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Exploring the Essential Features of “Asa Akira & 2GTS – Asa Teaches Sex”
If You Want To Receive The Best She Has, You Must First Give Her The Best She’s Ever Had…
I Can Show You How To Master ALL 6 Types of Female Orgasms And Give Any Woman An Orgasm So Intense… So Powerful… She’ll Do ANYTHING To Keep You As Her Lover…
From Asa Akira – Google Ranked #1 Adult Film Star in the World & AVN’s 2013 Female Performer of The Year
Hi, I’m Asa Akira,
I don’t know if you know this or not, but the intensity range of a woman’s orgasm is much greater than the intensity range of a man’s orgasm….
I compare it to the volume control on a sound system; a man’s orgasm is about as strong as the volume set on medium.
And for a woman’s orgasm… well… most guys can’t raise ‘my volume’ over medium-range … but a guy who knows what he’s doing…
… has the power to turn the volume knob to FULL BLAST! SHAKING THE FLOOR, THE BED, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY… THE WOMAN’S REALITY… until she swoons from her orgasmic trance into an overwhelming pleasure-overload. And if you can do this to a woman, you have mastered the art of the female orgasm!
I should probably introduce myself…
My name’s Asa Akira and I’ve appeared in over 300 adult films. In fact, I’m a self-proclaimed sex freak. 🙂
Asa Akira, AVN’s 2013 Female Performer of the Year
One question I’m sometimes asked is: “What did you do to become the 2013 Adult Video News Female Performer of the Year?”
I remember the first time I was asked this question…
…One day, I had just arrived on-set, when an up-and-coming female adult actress approached me. I had worked with her before and I found her to be a very nice girl (and very sexy!).
When she posed the question and I simply smiled at her; and before I could answer, the busty-blonde actress started guessing my supposed answers, such as… “Did you take acting classes?” and “Did you exercise more to look even sexier?”
I shook my head no, and when she finally gave up guessing my answer, I told her the truth, and believe me—she wasn’t prepared for the answer….
After all, the reason I won the 2013 AVN Award is… well… I admit… kind of selfish on my part….
I told her… “because I’ve been in the adult film business a while, I’ve worked with a lot of male talent. And as you know, some of these guys are known for their big cocks or their sexy, muscular bodies, or they might be handsome beyond belief…
…but the only reason I won that AVN award is because I made one simple change.…”
The actress waited in anticipation as I paused… and since I thought she was sweet, I decided to tell her…
I said, “I won the award because I made it a point to only do sex scenes with the male actors who know how to please me.”
The actress looked at me, a blank stare on her face. “That’s it?” she said?
I laughed. “Yep—that’s it!”
I decided to elaborate, for I didn’t want her to think I was being vague: “I realized that if I’m licked and fucked by the best male satisfiers in adult film, I won’t need to act or perform—all I’ll need to do is feel the pleasure and enjoy the intense orgasms.”
She considered my answer and gave me a sexy smile. “Can you PLEASE tell me who these guys are? Now I want to work with them!”
And yes—I told her the names of the actors she should work with, but also gave her a word of warning, telling a story that’s kind of embarrassing….
…but I should probably tell you what I told her…
“…this happened more than once, but while having sex with one of these male actors, I wasn’t able to stop moaning… even after the director yelled ‘Cut!’”
And even worse… there were a few times I forgot to say my line because I was so looking forward to the sex scene that I got too excited! It was embarrassing! But no one could really blame me—I mean, I am a woman, after all—and when I’m experiencing a DEEPLY POWERFUL orgasm, I’m not going to be able to think straight….
And don’t get me wrong—it doesn’t take much to give me an orgasm—and when I’m stimulated sexually I can usually achieve orgasm… but these are the typical run-of-the-mill orgasms.
Though it goes without saying… when you give a woman the most powerful orgasm she’s ever experienced, she’ll very much want to return the favor… and she’ll do just about ANYTHING in order to satisfy you….
