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Exploring the Essential Features of “Carlos Xuma – Alpha Lifestyles Tripple Threat”
Alpha Lifestyle™ Triple-Threat
WARNING: What You’re About to Read is Information You Will Probably Never Learn From a “Pickup Artist” or “Seducer…”
From the desk of Carlos Xuma
I’m Carlos Xuma, and I’ve been teaching men how to be more attractive to women for over 10 years. You probably know me from my other dating advice programs, seen me on television, or heard me on the radio.
Let me ask you something:
- Do you ever feel like there’s an endless amount of information on the subject of how to pickup women?
- Do you ever wish you had a program that showed you how ALL of these techniques and strategies ties together?
Hang on, because I’m about to show you something that will finally give you the answers you’ve been searching for. I just created what I consider to be the ultimate guide on how to attract women.
Why “Pickup” Isn’t Enough
In almost every “bootcamp” and seminar I have taught, every guy realized that traditional “pickup artist” techniques were not enough to get them by.
These techniques are important in understanding social intuition, but they didn’t help if you really didn’t have a good sense of confidence.
The Alpha Lifestyle™ creates the COMPLETE aura of a man who has a fun, adventurous life – because he’s really having fun and living an adventure.
Many years back, I was caught up in a desperate cycle in my life. I wanted to know how to get beautiful women into my life, but I had no idea how to do it. They seemed so strange and hard to understand.
Then, after getting so sick and tired of being single and alone (when you reach rock bottom, the only way to go is up), I made it my mission to figure out how to get the women I wanted.
But I also learned something else: I didn’t just want the women – I wanted the LIFESTYLE that the men who are successful in life enjoy.
After I figured out the women part of the equation, I found that the same things that made me more interesting and successful with women are the same core skills that make men more successful with:
- Their friendships and social networks…
- Their careers…
- Their finances and wealth…
- Their family life…
- Their hobbies and passions…
In fact, the more I focused on what I started to call the “Alpha Lifestyle™” skills, the more women seemed to be attracted to me. They were drawn to this “inner fire” I had started inside myself, and it was hypnotic in power.
I even found that there were a lot of great side effects of developing these skills, like:
- I lost the “neediness” for women that I’d had most of my life.
- I found that my peers respected me and admired me like never before.
- I doubled my income every year for 5 years running, and started an investment plan that gave me financial security.
- I felt MASSIVELY confident in situations that I could never have imagined before, such as speaking before groups, becoming a Vice-president in a Fortune 500 company, starting my own business, among others.
- I accomplished 9 out of the 10 long-term goals for my life I had set for myself, including my black belt in a martial art, learning a new language, getting the cool car I always wanted, and so much more.
- I had as many as four women at a time that I was actively dating…
Now, before you think I’m going off on some wild spiritual trip, or I’m going to get all new-agey on you, I want you to realize that this was all done by simply starting myself on a path, with no idea which way to go. At first, I just winged it.
When I got to certain goals, I stopped, made a note in my journal, and went on to the next one.
I wanted more than just pickup artist skills – I wanted LIFE skills…
Along the way, I encountered some incredible mentors and fantastic wisdom that helped guide me much faster to the next goal…
And the next goal…
And the next.
Now, it took me a long time to get where I am today, but I kept track of the roadmap I used so that you can get there MUCH faster.
Are You a Recovering Pickup Manual Junkie?
If you’re like me, you’ve read a TON of stuff out there on this topic. I got addicted to acquiring more and more information on how to get women.
I’d buy this program … and that program … and the next one…
In fact, you’re probably wondering why the hell we need another program on the subject of attracting women. Hasn’t this all been covered before?
Nope. Not like this. You know that my programs are unique from anything else out there on the market.
Look, if you’ve ever been desperate to get a girlfriend, and then you got her, and then you realized that you were bored again and itching for something else, you already know that women are not the solution. But we keep chasing them as if they were the goal.
It’s not a new woman you need … it’s a new PURPOSE.
I decided that we have seen enough of the “how to pickup and seduce women” techniques, and instead I’m giving you a complete game plan that is not based solely on how to pickup women. It’s about how to build the kind of lifestyle you’ve always wanted – with YOUR goals, YOUR dreams, and YOUR mission… Because if you do that, the women will follow you.
