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Exploring the Essential Features of “Carolin Hauser – The Pleasure IQ”
Making It Rain, No Problem.
Getting All Kinds Of Stuff For Free…
No Problem Either. But When It Comes To
The Things You Truly Want… Silence… Nothing.
With the Pleasure IQ This Happens:
You decided that you are ready to be with your soulmate and within 2 month the two of you are together.
You think: “Ah, wouldn’t it be nice to be published in the NY times”… next thing you know, the NY times editor calls you.
You feel like going for a walk and run into a woman with a cute dog, strike up a conversation, and end up with a $25k client.
All of the people that so desperately have been needing you and sucking up your energy and time… disappear, as if by magic.
No more conflict between making things happen and divine timing… everything happens when it needs to…
You move from living with your parents or having to ask your boyfriend for money every time you want to get a green drink… to being the one paying your parents’ mortgage and taking him out in style…
You want to honeymoon in Paris… you Honeymoon in Paris… and get a whole new wardrobe while you are there.
I met my Soulmate in less than two months and 14 months later we got married…
“My relationships felt so unsatisfying, I was not meeting the right person, and I had a lot of financial challenges, feeling helpless, like “Oh, God, I am so alone”. I felt tired emotionally and mentally, not feeling supported, questioning my life and wondering why don`t I have what I want. I had been very driven – a woman who makes things happen, whenever I would be running out of money, I would exhaust myself, creating more fear and more obstacles. I was in a place of mistrusting and not allowing and taking action from a place of desperation and fear. After my work with Carolin I met my soulmate in less than two months and 14 months later we got married, it’s the most important relationship I have ever had it’s fun beautiful and romantic – we are a good match. We opened a restaurant, it is really fulfilling our ultimate vision; people come to our place to have a beautiful experience with some very unique food, beautiful ambiance – classy and sexy. We co-created that together, and I have to say not all men are comfortable with sharing in that level for co-creating, but he trusts me and values me and gives me plenty of freedom, the kind of a freedom that I can just say what I am thinking and feeling.
Working with Carolin was a process, an awakening to – oh my gosh what have been doing – I recognized that I had been selling myself so short and I recognized that I am worth so much more and I can allow in anything I want; my awareness is far greater now than ever before.
I have a lot of respect for Carolin because she has been through the challenges and struggles of single motherhood and financial strife. She is on the other side now and shares from her own personal experience. She has created amazing new systems, programs and ways to teach women.
She is a source of inspiration, encouragement and hope, an example of everything a woman can create, EVEN if she has nothing now.”
Aparna Sherman
Co-owner of Nectar restaurant in Santa Barbara
Why is it so hard to manifest your hearts deepest desires?
If you have read books like The Secret to help you manifest your soulmate, more money and clients, or better health, and if you have seen other people around you have “the dream life”, then you do have firsthand experience that there is such a thing as manifesting power.
Maybe you’ve even been one of those people that has cleansed all your chakras, bought every self-help book on the shelf… believing that every time you started a new “course” it would be the one finally bringing you THE breakthrough.
So why does the idea of you being able to manifest your dream life have you squirm and squeal inside?
Let me guess:
You don’t mind working on yourself but, when in the world, will it ever be enough… you have cleared entities, healed your mother wound, done rebirthing, gotten reiki, eaten only kale, eaten nothing and just lived on juices… what else can you do??
You know that law of attraction exists… it works when you want the rain to stop or win front row seats for you and your friend… but it doesn’t when it comes to things that truly count.
Since you have tried to change your “patterns” forever now… you are starting to lose hope and you are thinking that you are just not meant to have it all.
People with big dreams (like you and I) don’t always get a lot of support in this world.
The truth is most people don’t live the life they came to live. Most people sell themselves short and don’t reach for the stars.
But where do you get your advice from… where do you turn and learn…?
It’s certainly not your girl friends, and most likely not the people you are surrounded by.
This is why you turned to the self-help books and courses in the first place.
And it’s not that they don’t work.
In my experience, I have found that there is one myth’s reason to blame for you having tried it all and not gotten what you wanted.
This myth is based on the idea that everything in the universe has a certain vibration.
That like attracts like. And while that is true, it is not true that your thoughts carry the most intense vibration. Your thoughts are actually created by emotions.
So you can work on your thoughts all day long and get a headache or do what is more effective, which is work with your emotions.
One of the formulas I give my clients states:
Emotional integration = Mental Clarity, Mental Clarity = Confidence, and Confidence = Results.
When you can grab hold of and release the underlying emotion you can resolve thousands of negative thoughts in one go.
In short, when you resolve the negative emotions, your negative thoughts disappear.
