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Exploring the Essential Features of “Brittany Watkins – Think and Thin”
Are you tired of constantly thinking about your weight?
Have your dreams been put on hold until you finally win that battle with the scale?
Are you fed up with doing ALL the right things… and then finding yourself standing in the kitchen eating your way through the entire pantry?
I’m Brittany Watkins.
I know how you feel. I struggled with food cravings and emotional eating for more than 15 years…until I discovered a solution that allowed me to lose weight in just a few months.
Today, I’m an expert in reprogramming the mind using the most cutting-edge tools in modern psychology, and I’ve helped thousands of women lose weight and stop eating emotionally.
This program delivers the most cutting edge, powerful tools to:
– Reboot your brain, just as you would a slow, bogged down computer
– Reprogram limiting beliefs about yourself and your body
– Lose weight without counting calories or depriving yourself of the foods you love
My deepest hope is that this will be the last weight loss program you’ll ever need.
My “secret sauce” is an East-meets-West approach based on leading edge psychology, neuroscience, and Eastern philosophy.
My methods encompass the most powerful modalities known on earth today: Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT/Tapping), neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), and energy healing techniques to balance the chakra system.
With Love and Hugs,
What Will I Learn
How to reprogram your mind:
- Wipe out old mental “programs” that keep you stuck and addicted to food
- Release the limiting beliefs preventing you from having the life and body you want
- Treat yourself to burgers or pizza without gaining weight
How to control cravings:
- Learn why your mind links certain foods to positive memories, and how to clear it
- Manage your cravings in public situations, like at a party or in a group
- Walk past a plate of cookies without feeling a bit of temptation
How to stop binges in their tracks:
- Learn why you can’t stop eating once you start, and how this impulse is connected to your preverbal childhood
Module 1 – Kick Your Cravings to the Curb
Have you ever noticed how fond you are of your favorite snacks? Do they sometimes seem like a soothing parent you’ll learn how your mind associates certain foods with positive memories, and a simple energy clearing exercise that will reprogram this belief so you don’t have to eat food to feel good.
Bonus Materials
VIDEO – Secret Finger-Tapping Spots
Use these subtle tapping points to manage your cravings discreetly in public situations.
VIDEO – Ball of Light Exercise
Learn how to release cravings in less than 5 minutes from this quick demonstration.
MP3- Morning Tapping Routine
Learn a daily routine to help you maintain and implement all the lessons you’ll learn over the next 6 weeks.
Module 2 – Supercharge Your Willpower
Part 1: Stop Self-Sabotage
Discover the limiting beliefs you may be holding about your family, friends, and other significant people that are keeping you stuck at the same weight. Then, learn how to reprogram these beliefs with a few simple steps you can do at home.
Part 2: Your Power Center – The 3rd Chakra
Is your willpower non-existent? Do you tell yourself you won’t eat certain foods only to give in a few days – or even hours – later? Do you find yourself rebelling against your own rules? Discover how your childhood relationship with parents/authority figures dictates your ability to exercise willpower and controls your behavior around food. You’ll learn how to reprogram the unconscious vows you’ve made in your 3rd chakra so you can attain rock-solid willpower and say no to ANY food!
Module 3 – End Emotional Eating
Learn why you can’t stop eating no matter how hard you try, and what drives the emotional eating tendency. Master a cutting-edge new technique to push food away when you’re triggered, without feeling deprived. This technique took years to refine, but works in seconds.
How? It zeroes into the exact part of your brain where the impulse to eat emotionally is stored, and reprograms the neural pathways and mental “programs” that tell your body to stay fat. It upgrades your old “software”, telling the brain that it is safe to be thin.
By uncovering and healing the underlying emotional drivers that cause emotional eating, this technique provides a lasting, permanent solution and not just a quick fix. People who use this technique repeatedly report they can actually eat more and not gain weight – we have testimonials to prove it!
Bonus Materials
MP3 – Audio Instruction
Like a guided meditation, this mp3 will take you through each step of the process as I walk you through the “push the food away” technique when you’re feeling emotional. You don’t ever have to be alone again.
VIDEO – Why Do I Eat Emotionally?
Listen as I explain the exact reason you eat emotionally and what you can do about it.
Module 4 – DON’T Clean Your Plate!
“Finish all your food!” “Clean your plate!” “You can’t leave the table until that food is gone!” Did you hear this every day growing up? I’m willing to bet you did. If so, no matter how hard you try to stop you’ll always finish all the food on your plate. And these days, when “bigger is better,” you’ll never reach your goal weight if your mental programs are insisting that you clean your plate.
