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Exploring the Essential Features of “Chris Williams – Football Dutching Systems”
Football Dutching Systems
“Would you like to learn in step-by-step detail how you can copy my dutching methods for making very easy regular profits from Betfair? If so, then read on…..”
My name is Chris Williams and many of you reading this will already know about (& maybe already own) my series of highly-regarded football trading systems. My clients regularly send me emails telling me how their betting banks are growing.
A few months ago, I received an email from a long-standing client who asked me if I had any football dutching systems. I had to admit that I didn’t because dutching had never really interested me before.
(For those of you that don’t know, ‘dutching’ is when you back a range of possible outcomes for any Betfair market & aim to make a profit regardless of which bet ends up being successful. For example, in a horse race you might decide to back each of the top 5 horses in the market. So long as one of them wins the race, then you will end up with an overall profit despite losing your stakes on the 4 horses that didn’t win.)
My client’s email did make me do a Google search to see what systems other people were using but I was very disappointed!
I found a complete lack of information that showed how to dutch football markets – there were no step-by-step detailed instructions like the videos that I produce for my own football trading methods. And no-one showed any evidence that they were making long-term profits from dutching.
So, over the past few months, I have been investigating football dutching & have discovered that:
dutching football matches is one of the easiest ways to make money from Betfair that I have ever discovered!
A bold statement & I’m sure that some of you will dismiss what I have written with the comment “Yeah, we’ve heard it all before!”
But you should approach my dutching methods with an open mind & read further:
After a lot of trial & error, I have now developed a series of different dutching methods (Method 1 is available now & Method 2 will be released shortly). All of them are very simple to use & are ideal for novices as well as more experienced profit-seekers.
Of course, there will be the occasional losing bet (no system can be 100% successful) but my methods include instructions for the actions you need to take at certain points in a match to keep any potential loss to the absolute minimum. To date, I have never lost my entire stake in any unsuccessful bet.
Whilst I obviously cannot give precise details about the techniques used in the methods in this sales letter, I can tell you the following:
- Selecting matches to be dutched is simple. You apply a few simple rules to any match – if the match meets the rules, then a bet is possible.
- On Betfair, you then place a few back bets to cover the range of expected outcomes for the match. Note that all bets are back bets – there are no lay bets at all required in these methods.
- You can either let the bets run to the end of a match, or you can cash-out in-play for a profit.
- That’s it!
By now, you are probably wondering “Can I see some proof?”
This is difficult because showing proof would reveal the techniques! But here is a screenshot of my Betfair Profit & Loss account for Saturday 3rd October 2015. The screenshots cover the bets that I placed using the Football Dutching Systems Method 1 – I have of course blacked out the bet type to protect the systems:
Stakes were £25 per match (spread over the range of individual bets that were being dutched) & the ROI for each bet was between 6.8% and 12.8%.
And for even more recent, completely independent, proof that Football Dutching System Method 1 works, then you need to check out the 20-week evaluation of the method that has been done by Betting System Truths. Just click here to go to the website where you will see that the trial resulted in a profit.
So what does the Football Dutching System – Method 1 consist of?
As usual, I have produced a series of videos that explain in step-by-step detail how Method 1 works; how you select matches & place the bets. You are also shown actual matches on which I place real bets using my own Betfair account.
Football Dutching System – Method 1 Video 1 (14 mins)
In this video, I explain how the Football Dutching System was developed & the reasoning behind the technique. The rules for Method 1 are explained in detail.
Football Dutching System – Method 1 Video 2 (66 mins)
In this video you will be shown in detail how to select matches & work out the stakes for the dutched bets. I go through an example match from start to finish. Everything is shown in step-by-step detail so that you will be easily able to follow along. By the end of this video, you should be able to make your own match selections for bets with confidence.
The video also shows the bets being placed on Betfair & whether the bets were successful or not.
Football Dutching System – Method 1 Video 3 (12 mins)
This video covers the range of options that you have about cashing-out for a profit. It also details what steps you should take if it looks as if the bet might result in a loss.
Football Dutching System – Method 1 Video 4 (35 mins)
Coming soon. This video details a more Advanced version of Method 1 that will increase your profitability.
Example Match 1, Match 2, Match 3 videos (51 mins)
These videos show Method 1 being used on three different types of match & show how I go about making a profit.
As you will appreciate – with over 178 mins of video, a great deal of effort has gone into providing you with fully comprehensive instructions for using the Football Dutching System – Method 1.
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