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Exploring the Essential Features of “Alex Carter – The Impulse Desire Method”
Make Any Girl Obsessively Desire You By Rubbing The Impulsive Part of Her Mind…
You’ll learn…
– Discover the art of provoking “Addictive Emotional Compulsion”.
I’ll show you an “Unusual” way of talking to a girl which will make her feel a sudden and almost compulsive level of attraction for you.
You will become so deeply seated in her mind that she will obsessively start visualizing getting physical with you.
– The most shocking revelation into the female mind –
Discover one stupidly simple element that makes even the hottest of girl find an average looking man super hot, even if he looks like a chubby potato who picks his nose and farts in bed.
Hint – It takes just 5 minutes to implement this.
– What do women really want in a man?
I’ll tell you the most shocking, extremely raw, and really inappropriate secret that gives you the power to fool a girl’s mind into thinking that she is already attracted to you. You’ll feel your pulses suddenly leaping with excitement once you hear this secret.
– Neediness repulses girls, right? Wrong!
Let me show you the right way to be extremely needy which actually makes a girl feel obsessively and spontaneously “LOVESTRUCK” by you.
– How to make any girl feel a sudden need to get physical with you by treating her like a sister.
This sounds a little stupid right now but will make total sense when you’ll hear it. Many men have told me that this trick alone has changed their life completely.
– How to use something called “The Desire Seed Method” to turn any girl into a crazy raving lunatic who will feel an over intensified level of attraction for you.
Hint – This is done by secretly commanding her mind into needing you. She will find herself overtaken by this restless energy which can only be released when she is around you.
– How to know exactly what she is thinking even when she doesn’t utter a single word and a sneaky way to exploit this which forces her to get physical with you.
You won’t have to lift a finger because she will initiate everything from this point.
– Discover the trick of perception reversal.
Use this trick and watch how she completely ignores your flaws, finds you to be the hottest man alive and willingly bends to your will.
Hint – You can tell her how much you suck & watch her body explode with attraction. This is weird & twisted but works like crazy.
– Do you know about ‘tension spike triggers’? I’ll show you how to give any girl that unique thrill of emotional arousal, by sending her twisted signals.
This leads to a spontaneous reaction in her brain, and she will find herself constantly pursuing you. She will chase you around like a hungry tiger that chases after a deer.
– And much much more…
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