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Exploring the Essential Features of “Aaron Murakami – A Course in Mind Power + Advanced Methods – Diamond Energy GB”
A Catalyst For Transformation
A Course in Mind Power™ by Aaron Murakami
From: Aaron Murakami
Date: Friday, June 09, 2023
RE: A Course in Mind Power™
Lock the door, take the phone off the hook, grab your favorite drink and pay attention to every word I say!
Unless you plan on spending hours a day for the rest of your life trying to figure out how to increase your human powers, you might want to consider something…
If there ever was a Super Human school to train you in developing and unleashing your dormant super powers, this is it. Reading this entire page should eliminate all doubt.
What a lot of people run in to these days is that there is so much information online and off, factual or not, about mind power and psychic development, that it can make one’s head spin.
I’m mostly referring to all these psychic courses and mind power or mindset development courses, which are all basically nothing more than just repackaging Charles F. Hannel’s Master Key System, Wallace D. Wattles’ The Science of Getting Rich, Napoleon Hill’s Think & Grow Rich, or similar.
Those three books/courses cover virtually everything you can find from any modern day “guru.” That doesn’t mean it is bad, it just means that people haven’t been paying attention to what they are reading over and over.
And how many psychic courses have teachers that have been witnessed by others doing anything out of the ordinary?
I created this course out of the need to simplify the complex. I’m giving you what WORKS and am not just giving you a bunch of recompiled info. You will see that what I share is very much experiential and that I am not simply putting a twist on information that everyone has already read.
The closet thing I could compare my course to would be to mix Tesla with Haanel – imagine manifestation meets free energy. I honestly believe A Course in Mind Power is in a class by itself as is my popular book The Quantum Key.
You will get to vibe with some of my first hand experiences – witnessing, being the subject of and even personally demonstrating what some would call super human powers.
My psychic abilities have grown all my life as well as having other abilities that I’ve demonstrated over the years to my close friends. I am putting my EXPERIENCE into this course so you’re learning from someone that has been there. I’m not just talking about psychic abilities, you might be more than a little surprised.
Do you want to spend thousands of dollars just to get bits and pieces of what you’re going to learn in A Course in Mind Power?
You’re not going to find anything in one package like what I’m offering that will empower you the way that it will – and has for others. I have helped others with various parts of the powerful methods in this course but this is the first time I’ve ever put it all together in one simple package that anyone can follow.
What The Quantum Key did for free energy understanding for the average person, A Course in Mind Power™ will do for mind power. You’ll actually have something real that works if you just follow the instructions along with an understanding of the mind in a way that just makes everything so simple to comprehend and APPLY!
Well, at least I’ve been told that something I’m good at is that I am able to take complex things and transform them into very simple things that are very easy for most people to understand. I think if you read some of the testimonials way down at the very bottom, you’ll see that I’m being real with you. These are different from the testimonials in the middle of this page.
What I’m passing on to you in regards to this ability as it relates to developing your own mind power in multiple arenas is that you receive something that makes sense, is simple, it relates to the world around you and not only do you know you ‘could’ do it, you actually start to notice and realize all kinds of changes within a very short period of time!
You will learn to develop your own natural abilities and that is the main point to A Course in Mind Power™. And there is a LOT MORE that comes along with it!
Developing Your Qi
It is important to understand that one of the secrets to developing mind power is to enhance the energy network in your body that transmits Qi, the life force energy. Simply, this allows not only more to flow but you will be able to increase the capacitance (how much your body is holding) of the Qi.
Chinese call it Qi, Japanese call it Ki, Indians call it Prana, Christians call it Breath of Life and so on. If I were to refer to the same potential or energy depending on how it is used in a free energy circuit, I would say it is the aether. It is all the same thing. It all comes from The Infinite and is responsible for every bit of life and thought that we have.
As a quick note – You will NOT have to do a bunch of tiring exericses day in and day out as if you were living in a monestary – I’m keeping it SIMPLE – SIMPLE – SIMPLE!
I have known some of the most powerful Qigong Masters in the world. I equate “powerful” with actually being able to demonstrate super human abilities as well as being able to trigger “miraculous” healing in others.
My longtime mentor was Rodger Q. Estes and he was the first non-Chinese person to be certified as an authentic Qigong Master by the Chinese Qigong Delegation in Beijing. I was his protégé so it is my honor to pass on some of what I learned from him and also what I learned from a few other masters that came to stay at his house.
You will learn some VERY SIMPLE things that will allow you to increase the energy flow in the body in a safe and effective way. These are things that literally will increase the amount of spiritual light that your body receives, transmits and stores.
The following pictures were taken of my fingertips with a Kirlian camera at the World Qigong Congress in San Francisco in 1999.
The BEFORE picture, you can see many breaks in the energy field around my fingertips. The AFTER pictures is after about one-minute of me POWERING UP. You can clearly see that the energy field is rock solid.