…and I say this because.…
Only six male porn stars have been able to give me these INTENSE, SHEET-SOAKING ORGASMS. And of these six men, I successfully coaxed five of them to pleasure me off-camera, if you know what I mean. And yes—I returned the favor! 🙂
I know a good thing when I see it, but I LOVE a GREAT thing when I FEEL it—and when a man knows how to please my kitty to the point of making wetter than a sinking ship—well… I’m not going to let that stud slip through my horny little paws….
I Can Teach You How to Give a Woman Her Most Intense Orgasm Ever!!
Because let’s face it… if someone has the power to make you experience the greatest, most satisfying feeling in the world, you’ll do whatever it takes to keep that person in your life.
I mean, you could be an absolute master at approaching women, or an expert at attraction and seduction, or you could be the handsomest guy around, but if you can’t FULLY SATISFY a woman’s sexual needs, wants and desires, sooner or later she’s going to find someone else who can….
I’m not trying to scare you… and I want you to realize that you have the power to never have to worry about getting abandoned or cheated on…
…because if you give a woman the best orgasm of her life, SHE WON’T EVER LEAVE YOU because you’re giving her something most men aren’t even aware of: something so POWERFUL and so PLEASURABLE…
…that NOTHING ELSE MATTERS: she won’t care about your looks, how young or old you are, or whether or not you have any money or nice things because she’ll be HOOKED on the ADDICTING PLEASURE-FILLED ORGASMS you provide her with!
Before working with these six adult film stars, I had no idea I could even experience an orgasm that intense. And I wanted other women to experience the same pleasure… so I asked the six guys to spill their secrets to me.
And to my delight… THEY DID!
After I learned the secrets from these six masters of the female orgasm and after taking A LOT of notes, I researched the female orgasm on my own. Before looking into the subject, I thought I knew it all—but wowza—was I wrong!
And when I finally finished my research, I reconnected with the six orgasm masters and I asked them a lot of additional questions, taking even more notes.
And I’m proud to say I now possess the instruction manual one needs to give any woman the HOTTEST, WETTEST AND MOST POWERFUL ORGASM SHE’S EVER EXPERIENCED.
Now You Can Give Any Woman An Intense Orgasm!
It took me MONTHS of work, but I spent MANY hours creating a high-quality video program that will help ANY MAN make ANY WOMAN experience the best type of orgasm—THE INTENSE ONES! 🙂
And it doesn’t matter if you’re looking for a one-night fling or to satisfy a current girlfriend or wife or anything in between… because ALL WOMEN RESPOND WELL TO GREAT SEX. And if you can please a woman like she’s never experienced, well… you’ve got a golden ticket to Awesome-Town…
…it’s a wonderful place where women want to give you amazing blowjobs amongst other things. 🙂
So forget relationship counseling, showering her with gifts or having to buy expensive penis pills—all you need to do is give her an orgasm so good you blow her mind… and I PROMISE she will become a cock-hungry orgasm-rich lover whose only objective becomes satisfying ALL your sexual needs…
…and as mentioned, she’ll be VERY WILLING to give you whatever you want because she realizes she’ll need to pleasure you so you stay around.
I think you’ll agree… the above reality is WAY better than having to deal with the circumstance of a woman leaving you, right? So I made certain you have a choice so you don’t have to deal with that sort of heartache….
And that choice is learning from me….
And I would advise every lady-loving man in the entire world to master the techniques needed to perform the best sexual satisfaction methods AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, so when you meet a woman you really like and you have that ‘new lover chemistry’ working in your favor, you’ll be 100% prepared to give her the best, most intense orgasms of her life!
Because A HUGE mistake a lot of guys make is to put off learning how to fulfill a woman’s sexual desires only after they realize they have no idea how to please a woman; the problem with waiting until this moment is because by this time, she’s become sexually unfulfilled; and when a woman isn’t getting what she needs sexually, she’ll eventually look somewhere else until she finds a man who can successfully make her orgasm.
