*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Bruce Frantzis – Dragon and Tiger Medical Qigong”
Message from Bruce
Welcome to our newly expanded Dragon & Tiger online home study program.
Since we first launched this program over 1,200 people have taken the course, and their reviews back consistently have been highly positive. This qigong course features Energy Arts Senior Instructor Bill Ryan who has been teaching for over 20 years and recently has specialized in Dragon and Tiger Medical Qigong. He has been a long-time student and is a gifted teacher who has taught over a thousand students this qigong set.
If you are a member of our community it is likely you know about Dragon and Tiger Qigong and if not you can read more about it below. In the next ten years I believe Dragon and Tiger Qigong has the possibility to make radical positive change in the West. It is simple, effective and fun to learn. My aim is to train many more people who want to become instructors and many more who can use it as a daily energetic exercise for health and vitality.
This online course is a unique 10-week program with over 50 different step-by-step videos to guide you to learn and improve your Dragon and Tiger Qigong form. Each week you will be given two practice sessions so that at the end you will have 20 different practice sessions you can work with. Bill guides you through each lesson and breaks down each movement in detail. It is like having a teacher right in your living room.
In addition, we’ve now expanded and improved the program by including bonus videos of me teaching more advanced aspects of Dragon & Tiger. So now you can not only learn the foundations from Bill, but also gain from me insight into the more advanced potential of Dragon & Tiger.
Whether you want to recharge your current practice or learn it for the first time this online course is a great way to create a daily practice ritual to keep your body energetically fit and healthy.
Enjoy the course,
Bruce Frantzis
Message from Bill Ryan
For over 30 years I’ve intensively studied energy arts, including tai chi, bagua, hsing-I, Taoist meditation and many forms of qigong/neigong. I founded and directed one of the largest tai chi and qigong schools in the country. I’m also a practitioner of qigong tui na bodywork, a form of Chinese medicine.
After working with thousands of students and clients, I came to the conclusion that of all the arts I know, Dragon & Tiger Medical Qigong has the most potential to help the most people build, maintain, and/or regain their health and vitality.
I’ve seen people use Dragon and Tiger for purposes ranging from stress release to relief from cancer treatments, from learning how to relax to relief from repetitive stress injuries, from regaining flexibility to reducing chronic joint pain, from improving balance to releasing negative emotions, and from developing effortless power for athletics and martial arts to realizing quieter and deeper meditation.
It helps people in so many ways because it’s fairly easy to learn, quickly boosts and balances your chi – which in turn guides and benefits every other system of your body – and provides benefits even if you do it poorly. What a great combination!
Plus it’s such a sophisticated art that you can study it for years and keep learning. I have students who have been with me for over fifteen years who continue to explore the art with me, Plus I’m always learning more about it from Bruce and my own practice. The more you put into the system, the more you transform your own.
I hope you will join me to learn this jewel of ancient Chinese wisdom. Please tell your friends and family about it, so we can help the most people possible.
See you in the Program,
Bill Ryan
“This powerful qigong (chi gung) set offers about 80 percent of the benefits of longer, more complex forms, but in just seven simple movements that are relatively easy to learn for astounding health benefits not found in most Western exercise systems.”
-Zhang Jia Hua, Master of Dragon and Tiger Qigong
The Source of Dragon and Tiger
