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Exploring the Essential Features of “Arash Dibazar – Diamond Mind – October 2016”
Dive deep into an online video coaching course, that will give you the step by step process you need, to create an unbreakable mindset, a godlike confidence, and incredible persuasion techniques to alter how your environment perceives you.
Your Ideas Shape Your Experience!
One of the most important things in life, if not the most important thing, is ideas. Since the beginning of mankind, people have created all kinds of ideas and concepts about life and themselves and many of them have stayed, even though their creators have died centuries ago.
which ideas did you adopt in your life?
Ideas about money:
Two ideas people push a lot in today’s time are that money is the root of all evil or that money can’t buy you happiness. Are these ideas you have?
ideas about relationships:
If you were going to write down your basic beliefs about relationships, what would they be?
For example: Saying you can never trust someone 100% in a relationship or relationships always hurt, are ideas, some people choose to carry with them.
Ideas about yourself:
Even when we enter the subject of self-image, you will find ideas, that you have regarding this topic. So what are your ideas about yourself?
You know you hold some ideas about yourself, right? For example that you’re attractive, that you’re not attractive, that you’re lazy, or that you’re a maker.
All of these ideas will impact how you experience life.
“Others can gain control of you only through your thoughts. Remember this and keep
your mind as sharp as a sword cutting through any negativity and ignorance that tries
to find its way into your reality”
– Arash Zepar Dibazar
unlock the diamond mind and learn
- Proven persuasion techniques, that allowed thousands of people to influence how their environment perceives them and get the best results in business and relationships.
- The necessary steps you’ll take to get more control over your life and stop being the effect of outside factors like the people and conditions, that surround you.
- How to get rid of any anxiety, doubts, and fears, that come up, once you are about to approach a client, a women or starting something new in your life.
- Arash’s secret mind techniques, that he uses to stay unshakable and certain whenever he faces any kind of opposition, rejection or obstacle in life. Remember, the way you perceive yourself at that moment will determine the outcome you’ll receive.
- Formulas, that will allow you to spot the pitfalls, negative habits, and ideas, that cut your power and weaken your certainty, without you even realizing it.
Did you ever reevaluate your ideas?
Now think about it for a second: Did you ever sit down and evaluate the ideas, that you have been carrying with you over the last years? “Why would I need to do that? In the end, it’s all only in my head.“ Is what some say, when this topic comes up. But I invite you to reconsider this perspective. See if you have a negative idea about money, then you are obviously not going to do so well with money. If you have a negative idea about relationships, then you are not going to do so well in your relationships.
The point I want to make is simple. It’s that ideas are first in anything. Before it became something, it was an idea, before it had a form, it was an idea and before it was a concept, it was an idea. Everything in the universe was originally an idea and then it manifested.
See you are carrying ideas with you. Because of your actions, your speech, everything you do resembles the ideas you have. So you might have cut a negative person, a negative job, a negative habit or a negative event from your life, but ask yourself this: “Have you also cut out the ideas, that came with them or are you still keeping them with you?“ Remember, there are so many ideas in the world today, that belong to dead people. We are the inheritors of those ideas.
The idea doesn’t require the person to be around or alive to be part of your mentality!
So how can you make sure, that only the most empowering and enriching ideas stay in your mind?
How to break free from doubts and unsureness
Now a lot of times many of you are walking around with doubts, unsureness and confusion about yourself. I can say for a fact, that a lot of those can be traced back to negative people, events and memories, that no longer belong to your life. However, some of their ideas are still in your head and you’re keeping them alive everyday.
So you have to make sure, that you’re not carrying around destructive ideas with you. Ask yourself this question: “What would be some empowering ideas you can have about yourself with money, that would empower you more in regards to your finances and bring you more success in that area?”
What are some ideas you can have about relationships, that will fulfill you more? How can you change the current condition and adopt new ideas? What ideas can you adopt about yourself, that will give you more confidence, motivation and self-appreciation?” Remember, it all starts with an idea. so a lot of times you miss that the way you live your life is based on ideas because you have not analyzed it. Your journey of life and your ideas have to be picked very well and they have to be aligned so that they don’t conflict each other.
You could have the best day, filled with success, happiness, and motivation, but suddenly it all goes down because a bad idea enters your mind. So you have to guard your mind and make sure, that negative people don’t enter and you have to fill it with powerful and positive ideas. This is an activity, that has to be done all day. Reevaluate your ideas, find better ones, adopt them and align all of them, to help you find your purpose in life.
Arash Zepar Dibazar will take you on a fascinating journey through the depth of your mind and reveal to you, the greatness and the infinite potential, that lies within you.
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