Your parents thought they were doing what was best. But now, deep inside, when you don’t finish your meal you feel guilty and ashamed. In your mind, your parents are there, scolding you for not cleaning your plate. Good news is, we can make this stop with one simple exercise.
Bonus Materials
PDF – Naturally Thin Eating Plan
Do you ever wonder how certain people seem to eat whatever they want and stay thin? No, it’s not metabolism. They have a mental program, and you can learn it too. In this Naturally Thin Eating Plan, you’ll learn the secrets of naturally thin people and how they can eat things like burgers and pizza without gaining a pound.
Module 5 β I’m Too Sexy: Dealing With Sexual Attention.
Either way, it created the belief that “It’s not safe to be thin.” No matter how hard you try, you’ll never lose weight until you address this. Personally, I spent years working with this area of my life and wasn’t successful until I did a few little tricks. In this module, I teach them to you!at some point.
80% of people who have trouble losing weight are unconsciously afraid they will attract more sexual attention with their slim new frame.
Just for a moment, imagine you’re at a restaurant, all dressed up for a nice dinner. You’re standing at the bar ordering a drink (or Shirley Temple!) and all of a sudden you are surrounded by 10 really good-looking men (or women!) who are complimenting you on how great you look…and asking for your number…and moving in closer…
Committed or not – does that give you a little stomach pang?
If so, it’s very common. This stems from old, subconscious “software” that just needs to be updated. Maybe something very bad happened to you a long time ago, or maybe you were uncomfortable with the way someone looked at you at some point.
Module 6: Lettuce Wrap it Up
In this module, you will learn how to absolutely feast on lettuce for dinnerβand truly enjoy every bite!
Lettuce for dinner? That’s it?! Does the thought of skipping your mashed potatoes or mac’n’cheese after a long day make you feel crummy?
The reason that diets are destined to fail is because they set off triggers from preverbal childhood. For many people, food unconsciously represents love and comfort. So every time they deprive themselves of certain foods, they experience anxiety, sadness, anger, and other rocky emotions, without knowing why – making it near impossible to keep weight off.
This module will teach you how to reprogram your emotional triggers so you can have a light, healthy dinner and fall asleep in a restful peace – without yearning for anything else.
Is Think-and-Thin Right For Me?
Think-and-Thin is only for certain people. Since there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss, we want to make sure you know if it’s the right fit for you.
This Program IS FOR YOU If you have:
- A burning desire to find and eliminate the root cause of your emotional eating
- A hunger to live your life free from self-doubt, inner judgement, and agonizing cravings
- A passion for exploring yourself and doing your personal inner work
- A little voice that tells you you’re meant to do bigger things
- An inner knowing that your life can be different
- A soul – quenching desire to be part of a real community of people who will provide love and support on your journey
- The will to put yourself first and work hard on your personal healing
This Program is NOT For You If…
- You’re not an emotional eater
- You don’t want to revisit your past
- You are not open to learning a new way of healing
- You’re unable to commit to doing the work it takes to heal yourself
- You’re looking for a one-stop, instant solution
- You’re looking for pep talks or ego – petting
The Cost of Emotional Eating
- How long have you been struggling to shed those excess pounds? And at what emotional cost?
- Do you hold yourself back from what you really want to do in life? Have you put your dreams on hold until you FINALLY win that battle with the scale?
- Are you stuck in the same boring routine, day after day, because you don’t feel quite ready to do what you’re meant to do in the world?
- Do you HATE your job and feel sure that you are destined for bigger and better things, but talk yourself out of making changes?
- What could you achieve if you weren’t expending so much energy worrying about food and dieting?
- The same limiting beliefs you hold about your weight are ALSO holding you back from having a career you love, and making the amount of money you deserve. They affect your:
– Sense of self-worth and self-acceptance
– Anxiety levels
– Ability to attract the right relationships
– Quality of existing relationships
– Overall sense of wellbeing and comfort in your own skin
This is Your Time!
Where will you be this time next year? Still trapped in the same old battle with food and self-loathing? Sabotaging yourself, obsessing about what you eat, and saying no to invitations because you don’t like the way you look?
Or will you be thriving, fully aware and enjoying all that life has to offer?
What will you do once you’re free from worrying about your weight?
- Master a new skill?
- Start your own business?
- Learn a new language?
- Travel?
- Go after your dream?
- Meet someone special?
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