It’s not a man’s fault he’s not good in bed—there’s so much bad information out there it’s hard to know what a woman actually responds best to… but now there aren’t any excuses, because I’m here to offer you my brand new program, titled Asa Akira Teaches Sex.
You’ll never again worry about whether or not you’re ‘doing it right’…
…and you’ll kill the competition, for you’ll have mastered a technique less than 1% of the male population even knows exists…
…and just imagine what will happen when she tells her friends… because they’ll want to find out if what you can do is true….
My video program is an orgasm-roadmap, showing you the easiest route to the destination of giving her the best orgasm she’s ever experienced.
With the help of some of the most beautiful women currently in the adult film industry, I explain EVERYTHING you need to do—step-by-step—to give her these powerful orgasms she’s been waiting her entire life for… and the best part… giving her one of these powerful orgasms is super easy to achieve and my techniques work EVERY SINGLE TIME.
But don’t just take my word for it! Here’s what some of my students have said about the program:
my sex life…went from ‘meh’ to WOW fast
“Been married for 6 years now, we started out strong but i noticed the love had started to go out of the relationship. we hardly ever had sex, and to be honest i’m not sure if i ever gave my wife an orgasm before. well, all that’s changed now after getting coaching from Asa. Using orgasmic confusion has made my sex life take a total 180…it went from “meh” to WOW fast…the techniques are super easy to learn. The “15 Minute Orgasm” alone is worth it, my wife is happier, smiles more…and always wants sex! Thank you Asa, you’re the master!’
– J.T., Houston, TX
able to give her HUGE orgasm every time…she never wants to leave the bed
“Asa i never had a problem attracting women, but getting them to stay, that’s another story. I had recently met a girl (through online dating site) and i thought she was THE ONE…we dated a few times, including got intimate with each other…i thought things were going great but she soon stopped returning my calls, with no explanation. this has happened ot me before…i finally thought, maybe it’s the sex. maybe there is something i can do. Your coaching program was it! i met a new girl & am able to give her HUGE orgasm every time…without a doubt, she is happy, she never wants to leave the bed! and i am happy too!”
– Mayur, Sacramento, CA
what can i say IT WORKS!
“i never thought of myself as a guy who needed any help in the bedroom. but one night a few months ago my girlfriend of 2 years got drunk & admitted that she had never had an orgasm with me! that hurt. i went to asa, she taught me her system…and what can i say IT WORKS! now i’m using her techniques to give her different types of orgasms every night, even combination orgasm like you demonstrate in the program! and let’s just say my girlfriend is pretty happy too…twice last week she gave me a blowjob as soon as i walked in the door form work! So nice!! this stuff changed my life, recommend it to any guy!”
– Derrick, Newark, NJ
Use “Orgasmic Confusion” to Blow Her Mind…EVERY TIME!!
The techniques in “Asa Akira Teaches Sex!” are all based on the idea of “Orgasmic Confusion.”
This is similar to the idea of “Muscle Confusion,” which I’m sure you’ve heard of…
It’s based on science which shows that if you keep doing the same workouts over & over, you’ll stop getting the results you want from exercise.
“Muscle Confusion” is about constantly changing up your workouts so you keep building muscle…
And it’s proven to be the most effective way to keep getting great results!
“Orgasmic Confusion” is the same idea…it’s based on the fact that women are capable of several different types of orgasms…
And if a girl only gets one kind of orgasm, over & over again…she’s not going to be all that impressed. =(
In order to really blow her mind sexually, you have to give her different types of orgasms in the same session…
And you have to keep changing it up each time you have sex with her in order to keep satisfying her!
I’ll give you special sequences of positions & other advanced techniques that will allow you to master “Orgasmic Confusion”…
So that you’ll Rock her World the FIRST TIME you have sex, with multiple kinds of orgasms….