There’s no point recycling the same old stuff unless you can get new wisdom and a better way of creating your own confident Alpha Lifestyle™, and that’s what I’ve done in this program.
If you’ve read all the ebooks, worn out your David D. programs, and learned all the best “dating guru” and “seduction” material, you’re finally ready for a program to pull it all together for you. I’m going to show you how to make sure your life is balanced and complete, inside and out.
I’m here to help you attain the Alpha Lifestyle™ most guys dream about.
What I’m about to describe is a lifestyle that 99% of men think is impossible for them to achieve.
They think it’s the “other guys” who are blessed with the ability to get all the girls, make all the money, and live however they want to. Most men can’t even imagine that they possess this very same ability.
Yet there is a POWERFUL method that gives ANY man the ability to shape his own destiny and lifestyle. It’s a way to get the RESULTS you want: from women, your career, and your precious time on this earth.
You can’t afford to not live your life to the fullest.
I want to congratulate you in advance, because you’re about to join the 1% of men who enjoy a true Alpha Lifestyle™.
With my new Triple-Threat DVD Series, I’ve created the most advanced, comprehensive system for men who want MORE out of dating…and life.
So what is the “Triple-Threat”?
It’s very simple:
Motivation: Tapping into your inner power source to go after the passions in your life. Finding the hidden reserves of energy and purpose that you’ve always needed to move forward.
Inner Game: The most elusive of all games that MUST be won if you’re going to have success with women – or anything else in life. How to be confident at doing anything you want to do.
Outer Game: The outer tactics, techniques, and strategies, you need to use with other people so that they join you in your exciting life.
These 3 core elements comprise the Alpha Lifestyle™ that I want you to have.
- The Alpha Playboy life of a Hugh Hefner, with women that want you for your identity of power and confidence.
- The “Rock Star” Lifestyle of guys like Kid Rock that gives a man the presence of power that women find magnetic.
- The Alpha Hollywood Charisma of a Tom Cruise or a Bruce Willis that lasts no matter how old you are.
- The Power and Persuasiveness of a real “player” like Donald Trump or Stephen Spielberg.
- The Sexual Prowess and Mystique of a man like George Clooney, the most desired bachelor in the world.
Get the picture?
These guys don’t have ANYTHING you don’t have – except the kind of thinking that I will teach you about.
The only difference between you and the heroes you admire is what’s going on INSIDE YOUR HEAD.
I’ll also teach you about attaining something that you won’t learn from any “pickup artist” or “seduction guru”:
That deep-in-the-soul feeling of being true to yourself – AUTHENTIC in a way that doesn’t feel like “selling out” to get women into your bedroom. You can be yourself AND be attractive to women – no matter how many hours you spend playing on your X-Box 360.
(Just between you and me, my current girlfriend and I play video games all the time…)
Overcome this Inner Challenge –
I used to make fun of and scorn the men who achieve great things by putting them down and minimizing them so that I didn’t feel uncomfortable with my own low level of confidence and achievement.
Do you ever find yourself saying things like this from time to time:
“Oh, yeah, that guy’s got a lot of money, but only because he’s an asshole. You have to be to get rich.”
“He only got that chick because he’s got a hot car…”
“All beautiful women are bitches. I don’t even bother with them…”
I have a saying: “What we want but we think we can’t have, we learn to HATE – or else we’ll always feel inadequate.”
If you ever catch yourself falling into this negative thought pattern, I encourage you to turn it around right away.
Let yourself admire men who have channeled their ambitions into great accomplishments. Be happy about their success.
It’s the only way you can feel good about the success YOU are about to have.
You can’t simultaneously mock that which you want, or you’ll create something called “cognitive dissonance.” In this program, I’ll show you how to get rid of it and remove this blockade.
Overcome Your Laziness:
Find Your “Personal Motivator”
I’m sure you’ve felt motivated at some point in your life, all jazzed up to go after your goals. Maybe it was after hearing a particularly motivating speaker, or seeing a movie that got you dreaming about your future…
But what usually happens after that?
