*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Candlecharts – MyCandlecharts”
Mycandlecharts Feature Sections
1Strategy Session – Members have the option to request specific market instruments (2x/week).
2Daily Market Report: Monday to Friday, we give an overview of the major market participants
3Options Outlook: A weekly unique option analysis that will help you find the best opportunities
4Morning Trade Settingup of the Day: Daily video of a trade that we could be doing that day
5Forex Focus: The weekly Forex Focus session provides forex market analysis.
6CasualTrader: Members who wish to preview the week ahead
7Chart Challenge – Ready to test your understanding about Nison candles?
8Special Topics: All members receive access to the most recent session, annual/lifetime members access to all special topics & Options Bootcamp
9Charting Widget – Use this widget to practice looking at charts
10Weekly Recap is similar to Daily Recap, but offers a longer term view for active traders and swing traders.
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