And you’ll keep AMAZING her with your technique EVERY TIME you have sex afterwards…
She’ll never know what to expect from you, and she’ll NEVER get bored of the sex!
Before I get into the specifics of this technique, you must first understand this important FACT about women…
All Women can Have 6 Different Types of Orgasms
Hopefully, every guy nowadays knows that women have clitoral orgasms…and some of you may even know how to give a girl G-Spot Orgasms…
But if you want to fully satisfy her in bed…if you want to make her think, beyond a doubt, that you are THE BEST lover she has ever had…
You have to be able to give her all 6 types of orgasms. And that’s just what my program is designed to teach you.
The 6 Types of Female Orgasms
Here’s what they are:
– Clitoral Orgasms -The most basic type of female orgasm, you MUST be able to give these as a bare minimum! Every girl can give herself one of these using either her fingers, or a $20 vibrator.
These orgasms feel good to a girl, but since she can give one pretty easily to herself, she expects you to be able to give her something MORE INTENSE and MORE POWERFUL than what she can give herself…
– G-Spot Orgasms – An internal Orgasm, more powerful than a clitoral orgasm. Almost all girls have had one of these orgasms…and many expect to have one during sex nowadays.
Being able to give a girl a G-Spot Orgasm puts you in the category of “above average” for sure…
– Deep Spot Orgasms – Deeper inside the vagina than the G-Spot, these are more rare, but even more powerful…and can last TWICE as long!
Once almost unknown, many more girls have experienced them these days. If you can give a girl one of these, she is most likely going to be pretty impressed…
– Multiple Orgasms – When a woman has an orgasm – either a clitoral or a G-Spot orgasm, usually – over & over again very rapidly…these can go on for hours.
This is a VERY exciting feeling for a woman…and it is extremely rare. However, every girl has heard about this kind of orgasm, and dreams about experiencing it for herself! Very addictive!
– Squirting Orgasms – Literally an orgasm where a girl squirts fluid, this is done by stimulating the Skene’s glands, which are located near the G-Spot.
A squirting Orgasm is MUCH more intense than a G-Spot Orgasm, though. It is usually done with a hand technique, but can also be done through penetration sex.
These are becoming very popular…If you can do this, you’re on your way to becoming a real SEX GOD!
– Extended Orgasms (The 15 Minute Orgasm) – This is just what it sounds like, an orgasm that lasts up to 15 minutes! You must know a somewhat complicated technique to master it, but once you do, there is nothing else like it for a woman.
There is really nothing like it, and only a handful of guys are aware of the complicated technique you must perform in order to pull it off. It can take up to 30 minutes to get there…but if you do, a girl will be overwhelmed with pleasure!
This is definitely the Ultimate Orgasm for a woman!
All women can experience each of these types of orgasms, whether she knows it or not…
What’s more, it is actually possible to make two or more of these types of orgasms occur at the SAME TIME…this is called a COMBINATION ORGASM, and it is very intense for a woman!
And mastering all 6 of these orgasms is the basis of my “Orgasmic Confusion” technique…
You’ll learn advanced positions & the techniques designed to give her each type of orgasm…
And you’ll also get special sequences of these positions designed to create “Orgasmic Confusion”…so she never knows what to expect from you in the bedroom, and she keeps having MIND-BLOWING ORGASMS every time you fuck her!!
This is a technique I have perfected over the years as a sex superstar…and now, all my knowledge & expertise can be YOURS as well!
And the technique itself is pretty easy to learn…any guy, at any age, can learn it in just a few short hours!
How You Can Learn to Give A Woman The BEST SEX She’s EVER Had,
It’s all in this limited offer, “Asa Akira Teaches Sex”………
In it, you will get the complete guide to mastering the female body…not just how to give her each of the 6 types of orgasm..but ALL the special sex sequences designed for “Orgasmic Confusion.”
“Asa Akira Teaches Sex” is the closest thing you will ever get to having an Owner’s Manual for the Female Body!!
