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Exploring the Essential Features of “Chad Lyman – Comprehensive Street Self Defense”
Learn BJJ For The Street In Any Situation: Defend Against Any Attack: Barehanded Or With Weapons
From Las Vegas Swat Team Instructor & BJJ Black Belt: Chad Lyman
Defend yourself and fight back with grappling-based solutions that work in dangerous situations, as one of the nation’s top self defense instructors Chad Lyman shows how anyone can use technique to keep themselves safe. Over 4-volumes, learn how to combine grappling martial arts techniques and Chad’s lifetime of law enforcement principles into a comprehensive self defense system.
Go step-by-step on the best ways to subdue an attacker, in all of the most common self defense situations. Learn how to identify the type of threat, choose the best response, and use technique and leverage to stop any attacker. Whether they are armed or not, always have a plan ready with Chad Lyman’s extensive expertise.
Chad Lyman is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and one of the nation’s leaders in police and military hand-to-hand combat training, and he is here to share the grappling tactics that can keep you safe against an attacker.
Learn from one of the best, so you know exactly what to do if you need to defend yourself. Chad Lyman has a lifetime of experience to draw from, both as a BJJ and MMA coach, as well as a full-time law enforcement officer, with a background in SWAT, antiterrorism, and defensive tactic instruction. With his lifetime of real world self defense study, he knows exactly what to do if things go wrong, and he is here to share it with you.
Lock down threats with grappling-based solutions to real world problems with Chad’s technical instruction. Understand how to control the close ranges and combine takedowns with control on top for maximum safety with minimum risk. Brazilian jiu-jitsu has always shown itself to be hugely effective in self defense combat scenarios, which is why it makes the perfect base for this 4 volume instructional.
Use grappling techniques for your self defense out on the street, with these effective and reliable moves. Every situation is different, so learn how to best approach each situation so that you can stop anyone who would do you harm. Using takedowns, submissions, and control of the body, Chad Lyman shows you everything you need to know if someone wants to attack you on the street.
So What Exactly Is On This Series?
Controlling Distance With The Dive Technique
Teep Kick
Covering and Closing vs Punches
Closing Behind Punches
Creating Angles
Creating Angles #2
Maintaining Clinch Through Angles and Control
Maintaining Clinch Through Angles and Control With Underhook
Two On One Control
Body Lock
Back Control With Options
Managing Clinch Through Head Control
Fundamentals of Takedowns
Underhook With Head Control
Overhook With Head Control Takedown Options
Body Lock Takedown Options
Takedowns From Back
Two On One Takedown Options
Takedowns From Head Control
Takedown Defense
Defending Vs Standing Opponent
Fundamentals of Fighting From Bottom
Rule of 3
Fight The Head
Fight The Lead Hand
Using Frames To Escape From Bottom
The Anchor Guard
Putting It All Together Using Grappling To Defend Strikes On Ground
Using Grappling Fundamentals vs An Edged Weapons
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