That’s right, the next day you wake up and it’s still the same old life, and you lose that fire of excitement you had in your belly the day before. It’s the same old job, same old bills, and you deal with the same old family and friends… and everything seems hopeless.
What if you could keep that juice in your life that you felt when you were motivated and excited…?
It’s not hard to do. What it requires is that you find what I call your “Personal Motivator.” Very simply put, it’s the personal drive and ambition you MUST find to live the Alpha Lifestyle™.
And the best thing is that this Motivator is what women find the most attractive, not your wallet or your six-pack abs. Why? Because it shows your level of ambition and energy for LIFE. This is what women are really looking for in men.
This is the critical step that most guys miss in other self-development programs because these other advisers don’t know how to dig deep and find it. They’d rather just give you another pickup line that doesn’t work.
In the Alpha Lifestyle™: Triple-Threat program, I’m going to show you how to find your Personal Motivator – and how it creates unstoppable magnetic attraction with women.
DO NOT invest in a ‘pickup’ or dating skills program unless it meets the following 5 criteria:
- The program demonstrates a balance of BOTH inner and outer game techniques and information.
- There is a COMPLETE explanation of how to motivate yourself to use the strategies correctly and get the most results.
- The focus of the information is on your complete LIFESTYLE, not just a small portion of it.
- The program contains SOLID information that ANY personality type can put to use – not just routines and techniques that they made up for you to memorize.
- The program doesn’t cost thousands of dollars and rely on gimmicky sales techniques – like this is your “VERY LAST CHANCE…”
Is this program going to help you?
The answer is “ABSOLUTELY YES ” if you fall under one of these two categories:
Category #1: Women have always felt like a mystery to you. They say they want a nice guy, but it seems like they actually want something different.
Your personal life and your career are not moving forward like you want them to.
You tell yourself maybe,someday, when you’ve got some money or get motivated, THEN you’ll be able to land the right girl.
Category #2: You feel that, in a lot of ways, you’re on the right track. You’re pursuing your goals. You’ve dated some quality women. But you feel like “something is missing.”
If only there was a way for you to pull ALL of the pieces together, to feel energized, focused and confident about every area of your life…to get EVERYTHING you want out of life, instead of having to compromise…
The Alpha Lifestyle™ DVD Program unlocks these answers… and much more… in a single, transformational package.
Just imagine you’ve suddenly got the ability to “crack the code” with women. You can approach ANY girl you see, engage her in conversation, and build a connection within minutes.
You never worry about what you should do or say next…it all flows naturally, and you can sense her attraction level BUILDING with each passing moment.
No stress, no rejection, just RESULTS.
Now, imagine having this same level of confidence and clarity with your other personal goals. Picture yourself being totally motivated to excel in your career, fitness, and other goals…waking up each day feeling like a MAN ON A MISSION.
This groundbreaking program, the Alpha Lifestyle™: Triple-Threat program, will transform you in 3 ways:
Inner Game: You’ll learn how to “reframe” your mindset, eliminate the negative beliefs that have been holding you back, and focus on personal success and fulfillment. Reprogram your life from the inside out.
Outer Game: The specific techniques and tactics that you’ll use in your interactions with women – whether it’s the opening conversation, the first date, or maintaining a relationship on your terms. These tactics are also essential in building your social and business networks. I’m including a TON of them in this program, too.
Motivation: How to become the “complete package”: a state-of-the-art Alpha Man. Your goals will become crystal-clear in your mind, and you’ll possess the tools and the knowledge to achieve them.
Here’s What You Get:
The Triple Threat Program contains 6 DVDs filled to the brim with attraction techniques, strategies, and inspiration.
You’ll have a front-row seat as I explain the complete Alpha Lifestyle™, along with some very special guests including:
- Playboy models Shannon Stewart and Katya Kovac, who help to demonstrate rapport, conversation, & seduction techniques. (Once you’ve learned how to build fast connections with “10’s” like these two girls, normal everyday women will be easy for you.)
- Christopher Curtis, a former Marine and Hostage Negotiator and the co- creator of the popular M.A.C.K. Tactics dating system. He hosts a segment on motivation and transformation – developing an unstoppable mindset and achieving total congruency with your words, thoughts and actions.
