*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Jason Capital – Elite Mentor Summit 2017”
From: the sunny offices of Jason Capital..
Newport Coast, California
LISTEN UP BADASS, every single word on this page, totally relevant to you..
Because A LOT has changed in today’s success climate. Yet one thing remains the same:
If you want to succeed in this life, you have to do more of what’s PROVEN, and less of what isn’t..
And that’s the real reason why I got the brightest minds in the world together for you, revealing:
- The step-by-step proven process we’re going to use to hockey stick your success past anything you’ve ever imagined. I’m talking ridding you of any extra work you’re wasting time on right now and putting your efforts on STEROIDS, leading to MORE MONEY for you)..
- The simple trick to having stronger business connections and overall relationships in your life for MORE admiration, respect, recognition, and of course, the unbeatable “life juice” that comes with feeling fulfilled, ready to take on anything that comes your way..
- And my best attraction, persuasion, influence, and charisma secrets guaranteed to get you EARTH-SHATTERING SEX so loud the neighbors come knocking. I mean, how awesome would that be?
And that’s just scratching the surface.
See, it’s one thing to read about success, it’s another thing SEEING and FEELING the transformation happen within minutes, with your Team Capital brothers cheering you on.
Because we’re unloading everything we have to ensure 2017 is the best year of your life.
And that’s why right now, I’m giving you a virtual front row seat to to over 18+ hours of HD footage, secrets, intel, tips, and tricks from The Elite Mentor Summit, all from the comfort of your own home, risk-free for a full 60 days:
The science behind these recordings: Harvard studies have proven that
one of the biggest determinants of success is who you surround yourself with. That means by investing in your recordings to hang out with myself your new mentors, and + other like minded individuals — even virtually — it will skyrocket every area of your life in minutes.
And no, I’m not just talking about actual money, although I’ll give you templates for that too.
I’m talking about LIFE CURRENCY, the big bucks that aren’t only in your bank account.
I’m talking about the feeling of certainty that floods your body as you realize I’m handing you everything you need in order to do what you’ve always wanted as a kid, and get PAID to do it.
Remember that hobby and passion you gave up because of your current job?
Yeah, getting back to that is exactly what these tapes are about.
I give you everything you need to drop your current job like a bad habit, attract higher quality of people into your life, and create a future filled with abundance and freedom. The same future you wanted for yourself as a kid.
Where you don’t have to worry about the bill at dinner, next month’s rent, or an annoying boss.
A future where you can have your cake AND eat it too.
With these recordings, I’m handing you a SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN PLAN for freedom, wealth, success, and sex so loud the neighbors come knocking..
How am I going to do that?
It’s simple, by allowing you to borrow my mentors for as long as you’d like.
Mentors who don’t just talk the talk, but walk the walk, with MILLIONS every year to prove it.
Mentors who will mold your mind and actions for you, so that regardless if you can’t afford one now or can’t find one willing, I’ve called in a few favors for you and made it easier than ever to have them come to YOU.
Your NEW Mentors And The People
That I Surround Myself With…
Jason Capital
America’s Honest Dating Coach
Jason Capital is the author of the #1 best-seller, Make Women Want You. His private clients include Hollywood Celebrities, millionaire entrepreneurs and Silicon Valley CEO’s. His work has directly impacted more than 6 million people in over 125 countries. His mission has bene described as “enormous”: Make 100 Million People High Status. But if there’s someone to do such benevolent work, it is Jason.
Dr. David Buss
Berkeley Grad and Professor of Psychology
David Buss
Dr. David Buss is a former Harvard Professor, and renowned Professor at the University of Texas. He is the leading evolutionary psychologist on the planet today. His book The Evolution of Desire is a must-read for all men, and he reveals what the hard science is saying about attraction, sex, and relationships in today’s climate.
Bedros Keuilian
Advisor to Millionaires
Bedros Keuilian is the embodiment of the American Dream. Homeless as a kid, Bedros embarked on his own path to become the “hidden genius” behind many of the biggest names in the fitness industry. He is a fitness marketing and productivity expert, as well as Jason’s favorite TV Star (you can watch him on Spike TV’s Gym Rescue). He’s also a level-5 practictioner in the art of “Getting Shit Done”.