The Pleasure IQ is more than just manifestation system it’s so much more than just a bunch of visualizations and positive thinking strategies…
You need to develop your own HIGH Pleasure IQ because, the way you feel determines what you manifest.
The things that keep anyone from feeling good and having a HIGH Pleasure IQ are old, negative emotions.
The Pleasure IQ course includes the most effective and simplest method for releasing hidden negative emotions (…it’s not tapping). It also includes the most effective ways to release anxiety that is blocking you and the exact tools to use to keep your vibration HIGH and aligned with what you want and your focus strong, yet relaxed.
To manifest anything you need 2 things:
- You need to be in a non-resistant space
- And you need to be connected (in your belly) to what you truly want… what I call… your core desire
When these two things are present, your life takes off and is filled with ease, and everything you want comes to you as if by magic in just the right time.
It was great when The Secret came out and opened your eyes to what is possible, but it also left you beating yourself up because no matter how hard you’ve tried, you just can’t manifest the things you truly wanted.
It’s not because there is something wrong with you, nor is it because your chakras aren’t aligned yet, nor that you are not thinking enough positive thoughts.
The law of attraction is only one part of the manifestation process.
In truth, everything you truly want is already here.
You just haven’t learned to navigate your way towards it yet.
What if you could learn to read the signs that the universe is giving you… and make decisions moment-to-moment that would lead you unmistakably toward the fulfillment of your true potential, and with that your dream life?
How I used the Pleasure IQ to Find My Calling, Create Half a Million in Revenue, and Attract My Divine Partner Paul (all in under 3 years)
When I left my first marriage, I had 2 kids under the age of 6, no money, no support, and was still recovering from severe chronic fatigue.
I had been trying everything to get clients— Facebook, cold calls, harassing my friends, even pay-per-click ads, you name it. But nothing was working.
The only resource I had was me and a free online course that taught about the importance of feeling good and having great energy. So I started working on myself.
I invested in me and my energy.
I listened to those free tapes day and night…
Within 10 days I made $7500.
Could I Have Gotten Onto Something?
After spending the following year practicing and testing various tools and strategies I was able to identify what actually works when it comes to manifesting.
I developed a simple 4-step process that helps transform negative emotions and puts you into the right vibrational match… without it being a spiritual shortcut… so that you can have your true desires fulfilled.
I personally use The Pleasure IQ to create everything in my life- starting from having health and harmony in my body and relationships, including my team, my clients, my ex- husband, my family and of course my lover – to getting on national TV – to attracting six 50k clients while working 20h a week – to making sure I fulfill my purpose.
I’ve taught hundreds of awakening women (and a few brave men) how to excel at manifesting. This work has been featured on national TV and I have worked with well-known leaders in my industry and helped them attract their perfect clients and soulmates too.
And that makes the
Pleasure IQ Different
Unlike other Manifesting programs out there (that are
really just a regurgitation of the same old same old,
I’m sharing with you cutting edge practices that work.
I am sharing with you the behind the scenes of going from complete lack… I didn’t just lack physical energy… I was bankrupt too… to creating my dream life including a multi six-figure company, being executive producer… you know the one that puts up the money to get the thing done… for a anti-GMO documentary and co-creating with my Divine Partner, Paul.
You get it.
I am showing you proven strategies that I have personally tested.
Increasing Your Pleasure IQ Will Give You Everything You Want From Life.
Switch ON Your Pleasure IQ, Reclaim Your True Self,
And Welcome Your TRUE Heart’s Desires In 4 Weeks
In this highly acclaimed 4-week course you’ll learn how to clear away the internal and energetic obstacles to abundance and love so that you can have everything on your vision board not someday, but NOW.
Not True For You Anymore
The Results You Can Expect…
Full Transparency: I’m NOT going to promise that by the end of this course, you’ll be living like OPRAH, and everything will be easy pea-sy happily ever after.
Nor am I going to promise that ALL your manifesting issues will magically be gone. (Manifestation mastery is NOT a one-time event!)
What you CAN expect is massive transformation in how you are feeling immediately when you jump in and play full out. You CAN expect a newfound peace of mind, and ease in manifesting your true desires.
With the Pleasure IQ, you are saying YES to a whole new way of being. You’re going to create new habits with energetic work and practical steps.
The result?
The “new you” will show up immediately – as soon as you allow it.
