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Exploring the Essential Features of “Bubbles & How to Survive Them – John Calverley”
Housing equity, 401Ks, Pension funds. They all may be vulnerable to the next bursting bubble. John Calverley lays out the fundamentals of our asset-backed economy and explores the powerful implications for individuals, businesses, central banks, and policy makers.
Editorial Reviews
Analyzes major market bubbles of the 20th century; states the U.S. is in the early-middle stages of a housing bubble. — SmartMoney.com, December 12, 2004
Product details
Publisher : UNKNO; 1st ed edition (October 4, 2004)
Language : English
Top reviews from the United States
5.0 out of 5 stars Not disappointed…
Just finished reading what I consider one of the best timely books on our current financial crisis.
Having read several books on this topic… this one is a must read. Why?
It is written for us, the layperson… not the professional.
Check out the contents, the author writes with a simple, clear hand.
You will not find the usual economic jargon that can bog down the ease of reading and understanding. This a major achievement in itself.
He covers the first known bubble histories (1630’s)up through 2008.
This is the updated version from the original 2004 version. (covering through 2008)
It interesting to read his comments what he thinks will happen in 2009-10.
He pretty good at reading the “tea leaves”
He does an excellent job of presenting different view points (his included) but leaving you to decide.
A good read.
Debra Matthews
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Book!
Still learning lots of things from this book
Top reviews from other countries
5.0 out of 5 stars Send in the Calverley
This review is of “When Bubbles Burst”, the 2009 follow-up to Mr Calverley’s original book of 2004. I heard the author on the Today radio programme a few weeks ago and thought he sounded quite sensible and switched-on. My son is thinking of buying his first house so I am interested in looking at likely house price movements.
The book is excellent. It is a bang up-to-date commentary on the past, current and likely future financial and housing situation, with specific reference to UK, US and other markets, written by someone who 5 years ago was warning of the very problems that have now befallen us. You can pick and choose which bits to read (it’s quite easy to concentrate just on house prices for example) but I read the whole book which is probably better to get a wider grasp of his views. My only criticism is that there is a bit of “I told you so”, but then why not boast!
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