- Carlos’ protege – “Ranger X,” who explains for the first time the “Under the Wire” approach technique. Ranger X has learned from Carlos as well as some of the best teachers, and synthesized his learning into this unique system.
- You’ll discover amazing tactics for approaching women and “slipping through their defenses.” Instead of allowing women to judge and reject you, you’ll learn how to control the power in any interaction…and have women trying to impress YOU instead of the other way around!
This program also benefits from the involvement of my partner Dean Cortez, who produced the Triple-Threat DVDs . Let me turn you over to him for a moment…
A Word From Dean Cortez:
…Like Carlos, I have an extensive background in coaching guys. I’m the co-founder of the M.A.C.K. Tactics system, which began with a major book that was sold in bookstores nationwide. My web site has helped thousands of guys around the world break through their barriers with women.
When I met Carlos Xuma, I was looking to branch out and start coaching guys on other areas: lifestyle, motivation, fitness, financial success, etc. Once Carlos and I got to talking, we realized we shared the same vision. So we teamed up to write the most powerful book ever published on Lifestyle Transformation for men: “The Alpha Rules.”
The success of that book inspired us to take it to the next level: a DVD series that would show the lessons being applied. So we gathered a group of specially selected students, booked an incredible penthouse suite in Las Vegas, brought in a camera crew, and produced what is clearly the best, most informative DVD series ever done on this topic.
The energy in that room was electrifying. Carlos Xuma went all-out…he dug deep into his banks of knowledge and laid it all out there, a blueprint for total motivation and success. It also contains a lot of amazing, effective strategies for meeting and connecting with women. (This is my favorite part. Some of the psychology Carlos teaches seems almost like Jedi mind control…)
And here’s the best part: when I saw the final version of these DVDs, I saw they are EVEN BETTER than being in the room with Carlos! Using computer graphics, the DVDs give tons of additional information on the screen while Carlos and his guest speakers are talking.
With this editing technique, you are completely immersed in the learning experience… an awesome amount of knowledge and tactics are being downloaded straight into your brain.
Guys, this is a transformation that any man has the power to make… and needs to make. I’m living proof.
If you’re anything like I used to be, and you’re spending too much capital (emotional and financial) on women who don’t appreciate you, it’s time to make this change. The Alpha Lifestyle™: Triple-Threat DVD Program is a sure-shot winner.
Still Wondering if the Triple-Threat is What You Need?
Keep reading, because these DVDs will also teach you…
- How to develop unstoppable Alpha confidence towards women, and your career pursuits
- How to project the secret qualities that women REALLY want in a man, not the superficial things they SAY they want… (there is a huge difference…)
- How to pick up ANY woman, in ANY situation… whether it’s for a casual fling or to land the perfect girlfriend – by using your REAL Personality – not being a “pickup artist”
With these techniques, no woman will ever think you’re a pickup artist with some canned stories.
Let’s Be Brutally Honest Here… Pickup Techniques Are Dead.
I have close personal friends who have paid thousands of dollars for “big name” pickup artist programs. These guys charge incredible amounts of money for a pickup system that teaches you conversation openers, routines, and techniques that you can learn word-for-word.
The problem is that women are watching these same television shows, and they already know these routines now, too.
One of my close female friends actually comes to me every week and tries the latest pickup routines she learned out on me for fun and laughs. (Guess what happens to the guys who approach her and use the same ones…?)
My friend, women will see through game like this, but they won’t see through the confident Alpha MAN. That’s what you’re going to learn here.
Rather than buy a fish and be fed for just one day, why not learn how to fish with the best lure in the world – YOU – and be fed for a lifetime!
“Carlos’ Alpha Rules seminar can change your life, if you listen. While many seduction products teach gimmicks and tricks, Carlos teaches solid principals to build your life on. He’s teaches you how to become a real man of value, that naturally attracts women. I had an amazing time at the seminar and I know you’ll enjoy the DVDs.”
– Dan J.