I performed this demonstration to some very high level qigong masters that were at the congress. You will learn exactly what I did to get these results.
Psychic Boosting Tools
I’ll give you access to some free tools that you can use as much as you want that will help to gradually increase the connection between your subconscious mind, your conscious mind and the collective unconscious (matrix). There is no other mind power course in the world offering this because quite simply, A Course in Mind Power™ is unlike anything available.
You’ll learn a few of these keypoints and more!!!
- Nutrition for mind power.
- The mind is not the brain and the brain is not the mind!
- The thermodynamics of consciousness – this has never been taught to my knowledge. This is the physics of abundance that is only available in A Course in Mind Power.
- Mind models that work.
- How to have super synchronicity power – beyond simple law of attraction.
- In-Tension – the hidden meaning of Intension that nobody is talking about – and how to master it.
- Psychic Neurology – Our psychic abilites are hardwired into our nervous system – learn to use it to your advantage!
- A special effect that is the foundation of every psychic divination method – and you will learn to identify it and make it stronger and utilize it to tell you information about people, places or things in the past, present or future.
- Adjust and polish your L.E.N.S.
- The Automatic Movements – Called THE MOST PROFOUND by a Shaolin Grand Master! They’re so simple a child could do them.
- Stimulate the acceleration of your genetic evolution in the only successful way that has been used for thousands of years.
Towards the end of the course, I do share a few things that are considered very dangerous by some very powerful masters. You are not required to do them in order to experience a powerful increase in your psychic ability.
They are included because you have a right to know and there are no “mind power gurus” that are telling you about it, but I think you should know the truth.
I share some controversial experiences that I have had as well as an experience that Rodger had. Much of what is included in these experiences can challenge many people’s belief systems – so beware – it isn’t for the faint hearted.
There’s more, but I’ll leave that for anyone that is committed enough to learn what has been left out of a lot of “mind power” and other teachings!
For the Coast to Coast AM Audience, I’m making the Advanced Methods available at the same time as the basic course for the first time ever!
For many years, it has only been available a few months after someone has already had the basic course and have practiced the exercises in it.
A Course in Mind Power™ Advanced Methods
Some of these methods have not yet been shared with you because they are only useful if you have actually done the exercises in A Course in Mind Power.
Advanced Enhancements – If you’ve been doing the Microcosmic Orbit, here are some little known things you can do to increase the effectiveness of it as well as other exercises. Learn how to prepare your mouth, pallet and tongue. Learn how to clear some channels before doing any breathing exercise. Learn about some key points on your palms that can be stimulated to increase the effectiveness of your breathing exercises.
Advanced Breathing Method – If you have been practicing the Microcosmic Orbit or Small Universe Breathing method, this is the next logical step to enhancing your body’s energy flow and capacity. It is the advanced method that has been traditionally taught to students that master the Microcosmic Orbit method.
Little known lung expansion method – This is a very powerful exercise that can be done before any breathing exercise to increase oxygenation in the body plus other energetic benefits. This method is actually taught by some medical doctors to patients with compromised lungs but of course they do not have any idea about the energetic benefits when it comes to Qi.
First time released personal notes from William S. Burroughs’ archives – These notes were given directly to me from the archives and I have been given permission to share them with you. They deal with one very specific and profound mind exercise taught by a pioneer in psychic development. It points out a very important distinction that is cruicial to understand – where that person made a mistake – plus you will learn what this exercise is so you can practice it.
These WSB notes are fairly short, but I include information on how it can be applied to one of the most powerful empowerment excercises possible – basically I’m giving you the lesson on the exercise that it discusses in addition to WSB’s sage insight into it.
These WSB notes are historically priceless when it comes to one very profound principle that can be the cause for very powerful transformation!
Some of these testimonials are about me, some are about the course, and some are about just ONE SINGLE PART of the course that I shared with others in the past.
(there are more testimonials at bottom of this page)
He Charged The Battery With His Hands!
“I had a clock that was sitting in a box for several years because the battery was dead and I mean really dead! Every hour the traffic lights on the clock would light up and a sound would blast that sounded like the car revving up. It was quite a bit for any AA battery to hold up to.
Aaron took the battery that couldn’t even get the second hand to tick and put it between his hands. He went into a deep concentration for about 10 minutes and put the battery back in the clock and it started ticking right away!
He said he recharged it with QI.
I turned the minute hand until it was exactly on the hour and the lights lit up and the car engine started revving up! I couldn’t believe it! I was in the process of packing up to move over to the Seattle area to manage a store. Two years later, the battery was STILL in perfect shape and the clock kept time to the minute and that is AFTER it was already dead for a couple years!
Another time, Aaron, myself and some other friends were waiting around for another friend to show up. Just off the cuff, Aaron said, “James will knock on the door in x minutes and x seconds.” I don’t remember the exact minutes and seconds but it was within a 5 minute time period. We were counting down and on the EXACT minute and second that Aaron predicted, our friend James knocked on the door!