Dragon and Tiger Qigong was passed down to Bruce in China from Zhang Jia Hua, a doctor of Chinese medicine. She was extremely proficient in the use of qigong for medical purposes. At one time, she was the vice president of the All China Qigong Association.
Zhang Jia Hua was so taken with Dragon and Tiger Qigong that in 15 years of active teaching, during the 1960-1970s, she taught and qualified more than 20,000 instructors who spread Dragon and Tiger Qigong to over 20 million people in China.
Many qigong sets in China are named for the qualities and purpose for which they are designed. The general purpose analogy in Dragon and Tiger Qigong is that you develop the agility and flexibility of a flying dragon and the relaxed power of a pouncing tiger.
Chinese medicine gives it more specific meanings: the tiger’s immense strength and responsiveness are traits that derive from the liver—hence the tiger is a metaphor for a healthy and strong liver. The dragon’s ability to fly is a trait that resides in the lungs—hence the dragon is a metaphor for healthy and strong lungs.
“Dragon and Tiger Qigong’s seven movements literally trace the acupuncture lines of your body to move and disperse stagnant chi.”
-Bruce Frantzis, Lineage Holder and Taoist Master
A Meridian-Line Energy Massage
Dragon and Tiger Medical Qigong is a 1,500-year-old self-healing movement system based on acupuncture. It is sometimes called “meridian-line qigong” because it helps free you of energetic (chi) blockages by balancing the chi flow that runs through the acupuncture meridians or energy channels of your body.
This powerful qigong (chi gung) set offers about 80 percent of the benefits of longer, more complex forms, but in just seven simple movements that are relatively easy to learn for astounding health benefits not found in most Western exercise systems.
The simple yet profound movements of Dragon and Tiger Medical Qigong help to develop balance as well as co-ordination between the left and right sides of the body and brain. Not only do these movements benefit your blood flow and nervous system connections, they also gently stretch the soft tissues of the body which allows for flexibility and comfort throughout your daily activities.
Dragon and Tiger Qigong’s seven movements literally trace the acupuncture lines of your body to move and disperse stagnant chi. The movements are easy to learn yet challenging enough to keep Dragon and Tiger Qigong interesting for ongoing practice. No matter what age you are, engaging with these practices will pour water into the reservoir of your overall health and vitality. These movements will continue to enrich your life as you delve deeper into your body and mind through practice.
“I feel centered, stressful situations don’t bother me as much. My circulation has dramatically improved. I work in the cold quite a bit and always needed layers of clothes or a sweater. Lately I wear short sleeves and am just fine.“
-Padma O., Student of Dragon and Tiger Qigong
Build Your Energy and Chi
Dragon and Tiger Qigong is especially renowned for simultaneously accomplishing three major changes in the body:
- Releases stagnant chi that cannot move freely. Stagnant chi can be located anywhere there is a
physical, emotional or psychic blockage of energy. - Increases the speed, strength and evenness of the circulation of chi, blood and other fluids. This
balances the body’s energy. - Quickly raises the energy levels of the body to boost your natural healing capacities.
CAN YOU LEARN DRAGON & TIGER THROUGH VIDEOS? ABSOLUTELY YES. One of the beauties of Dragon & Tiger is it’s simple enough to be learned well this way – which is not true of all qigong sets. Bill has spent years figuring out how to teach it in the clearest and simplest ways possible.
You’ll be impressed with the clarity of Bill’s presentation, his attention to detail, and his concern that you learn it well and safely. Plus, Dragon & Tiger is great because you can do it at any level of skill and benefit This also is not true of many qigong sets.