“You’re my favorite ‘dating guru’, because you… focus more on character rather than the techniques that works for you. You’re right about the REAL game vs bar/club persona or the getting laid in 20.75 minutes out there. So keep it real!”
– F.V.
“The Alpha Man training I attended in Las Vegas was a truly awesome experience. Afterwards, I really felt confident in my dating skills for the first time in my life. I asked out three girls that I had been too nervous to approach before, and guess what? — they all said yes… The training also helped me to upgrade my lifestyle. My co-workers have commented that I look better, more confident and more healthy. I’m so thankful that I attended this seminar, and I HIGHLY recommend this DVD series to anyone who wants to experience the same transformation.”
– T.A., Orange County, California
I’ll explain exactly how women are programmed and wired. Once you learn how to trigger her attraction instincts, she literally won’t be able to reject you because her instincts will be telling her “yes.”
This program makes it SUPER easy. We’ve designed these lessons so that you can start using them NOW.
Learning how to pickup and date beautiful women is no mystery. It takes an Alpha Man attitude and the correct strategy. This program will show you how to combine both, and how to create a new Alpha Lifestyle™ that is rewarding in EVERY area.
You might not realize it right now, but this power is inside of you. Unfortunately, very few men will ever understand how to harness their inner masculine power and use it to become more confident, attractive, and successful.
Study at HOME. Learn at HOME. No Bootcamps required.
Just imagine sitting down in front of your television a few nights from now. Instead of turning on the sports game, or watching some lame sitcom, you put the Triple-Threat program into your DVD player… and for the next few hours, you totally immerse yourself in a powerful learning experience that is going to literally transform your life.
You will learn how to eliminate the “limiting beliefs” that have been holding you back.
If you’ve ever hesitated, instead of approaching that gorgeous girl you’ve had your eye on… it’s because you were paralyzed by a limiting belief.
If you’re not making the money you deserve, or you’re reluctant to switch to a more rewarding, fulfilling career, then a limiting belief is what’s getting in your way.
If you think beautiful girls are only attracted to men who are rich, famous, or powerful… or that they only go for “bad boys,” not “nice guys”… that’s a HUGE limiting belief, and we’ll to show you how to overcome all of them.
Complacency and limiting beliefs are the biggest problem for 99% of men. The Alpha Lifestyle™ DVD program will cure both of them.
You will get top secret strategies for meeting and opening conversations with women… penetrating their defenses and making them feel deep attraction towards you – and you’ll see Carlos demonstrating them live, on-camera.
You are about to learn powerful motivational techniques that will change the way you set, envision and actualize your goals.
You’re going to expand your social networks and elevate your status: at work, and in all social environments.
Let’s get down to that bottom line: “Carlos – how much will it cost me to get my copy of the Alpha Lifestyle™: Triple-Threat Program and learn these secrets?”
Well, let me ask you a few quick questions…
- How much would it be worth if you could start living a success-driven lifestyle filled with exciting women and new experiences?
- How much would it be worth to see the looks on your friends’ faces, when you’ve suddenly got beautiful women eating out of the palm of your hand… and more dates than you can handle?
- How much would it be worth to wake up every morning feeling MOTIVATED and excited about everything you are doing and accomplishing in life? That you have a PLAN and a purpose to live for?
Hey, no one paid more for learning this stuff than I did. I have dropped thousands of dollars on books, videos, audio programs, and self-development seminars in the past. That’s how badly I wanted to break through my own barriers and limitations.
But I was committed to improving my lifestyle… and I believe the greatest investment you can ever make is in yourself.
FACT: If you buy one Starbucks Tall Mocha each day, you’re spending more than $720 a year – more than most men do on self-development for their whole LIFETIME.
Some of those dating advice products I bought contained a few good pointers. Others were junk. But I was sick and tired of going out on the weekends and spending $60 or $100 a night, only to wind up going home alone…
Or, I’d meet a girl, get a phone number, and spend $100 to take her on a date… only to never see her again.
Or go out with her a couple times and then she says, “I just like you as a friend…”
I wasn’t just wasting money. I was wasting an incredible amount of time and mental energy, and getting poor results. And my self-confidence and self-esteem were taking a BIG hit from this.