You’re gonna get LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS where me & my hot girlfriends will show you exactly how to rock any woman’s body like NO GUY has ever rocked it before.
This is no boring old-fashioned sex ed video like you saw in school!
These are explicit, hardcore scenes with some of the hottest girls on film today!
There are 7 sections of this program, each one an hour long, and each jam packed with super-advanced techniques demonstrated step-by-step by me & my bisexual girlfriends.
Let me tell you more about what you’ll get in this program:
The first section of this program is called
Extreme Foreplay for Sexual Addiction
Romi Rain – She’s funny, smart, and smoking HOT!!
In it, you’ll see me & my sexy-as-hell girlfriend Romi Rain get together to show you the first part of ANY sex sequence – the foreplay techniques that lay for the foundation for powerful orgasms!
I can’t overstate the importance of GREAT FOREPLAY…without it, you will NEVER give a woman an orgasm….period.
But it’s not enough to know one or tow foreplay techniques…her body will get used to them very quickly, and she’ll stop responding!
In this section, you’ll learn several innovative foreplay techniques based on the latest scientific discoveries
For example, did you know that just by turning your head to the right while kissing a girl can make a HUGE difference?
Scientists in Germany found this makes you seem more caring, flooding her system with the ‘love’ chemical oxytocin, which allows her to come quickly. This is just ONE of the many great tips you’ll learn here…
Romi & I get naked & nasty together, and you’ll see it all in explicit detail as we take you through 8 patented foreplay sequences you can put in rotation to make her absolutely addicted to you
You’ll get:
– A weird tongue trick that gets her wetter than just about anything else
– Tips for hot & heavy making out/heavy petting that will get her so turned on she’ll be begging for you to fuck her even if you just met!
– How to touch her, and where, to get her so turned on she’s guaranteed to come like she never has before.
– How to TALK DIRTY to her – this is maybe the #1most important quality that makes a top-notch lover.
– A special trick to use on her upper body that triggers an INTENSE reaction downstairs (This gets her SUPER turned on & BEGGING for you to touch her down there!)
– And lots more!
The next segment is called The OMG! Oral Orgasm
Monique Alexander, former Wicked girl & 5 Star pussy eater
Here, me & expert pussy-licker Monique Alexander demonstrate everything you need to know about giving a girl amazing ORAL SEX.
Every girl wants oral from her man. No, I take that back – she NEEDS oral. If you don’t do it, she will eventually leave you for someone who will.
But most guys simply do not know how to do it RIGHT. And there’s nothing worse than getting BAD head from a guy.
Monique & I take turns going down on each other, and you’ll see it all in juicy detail as we take you step-by-step through the techniques that you MUST know to give her unforgettable oral orgasms.
You’ll learn:
– THE TONGUE TRICKS you need to get her off…but also what you must do with your fingers!
– The different types of orgasms you can give her from oral sex. Did you know you can actually give her a G-Spot Orgasm during oral? I’ll show you HOW
– The little-known Kivin Method which involves stroking the clitoral hood during oral sex for an AMAZING orgasm.
– How to know if she’s responding to what you’re doing, or if wants you to stop – and what you SHOULD do if she does.
– The one TABOO act that every girl craves during oral..but none will admit to!
– Which direction you should LICK in to maximize clitoral stimulation
– And much more!
AND here’s the deal… if you give a girl great oral, she is going to want to return the favor. That’s how it works!
Next up is Extreme Sex God Positions
Capri Cavanni – Hotter than a tin roof in July!
There is no hotter girl in porn today than Penthouse Pet Capri Cavanni…she’s one of my best friends in the biz & she knows almost as much about sex as I do!
That’s why I got her for this segment of the program, which is all about the most advanced, EXTREME sex positions you need to know to satisfy your woman with EVERY type of female orgasm.
Not only are you going to get ALL the wild positions you need to know to keep changing up your sex routine every night…you’ll get special sequences of positions designed to maximize the orgasmic effect it has on her….