Tommie Traffic
Website Traffic Expert
His marketing friends, clients, and coaching students call me Tommie Traffic because he’s a master at buying and converting internet traffic from places such as Google Adwords, Facebook, Bing and online media outlets. But most of all, Tommie is a master of YouTube traffic. At the event, he’s going to show you how to get more views and subscribers to your channel, and turn them into satisfied customers.
Adam Lyons
Seduction Expert
Adam Lyons
Once voted “least likely to get a girlfriend at School”, Adam Lyons today is internationally regarded as one of the top 3 specialists on seduction. He specializes in teaching attraction, social dynamics, and dating. Adam runs seminars across the globe and regularly write articles for leading men’s magazines, podcasts, and national newspapers and has made many media appearances including Fox, Maxim, Glamour Magazine and many more.
John Romaniello
Celebrity Fitness Trainer
John Romaniello
John Romaniello is a celebrity fitness trainer, angel investor and author of New York Times Best-Seller, Engineering The Alpha. Roman’s clients include A-list actresses, Gary Vaynerchuk and a couple of the most successful record producers of all time. He had the crowd roaring in Vegas, Miami, and Orange County, and is back by popular demand.
Mike Schauer
Copywriting Expert
Mike Schauer is the founder & creator of one of the leading copywriting and marketing sites that experts turn to for their needs. He’s dedicated his life to figuring out the underlying psychological principles behind the reason why people buy, and what gets their credit card out and ready. And he’s going to give you everything he has, step by step, in these recordings.
RYan Magin
Celebrity Fashion and Style Expert
Ryan Magin is The Handsome Guy Expert. He is the creator of the best-selling Handsome Guy Secrets Program, and Team Capital’s #1 publishing client. He’s helped tens of thousands of men transform their style – inside and out – and achieve a level of confidence and downright handsomeness that they never thought possible.
Quite an impressive bunch, right?
What’s even more impressive is that..
We’re relieving secrets, tips, and tricks to life they should’ve taught you in school, but didn’t because they didn’t know any better..
Your parents and teachers had the best intentions, but they didn’t know any of this stuff..
How could you? So if any of this comes as new to you, understand it’s not your fault.
Luckily for you, your new mentors and myself DO know better, and that’s why we’re giving you every secret we have to guarantee 2017 is the best year of your life, or your money back.
And that’s also why 400+ guys eagerly soaked in every word at the event (and the past ones for that matter) leaving with a transformation that will last them a lifetime, and then some.
Jason Capital
America’s Honest Dating Coach
- High Status Vocal Tonality EXPLAINED. I’m revealing the secret to connecting with women, business associates, and friends to skyrocket attraction, admiration, and respect (even if you’re an introvert right now)..
- How to instantly zero in on your grand purpose in seconds with my famous “Onion method”..
- My 30-second exercise you can use to gain clarity on every aspect of your life, never again will you have to feel anxiety creep up on you about the future..
- Vocal Tonality Secrets from Ryan Gosling and George Clooney and how you can copy them for the same kind of respect that they get in your own life with women and business..
- How I scheduled my entire 2017 to make sure I’m held accountable, and how you can copy and my methods for similar success in all areas of your life (pay CLOSE attention to this)..
- My STATUS Shock TRICK. How to skyrocket attraction using nothing more than the tonality of your voice and a couple of words. With this, she’ll be eating out of your palm instantly..
- The sneaky key you can use to stop comparing yourself to other people and instead LEARN from them, ensuring you’re constantly dominating your path the Team Capital way with us..
- How to cure “FOMO” within 5 second flat to get more done throughout the day, even if you’re constantly feeling left out by your friends going out without you (this will solve all of that, and MORE, trust me)..
- My Famous 20% VT Rule. The simple key to getting people to admire you instantly, infusing your voice with power, persuasion, and purpose for the first time, translating to healthier relationships and more money for you..
- The 5 valuable traits of the world’s most effective and admired voices. This alone is worth the investment by far, and the standing ovation given afterward, I know you’ll love this..
- How we can leverage brand-new research out of Kent State University to become unmoved, unaffected, and nonreactive to anything and everything that life throws your way..
- My favorite 2-min exercise you use every morning to train your High Status Voice..
- My Straight Line Success System. Here’s the key to ensuring that you’re getting everything out of your efforts, regardless if success, wealth, and freedom has escaped you in the past..
- How to spark sexual tension while talking to women with perfectly timed pauses. I’m talking giving you the chemical key to draw her in, open her mind, heart, and legs while you talk to her..