“I’ve researched the hell out of this topic…”
I’ve seen every product out there. Literally HUNDREDS of books and programs on seduction, psychology, personal motivation, even human biology.
I spent weekend after weekend sitting in different seminars. I spent every night for several years reading books and going out to bars to practice.
FACT: The average man spends well over $50 each night buying drinks for himself and the women he meets – not counting cover charges -with a pathetic rate of return on investment.
Over the next several years, I interviewed a lot of the top gurus from the fields of seduction, personal success, and wealth creation. I was committed to “rebuilding” myself from the ground up. I developed my own methods and strategies, and field tested them.
This involved a LOT of time, money, and trial and error. (I wouldn’t recommend you go the route that I did!) But I didn’t have a choice, because back then, there wasn’t a single product that covered ALL the areas I wanted to improve in, and in a way that I could process and apply.
With The Alpha Lifestyle™: Triple-Threat Self-Study Program, you get it all… in a format that you can easily understand and digest. These are lessons you can start applying RIGHT NOW.
Let’s Cut To The Chase…
You spend upwards of $80 to $100 on a date with a woman where you take her out to eat, try really hard to make good conversation, and wind up with a “let’s just be friends” for all your effort.
Let me ask you this: What if the information in this program helps you get a date with the woman that you want, and YOU are the one in control. If this program helped you get that powerful sense of rapport and attraction you wanted, what would that be worth to you?
What if this program can also show you just one or two tips that cut through all the B.S. and hype and give you a real sense of direction to your life? What would that be worth to you? Two hundred dollars? A Thousand? For most guys, this kind of understanding and confidence would be PRICELESS.
Just the possibility of figuring out how to tie it all together is worth the investment.
This I know for sure: If you keep going on the way you are now, you will probably get some improvements along the way. But if you don’t get the roadmap that the Alpha Lifestyle™: Triple-Threat has within it, you will end up making many many more mistakes on the way to those successes. Do you even want to consider that old path of trial and error … and more error?
- How to Integrate Pickup with your lifestyle
- REAL GAME overview
- How to evaluate your time and energy used for top results
- Choosing between self-delusion and self-awareness
- How to be yourself – and still attract women
- The true message behind the “Secret” law of attraction
- The most important thing you can do in every conversation with a woman
- The GCC technique for eliciting rapport and attraction with a woman
- The secret intent that will double your success with women
- What the “pickup artist” frame is lacking
- The “ultimate enemy” of your game – what it is and how to get rid of it
- The source-sink theory of conversation – and how women view men
- How to energize a conversation to amp it up
- What your conversation must be built around or you will not get attraction “lift-off”
- What being “you” really means…
- The reason that most pickup techniques do not work for you
- The illusion of time and the reality of NOW thinking
- Why most attempts to change do not work
- What the “pickup fallout” is – and why you can’t use the same techniques anymore
- What true confidence is to a woman – and how she sees it in you
- Essential qualities of a modern confident man
- The 5 essential stages of a man’s identity
- The reality of modern relationships
- The one benefit of a relationship for a woman
- The effect of emotional “chasing”
- The 5 status indicators that women use to evaluate you
- What wealth really symbolizes to a woman – and why you don’t need it!
