidal patients just hours away from ending it all… and elite athletes in devastating form slumps. But, mostly… everyday men and women who were starting to believe that…
Their Dream-Life Was Always Gonna Be
Just A Pipedream.
And get this... through it all I inadvertently discovered something that truly astonished me (and everyone I’ve since shared it with): Change suddenly becomes so stunningly easy when you understand, precisely…
How To Harness The Immense
“Automatic Change” Power
ALREADY Inside You!
And the best part is that it doesn’t require willpower, painful self-analysis, feeling bad, or struggle.
What’s more it doesn’t matter what situation you’re in, either. Even if you feel trapped in a rut just trudging through the motions of life. Or frustrated you never seem to be able to make more money. Or paralyzed by fear, quietly enduring an emotionally barren life or marriage. Or depressed, overweight, out-of-shape, lonely and sick of it.
None of that matters.
Because the plain simple truth (no matter how far-fetched or cliched it sounds) is that you really DON’T have to settle for a life that’s less than you’ve always dreamed of.
Anyway, there’s a very good reason I’m telling you all this. See, the vast majority of people are settling for a life that’s less than they dreamed of. Most of them are doing it unknowingly, lost in the fog of daily life.
And it’s very, very sad.
Especially since that immense power is all asleep, dormant inside them — with little chance of ever stirring by itself. That’s power they could use immediately, to almost instantly change their world.
Think about it for a moment. Cuz, even right now… this very moment as you read this letter… that power…
Is Inside You!
This means… wherever you happen to be in your life (no matter how stuck, impossible, or hopeless you think your current situation is) if you learn the right SIMPLE SECRETS you can wake this slumbering force up once and for all… and transform your life forever!
The ONLY reason you haven’t done so already… is that you don’t know how.
But don’t worry… it’s not your fault.
The sad story is that less than a handful of people around the globe genuinely know these secrets. Because no one’s teaching this stuff. NO ONE. So these secrets have stayed hidden, shrouded in mystery to all but a few insiders.
The result is a huge-void in the kind of control almost EVERYONE is able to have over their mind, emotions, and every area of their life.
That’s why I’ve put everything on hold to write to you now — this is important. Damn important.
You see, a few years ago I promised myself I would do whatever I could to finally make these secrets available to everyone who’s committed to getting all they can out of life.
And, now I’m living up to that promise.
Because, finally… I’ve made it into the recording studio to create an astonishing, life-defining program that fills this huge void… allowing you to transform all aspects of your life easily, immediately and permanently.
And… if you will want… right now…
You Can Experience It All
Actually, as I said earlier… I’ll even PAY you to transform your life, if you choose.
I’ll explain everything in a minute. First though, let me explain why this program is THE answer so many people have been searching for.
It’s called “Your Instant Life Revolution”. And it’s the ONLY place you’ll ever get the chance to experience profound life-change that happens naturally, automatically and without the need for willpower.
You don’t have to REMEMBER to be different.
You FIND yourself being different.
Automatically. In just minutes. In exactly the ways you desire.
Are you having trouble believing all this? If you are, that’s okay — I’m used to people being suspicious… at first. After all, we’ve ALL been trained from a very young age to believe that change is a slow, difficult, and painful process. Add to that all the rubbish being taught in self-help books (not to mention in the media) and it’s no wonder most people are convinced that change HAS to be so frustratingly hard. (Hey, even the super-optimistic “positive-thinking” crowd preach that it takes 21 long consecutive days of willpower to change a habit.)
Trouble is… it’s just not true. Change, like so many other things, is only hard… if you don’t know THE EASY WAY.
Look… the thing that makes everything I do (and all of this) so dramatically different from anything else out there — is that because I only get paid-on-results — I’ve never had the luxury of “blaming” my clients if they don’t change. If for ANY reason they don’t get ALL the changes they’ve asked me for… I don’t get paid.
It’s a very simple equation. And it means that I cannot afford the luxury of hiding behind excuses most “experts” hide behind — that a client didn’t change because they didn’t “remember to apply” what they were told. Or, that they weren’t “committed enough” to change their life. None of those excuses hold any water when it comes to my financial security. So it’s forced me to FIND the easy way. To put my whole focus on helping people create…
Life-Defining Changes That INSTANTLY Become
As Natural And Automatic As Breathing!
