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Exploring the Essential Features of “Anxious Attachment 101 – Briana MacWilliam”
Anxious Attachment 101
5 Days to take the Open Heart from Clingy to Confident
Are you sick of walking on eggshells or chasing after an unattainable partner in your relationships?
This course is for Open Hearted individuals that struggle with anxiety in push-pull relationships, who are ready to start calling in a soul-shaking partnership, in only 5 days, without having to spend a ton of money on experts and gurus, or spend years in therapy with no tangible result.
*You are accustomed to a lack of love in your romantic relationships, and fall into people-pleasing mode.
*You tend to give too much, and wait around too long for the reciprocation of loving feelings.
*You take on more than the Lion’s Share of the responsibility, guilt, and blame in any relationship, because you think if you are responsible for something going wrong, it must be within your power to fix it.
*You may have critically low self-esteem and struggle with feelings of unworthiness.
*Deep down, you believe you have to earn love and approval, and so, you are drawn to partners that are “challenging” or “edgy,” that make you work for it.
*On the other hand, if a partner gives you love and affection too freely, you find them “boring,” or “too nice.”
*By being over-helpful, you make yourself indispensable to a partner. You think, “If they need me, they won’t leave me.” But this generosity is a double edged sword. Since you have worked so hard to make your partner need you, you always question whether or not they really love you for you…(and you probably struggle with knowing who the “real” you is, too).
*You tend to get lost in the potential of the relationship, rather than the reality of it.
*You may also struggle with other forms of addiction, such as drug abuse, alcohol abuse, food addictions, shopping addictions, hoarding, gaming addictions, and so on.
*But the hardest thing for the Open Heart, is that they usually attract other partners with insecure attachment styles, and so they fall into what’s called the anxious-avoidant trap; a circumstance where you typically find yourself in partnership with someone that is emotionally unavailable.
“I have spent a lot of time chasing after emotionally unavailable partners, but after this course, I now see what power I have to shift the way I am showing up in love. Plus, the creative exercises are fun, and the lectures are easy to listen to. Highly recommend this course.”
— Katie Middleton, 29
1. The definition of anxious attachment and 4 Ways the anxious partner (an “Open Heart”) sabotages their relationships
2. 4 Essential emotional boundaries that take the Open Heart from confused to clear, about the line between personal boundaries and conditions of love
3. 2 Types of anxious attachment and how to know which one you have
4. 3 Strengths of the Open Heart and how to use them to strengthen your relationships
5. A focus wheel and guided visualization to transform the fundamental fears of the Open Heart
“My favorite part of this course would be the 4 emotional boundaries lesson, and the lesson on the Open Heart’s strengths. It clarified so much for me about how I am sabotaging my relationships, and also showed me how I can start taking action right away. Plus, the monthly live stream Q&A; on Facebook is great. Worth every penny.”
— Sara Carrozzo, 35
1. 60-Page Downloadable Workbook+ Activities and Assignments
2. 11 Downloadable Audio Lectures + Video Tutorials and Guided Meditation
In addition to your course materials, you will also receive a bonus toolkit, including a downloadable workbook, and video tutorials addressing following topics…
* 5 Steps to Locate Anxiety in the Body
* A Mandala to Express 4 Emotional Boundaries
* 3 Steps to Quiet the Inner Critic
* 3 Steps to Create Emotional Safety for Anxious Partners
* 7 Video lectures including guided meditations, movement exercises, and arts-based tutorials
* A 52-Page downloadable workbook with a self assessment, experiential directives, and meditation transcripts
“I am astounded by Briana’s video series on attachment. This comes from someone (albeit a layman) who has read voraciously on the subject for 7 years, now. There is insight and detailed explanations that simply can’t be found anywhere except in her videos…She should have a cable show. The level of clarity provided is beyond anything I’ve seen.” –Jim Lewandowski
Hi, my name is Briana, and I like burritos. Actually, burritos + a good movie = heaven, in my book. I also love romance novels and campy science fiction shows (anyone else a die-hard <em “=”” style=”box-sizing: inherit;”>Supernatural fan?). I also love being my own boss. Doing what I want to do, when I want to do it. And treating work like play.
