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Exploring the Essential Features of “Bobby Rio – Make Small Talk Sexy – Conversation Escalation”
Bobby Rio – Make Small Talk Sexy 2.0
Bobby Rio – Make Small Talk Sexy 2.0 aims to provide men with ideas on how to have more fun, engaging, sexual conversations without having to worry about lapses in their communication.
One of the biggest sticking points many guys have in their quest to become more successful with women, is not knowing what to talk about when first meeting them. Make Small Talk Sexy by Bobby Rio is a product aimed at giving you the tools to create fun and engaging conversation so that you never again have to worry about not knowing what to talk about.
It focuses on conversation topics that are more engaging to women, and different ways that you can control the flow of the conversation and lead it to wherever you want to take it. For guys who have the problem of running out of things to say to women, this product offers really useful information to fix that.
01:02:03 1. Keys to Attractive Conversations
01:08:55 2. Playful Conversations
00:59:22 3. Fliratious Conversation
00:49:08 4. Banter and Social Intelligence Module
00:51:24 5. Rapport Building Blueprint
01:07:42 6. Putting it Together
00:50:15 7. Practice and Implementation
00:42:50 8. Outer Game Practice
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