That way, there’s NOTHING you have to remember.
And there’s no need for willpower.
The new changes you’ve dreamed about for so long SUDDENLY become a deep part of who you naturally are. Even if you “forget” all about them.
And you know what? As it’s turns out, this is actually the EASIEST way to take total control of your life, anyway. Cuz, if you need willpower then you haven’t really changed. You’re still trying to. Any lapse in concentration and you’re back to square one, the way you were.
That’s why Automatic Change works so amazingly well. When you harness that immense power source inside you, you transform your life for REAL by doing it effortlessly.
Anyway, I could go on and on about Automatic Change, but you have to EXPERIENCE IT to appreciate how easily it all works. Trying to explain it in a letter is like trying to see a painting in a dark room. So let me just tell you about “Your Instant Life Revolution” and the kind of breathtaking life-changes you can expect to automatically reap from listening to it.
Okay. Altogether there are two fundamental, life-altering abilities this program will suddenly make available to you. Individually, each offer you the power to transform your world, forever. Together (working in unison) the results will absolutely astound you, giving you unprecedented control of your emotions, your relationships, your health… literally your whole life.
And get this — because this program has absolutely no fluff or boring filler, by showing you how to awaken the immense power inside you… I can essentially GIVE you these two abilities (in ANY area of your life you choose) in just…
55 Minutes Flat!
So what are these abilities?
Well, let me start by explaining the first one. I call it…
“Total Emotional Command”
It’s the ability to feel the way you want, automatically and on demand… without having to think about it.
And… it is… perhaps…
The Most Important Skill
You Could Ever Learn!
Because… having that kinda control over your emotions easily translates into incredible power in all areas of your life. In so many more ways than you could possibly imagine.
We’re talking about you having the SUDDEN and AUTOMATIC ability to have the most empowering emotions permanently available to you in any and all areas of your life. The ability to instantly replace ANY limiting emotional response with the most empowering new ways of feeling and responding… leaving you delighted, overjoyed, and ecstatic about life.
For example, in just minutes you will be able to…
- Possess rock-solid confidence in any situationΒ — whether it’s walking up and introducing yourself to a drop-dead gorgeous potential Β “dream date”, going for that all important job interview, asking for a raise from a mean boss, speaking in front of a nasty monster crowd, or anything else…
- Wipe out life-long fears and phobias, forever — even if nothing else has worked before. (You’ll never have to be at the mercy of fear again, whatever it be — fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of heights… whatever.)
- Unleash the unstoppable force of never-say-die determination, so that instead of wilting when the going gets tough… you become resilient, resourceful, and tenacious…
- Guarantee that from now on… you’ll automatically feel calm, relaxed, and have total peace-of-mind in the exact situations you choose — even during events that, currently, thrust you into an involuntarily world of stress…
- Develop the laser-like ability to continually focus on what’s most important, so you direct your energy where it create results, rather than getting lost in distraction…
- Expand your comfort zone forever, freeing yourself from limiting personal constraints… and allowing you to suddenly become a dynamic, powerful person who comfortably enjoys the very situations and opportunities that, up until now, you felt too uneasy to grasp…
- Re-ignite the white-hot passion and intimacy in your physical relationships, taking it to heights you’ve never experienced before…
And more. A lot more, in fact. Because your emotional state is one of the greatest determinants of… The quality of your decision making… Your level of performance (and skill) in all areas of your life... The success of your relationships… not to mention…
The Level Of Pure Happiness And Fulfillment In Your Life!
I don’t have the time, here, to go into all the reasons why your emotional state has such a powerful effect on all areas of your life. But, as you can plainly see… the rewards of mastering this area are nothing short of breathtaking.
And it doesn’t stop there. Because… having total command of your emotions means that you’ll also be able to automatically (and virtually in an instant)…
- Unleash huge amounts of motivation that flow freely — on demand — from a state of comfort and pleasure, rather than from dangerous stress. (Most people have to wait until the lethal pressures of deadlines and possible negative consequences build up, in order to get motivated. That’s NOT the way to do things. Especially if you want to be a healthy, proactive, mega-successful person. Having the power to propel yourself with good feelings into the right kind of massive intelligent action will make you stand out from the crowd, giving you a huge competitive edge in everything you do, amplifying your ability to create the wildly successful results you’re after.)