Dragon & Tiger Online Member Testimonial
“A big thank you to Bill Ryan for creating this course!
As I started this journey I was open and curious to anything that would happen. Lots happened! For once I joyfully practice every day – some days only a few minutes in the morning, some days more. I still am mostly on 10 reps, but boy I can already feel the difference it makes. I have much more energy during my day.
I feel centered, stressful situations don’t bother me as much. My circulation has dramatically improved. I work in the cold quite a bit and always needed layers of clothes or a sweater. Lately I wear short sleeves and am just fine.
I highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested to improve health and well-being or is on the lookout for a new spiritual path.”
-Padma O.
Learn Seven Movements in Seventy Days
The Online Dragon and Tiger Qigong Course is designed to teach you all seven movements of Dragon and Tiger in ten weeks.
Here is an overivew of each of the movements you will learn:

Movement #1: Dragon and Tiger Meet:
Brings earth energy up into your body and clears stuck energy down out of your body through your vertical acupuncture meridians. Especially benefits your liver and lungs.

Movement #2: Dragon Looks to the Horizon:
Continues what Movement 1 began and extends energy around your torso and out each of your arms. Its flicking movements loosen and begin to release stagnant energy from your body.

Movement #3: Tiger Crouches:
Further activates your horizontal meridians – especially your dai mai (great meridian), works and stretches your legs, and especially strengthens your kidneys.

Movement #4: Tiger Separates Her Cubs:
Moves energy back and forth between the two sides of your body and especially benefits your heart and blood circulation.

Movement #5: Tiger Pounces:
Shakes and clears stagnant energy out of every part of your body and further opens your legs and strengthens your kidneys.

Movement #6: Pierce Heaven and Earth:
Connects you to the energy of the heavens and
opens up and clears the energy lines of your “upper burner” including your brain.

Movement #7: Dragon Soars to Heaven and Brings Back the Pearl: Connects, combines and further strengthens
the flows within all the energy lines awakened in the previous exercises. Strengthens the flows between your energy field outside you and your lower tantien, which is the energy center of your body that most affects your physical health.
Dragon and Tiger Qigong will teach you how to feel all the parts of your body and wake up your nervous system while you become more relaxed, tone your muscles and improve blood circulation.
DO I HAVE TO COMPLETE THE COURSE IN 10 WEEKS? You can complete the course at your own pace. The videos will be up indefinitely so take your time if you like, or go through the program multiple times. The beauty of the online format and the way we’ve designed the course is that it allows you to find your way as suits you.
“Dragon and Tiger Medical Qigong gives people a powerful way to take charge of their health and well-being.”
-Kenneth Lossing D.O., Member Board of Governers of the Amerian Academy of Osteopathy
NEW: Now Includes over 8 Hours of Dragon & Tiger Instructor Training Footage
(56 Additional Videos w/ Bruce Frantzis)

The Dragon and Tiger Home Study Program now
includes bonus footage with Bruce Frantzis from training courses
Conducted in Maui, HI and Europe. Bonus footage includes:
- Brief history of Dragon and Tiger qigong
- Building qi sensitivity
- Teachings for each of the 7 movements
- Subtle physical movement, breathing and qi cultivation practices
- Exercises benefiting experienced beginner to intermediate practitioners
- Q&A involving common questions students come across
- Instructor level training material in 56 videos with over 8 hours footage
Dragon & Tiger Online Member Testimonial
“I have been practicing internal arts for almost 3 decades so I’m not a novice to Qigong exercise. Always open to exploring other Qigong systems, I bought Bruce’s Dragon & Tiger books (both volumes) and put them to use learning the form.
Looking to improve & check my form I enrolled in Bill Ryan’s online course. I found this program to be well structured, with excellent content including many warm-ups, specific exercises to build each of the 7 movements fundamentals as well as important Qigong Principles.
As a result, I have smoothed out my performance of the set which has helped to release stubborn tension in my back & neck.
Finally, I want to give my thanks to Bruce Frantzis for bringing this piece of Qigong wisdom to the west and to Bill Ryan for assisting in spreading this knowledge.”
–Brad H.
Course Offer: What You’ll Receive
Over ten weeks senior instructor Bill Ryan will guide you step-by-step through this time-tested program for learning Dragon & Tiger’s seven movements.YOU’LL RECEIVE:1. Specific LEARNING PRINCIPLES to focus on for the week2.OVER 30 succinct, carefully-crafted INSTRUCTION VIDEOS
on how to easily and successfully learn the movements (3-5 per week)3. A total of more than 20 GUIDED PRACTICE VIDEOS (2-3 each week)4.BONUS Footage from Bruce Frantzis’s Dragon and Tiger Training
[56 videos, +8 hours]IN ADDITION YOU WILL HAVE ACCESS TO:5. Access to the Energy Arts Training Forum on Facebook6. Downloadable PRACTICE LOGS that allow you to
easily track your learning and practice progress
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