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Exploring the Essential Features of “Mark Boucher – The Science of Trading”
The author is the founder of Investment Research Associates to finance research on stocks, bond, and currency trading systems. While working with Fortunet he developed models for hedging and trading bonds, futures, and stocks. He authored the Fortunet Trading Course in 1989. Author has taught MBA courses on investment and has been published in Futures and also Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities. He has given a series of seminars in Europe and managed the Midas Fund, Cayman Islands. He began publishing the newsletter Portfolio Strategy Letter in 1992. Growth stocks selected by the Portfolio Strategy Letter have been up an average of 46% annually at the time of this publication, similar to funds under his management. In this course he provides the science behind his trading philosophy.
You will get:
- 12 CDs (MP3)
- 1 Workbook (PDF)
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