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Exploring the Essential Features of “Chris Dutton – DATA ANALYSIS WITH EXCEL PIVOT TABLES”
Pivot Tables are an absolutely essential tool for anyone working with data in Excel.
Pivots allow you to quickly explore and analyze raw data, revealing powerful insights and trends otherwise buried in the noise. In other words, they give you answers. Whether you’re exploring product sales, analyzing which marketing tactics drove the strongest conversion rates, or wondering how Boston condo prices have trended over the past 15 years, Excel Pivot Tables provide fast, accurate and intuitive solutions to even the most complicated questions.
This course gives you a deep, 100% comprehensive understanding of Excel Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts. I’ll show you when, why, and how to use Pivot Tables, introduce advanced sorting, filtering, and calculation tools, and guide you through interactive, hands-on demos and exercises every step of the way.
We’ll start by covering everything you need to know to get up and running, including:
- Raw data structure
- Table layouts & styles
- Design & formatting options
- Sorting, filtering, & grouping tools
- Calculated fields, items & values
- Pivot Charts, slicers & timelines
- Custom, Interactive dashboards
We’ll then explore and analyze data from a number of real-world case studies, including:
- San Diego burrito ratings
- Shark attack records from 1900-2016
- Facebook Post data from Spartan Race
- Major League Baseball team statistics
- San Francisco employee salaries
- Daily stock market data
- IMDb movie ratings
- And more…
Whether you’re looking for a quick primer, trying to diversify your Excel skill set, or hoping to step up your analytics game in a major way, you’ve come to the right place.
In today’s increasingly data-driven world, analytics skills are in short supply and incredibly high demand, and those with the ability to transform data into insight are leading the charge. I’m here to help you become an analytics ROCK STAR.
- LIFETIME access to all content
- Downloadable project files and resources
- Unique, hands-on demos and case studies
- Course quizzes & homework exercises
- Anyone who works with data in Excel on a regular basis
- Excel users who have basic skills but would like to become more proficient in data exploration and analysis
- Students looking for a comprehensive, engaging, and highly interactive approach to training
Chris Dutton is a certified Excel expert, EdTech entrepreneur, and best-selling instructor with 10+ years specializing in data visualization and business intelligence.
As Founder and COO of Maven Analytics, Chris’ work has been featured by Microsoft, HuffPost, Entrepreneur.com and the New York Times, reaching more than 500,000 students around the world. A leader in analytics education, Maven Analytics seeks to empower everyday people to change the world with data. Chris graduated summa cum laude and received the Charles Bluhdorn Prize in Economics at Tufts University.
Getting Started
Course Structure & Outline (1:32)
DOWNLOAD: Course Resources
Getting to Know the IMDb Movie Database (2:21)
Setting Expectations (1:14)
PivotTable 101
Why PivotTables? (4:10)
Structuring the Source Data (2:00)
Inserting Your First PivotTable (3:13)
Navigating the Field List (7:43)
Analyze & Design Options (1:33)
Selecting, Clearing, Moving & Copying Pivots (5:14)
Refreshing & Updating Pivots (7:30)
PRO TIP: Dealing with Growing Source Data (6:49)
Removing & Reviving Data from Cache (5:41)
How PivotTables ACTUALLY Work (3:39)
QUIZ: PivotTable 101
HOMEWORK: PivotTable 101
PivotTable Formatting & Customization
Number Formatting (2:12)
PRO TIP: Formatting Empty Cells (1:41)
Table Layouts & Styles (5:30)
PRO TIP: Using Tabular Layouts to Create New Tables (2:20)
Customizing Headers & Labels (1:16)
Adding Conditional Formats (6:51)
PRO TIP: Data Bars with Invisible Text (2:13)
Advanced Conditional Formatting (6:51)
QUIZ: PivotTable Formatting
HOMEWORK: PivotTable Formatting
Sorting, Filtering & Grouping
Basic Sorting Options (5:01)
PRO TIP: Incorrect Alphabetical Sorting (2:01)
Label Filters & Manual Selections (8:15)
PRO TIP: Label Filters with Wildcards (3:15)
Value Filters (3:10)
PRO TIP: Enabling Multiple Filters (2:42)
Grouping Data (3:23)
Automatic Date Grouping (4:25)
Filtering with Slicers & Timelines (4:51)
Breaking Out Report Filter Pages (4:13)
QUIZ: Sorting, Filtering & Grouping
HOMEWORK: Sorting, Filtering & Grouping
Calculated Values & Fields
Summarizing Values (4:45)
PRO TIP: Avoiding the “Count Of” Trap (3:49)
“Show Values As” Calculations (3:35)
Show Values As: % of Column/Row (3:47)
Show Values As: % of Parent (3:02)
Show Values As: Difference From (4:41)
Show Values As: Running Total (2:44)
Show Values As: Rank (2:36)
Show Values As: Index (8:06)
Inserting Calculated Fields (6:30)
Calculations in Pivots vs. Raw Data (4:32)
Calculating Using Counts (Part 1) (7:20)
Calculating Using Counts (Part 2) (4:19)
Calculated Items (NOT RECOMMENDED) (6:11)
Solve Order & List Formula Tools (4:54)
QUIZ: Calculated Values & Fields
HOMEWORK: Calculated Values & Fields
Data Visualization with PivotCharts
Intro to PivotCharts (2:26)
DEMO: Column Chart (4:13)
DEMO: Pie & Donut Charts (5:46)
DEMO: Clustered Bar Chart (3:25)
PRO TIP: Prevent Charts from Resizing with Cells (4:45)
Changing Chart Types on the Fly (3:18)
DEMO: Stacked Area Chart (5:46)
PivotChart Layouts & Styles (4:03)
Moving PivotCharts to New Sheets (2:09)
Applying Slicers & Timelines to Multiple Charts (5:01)
DEMO: Building a Dynamic Dashboard (13:22)
QUIZ: PivotCharts
HOMEWORK: PivotCharts
PivotTable Case Studies
Setting Expectations (1:45)
U.S. Voters (2012) (10:33)
HOMEWORK: U.S. Voters (2012)
San Francisco Salaries (13:06)
HOMEWORK: San Francisco Salaries
Shark Attack Records (10:31)
HOMEWORK: Shark Attack Records
Stock Market Data (12:25)
HOMEWORK: Stock Market Data
Baseball Team Statistics (14:16)
HOMEWORK: Baseball Team Statistics
San Diego Burrito Ratings (16:40)
HOMEWORK: San Diego Burrito Ratings
Daily Weather Conditions (12:41)
HOMEWORK: Daily Weather Conditions
Spartan Race Facebook Posts (14:37)
HOMEWORK: Spartan Race Facebook Posts
Apple App Data (18:39)
HOMEWORK: Apple App Data
Wine Tasting Scores (17:13)
HOMEWORK: Wine Tasting Scores
Wrapping Up
More from Maven Analytics
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