My passion for working with attachment wounds and personal development stems from a rocky childhood. As a child of divorce, I bounced back and forth between my parents, across state lines.We lived below the poverty line for much of my young life. In my parents, I had an example of hard work but constant struggle.
I became a high achiever to compensate. It served me well professionally, until my struggles with relationships in adulthood tore down everything I had accomplished.
In adulthood, I experienced roller coaster relationships, and ultimately wound up a divorced, single mom. Then, after losing my job due to budget cuts, within a six-month time frame, one after another, both my parents and my brother were diagnosed with serious, chronic illnesses. And the new partner I had fallen madly in love with– the one all the raw parts of myself wanted so desperately to please and keep – couldn’t prioritize me. When he left, my heart broke anew, and I miscarried, without realizing I had been pregnant. I felt my soul was split wide open.
As I came face-to-face with my greatest fears, I knew I had to find the grace on the other side, or collapse into a victimized identity. I decided to dive straight down into my demons, and wrote a book about attachment and grief. Ultimately, I found several other contributors willing to share their stories of grief, and we got it published!
Writing the book emboldened me to shed my shame, and talk about these things in a way I had never thought I would feel safe doing. Much to my delight, both caught fire, and I have never looked back!
Course Curriculum
Downloadable PDF Workbook
Anxious Attachment 101: Workbook
Video_Introduction (6:13)
The definition of anxious attachment and 4 Ways the anxious partner (an “Open Heart” sabotages their relationships)
Video_Introducing The MAC Method (TM) (17:05)
Video Tutorial_Building an Emotional and Visual Vocabulary (23:12)
Downloadable Worksheet_Building an Emotional and Visual Vocabulary
Audio 1_Meet Joe: An Open Heart
Audio 2_Defining Anxious Attachment
Audio 3_ 4 Ways the Open Heart Sabotages Relationships
4 Essential emotional boundaries that take the Open Heart from confused to clear
Video_Personal Boundaries in Love_PT.1 (18:59)
Video_Personal Boundaries in Love Pt. 2 (16:04)
Downloadable Worksheet_Personal Boundaries In Love
Audio 1_Personal Boundaries and Conditions of Love
Audio 2_4 Emotional Boundaries of the Open Heart
2 Types of anxious attachment and how to know which one you have
Video_Ambivalence and the Inside/Outside Mask (13:41)
Downloadable Worksheet_Ambivalence and the Inside/Outside Mask
1_A Continuum of Ambivalence + Automatic vs. Neurotic Anxiety
2_Preoccupied vs. Ambivalent Anxiety
3 Strengths of the Open Heart and how to use them to strengthen your relationships
3_Guided Visualization for Establishing Safety
Video_3 Forms of Empathy and Anchoring Your Power Symbol (19:29)
Downloadable Worksheet_Your Personal Power Symbol
1_2 Paths to Anxiety
2_3 Strengths of the Open Heart
A focus wheel and guided visualization to transform the fundamental fears of the Open Heart
1_Values and Beliefs
2_Anxious Fears and Desire
3_Focus Wheel Tutorial (11:55)
4_Guided Visualization for Locating Limiting Beliefs
Video_Bridge Drawing Assessment (11:45)
Video_ Guided Visualization: On the Bridge (18:42)
Downloadable Worksheet_Bridge Drawing Assessment and Guided Visualization
Bonus Toolkit & Experiential Tutorials
50+ Page Downloadable PDF Workbook
Video_Bonus Tool kit Intro (2:32)
Video_Intro to Anxiety and Charge (6:26)
Video_Intro to Anxiety and the Body (8:47)
Video_5 Steps to Locate Anxiety in the Body (22:11)
Video_A Mandala to Express 4 Emotional Boundaries (18:27)
Video_3 Steps to Quiet the Inner Critic (16:43)
Video_3 Steps to Create Emotional Safety for Anxious Partners (35:48)
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