- My Sunday Ritual REVEALED. Here’s what I do every single Sunday in order to make sure that the following week is flawless, without stress, and as profitable as ever..
- My social media secret to getting more followers, all without having to waste your precious time on sites that are currently draining you of your money, influence, and status..
- How to get your significant other to have a threesome with you, even if it’s her first time (fling, girlfriend, or wife, follow this step by step process and voila! Just promise me you’ll send in a success story afterward)..
- The shocking information discovered by researchers out of UCLA about exactly what we can do about your happiness and health, as proven by science..
- The 7 lessons of Social Proof and how we can leverage them for more money, effortless attraction, and commanded respect from others.. (Translation? More money for your time)..
- My personal 5 guidelines for living a happy, healthy, and wealth life. Copy these for as long as you’d like, you’re welcome..
- The 2 quick and easy amplifiers that all my $75,000/year clients use to increase their Status instantly. And now they’re yours to play around with whenever..
- The ONLY 3 things I focus on in my business and why everything else is irrelevant to both myself and you in your own business (pay close attention to this)..
- My famous rule of 3 when it comes to creating momentum for yourself so fast your friends are scratching their heads wondering how you’re accomplishing everything so fast..
- My EXACT Morning Routine Explained. I’m talking allowing you to copy mine, step by step, and how it’ll lead you to getting where you need to be that much faster..
- And much, MUCH more..
Dr. David Buss
Berkeley Grad and Professor of Psychology
- The 7 key pillars of sexual mating. These determine how successful you’ll be on the dating market (and the good news is, you can change most of them instantly with our help)..
- The 5 components to human mating as proven by modern science. I’m talking infusing your entire life with proven methods to increase your value in front of the hottest women in your city or town..
- The MOST important thing women look for (and no, it’s NOT what you think)..
- The 7 UNIVERSAL desires that ALL women share, no matter their age of looks, because something things never change. Once you have these, you’re UNSTOPPABLE with women..
- What scientists are calling “The Closing Time Effect” and how to use it to your advantage the next time you’re out with friends at a bar, club, or just having dinner to effortlessly attract the women around you..
- The 3 standards of attractiveness to women (do you have at least one of these?)..
- Do women care about age? If so, how much? Here’s what the cold hard science has to say about women’s mating strategies when it comes to sleeping with older men..
- WHAT DO WOMEN WANT? The TRUE science behind what some of the hottest women on the planet want, what drives them to go home with you, and how you can use it to your advantage starting as soon as tonight..
- The hidden side of female sexuality and what it means for you when it comes to hook ups, one night stands, and seasonal flings (Dr. Buss is giving you exactly what most women are afraid to you tell because of the power it’ll give you)..
- Masculinity secrets that women DROOL over.. (pay close attention to these)..
- What scientists are calling the “8 windows of desire”. Use these for more sex in less time..
- The 5 key conclusions of human mating strategies that you can use starting right away in order to attract the women you want into your life, and best of all, KEEP them too..
- And much, MUCH more..
Bedros Keuilian
Advisor to Millionaires
- The sneaky trick to negotiating your own book deal to ensure best-seller status..
- The TRUTH about where the money is in YOUR business, and even if you’re starting out, here’s the ONLY thing you should mostly focus on (and no, it’s NOT what you think)..
- How to supercharge the revenue out of any business idea that you have right now. I’m talking time collapsing right away, cutting the time it takes you to achieve it in half..
- The 4 secrets to eternal happiness. What they are, how to get them, and more importantly, how to KEEP them, so that they continue to push you forward every single day..
- How you can crack the code on true happiness, fulfillment, and meaningful relationships with the people around you in just days from now..
- The 2 MAIN things you must do right now if you want a life you’ve always dreamt of filled with freedom, wealth, and success. Without these, you’re largely wasting your time..
- How to distance yourself from family members who aren’t on board with your mission without being an asshole about it (this also works for old friends who can’t seem to keep up and give you shit for going to events and investing in yourself)..
- The 7 Edge Success Pillars. How you can easily infuse your life with success, connection, and true riches beyond what’s just in your bank account (but don’t worry, he’ll show you how to do that too)..
- What you can take from Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gary Vaynerchuk, and A-list actress Mila Kunis in order to live a life where we’re admired and respected for what you do..
- The Napoleon Hill trick to reframing all of your problems, anxieties, and faults to produce results FOR YOU..
