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Exploring the Essential Features of “Bertold Ulsamer – Accept all your inner parts and transform your problems”
What you’ll learn
- You explore your inner critic, judge and pusher
- You find out more about your rebellious side
- You bundle your strength to achieve what you want
- You gaining a new understanding for your potential
- You discover what determines and drives you in the depths
- You end inner battles
- You nourish your relaxation, calmness and serenity
- The willingness to explore oneself more deeply
- Commitment over 14 days
As a human being we are not one β we are split and fragmented.
One part has ambitions and wants success, the other part just wants fun and relaxation. One part wants to have time to deepen the relationship; the other part just wants time for himself β doing sports, sitting in front of the computer or whatever.
This course will bring you out of the often enormous tensions. Stop being frustrated because you are not achieving what you want! Get to know your different sides better with all their needs.
This is a program for 14 days in which you explore your inner pressure, your hidden anger, your secret wounds, your joy β and much more.
The course contains the contents of my 5-day seminar on this topic. It is a precious fruit of 40 years working with people.
You no longer exhaust your strength in struggles with yourself, but you use your power for your goals and wishes. Clarity, self-care and relaxation are natural consequences of this journey.
Who this course is for:
- People looking for solutions to inner tensions and conflicts
- People who want to understand and get to know themselves better
Course content
Day 1: All sides in you are inner parts
- Welcome
- Choose a problem you want to solve through this course!
- About me
- Content and structure of the course
- Everything in you is just an inner part
- Practical examples
- The advantage of seeing everything in you as an inner part
- The disadvantage of this perspective
- Your task until the next day
- A poem of Rumi
Day 2: The oppression by your Inner critic, judge and pusher
- Evaluation of the task from the last day
- Inner critic, judge and pusher are present in every human being
- Five pushers which may drive you crazy
- Personal exploration about your situation: How is your inner critic, judge and pusher
- Practice: Coming into better contact with your inner critic, judge and pusher
- Time for a change – a story
- Your task until the next day
Day 3: All your inner parts are your friends
- Evaluation of the task from the last day
- All your inner parts have good intentions
- Can the part which drives someone to smoke have a good intention?
- The right questions to understand your inner parts deeply
- Practice: Asking your inner critic, judge and pusher
- Your task until the next day
Day 4: Finding a structure in your inner world
- Evaluation of the task from the last day
- To whom speaks your inner critic?
- Different models how to organize your inner world
- An extended model of transactional analysis – the ground for the course
- Practice: First acquaintance with different inner parts
- Your task until the next day
Day 5: Your free child and your child which submits
- Evaluation of the task from the last day
- The inner free child
- Practice: Exploring your inner free child
- The inner adapted child
- Practice: Your part which adapts
- An experiment in social psychology that shows how unconscious adaptation is
- Your task until the next day
- A special task for your free child
Day 6: Your inner child which rebles
- Evaluation of the task of yesterday
- The early connection between rebelliousness and adaption
- Practice: Personal exploration about freedom and rebelliousness in you
- Practice: Exploring your rebellious part
- What is true self confidence?
- A practical example of being assertive
- Your task until the next day
Day 7: The core dynamic: The play on your inner stage
- Evaluation of the task of yesterday
- Why aren’t you realizing your goals?
- Practice: How you block yourself to reach your goals
- Your suffering arises from the inner structure – not from the contents β a story
- When playing on your inner stage the adult part doesn’t show up β an example
- The core dynamic played on the outer stage
- Your task until the next day
Day 8: the wounded child and how to protect it
- Evaluation of the task of yesterday
- Does everybody have a wounded child?
- Practice: Exploring a situation with inappropriate emotions
- How to be in the world with your emotions
- About wounded children and firefighters
- Practice: Discovering your firefighters
- Your task until the next day
Day 9 : the caring and nurturing part in you
- Evaluation of the task of yesterday
- What does a loving inner part look like?
- Practice: How much do you care for yourself?
- How we always bypass our tender parts
- Practice: How do you ignore your soft parts?
- Using humor to get along with your annoying parts
- Your task until the next day
Day 10: The grown part in you
- Evaluation of the task of yesterday
- Being βgrown upβ β what does that mean?
- 10 – 3 Enquiry: How much are you βgrown upβ?
- Practice: Your initial problem – what does each part say?
- Integration instead of splitting up
- What happens to the parts after integration?
- Your task until the next day
Day 11: Solving inner conflicts: Meeting your different inner parts
- Evaluation of the task of yesterday
- Two or more sides in you in conflict
- Practice: Identifying the 2 different sides of your confict
- Practice: Discovering the values and the power of each side
- Practice: Discovering the qualities and the potential of each side
- Practice: The negotiation of both sides
- Your task until the next day
Day 12: The parts which are connected and loyal to your family
- Evaluation of the task of yesterday
- Relationships in families and inner parts – how does it fit together?
- The importance of the connection with the family
- Practice: The connection with father or mother and your inner parts
- The connection with ancestors and their burden
- Practice: Exploring your connection with an ancestor
- Your task until the next day
Day 13: Gooing deeper in the world of your inner parts
- Evaluation of the task of yesterday
- People around you mirror parts of yourself back to you
- Practice: Exploring inner parts by facing someone you donβt like
- Practice: Your good parts and the opposite parts
- The world mirrors denied parts of you
- Practice: The world mirrors denied parts of you
- Your task until the next day
Day 14: Who controls all the inner parts?
- Evaluation of the task of yesterday
- Is there a boss of all your parts?
- Practice: Being without your parts
- Control and the fear of death
- Practice: An experiment to be silent
- Final practice: a moment of excellence jn your life
- Good bye: Life is the dancer and you are the dance
- Final recommendations
- A gift for you: a lesson from my family constellation master course
Bertold Ulsamer
Therapeut, Trainer und Coach
PhD in law, certified clinical psychologist, NLP-trainer, trauma therapist (Peter Levine), originally from Germany. My strength is: Putting complicated psychological issues in a nutshell. Understandable for everyone – because the essence is simple! Moreover, I want my participants not only to get ahead theoretically, but also practically. Thus I set great value on them making new experiences and gaining new personal insights.
After graduating in law I also studied psychology. I quickly noticed that I way prefer working with humans to working with paragraphs. So I started to practice as a psychologist – initially with individuals, then mainly with groups. Together with a colleague I founded an institute for NLP in management trainin~* German Version below *~g. We developed and held many seminars about leadership, self-management and communication for customers like BMW, Siemens and Lufthansa.
In the 90βs I discovered the great influence of your own family of origin through the method of βfamily constellationsβ. Using this instrument I returned to working as a therapist and held seminars and trainings all over the world (e.g. in Australia, India, South Africa, Russia and the US).
Today I integrate everything I have learned working as a coach and therapist, for the last 9 years, oftentimes in China. I am the author of more than 20 books in the field of professional communication, self-management, family constellations and personal growth that have been translated into 10 languages.
If you are interested in the work I am doing then you may want to get information about my new courses and books. Inscribe you for my newsletter! And you will get reductions of some courses. You can do that on my website.
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