Capri & I will guide you through these sequences, step-by-step in HOT, raunchy detail…so you’ll learn exactly how to guide her to different types of climaxes – Clitoral Orgasms, G-Spot Orgasms, MULTIPLE ORGASMS…and more!
You’ll even learn how to STACK one orgasm on top of the other…giving her amazing COMBINATION ORGASMS she’s never had before….this stuff is ESSENTIAL for the technique of Orgasmic Confusion, and a MUST for any guy who wants to keep his girl interested!
You’ll also learn:
– All the EXTREME stuff you see in porn – Reverse Cowgirl, Standing Sex Positions, plus new variations on doggystyle & missionary you’ve NEVER seen before.
– Special positions that actually make you seem much BIGGER & THICKER inside of her, and also which ones are the best for letting you last longer….
– The best positions for clitoral orgasms, the best ones for G-spot orgasms….and even special sequences of positions designed to tease her into extended multiple orgasms
– Positions for maximizing eye contact & intimacy, making for super-intense passionate sex…AND the best positions for dominant, aggressive sex. Simply follow this formula & give her the most mind-blowing sex she’s ever had!
– And TONS more hot stuff!
A special segment on Multiple Squirting Orgasms by my friend, and the Squirting Master, Marcus London!
Marcus London, Innovator of the Squirting Orgasm
By now,you know about the Squirting Orgasm…this is one of the most INTENSE orgasms a woman can have. Also known as “Female Ejaculation,” it is similar to a male orgasm, except WAY more intense…and a LOT wetter!
Marcus perfected the technique for making ANY girl have one of these amazing orgasms…he even gave me one during a scene, and let me tell you, there is nothing that compares to it…until now, that is.
Marcus developed a new technique for MULTIPLE SQUIRTING ORGASMS…which is when you can make a girl squirt again…and again…and AGAIN! Even if she’s never squirted before!
In this special program, Marcus demonstrated the technique on first-time squirter Ana Morna. Just 19, she’s brand new to the industry, drop-dead gorgeous, and TOTALLY WILD!
Ana Morna – Young, beautiful, and squirts like a geyser – 6 times! – for her first time EVER!
You’ll see this young beauty squirt clear across the room, over & over again, in one of the hottest scenes I’ve ever witnessed!
You’ll discover the only ONE thing that gives your girl more sexual pleasure than a squirting orgasm… MULTIPLE squirting orgasms!
And after watching this explicit tutorial you’ll know exactly how to give your girl this once-in-a-lifetime experience.
You’ll also learn:
– The exact spot you must touch on a woman to make her squirt (And a foolproof way to find it on any girl in seconds…the very first time you try!)
– The exact amount of fingers to use, where & how to use them, and how much pressure (You’ll be amazed at how easy it actually is!)
– The “secret” sex position that causes multiple squirting orgasms during penetration!
– How often you should give a girl Multiple Squirting Orgasms
– What to do with your fingers that AREN’T inside of her (This is VERY important! Many guys miss this & when they do, it’s unlikely she’ll have an orgasm)
– The science of HOW squirting orgasms happen & WHY they are so INTENSE for a woman
– How to “warm her up” so that when you do touch her secret squirt spot, she is ready to blow like a fountain!
Next up is ADDICTIVE ORGASMS with sexy, kinky Dana DeArmond!
Dana DeArmond, one of the most popular stars of today…and also one of the wildest!
This is what it’s all about. I got Dana because she’s one of the smartest girls in the biz & she knows literally EVERYTHING about sex!
In this section, Dana & I will fully explain ALL 6 types of female orgasms. You’ll learn exactly how they feel to a woman, and tips for getting a girl in the right mood for each one.
Then, Dana & I get together to demonstrate the BEST POSITIONS for each type of orgasm…and then you’ll learn how to combine them into special sequences that are TOTALLY INTENSE, and 100% ADDICTIVE.