Aaron had done these spontaneous demonstrations off and on over the years that I’ve known him and I’ve known him for about 15 years.”
Tony Payson, Washington state
Regional Retail Manager
“Aaron, You are blowing my mind. …Thank you so much for sowing light.”
Ferlinda P.
The Future Reveals Itself to Aaron
“Aaron and I went to high school on an Air Force base over in Japan. After high school, he was living in Ohio and I went to stay with him soon after that to go to college where he was going. After a year, I went back to Japan.
He was always interested in supernatural stuff so I wasn’t too surprised when I got a phone call from him while I was back over there.
Aaron told me about some dream about two Russian Migs that collided in mid-air. Both pilots ejected and the pilots parachuted safely to the ground.
He was very concerned because he said he knew it represented something real but didn’t know where or when. After a couple days, he started thinking that it represented something else because he called me back.
We were all car racing freaks and when he calle dme back, he asked if anyone got in a head on collision in a car but made it out safely – the dream symbolically representing this. This is what he thought it might mean.
Actually, YES, a friend ours had a younger brother that crashed head on into another car on the back flightline going around the base and both drivers were OK.
Aaron was so relieved that nobody was hurt and was convinced this was what the dream must have meant.
Several days later on 24 July 1993 in the UK, the news reported that two Russian Mig 29’s crashed into each other in mid-air at an airshow at Fairford, England. The pilots ejected and parachuted safely to the ground.
There’s more…
Soon after, maybe days or weeks, Aaron called me again. This time explaining another airplane crash dream. He was kind of shook up from the last one and wanted to see if this had some connection to a real event that happened here again.
In this dream, Aaron said he was standing at the edge of a lake and there were trees around the far side. A commercial airliner was coming over the trees straight towards him.
It got lower to the water, a wing tipped down and hit the water, the plane then crashed in the water and he said he felt everyone was killed.
I told him that nothing like that happened with anyone we know in a car or otherwise.
A couple days later, he called me because another news report came out on the TV about a plane crash in China.
There was no video showing like the Mig crash that Aaron said it was like they video taped his mind – but the story talked about an airliner that took off from a runway in China. As it went over the lake, it had engine failure in one of the wings, the wing tipped down and hit the water and the plane crashed killing everyone on board.
There was another dream he had right after this that pointed to something that happened again. It wasn’t about air plane crashes so he was more relieved. I don’t recall all the details but it had to do with a dinosaur egg in a river or something and a few days later, dinosaur eggs in a riverbed were unearthed somewhere in China by the masses.
Carlos R.
Yokota Air Force Base
A Course in Mind Power™!
A Course in Mind Power™
This is what you need to get on the right track to start developing your natural psychic abilities and other things I will only discuss in the course!
- Nutrition for mind power.
- The mind is not the brain and the brain is not the mind.
- The thermodynamics of consciousness – this has never been taught to my knowledge.
- Mind models that work.
- How to have super synchronicity power.
- In-Tension – the hidden meaning of Intension that nobody is talking about.
- Psychic Neurology – Our psychic abilities are hardwired into our nervous system.
- A special effect that is the foundation of every psychic divination method – and you will learn to identify it and make it stronger.
- Adjust your L.E.N.S.
- The Automatic Movements – Called THE MOST
- PROFOUND by a 5th generation Shaolin Grand Master!
- Stimulate the acceleration of your genetic evolution.
- And much more!
A Course in Mind Power™
Advanced Methods
If you choose to get the Advanced Methods at the same time, you’ll be getting these FOUR powerful additions:
- Advanced Enhancements
- Advanced Breathing Methods
- The Gulp Method
- William S. Burrough’s Notes * RARE EXCLUSIVE RELEASE*
This brainwave entrainment and hemisphere synchronization soundtrack was produced by me for the purposes of stimulating and enhancing your pineal gland (3rd eye) and the rest of your endocrine system.*
This is a new soundtrack that I produced and it has never before been available. It is exclusive to this package.
Considered to be The World’s First Science Fiction Book
The author of this book discusses robots and super human powers over 100 years ago!
Quite Possibly the Most Read Mindset Book in History
Napoleon Hill’s classic that set a standard for positive thinking and then some. No mind power library is complete without a copy of Think & Grow Rich!
Napoleon Hill’s Inspiration
Written by my great grandfather’s business associate, Charles F. Haanel’s Master Key System was the real inspiration behind Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill!
Get Your Hands On A Course in Mind Power™ Now! Plus All The Incredible Bonuses!
Make the decision to begin experiencing highly developed skills while it’s still fresh on your mind. .
YES! I Want To Get My Hands On
A Course in Mind Power™ Now Along With All The Other Items Included!
Aaron, I’m ready to begin boosting my psychic abilities and other mind powers immediately!
I’m ready for these advanced concepts to be explained in very simple ways that I know I’ll easily understand!
Give me A Course in Mind Power™ now so
I can learn the secrets right away.
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