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Exploring the Essential Features of “Day Trade Warrior – Advanced Day Trading“
Chapter 1: Trading Essentials Learn the fundamentals of executing trades, understanding brokers, leveraging margin, and utilizing charting software. Explore breaking news services, time frames, and gain insights into technical indicators that provide a trading edge.
Chapter 2: Risk Management and Psychology Delve into crucial aspects of trading, such as risk management, the psychology behind successful trading, profit-loss ratios, and setting target success percentages. Learn when to cut losses and embrace the acceptance of being wrong.
Chapter 3: Selecting the Right Stocks Navigate the complexities of high-frequency trading, institutional traders, and market maker manipulation. Discover the importance of focusing on high-volume stocks, trading breaking news, interpreting major indexes’ price actions, and understanding stock float and relative volume.
Chapter 4: Daily Patterns and Support/Resistance Master the basics of daily chart patterns, emphasizing clean charts, identifying support/resistance areas, and recognizing the significance of gaps. Set up charts with preferred technical indicators for optimal performance.
Chapters 5-6: Intraday Chart Patterns Explore the intricacies of favorite intraday chart patterns, including Bull Flags, Bear Flags, Wedges, Bottom Bounces, Top Pullbacks, and Breaking News trades. Gain insights into confirming breakouts and making a living through daily trades.
Chapter 7: Chart Pattern Scanning Unlock the power of proprietary scanner settings to find Gappers, Earnings, and Stocks In Play. Get a comprehensive review on setting up personalized scanners to enhance your trading strategy.
Chapter 8: Trade Management Discover effective trade management techniques, such as using trailing stops on the 5-minute chart, scaling out of trades to protect profits, and identifying entry and exit indicators. Learn the art of reading volume and knowing when to take profits.
Chapter 9: Advanced Level 2 and Time & Sales Elevate your trading skills with advanced Level 2, Time and Sales analysis, and customized hotkey settings.
Chapter 10: Business and Trading Plans Create a comprehensive business and trading plan for the next three months. Gradually increase per-trade risk and aim for $75k/year in trading profits. Understand the nuances of running a day trading business.
Chapter 11: TAS Market Profile Unlock the potential of TAS Market Profile for spotting indicators of potential reversals. Learn how to enter and exit trades ahead of the crowd.
Chapter 12: Options Trading Dive into the basics of options trading and understand how to use options for swing trading. Explore a simple strategy with excellent risk-reward ratios and minimal market exposure.
Modules 1-8 was sold as the Intensive Day Trading Course and Modules 9-12 was added for the Advanced Day Trading Course.
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