- Why you don’t always have to hustle your way to the top, and what some of the SMARTEST worked out there have to say about using strategy and scaling tactics rather than pure elbow grease..
- How to FIND and take the right opportunities. Gone are the days you scratch your head curious if you should do it or not, Bedros breaks it all down for you, step by step..
- And much, MUCH more..
Tommie Traffic
Website Traffic Expert
- Tricks of the trade that Traffic Titans have used to take a small company and SKYROCKET their revenue by 20X (with stats to back all of it up, too)..
- The 5 things you MUST know about the placements of your ads in order to be successful online..
- Little known strategies for driving revenue using Youtube traffic that you can use for yourself, even if you’re a beginner or a veteran..
- Why not all views are created equally, and how you can profit from the ones that actually count vs. spending your hard earned money on ones that don’t produce results for you..
- What 99% of ALL marketers are doing WRONG in their business when it comes to driving traffic to their website, Youtube channel, or any other form of social media..
- The 5 key factors of large scale youtube ads (even if you don’t have the budget for it now)..
- Ever heard of Dollar Shave Club? Here’s how they were able to scale so fast, and you can basically COPY AND PASTE their entire framework for potentially the same success..
- How you can copy and paste the keywords, interests, topics, placements, demographics, and remarketing of any of your competitors for a leg up on everyone around you..
- The 5 keys of getting your video watched and ENJOYED by viewers (pay close attention to each one of these, without them, you’re just wasting your time)..
- How to get LASER LIKE focus on your prospects. I’m talking the keys to getting in front of the right people at the right time so that they buy and continuing buying your products..
- Youtube organic search EXPLAINED. How to get people to stumble upon your channel every single day, increasing your influence and reach for higher fees right away..
- What’s working WELL in youtube ads today (and how you can copy them to do the same)..
- And much, MUCH MORE..
Adam Lyons
Seduction Expert
- How Adam went from being a janitor to earning a million dollars a year..
- The 5 key things it takes to make a million a year (they’re NOT what you think)..
- Attraction secrets that your mother wouldn’t approve of straight from Adam and my mouth. I’m talking revealing things you’d never think to say, all laid out bare for you to copy and use..
- Want to earn more money, regardless of your niche? GREAT! Adam’s going to reveal to you his foolproof plan on making the big bucks using the knowledge you have right now..
- The ONE thing you need to be doing right now if you want to attract clients that are comfortable paying you a premium (you can say goodbye to them thinking you charge “too much”)..
- How to stop trading income for time. I’m talking being able to generate income based on results and even make money while you’re sleeping..
- The sneaky secret creating a life filled with passive income for yourself..
- Here are the ONLY 2 reasons why you wouldn’t charge a premium for your services, and here’s exactly how to blow past them in minutes (please don’t fall into these traps)..
- What a Harvard Professors’ income can tell you about what you need to do to generate money with ease..
- How to reassure your client that what they’re paying for is what they need, even if they don’t believe it right now. And to be honest, after deploying this, they’ll never question your prices ever again..
- Adam’s “SECRET WEAPON” when it comes to generating wealth like no other. Here’s the key to becoming a money machine seemingly overnight..
- How to meet people just like you to help you with your business, often times, without even having to leave the comfort of your own home..
- And much, MUCH MORE..
John Romaniello
Celebrity Fitness Trainer
- The Friend’s with Benefits Template. If you’ve ever wanted to start this with a girl, here’s exactly what you need to consider before you start to ensure it doesn’t blow up in your face later on..
- How to deal with the fear of loss, unworthiness, and other anxieties that come up around relationships, work, business, and overall life..
- The Nice Guy Trap. How society is slowing making you an unattractive asshole to women, and how to reverse that within seconds using this tiny little paradigm shift John’s sharing with you..
- How to know if you’re ready for a relationship with someone special you care about..
- How to handle juggling business, women, your social life, and why it’s sometimes okay with being selfish and doing things for yourself..
- The ONE quote that’ll change the way you look at your actions forever (pay close attention to this, I promise, you’ll never be the same)..
- Want to get over a girl quickly? Here’s one way to make that happen instantly..
- How to know when something isn’t worth your time anymore, and how giving up on a person, an idea, or a business doesn’t make you any less of a man. In fact, after hearing this, you’ll have no choice but be HAPPY about it..
- What we can take from an ancient philosopher that tells us everything we need to know about taking the risks in life that we truly believe in..