- Reinvigorate your enthusiasm, passion, and lust for life… so you wake each morning inspired, exhilarated and ready to consume the day ahead…
- Ensure that you’re clear-headed, strong, and resourceful even in the face of adversity… allowing you to make the right decisions when it counts most…
- Magnify the depth of emotional richness throughout your life, intensifying the level of connection in your relationships… and expanding the range of satisfaction, enjoyment and pleasure in everything you do…
- Guarantee you instinctively move into just the right peak-performance states that will consistently bring out the absolute, very best in you… WHENEVER you need it. (Especially during stressful “pressure-cooker” situations… in the heat of competition… and anytime you need to produce top-notch performance to ensure you come out on top). If you’re in a “form slump” in ANY area of your life — be it on the sporting-field, in your career, or anywhere else — Β this is the simplest and most effective way to instantly launch yourself back into “The Zone” for good.
- Instantly become a more fun, spontaneous, and exciting person, who lives life with vigor, enjoying all that it has to offer…
- Magnify your charisma and ability to connect with people (at the deepest levels) simply by going into the right emotional states that make it all happen so easily, automatically, and effectively… it will take your breath away…
- Supercharge the command you have over your creativity… dissolve creative blocks… and skyrocket your ability to come up with brilliant new ideas… simply by learning how to access the hard-to-find “creative states-of-mind” that instantly unleash vast supplies of creativity at will…
- And… transform virtually ANY emotional response that limits your ability to be EVERYTHING you dream of being Β — whether it’s uncontrollable nervousness… anxiety or panic in certain situations… feeling weak and reactive when criticized… feeling intimidated by authority figures and other people… being unable to stop yourself from flying off the handle into rage at the slightest “emotional hair-trigger”… Β becoming frustrated too easily… feeling embarrassed in certain situations… WHATEVER.
This is mega-powerful stuff because your emotions are literally the driving force behind everything you do. They determine the reality you live in and the quality of life you experience each day. So just imagine what having total command of your emotions will do for you.This will change your life. Instantly. Transforming you into a supremely powerful person, able to harness your deepest, most powerful resources, at will.
But wait… it gets better. Because this program will also give you the ability to…
Permanently Free Yourself
From Even The MOST Deeply-Ingrained Self-Defeating Habits, Behaviors, And Thinking Patterns.
And get this — it doesn’t even matter if you have ZERO willpower.
Because… combined with your new ability to have Total Emotional Command, this will make it ridiculously EASY to create almost ANY change you yearn for… without the need for willpower… literally in just minutes.
For example… here’s just a tiny sample of the endless possibilities that are about to open up to you, almost magically …
- If you overeat… binge out on the wrong kinds of foods waaay too often… and loathe the fact that you can’t help it… you will suddenly be able to take complete, total control of your eating habits once and for all. And get this… the best part is that you won’t have to fight against yourself, trying to resist your urges. Nope. You’ll naturally feel and behave differently when around food… allowing you to automatically gain greater control of your health & vitality, your weight, the way you look, not to mention how good you feel about yourself and your body. (This is THE essential missing element from ALL diet plans. After all, even the most medically proven nutritional plans fail if you’re unable to follow them, stuck in a constant, never-ending battle against your natural cravings.)
- If you have low self-esteem… or feel insecure… you will suddenly possess the EXPRESS ROUTE to becoming the kind of self-assured person you’ll be deeply proud and overjoyed to be… allowing you to automatically boost your self-esteem forever.
- If you procrastinate… hesitate… or are putting off the life you TRULY dream of in anyway… you will be able to almost instantly become a person who seizes every opportunity… lives life to the full… and takes fast, massive, intelligent action on a habitual ongoing basis.
- If you repeat the same mistakes over and over again… living in a life that seems like a carbon copy of the past… you’re gonna be able to immediately make a clean, lasting break from past limitations, problems and failures… so they do NOT repeat themselves in your future.
- If it feels like you’re living in a personal jail, restrained and held-back by what other people think… you will be able to free yourself instantly from the sway of other people’s opinions… permanently becoming a truly self-determined person, able to enjoy life on your terms, by your rules… irrespective of what anyone else around you thinks.