- Heal your heart
- Program your subconscious for money and relationship success
- Release over-giving, guilt, shame and putting your needs last
- Create new healthy boundaries allowing you to never get drained or being taken advantage of ever again
- Reconnect to your innocence and true power so you can feel confident and good about yourself
- Feel supported by the universe, become a desperation magnet no-more, and lose the helpless energy that attracts losers, and money drains
- Heal your relationship with your parents so that you can be free to create happy relationship and don’t have to relive the drama of their life
- Become invisible to energy draining people that have sucked you dry in the past
- Feel at home, accepted and safe in your body as a woman
- Feel beautiful, happy and radiant
- Become the woman that inspires men and money to make her happy, protect and take care of her
- No more nights spend with your thoughts racing… sleep like a baby and feel good when you wake up
Week 1: Clear Your Receiving Limits
Declutter “I Am Not Good Enough” Thoughts From Your Core: Become The Woman Worthy Of Your Dream life
In week 1 I will guide you through a powerful energetic journey that will help you release shame, guilt, and feelings of unworthiness from your core
- Make peace with your younger self and start making decisions from your “wise” woman instead
- Energetically imprint a healthy self image and the true version of you connect with yourself at the deepest level and unite with your heart
- See yourself for the magnificent woman you truly are… the way your soulmate, clients and money see’s you as well
Week 2: Activate your creative power.
Awaken The Dormant Creative Power Within Your Core And Draw In What You Desire… WHEN You Desire
In week 2 you’ll learn how to keep you energy juicy and magnetic… but ONLY to the right man, the right clients and opportunities, and I will take you through a powerful womb activation… to connect you to your creative power.
- Learn how to always stay connected to your greatest manifestation tool… your creative center
- Learn a powerful energetic tool that you can use to reclaim your womb and sexual power… to never feel insecure or stressed around “good” men or money
Week 3: Integrate your Feminine and Masculine
In Week 3 you’ll learn to identify the masculine and feminine within you and how to flow in both energies so you can move into wholeness with yourself and creating a nonresistant and energetic space, consciously.
In week 3 you’ll be guided to make peace with your parents… this is a vital step in calling true, healthy love and abundance in
- Heal the family drama that up until now has kept you down and unable to receive the love or abundance you want
- Unify your masculine and feminine energy… to experience a sense of safety, joy, and peace… become irresistible
- Learn how to instantly shift your energy so that you become a match to the relationship and life you want
Week 4: High Vibe Mastery
Learn my proven high vibe routine… 99% of manifesting your true desires is energy… this routine shows you how to stay “high”
The number one secret to making manifestation work for you on your terms.
This is how miracles become your norm.
What’s Included in
4 Modules, teaching you the 4 basic steps of the Pleasure IQ system (includes: Audios, transcripts and resources)
The Pleasure IQ Yearly Playbook- A customized manifestation journal to help you stay on track
Bonus #1
24 LIVE Pleasure IQ Manifestation Circle calls with me
(includes teaching, Q&A and mini-readings and clearings
Pleasure IQ Manifestation Circle Toolkit
(Includes a library of high vibrational practices and tools, in addition to clearings and meditations such as:
- Finding your next best step
- Healing your heart
- Vibrational immunization
- Letting go of powerlessness
- Reclaiming your power after having had an abortion
- …And many more
Bonus #2
The PIQ Attract Your Soulmate in 28 Days
In this course I will guide you to make peace with the past and release any old, toxic relationship patterns so that you can be ready to call your true soulmate in
Bonus #3
The PIQ Attract Money and Abundance in 28 Days
In this course I will guide you specifically to heal your relationship with money and release family ties and ancestral money vows… so that you can be free to have your own healthy relationship with money.
Who is Positioned to Have the BEST Success with The Pleasure IQ
(Who is the course FOR?)
The Pleasure IQ Is For Women That Know That There
Is More To Life And Are Done Settling For Less.
You MUST be willing to be uncomfortable and willing to be with the unknown
You MUST take 100% responsibility for your results and your life.
You must be truly ready, willing, able and committed to changing your life for good!
WHY all these requirements?
Because creating your dream life and allowing yourself to have everything you want takes courage. You will be encountering resistance along the way. If living your dream life was this easy, everybody would.
I will be teaching you many tools so you can to move through the resistance because on the other side is your real freedom.
The beautiful thing is … When you make this commitment to yourself and follow through – you will change profoundly in ways you can’t imagine. You’ll be THAT woman. The Woman all other women quietly talk about, behind your back wondering what it is that you have that they don’t.
Who Is This NOT a Fit For?
- It’s NOT for you if you are still questioning if it’s possible for you to truly have what you want.
- It’s NOT for you if you’re prone to quitting, asking for refunds, signing up for programs and backing out, signing up and then letting “life circumstances” get in the way, emailing later saying that something came up.
- Finally it’s not for you if you are looking for me to save you, or you are looking for someone else other than you creating results.
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/