- How to know when it’s time to fight, and when it’s time to walk away. We’re talking tricks of the trade when it comes to calibrating violence..
- The key to set the right boundaries around the people you care about..
- And much, MUCH MORE..
Mike Schauer
Copywriting Expert
- The FVCK Spectrum. What a French marketer can tell you about the power of the spoken and written word, and how it will lead to you being more influential and persuasive through the power of brand (even if you don’t have one established now)..
- How ONE word skyrocketed conversions by 15% within seconds and how it can make all the difference in your own copy, regardless if you’re a beginner, intermediate, or expert..
- What you should NEVER say as a copywriter. Seriously, watch out for this, we even have statistical data proving that it turns the customer off completely..
- The 2 MUST KNOWs before starting to write a single word of copy. You can finally say goodbye to writer’s block, never again will you stare at a blinking cursor on a screen..
- Jason Capital’s Sales Copy DISSECTED. Ever wonder how words can make someone pull out credit card or how it’s done that to you before?
- You’re about to find out step by step..
- How you can put your squeeze page on STEROIDS, using nothing but a couple of words here and there and segmenting for maximum growth and revenue..
- The 3 MAJOR Rapport Builders that you should be using every single time you write to your prospect. Without them, you’re wasting your time with them..
- The ONE thing every offer needs (and without it, they won’t read your copy at all..)
- How to build trust with your prospect using 5 proven PROOF builders in your copy. This’ll lead to them buy from you without questioning anything, and doing it cheerfully too..
- The key getting them to pay ANY price you want, with them thinking it’s the right idea!
- How to create urgency in your prospect so fast, they can’t help but purchase right on the spot, without you having to sound like a used car salesman..
- Headline swipe you can use in your business for years to come, regardless what niche you’re in, how advanced you are, or if you’ve never written a headline before in your life..
- And much, MUCH MORE..
Ryan Magin
Celebrity Fashion and Style Expert
- How to have a presence so powerful, she can’t help but walk over and strike up a conversation with you (this works great for business too)..
- How to leverage the power of “Enclothed Cognition”, instantly giving you more power, prestige, and status as you go through your day with business associates, friends, and women..
- What your clothing REALLY says about you, and how to make sure you’re giving off the right first impression the right way (science has shown that first impressions are EVERYTHING)..
- The simple key to having high fashion WITHOUT burning a hole through your wallet..
- The 3-second Harvard Principle for making a good firs impressions STICK like glue..
- How to get the big three – Sex, Money, and Power – without having to say a single word using nothing but the clothing that you’re wearing..
- The 3 Core Personas that ALL women are into. Pick one and run with it..
- How you can achieve the Harvey Specter look to attract higher quality women, without having to spend thousands of suits, ties, and expensive watches that get you nowhere..
- How to create mystery in you, having women DYING to know more using nothing but the way you dress and walk into a bar..
- The 7 MUST HAVE Pieces that women adore, business associates notice, and friends are jealous of..
- The ONE thing you must wear with all suits (and no, he’s not talking about cuff links)..
- How to keep your denim and jeans from shrinking and getting small on you, ensuring that you can wear them for years and look just as good as t
- he first day you put them on..
- And much, MUCH MORE..
And that’s just scratching the surface..
But that’s not all you’re getting..
“How To Get Smart People To Happily Pay You $5,000 – $25,000 + Every Month By Starting Your Own Online Copywriting Agency”
This talk’s so good, I’m not even sure why I’m giving it away for free.
I originally wanted to keep this for myself and my personal clients, but decided to release it anyway. Because regardless if you’re a good writer or not, you have what it takes to make the big bucks working from remote locations around the world.
In this 45+ minute talk, I’m revealing:
- My MOTL secret to writing good copy that actually sells, even if you’re a beginner right now, intermediate, or an advanced guy who knows he can learn a thing or two for me..
- The 2-step simple process of getting paid to write copy for a company that you want while getting paid the fees that you want. How much would you life change once you learn exactly what to look for in a client online?
- The 5 things you DON’T need to start writing copy. And the sad thing is, most people wait for all of these to start, and their whole life becomes one big waiting game for them, which I’m sure you don’t want at all.
- Why everything you’ve ever wanted can be handed to you on a golden platter with copywriting (I’m talking the money, the freedom, and the wealth, and the success)..
