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Exploring the Essential Features of “The Missing Link – Jump Technique Program – Tyler Ray & Chase Skinkis”
That Has The Ability To Add Inches To Your Vertical Jump Faster Than Anything You Have Experienced…
We’ve helped 5,137+ athletes transform their vertical jumps and significantly improve their athleticism by using the most effective jump training programs ever designed.
The Missing Link was designed to UNLOCK your jumping potential simply by perfecting your jump technique.
We are Tyler Ray & Chase Skinkis a.k.a The Jump Guys and our goal is simple:
Helping athletes achieve their WORLD-CLASS VERTICAL JUMP & ATHLETICISM… regardless of genetics.
Over our combined athletic careers we’ve become professional dunkers with 48″ vertical leaps (yes, both of us!) Coach Chase was also a pro hooper and Coach Ty competed as a National Track and Field athlete and Volleyball Player. We have helped athletes across almost every sport achieve breakthrough increases in vertical jump & athleticism…
and the cool thing is that these results aren’t unique to the rare few people who are ‘gifted’ with ‘elite genetics’.
All you need is the right blueprint….
Athletes in the program are consistently able to:
- Add 2 – 10″ of vertical jump training only 2x per week
- Improve performance in sport and separate themselves from the competition
- Jump higher off of 1 & 2 feet
- Apply the techniques right away even during sports season to quickly see results without feeling fatigued and worn down
- Develop elite jump technique, body mechanics, and control.
Here’s where you probably are right now:
You’re going to the gym and lifting weights everyday. You’re always one of the first ones in the gym and one of the last ones to get out. You put in extra hours to get an edge on the competition. You’re super busy going from classes and work to practice everyday. You’re trying to put in the work but it’s hard to access a gym which makes staying consistent difficult.
You feel like you’re literally doing everything you can and you may have made some progress, but it still feels like something is missing…or at least you’re capable of so much more!
The problem is that most vertical jump ‘experts’ and coaches are giving you these crazy workout routines that aren’t balanced and often times are missing 1 CRUCIAL piece of the puzzle…or shall I say a MISSING LINK!
Now imagine how your life would be if you suddenly started jumping 2-10” higher!
You don’t always have to worry about getting to the gym to lift weights everyday. You feel more at ease knowing that you will have plenty of time to workout on that day AND you’re starting to feel a connection to your jump you never know existed.
…you feel as if weights were lifted off of your shoulders and your power and energy is FINALLY getting the praise it deserves!
You’re jumping higher than ever before and your friends’ jaws drop when they see you take off much higher than them…they’ll ask you what’s the secret….only you will know.
Let us show you how to do that.
Phase 1: Foundations (4 Weeks)
In the first phase, the goal is to building up your bodily awareness to develop a strong jumping base.
By working a lot of specific positions you’ll begin to master your body’s behavior and perform each jump movement with mindfulness.
This is crucial, as it sets the stage for rapid vertical jump progress and it is often that athletes will already experience a 1-3″ increase in vertical jump at this stage!
Phase 2: Dynamic Efforts (4 Weeks)
The second phase is for optimizing the body mechanics to move in jump-specific ways with more dynamic efforts and resistance. This is an incredible routine to perfect your timing and achieve quicker explosion off of the floor.
You’ll experience a higher volume of dynamic jumping with every exercise while tieing all of the movements you learned in phase 1 together into 1 natural jumping movement.
At this stage you’ll feel a big difference in how you’re taking off of the floor and experience significant jumping gains!
Phase 3: Overspeed & Resistance (4 Weeks)
In Phase 3 we will introduce a training style we call overspeed and resistance progressions. They train your muscles to absorb energy and recoil it upwards towards the sky for a powerful, and explosive jump. The key is that we’re creating strong habits so that jumping your highest becomes second nature so that when it’s time to to spike a volleyball or dunk a basketball, you will be able to jump your highest without even thinking.
If you simply follow everything in this program step by step by the end of phase 3 you will be a completely different jumper and experience a dramatic transformation in your vertical jump! This is where you’ll experience at least a 3″ – 10″ increase in your jump!
- 12 week program with video demonstrations sent directly to your phone so you can easily understand the right form and do your workouts from anywhere
- The Exact blueprint on how to add 2-10″ inches to your vertical jump training at home and without lifting heavy weights
- How to transfer the results you see from the program into your sport so you can finally jump the way you want in games which means you’ll make the big time plays you’ve always dreamed about
- Training days only 2x per week so you can ensure progress without jeopardizing practice and game schedules
- The most effective & enjoyable workouts given to you in a perfectly structured routine every week so you can stay consistent and finally see real results
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