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Exploring the Essential Features of “Misty Tripoli – Body Groove Delicious Dance”
If traditional workouts aren’t giving you the results you crave…
My Body Groove routines will change everything!
Meet Misty Tripoli the creator of Body Groove
Hi, I’m Misty Tripoli.
My BODY GROOVE routines are completely different from anything you’ve ever tried…
And that’s the reason they’re so good, and why so many people absolutely love them…
You see, when most people do regular exercise, they can’t wait to be finished… so the pain can stop…
Moving and exercising your body should never be a punishment…
Instead, it should be fun, enjoyable, stress-free and relaxing… something you can’t wait to do, and you don’t want to stop…
And that’s what BODY GROOVE is all about…
It’s a different way to work out that doesn’t have you just mindlessly following an instructor’s moves…
Instead, while I’ll give you the basic choreography, it’s up to you to make each movement your own by adding exactly the style that you want…
Whatever feels right to you…
And as you’ll see, this will make all the difference…
Oh, and did I mention, it is INSANELY FUN!
Just check out a few of the routines from my BODY GROOVE DELICIOUS DANCE collection…
The Love Bus
Big Moves
House of Dance
Your BODY GROOVE DELICIOUS DANCE collection includes…
Each Body Groove workout series consists of six to seven, 4-5 minute dance routines and each is workout is about 30 mins long.
Workout Series #1 – $20 Value
(7 routines – 39 minutes)
Workout Series #2 – $20 Value
(6 routines – 28 minutes)
Workout Series #3 – $20 Value
(6 routines – 27 minutes)
Your 2 FREE bonus Body Groove Routines includes, “Stretch & Flex” and “Mind & Body”. Designed to free your mind and relax your body, you’ll love these Bonus Workouts…
Free Bonus Workout #1 – $20 Value
“Stretch & Flex”
(7 routines – 33 minutes)
Free Bonus Workout #2 – $20 Value
“Mind & Body”
(6 routines – 24 minutes)
Why I needed to create BODY GROOVE…
Even though I now travel the world teaching my revolutionary health and workout secrets, I wasn’t always so fit and healthy…
In fact, for years I was always tired and frequently overweight… (Which is really ironic because at the time I was an elite fitness instructor at one of L.A.’s top gyms, teaching dozens of aerobic classes every week…)
I was so desperate to look a certain way that I actually was forcing myself to vomit after I ate…
It was a terrible thing to do to my body, but I felt so much pressure to be thin, and none of my regular exercise routines were helping…
But then one day it all changed…
I was at the gym when a musician friend of mine, Ben, walked into the studio. For whatever reason he had a set of bongo drums with him and he started to play them…
As Ben started to bang out a rhythm on the drums I just started to move and dance…
As I was dancing to this simple, but catchy beat, I started to remember how good it felt to just move my body…
Not because I had to, but because I wanted to
It was so much fun…
And that’s when it hit me…
The secret to getting a healthy body is listening to your body
See, when you listen to your body, you will learn to respect your body…
As I moved my body to the beat of these drums, I realized that for once, I wasn’t mindlessly moving doing pushups, burpees, jumping jacks…
I was listening to my body and simply dancing and to moving the way it wanted to move… in a pain free, natural way…
And I was feeling awesome doing it…
And that’s how my Body Groove series was born…
The moment I stopped following traditional workouts and started allowing my body to move in its own way, I started to feel awesome…
My stress levels came down…
My eating disorder vanished…
And the more I danced, the faster my body melted away the unhealthy fat that had been bothering me for years…
Now… years later, I’ve taken my Body Groove method to working out around the world… and it has literally changed the lives of thousands of people…
But I’ve also seen…a lot of weird looks from people who just don’t understand what we’re doing!
And that’s ok. Many people prefer to do highly regimented workout routines that require you to carefully mimic the exact movements of an instructor. If that’s your style, then Body Groove probably isn’t for you…
My Dance-Inspired workouts are so totally unique, fun and effective… you’ll never want to do a ‘regular’ workout again.
My Body Groove series appeals to a different kind of person – the person who prizes their independence, their true worth, and who doesn’t want to mindlessly follow a choreographed workout…
So join me… and I promise that you’ll never look at exercise the same way again!
Listen to what Sparkpeople.com had to say when they awarded Body Groove the “Stuff We Love” review
It’s the most innovative workout I have ever seen. Ever. I don’t use those words lightly, and I’ve never used them before today.
Misty is so encouraging and approachable throughout, and her style of cueing is about listening to yourself: doing what feels right for you that day, changing that the next day, and allowing for a variety day after day.
I think these workouts (the DVD includes five programmed segments varying from 24-39 minutes long, or you can program your own workout using individual segments that are 5-10 minutes each) are perfect for exercisers of all intensity levels and mobility levels because it’s so easy to do whatever works for you.” –
Nicole Nichols, SparkPeople.com
These real people love Body Groove…
And I know you will too!
The Body Groove workouts changed my life, and they’ve changed the lives of thousands of others all over the world…
I want you to be the next person who gets to experience the magic of Body Groove…
I want you to be the next person discovers how amazing it feels to move your body freely…
I want you to be the next person who is shocked to see how real, authentic movement is the secret to stronger muscles, healthier skin, and a high energy metabolism..
Health and wellness in life requires action, so act right now while it’s fresh in your mind…
Remember, you have a full 60 days to put my BODY GROOVE fitness series to work for you! Put it to the test and see how it works for you and your family. There’s NO WAY you can lose…
Misty Tripoli
Creator of Body Groove
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