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Exploring the Essential Features of “Vantagepointtrading – Stock Market Swing Trading Video Course”
The Stock Market Swing Trading Video Course provides everything new and experienced swing traders need to effectively and efficiently swing trade stocks. The course covers how to analyze price charts, focusing on the few key metrics that really matter. Several strategies are revealed that stand the test of time, and work whether prices go up or down. It also covers how to find trades, stock market basics, how to place orders, position sizing, and risk management. These lessons reveal how we can win a good percentage of our trades, while still keeping our winning trades much bigger than our losing trades.
Focus on these strategies, get good at implementing them and then repeat, repeat, repeat. The nice thing about swing trading (taking trades that last a couple days to a couple months) is that you only need to spend about 20 minutes every few days finding trades and implementing the strategies. This is done by watching the price of a stock move on the chart, and then buying and selling it when the strategies dictate.
The Stock Market Swing Trading Course is produced by Cory Mitchell, a Chartered Market Technician (CMT), member of the Market Technicians Association, Canadian Society of Technical Analysts and by extension the International Federation of Technical Analysts. He became a full-time trader in 2005.
Here’s a bit more about him: I worked for six years as a proprietary trader for a trading firm(s), doing one of the toughest jobs on the planet (also the most fun)–extracting profit every single month; if I didn’t make a profit, I didn’t get paid (no salary, everything was dependent on performance). These are stock strategies forged by relentless dedication to trading, and tens of thousands of trading hours and trades. In 2011 I moved my focus to trading independently and helping others by sharing what I’ve learned. I freelance (write) for, and have been vetted by, some of the largest financial sites in the world, including TheBalance, Stock & Commodities magazine and Investopedia, among others.
The course is broken down into sections. Each section contains an educational component, where you are guided through a PowerPoint presentation. Then there is a component where charts are used to show how the information is applied.
Course Curriculum
- 01.What You Will Learn In This Course. Stock Market Swing Trading Course 1.mp4
- 02. How to Get the Most Out of This Course. Stock Market Swing Trading Course 2.mp4
- 03. Stock Market Basics. Stock Market Swing Trading Course 3.avi
- 04. How Much Capital to Use. Stock Market Swing Trading Course 4.mp4
- 05. Charting and Analyzing Trends. Stock Market Swing Trading Course 5.avi
- 06. Order Types. Stock Market Swing Trading Course 6.avi
- 07. Reversal Strategy. Stock Market Swing Trading Course 7.avi
- 08. Trend Strategy. Stock Market Swing Trading Course 8.avi
- 09. Earnings and What Not to Trade. Stock Market Swing Trading Course 9.avi
- 10. Position Size, Risk and Profits. Stock Market Swing Trading Course 10.avi
- 11. Watch for False Breakouts and Correlations. Stock Market Swing Trading Course11.avi
- 12. Tying It All Together (checklists). Stock Market Swing Trading Course Course12.avi
- 13. Preparing For Live Trading. Stock Market Swing Trading Course13.avi
- 14. Bonus Video 1 Screening Top Stocks. Stock Market Swing Trading Course.avi
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