- The 6 REAL Attraction traits that women are watching for
- The power of the “meme” in pickup and attracting women and why women are looking for it
- The ultimate power of the Alpha Man in his “tribe” – and how to demonstrate it
- The essential skills of conversational control
- Empathy and intelligence are what your brain evolved to do, but THIS is the one thing we all look for in every conversation
- The 3 most important Alpha Mastery elements
- The best substitute for motivation
- The 4 Stages of Growth and Excellence that every Alpha man must seek
- The fastest path to through your approach anxiety, and to develop any skill ten times faster
- The 3 Zones of Self-Mastery and how they work together to create your success
- The 5 critical distinctions you must understand to develop confidence
- Why you cannot “fake it til you make it” with women
- The Show-off or Turn-off principle
- Why there is no outer game without inner game
- Establish your personal value – an exercise to determine your personal sense of self
- The belief at the center of your inner game
- Determine the “currency” of relationships and get what you want from them
- The Lamborghini concept of marketplace rarity
- Determine your big inner game obstacle that holds you back, with examples
- The emotion that’s destroying your success- and how to destroy it
- Your automatic “Fast-forward” reaction that creates destructive reactions
- Understanding your “Universal Path” – and finding it…
- The most important skill of an Alpha Man’s Inner Game – how to develop it with examples
- The “permission” that you are giving away too much
- How you create your self-image and self-esteem – the 2 elements
- Inner Dialogue Exercise – how to manage your thinking and interpretation to get the results you want
- How your anxiety starts – and how to short-circuit the fear
- How to break down and destroy your fear of approaching women
- The 3 Essential Alpha Questions that define your life
- How to use the 3 Essential Questions to re-frame any experience
- How to use of Occam’s Razor in getting rid of perceived “failures”
- Use the Tiger’s Mouth to command respect from everyone in your life
- Carlos’ 3 Rules of Respect with women
- The principles and application of Alpha Power in every man’s life
- The 3 Sources of all power in your life
- The 3 Forms of Power you can use
- The essential skill that allows you to avoid the hypnotic influence of power
- Carlos’ 4 Alpha Power Principles – the rules of Alpha power
- How guys fall into the trap of “knowledge” without skills
- The most universal form of power to develop – the foundation of your lifestyle
- Why it’s absolutely necessary for you to cultivate Alpha Power
- The 4 places to channel your emotional energy into power
- Carlos’ 10 Core Success Skills
- The Hero Story – Define whether you want to lead or be led
- How you have ruined your motivation to approach – and how to fix it
- The “Buzzkill” – 6 things you do to kill your confidence when going out to meet women
- What you must never do to yourself when you’re out learning how to pickup women
- 6 of Carlos’ secret techniques for bringing up your confidence and energy
- How to create affirmations and visualizations that really work
- How to keep your attitude and confidence up every day
- What holds back a guy’s growth – THE most painful emotion of all – and it’s not fear…
- The true cause of “approach anxiety” – and it’s not what you think!
- The hidden solution to ALL fears of approaching women
- How attraction, your vibe, and interest work like a car’s engine
- Why the best technique with women is NOT technique, it’s…
- How attraction and qualification work together…
- How women qualify men – and why they MUST
- How the approach experience differs for men and women
- What you show her by approaching
- The vital element of approach that most men do not use that gives you ultimate control
- How to avoid giving your Alpha Power away when you talk with women
- How women read you and your hidden intent
- Why men evaluate women visually
- What physical indicators men are looking for
- What “reverse” qualification is, and how it kills your self-esteem
- The best venue strategy to keep your attitude safe and healthy
- The one thing men think a woman needs to know, but doesn’t
- The things that men do to start women screening them out
- The STF Model for understanding the three levels of communication
- Where true social power is developed
- How to dramatically improve your ability to understand and attract others
- Understanding what a woman is really thinking under the surface when she just wants to be friends, or when you ask her out…
- How to stay “in the running” with a woman for as long as necessary
- And more… See the complete contents of
- The 3 Parts of Effective Rapport
- How women interpret your social skills and what they mean to her
- What women want to feel about your conversation to “click” with you
- The 4 qualities of Synchronicity
- 4 POWERFUL Connection and Comfort Tools
- Carlos’ 9 DEEP CONNECTION strategies for melting any woman
- What every conversation with a woman has that builds rapport
- How to use the “Emotional Weather Report” to change a woman’s state
- 10 of Carlos’ Essential Techniques for Establishing Unbreakable rapport
- The 15 Minute technique for developing your rapport skills with anyone
- The 2 BIG Relationship mistakes that most guys make – and how to avoid them
- The 2 needs men and women have in a relationship
- The 3 Essential emotional skills you need for any relationship
- The 6 principle skills for handling and winning every argument you have
- Carlos’ 4 Arts to keeping a relationship going and staying on top
- The 3 DON’TS of Relationship Management
- The exercise you MUST do to determine the best woman for you
- How much time management is OVERKILL – and what you really need
- The 3 Universal tools for organization and time management
- The 7 Basic principles of money management
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