- If you’re shy and reserved… maybe withdraw into your shell in certain social situations… and would love to naturally be more outgoing, extroverted and gregarious… then you’ll be thrilled and amazed at how easily you start becoming more and more of the confident, charismatic person you desire to be, each day. Just because you possess these secrets.
- If you feel depressed, miserable, and empty inside… and don’t know what to do to about it… you’ll know how to instantly go about transforming your habitual ways of thinking that are robbing you of true happiness in life. This is the fast-track to continual life-improvement, leaving you happier, more fulfilled, and more and more connected to the deepest joys of living every day.
- If you’re pessimistic… negative about life… worry too much (whatever it’s about)… and wish you could be a happy-go-lucky, optimistic person, with an intelligent, useful outlook on all aspects of life (the wonderful, challenging, AND less-than-perfect)… then you’re going to be ecstatic when you discover how easily this will help you automatically become this kind of person.
- If you can’t seem to get yourself to exercise on a CONSISTENT basis (and actually enjoy it)… if you’re lonely, seemingly unable of building positive long-term relationships with others… if you’re addicted to TV, letting life pass you by as you spend hours each week stuck in front of the box… if you’re a compulsive spender and it’s murdering your financial security… if you feel stuck, don’t know what to do, and urgently need an empowering new perspective on things… then you’re about to find a huge smile on your face, finally finding the changes you’ve been looking for all along.
In fact… if you have ANY behaviors or thinking patterns that reduce, limit, or even sabotage your own success, happiness, and enjoyment of life... no matter what they are, or what area of your life they affect… then this will work near-miracles, giving you a first-hand, intimate acquaintance with…
The Feeling Of
That’s liberation from problems that have limited you for years. From limiting decisions you once made that still control and determine your fate today. From blocks and other “thought-viruses” that are involuntarily holding you back. And so much more. (Like freedom from relentless self-doubt… from negative thoughts… and from limiting ways of responding to life-circumstances that can make you weak, despondent, and feel all alone.)
Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?
Well, that’s why you don’t even need to take my word on any of this. See, with this “Experience It All For Free” deal I’ve cooked up… you can find out for yourself how powerful everything in this program is without risking a penny.
It’s an astonishing opportunity for anyone who desires to get the all they can out of life.
I mean… this is huge, life-altering stuff that will open up a direct pipeline to the immense power that lies inside you… allowing you to finally take control of your life FOR REAL!
And get this — the best part is that it’s all so SIMPLE.
In fact, EVERYTHING in this program is so dead-on simple (and the changes so automatic), that with the audio portion…
You Will Absorb All The Changes You Desire Into Your Life… Just By Listening!
That’s how automatic this stuff is.
It’s easy to see why so many people, just like you, are bouncing off the walls over this program, isn’t it. And once again…
- It doesn’t matter what situation you’re in…
- It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any “willpower”…
- And… it doesn’t even matter if EVERYTHING else you’ve tried up until now has failed miserably.
The ONLY thing that matters… is your desire to get on the bus. To be open-minded enough to learn what you need to know to take your life to the next level.
However, you do have to want to get on the bus. You have be proactive enough to send for this stuff. If you procrastinate, nothing’s gonna change… except that you’ll be knowingly putting off a much better life.
There’s absolutely NO SANE reason why you should want to do that. Especially since things happen so fast the moment you learn this stuff.
Let me be your guide. This course REALLY IS the fastest way to make the changes you need to live the life you dream of. It’s unique insider material that anyone who values their life would give an arm and leg to possess.
Doctors have flown in from all over the country to spend just a couple of hours learning a tiny fraction of these secrets from me.
Prestigious universities (and top medical schools) have insisted I train some of their best students in this stuff.
And… everyday men and women have gone to extraordinary lengths just to work with me for ONE session.
But guess what? What you are get here, on CD and in a manual, is not just one session with me. Or a couple of hours with a hundred other people in a training room. Nope. What you’re getting is the equivalent of having me at your beck and call, there for you whenever you choose… to help you change virtually ANYTHING in your life.
That’s what makes this so astonishing — NO ONE’S ever had this kind of opportunity with me before. Ever. This is a program which will give you the foundational secrets that will suddenly help you create fast, automatic changes so easily…
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/