*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Bill Johnson – Beginner Options Trading Class”
If you’ve ever wanted to learn options trading –
(the right way), now is your chance, because…
“Our NEW ‘Beginner Options Trading’ Web- Classes of Step-By-Step Options Training (Covered in Amazing Detail) That Will Show You How To Use Options
To Maximize Your Profits and Minimize Your Risk!”
If You’ve Ever Wanted To Take Your Trading Profits To the Next Level With Options…
Then This May Be The Most Important Letter You Ever Read!
Dear Friend,
Options are largely misunderstood.
Yes – they can be dangerous if used improperly…
But if you learn options the ‘right way’ — from someone truly qualified to teach you… Then options can be the most powerful tool in your trading arsenal! Options can also help you reduce your risk in your trades as well as multiply your profits.
The key is to learn from somebody who has the knowledge and experience to really teach you and educate you about the correct way to trade options.
Fortunately for you, we’ve found that person.
Let me introduce you to…
Bill Johnson, Options Specialist
Before writing his bestselling book, An Investor’s Guide to Understanding and Mastering Options Trading, Bill was chief options strategist at 21st Century Investor.
Bill has a total of 9 books published on options, including his most recent book, Options Trading 101 – From Theory to Application….
Over the years Bill has taught hundreds of students about options, and is highly regarded as a great instructor, with a knack for making options easy and fun to understand.
Now that you know who the instructor is and know that he’s absolutely qualified to teach you…
I have some bad news.
Bill is no longer with the Options University, so this class is not available in a live format any longer.
But the good news is…
We recorded the entire class, and you can order online version of the course and watch over and over again at your leisure.
In this 4 video course, seasoned options expert and trainer Bill Johnson will take you by the hand, and show you step-by-step how to learn to trade options.
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/