*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Caitlin Schlichting – AdWords IQ Academy”
AdWords IQ Academy by Caitlin Schlichting is a comprehensive training program designed to master Google Ads and optimize campaigns for maximum ROI.
What’s inside this course:
- 01-Welcome!
- 01-Unicorn IQ-1_(new).mp4
- 02-The Basics
- 01-video-4_(new).mp4
- 02-Unicorn IQ-8_( new).mp4
- 03-video-16 (new).mp4
- 04-video-23 (new).mp4
- 05-video-28.MP4
- 06-video-33.MP4
- 07-video-38 (new).mp4
- 08-video-41.MP4
- 09-GoogleAdwordsAccountStructureGuide-1518210128326_unprotected_processed.pdf
- 10-SEOVSPPC-1518210165419_unprotected_processed.pdf
- 11-GoogleAdwords Master NegativeList-1518211181666.xlsx
- 03-Setting Up A Search Campaign
- 01-video-5.MP4
- 02-video-12 (new).mp4
- 03-video-17.MP4
- 04-video-24_(new).mp4
- 05-video-29.MP4
- 06-video-34_(new).mp4
- 07-video-39.MP4
- 08-Adwords CampaignSetupChecklist-1519065293228_unprotected_processed.pdfย
- 09-AdWords Campaign Planning TemplateLASIK EXAMPLE-1519065308349.xlsx
- 10-AdWords Campaign Planning TemplateBLANK-1519065321028.xlsx
- 04-Conversion Tracking & Analytics
- 01-video-6 (new).mp4
- 02-Unicorn IQ-9 (new).mp4
- 03-video-18 (new).mp4ย
- 04-video-25.MP4
- 05-video-30 (new).mp4
- 06-video-35.MP4
- 07-ConversionTrackingSetupStepby StepGuide-1519639829481 unprotected_processed.pdf
- 08-HowtoSetUpaGoogleVoiceNumber-1519639845186_unprotected_processed.pdf
- 09-howtosetupcallrail-1519639855545_unprotected_processed.pdf
- 05-Landing Pages
- 01-video-7 (new).mp4
- 02-video-13.MP4
- 03-video-19 (new).mp4
- 04-Unicorn IQ-20_(new).mp4
- 05-Landing PageChecklist-1520279520039 unprotected_processed.pdf
- 05-Landing PageChecklist-1520279520039.rar
- 06-Campaign Optimization
- 01-Unicorn IQ-2_(new).mp4
- 02-Unicorn IQ-10_(new).mp4
- 03-Unicorn IQ-14_(new).mp4
- 04-Unicorn IQ-21.MP4
- 05-Unicorn IQ-26 (new).mp4
- 06-Unicorn IQ-31.MP4
- 07-Unicorn IQ-36_(new).mp4
- 08-Unicorn IQ-40_(new).mp4
- 09-AdWordsIQAdwords CampaignManagement Checklist-1520955296900_unprotected_processed.pdf
- 07-Display Campaigns
- 01-Unicorn IQ-3.MP4
- 02-Unicorn IQ-11.MP4
- 03-Unicorn IQ-15_(new).mp4
- 04-Unicorn IQ-22_(new).mp4
- 05-Unicorn IQ-27_(new).mp4
- 06-Unicorn IQ-32 (new).mp4
- 07-Unicorn IQ-37.MP4
- 08-Google DisplayAdSpecs Cheat Sheet-1521752422098_unprotected_processed.pdf
- 08-Bonuses
- 01-MaxCPCROICalculator-1518735586324.xlsx
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/