- My 2 easy-to-use copywriting structures that you can almost literally copy and paste for yourself, which makes writing copy fun, easy, and work even if you’ve never written before in your life..
- One of my copywriting PRO-TIPs to ensuring your prospect forgets about the competition, and goes directly to your for all of their needs, wallets in hand..
- A 12-step formula to effortless write a sales page, no matter your experience, the niche, or if you’ve never been a good writer. Follow this, and you’ll never have to struggle with writing effective copy ever again..
Honestly, the 12-step formula could easily go for the entire price of the tapes themselves.
I mean imagine how easy it’ll be to make your money back from these tapes if you use even ONE of the above techniques to your advantage? And once you combine them together, it’s game over for your competition and your nagging friends.
And today with your recordings, you’re getting this completely FREE of charge.
But that’s not all you’re getting..
“The 7 DEADLY MISTAKES That Are Currently Hiding And Attacking Your Biggest Goals This Year Right Now”
The title of this bonus says it all.
This me revealing 7 DEADLY MISTAKES that are hiding in your bedroom, office, car, and even your relationships that are slowly sucking away your hard earned money and attacking your ambitious goals this year (and the next).
And as your mentor, it’s my duty to not only reveal them, but ANNIHILATE them for you.
Starting right away, I’m revealing:
- How to stop wasting time chasing “shiny objects” that don’t get you anywhere. This is me walking you through how to avoid a life of running in circles chasing the next best thing, too “busy” to realize it’s destroying your progress..
- How to build an environment fit for a king, motivating and inspiring you to do more, achieve more, and become more. I’m talking keeping your game, energy, and work ethic where it needs to be to join us at the top..
- How to ensure you’re not chasing goals that don’t make sense in the long run. Gone are the days you waste your time on a venture that doesn’t pay you what you’re worth (and I even reveal 2 simple approaches to getting the RIGHT goals done on time)..
- How to use the Kaizen approach mentality the CORRECT WAY because what you call “kaizen” right now might be burning holes in your wallets and draining your energy stores..
- How to use proven marketing methods guaranteed to make you more money this year, without wasting any money on services that simple don’t work. I’m pulling back the curtain and showing you what’s working in my business now..
- How to ensure you’re held accountable for your goals, without having to tell everyone you know (which is a pointless anyway). With this method, you’ll be selecting a group of people that matter most when it comes to reaching your goals..
- How to reward yourself properly for the work you’ve done without feeling guilty about it, making sure you’re fresh, rested, and ready to take on the next goal your have..
And if you’re on this page right now, you’re getting these completely FREE of charge today.
But that’s not all you’re getting..
Can you start to see why 400+ guys flew across the globe to obtain these secrets?
Can you also start to why it’s so important that you get your hands on the recordings too?
Because this is your one chance at the “good life” with us up top.
Here’s How You Can Get Your Hands On Your Elite Mentor Summit Recordings Right Now:
All you have to do is click the button below.
You’ll be redirected to your Private Member’s Area with myself, your brand new mentors, and your virtual front row seat to 17 hours of HD footage, secrets, intel, tips, tricks, and blueprint all from the comfort of your own home, risk free for a full 60 days:
And if you’ve gotten this far, you’re clearly interested, so here’s the deal..
How Much Should You Cheerfully Invest For These Recordings Of A Lifetime?
Better question – how much is your valuable and bright future worth to you?
Because if you were to count up our combined incomes, multiple 9-figures have been earned.
And the reason is a set of simple principles that we’re installing inside of you today.
So while I’m sure you’d be willing to spend $997, $2,997, or even $4,997 for these recordings, you won’t be (which isn’t far from what other guys have reported to pay for their whole trip here, most saying they’d even pay double is they had to).
And we can both agree are worth much more than that, so this is a steal.
I mean, considering I’ve charged up to $4,400/hour and there being 17 hours of content revealed, that’s like you paying
That’s like you paying $61,600 for this entire home study course (which you’re not).
And that’s NOT including the other mentors’ fees (which are INSANE to some).
This is a no-brainer by any means, join us now before we run out of copies.
Understand that NO ONE is self made. We all stand on the shoulders of giants.
In other words, everyone you know that’s successful got somewhere because of their mentors.
And that’s what I’m offering you today, a taste of the guidance, security, and instant “know how” of some of the brightest minds on the planet, molding you into the man you’ve dreamt of being.
