*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Austin Passamonte Package (Discount 25 %)”
CM APR (A Pivot Reverse) Trade Method (Video, Manuals, 120 MB)
- APR method 0913-1.avi
- APR method 0913-2.avi
- APR_Method_Manual.doc
- APReverse method I.avi
- APReverse Method II.avi
- APReverse Method III.avi
- CM Pivot Calculator.xls
- CoiledMarkets Oxxx Newsletter.pdf
- Jan08-Clients.wmv
- Pivot Method Details.pdf
CM emini ATM Trading Method (Video, Tradestation Code)
- Forex coiled markets
- Website
- CM emini-ATM method Intro.wmv
- CM emini-ATM method Video Four.wmv
- CM emini-ATM method Video One.wmv
- CM emini-ATM method Video Three.wmv
- CM emini-ATM method Video Two.wmv
- emini-ATM.ELD
CM Pivot Power Trade Method (Video. Manuals, Tradestation Codes)
- CM Pivot Calculator.xls
- CM-PPR Intro I.avi
- CM-PPR Method One.avi
- CM-PPR Method Three final.avi
- CM-PPR Method Two edit.avi
- CoiledMarkets Oxxx Newsletter.pdf
- PivotPower.pdf
- PP-S1-R1.ELD
- PP-S2 R2.ELD =
- TICK chart PP S1 R1.ELD
- TICK chart PP S2 – R2.ELD
MorningSwing Method (Video 80 MB)
- CM Morning Swing One.wmv
- CM MorningSwing Two (ES).wmv
- emini-ATM – Filter Chart Opening Range.wmv
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