You’ll learn simple variations on old positions like missionary & doggystlye that will actually MULTIPLY the orgasmic impact they have on a woman…and you’ll see exactly how to do it, step-by-step, as we demonstrate on each other with our trusty strap-on!
You’ll also learn:
– What positions make it easier to LAST LONGER with a woman
– The one thing you must do before entering a girl that will allow her to have Multiple Orgasms (if you forget this, she’s not likely to come AT ALL!)
– Why ALL women love Doggystyle…and the one thing you can do with your hands while you’re inside he that will give her an AMAZING Combination Orgasm
– What to do differently if a woman is having trouble coming…you’ll get tips for varying your technique to guarantee she comes EVERY TIME
– One simple trick you can do to prolong ANY female orgasm by up to five full minutes!! (DO this right, and she’ll be begging you for sex night & day just to get this orgasm again!)
– And a whole lot more!!
The next section of the program is
Bring Out Her Inner Porn Star
Maddy O’Reilly – Don’t let her innocent looks fool you – she’s a WILD CHILD!
It’s all about getting a girl to show you her WILD SIDE, no matter how conservative she might be outside the bedroom!
For this, I got the only girl for the job – sexy spitfire Maddy O’Reilly, who truly likes it a bit ROUGH!
ALL women like a little bit of ROUGH SEX – slapping, choking, dirty talk. BUt you have to know how to do it RIGHT..
Because if you go about it the wrong way, you’ll never get it again. And trust me, your girl wants this – if you don’t give it to her, she’s gonna get it from somebody else
You’ll also learn about light bondage, role playing, costumes – these are all a part of bringing the element of fantasy into your sex life. This is an exciting way to rekindle the romance in a relationship.
Learn how to bring out the wild side of any girl, even the most timid. Live out your porno fantasies with your woman…I’ll show you how to make her excited about pleasing you ANY WAY YOU WANT.
In this section, you’ll learn:
– How to get her in the right mood for some of the rough stuff
– The one TABOO that all women fantasize about, and how to get her to do it with you if she’s timid
– What you must NEVER say to a girl – EVER – when talking dirty…this is a guaranteed turn-off & will keep her from orgasming
– How to know when you’re being too rough…and when you’re not being rough enough!
-the one household object to use during spanking that will double the amount she gets turned on!
– And more!
The final section of this program is ALL about
“The 15 Minute Orgasm”!
This is absolutely the ULTIMATE ORGASM for a woman…it is based on the discovery of the Extended Sexual Orgasm (ESO) Technique in the mid-80s by a pair of German researchers…
They perfected a technique for giving a woman an orgasm that literally lasts up to fifteen full minutes!
This is seriously advanced stuff…
But if you can pull it off, there is NOTHING more intense for a woman. This will literally BLOW HER MIND, leave her totally exhausted with pleasure, and make her INSTANTLY ADDICTED to the man who gave it to her….
This is the NUCLEAR WEAPON of sexual techniques!
The sultry Kendall Karson has an orgasm that lasts a FULL 15 MINUTES…you must see it to believe it!
Marcus London shows you step-by-step how to achieve this ULTRA-POWERFUL ORGASM as he gives one to the lusty Kendall Karson in this steamy demonstration…
Kendall literally screams in pleasure as she experiences wave after wave of orgasmic delight…for over 15 minutes!…all from this amazing new technique.
And the best part is, any guy can learn how to do it…no matter your age or experience, no matter your “size.”
This technique should be a part of any guy’s bag of tricks who is serious about truly satisfying a woman…and this program is the complete guide to learning how to do it.
Here’s more of what you’ll learn in this part of the program:
– What you must do to prepare a girl for this intense orgasm
– The one thing that will kill your chances of success with this technique
– Special exercises you can do to improve your ESO Technique
– The science of HOW this orgasm works…and WHY
– How to DOUBLE the intensity of the orgasm with one EASY-to-learn trick!
– and MORE!
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/