No more “Mr. Nice Guy”, no more putting off your goals for something else, no more living a lie.
Because as you stand on our shoulders, you’ll be able to feel exactly what’s possible..
Listen, in the past year..
I’ve generated MILLIONS traveling the world using these SAME secrets I want to give you right now..
I’ve gone to Bora Bora, Thailand, Moorea, Tahiti, Rome, London, Scotland, Hong Kong, Beijing, Venice, Dublin, Cancun, Tulum, and that’s just to name a few in the past year alone, and made MILLIONS while having fun.
Best of all? I’m completely fluid. I answer to NO ONE but myself. I do what I want, when I want, and I get PAID millions to do it.
And while I’m not promising you’ll make millions right away, I am saying that if you take just ONE thing away from these recordings, your new mentors, and myself, things will change:
- Imagine finally taking care of the tab at your next dinner out with some buddies, or better yet, at your next date with a special someone. Imagine the look on her face when she sees that you’re the one calling the shots at dinner. But it doesn’t stop there..
- Imagine being able to have enough money to go on that vacation you’ve always wanted, and even get PAID to do it. With the intel I’m sharing inside of these recordings, traveling the world and working from your laptop can now become a reality for you..
- Imagine knowing the secret to strong, healthy, and nurturing relationships with the people around you so that you’re appreciated, recognized, and have people do things for you without you even have to ask. I’m talking filling you with enough inspiration to last you a lifetime..
- Imagine having sex so loud with the hottest girls in your town that neighbors are wondering where all the racket is coming from. This is me putting your dating life and sex life on steroids, leaving you satisfied, connected, and motivated to dominate your path.
- Imagine ridding yourself of ever having anxiety about paying rent, utilities, or having to stay at home on a weekend because you’re “saving up”.
- With what we’re revealing to you, you can potentially say goodbye to every single financial woe that’s currently above your head.
All I’m asking is you give yourself a chance for the above with these recordings by your side.
Because all of this is just a click away, which is why you need to join us while this is still up.
You really have nothing to lose other than the most precious years of your life.
To Business, Brotherhood and Banging,
Jason Capital
America’s #1 Dating & Success Coach
P.S. There’s only three reasons why you’d pass up on something this valuable:
1. You might already have everything you want out of life. We both know that that’s not the case, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading these words with me right now, you’d be somewhere off the Amalfi Coast with a handful of models with the rest of Team Capital.
2. Your little ego is getting in the way of your success. If that’s the case, it wouldn’t make a difference to me whether or not you invest because we’re all in this together, and we’re building a TEAM of Badasses. And true success doesn’t have room for egos.
3. You’re telling yourself you can’t afford the measly 97 bucks. Again, this is a lie! If there’s a little voice in your head that you’re arguing with about this, silence it now. Do a quick gut check, the same thing that all success people do before making a decision.
Because if you really wanted something this good, you’d find a way to get it. When I was a kid, I had to sell shoes, clean pools, and walk dogs in order to scrape together enough money to pay for these kind of trainings.
It’s largely the reason why I am where I am today, because I didn’t make excuses when it came to investing in myself and my future. And now that I have this intel, I don’t have to do any of the grunt work.
Either way, the transformation I’m offering you will pay for itself multiple times over.
When it does, we’ll both cheers to that, together.
Because as an earlier mentor of mine used to always tell me:
“In life, either you’re going forward or backward. The same holds true for business.”
So let me ask you, are you moving forward? Or are you staying put, even going backwards?
If you even have an ounce of you that says you’re not doing enough, and you need an extra kick, then choose to grow with me and my mentors today, there’s always room to improve.
P.P.S. Take a quick second and think about what would happen if you don’t end up investing in yourself and your valuable future with business, women, and overall progress in life today..
Because if you say you’ll be back tomorrow, we both know that’s another lie.
Even if you remember to, more than likely all the copies will be taken by other men, and you will not be able to get your hands on this information, ever, which will be a huge slap in the face to the future you.
Investing in these is really a no brainer, you owe it to yourself to at least give this intel a shot.
Especially since you’re getting it all from the comfort of your own home.
Because you’re not joining us to start implementing, but rather to be already IMPLEMENTED by the time you’re done watching just one segment of the recordings, which takes an hour max.
All that’s left is for you to take action with me, right here and now, on this page.
I’ll do the heavy lifting and the rest for you – just sit back and enjoy.
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/