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Exploring the Essential Features of “Clark Kegley – My Best Journal 2.0”
Cool if I tell you a quick story?
I don’t typically open up, but here goes nothing…
It started like any other day. One moment, I was complacent and at ease.
The next moment, I got an email (which was totally out of the blue) that dropped a huge bomb on me :
U N E M P L O Y M E N T.
So there I am.
Broke, in debt, back against the wall.
I was feeling it big time.
I was $40k in debt and couldn’t afford my student loan payments.
I was isolated and alone. All of my friends moved away to pursue bigger and better things, and were absolutely crushing it.
Whenever I’d take my girlfriend out to dinner, I would pray that she’d choose a spot with a dollar menu (wishful thinking, amirite?).
She ultimately dumped me and handed me a self-help book as a parting gift (titled “Get Your Sh*t Together”… perfect).
And the thought had come up, maybe I needed some help.
But I told myself: If I wait for someone else to come in and fix my life, I’m just settling for whatever dumb luck comes my way.
I’m willingly giving up my control, power and freedom over my life to whatever opportunity blows in with the wind. I’m basically looking for permission to be successful.
I refuse to let my life run by luck.
I refuse to settle for whatever comes along.
I refuse to ask for permission.
So it was time to sack up or shut up.
I decided to take stock of my current situation, my skills, my interests, my desires, MY LIFE.
In the past I would think:
This requires a tool to track my thoughts, feelings and ideas. I needed to have conversations with myself. And there lies the power of journaling.
May sound silly to you, but going all in on journaling (the right kind, not “dear diary” crap) took me from in debt in mom’s basement…
… to building a six-figure (and growing) business:
… to spending back-to-back months doing round the world trips, buying my dream car, and attracting my dream woman:
…to internationally touring as the drummer for one of my favorite bands. Even opening for Post Malone on tour…
having a real impact through my YouTube channel, and just living the life of MY dreams as a twenty-something-year-old guy.
So you wanna learn more about this whole journaling thing?
If so, keep reading.
This page walks you through the exact process I’ve honed over years of trial and error.
This is what I continue to do every year to create my dream life.
But it wasn’t just me….
having a real impact through my YouTube channel, and just living the life of MY dreams as a twenty-something-year-old guy.
So you wanna learn more about this whole journaling thing?
If so, keep reading.
This is what I continue to do every year to create my dream life.
But it wasn’t just me….
We Get Photos of Real Student RESULTS every single day….
What’s Included?
Here’s exactly what you’ll get when you take action today…
- Complete MyBestJournal Program
Unlock The Power to Coach Yourself
You will get access to the original lessons from MyBestJournal. By the end of these, you’ll know exactly how to set up, start, and transform your journal into the best book you’ve ever read. - NEW: Journal Flip Throughs
Exclusive Big Ideas
I’ll be super transparent and give you the BEST lessons I learned through seven years of journaling. These have NEVER been released on YouTube or anywhere else. - NEW: Expanded Bonus Section
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The Workshops
Slash YEARS Off Your Journey
Get access to the world’s best journal workshops. You will be able to gain new insights, breakthrough roadblocks, and recharge your motivation in every area of life.
NOTE: the following are REAL students of MyBestJournal. None of the following people were paid for their opinion.
“…I would recommend this to anyone who wants more out of life… I saw a really big boost of happiness in my life.”
“I NEVER saw myself as someone who would keep a journal… I’ve seen the benefits, and I can’t wait to see the next 1,5, and10-years of me using this journaling!”
THOUSANDS of REAL MyBestJournal Students Have Gotten Results. We get pictures every day from people just like you
using this system to unlock their untapped potential!
p.s. – I call this “The Mafia Offer” because it’s SO good you can’t refuse 🙂
Did I tell you about my serious F.O.M.O (fear of mission out) problem? Here’s how it went down for me:
My Instagram was loaded with EPIC accounts. I mean young people doing insane stuff with their lives. Tropical islands, endless boozing, wads of cash, new gear, 6 pack abs, unlimited freedom, no problems and zero f*&^s to give.
I should have been inspired, but instead I constantly felt like I was missing out. I felt I was missing some secret to living a dream life. For a long time I spent my nights scrolling through crazy accounts wishing I had it as good as other guys.
I spent my days asking myself (as I scrubbed toilets at my dead end job): “Why not me? Why do they get to live that life and I don’t?”All that stuff got me so depressed. I was down on myself and felt helpless. But like I said before, I snapped. And I made the most dead simple change to my self-pity questions.
Instead of “Why not me?”
I asked: “Why NOT me!?”
See the change in tone? One comes from this poor little Clarky mentality, while the other says: “What’s REALLY stopping me?”
As in, if they can do it, why can’t you do it, CLARK!? Why can’t I create the life I want? Not necessarily the booze filled party, but MY dream life. Changing that one question set me on a course for a new life. I shifted from pouting to planning. From reaction to action. From watching to playing.
That’s when I began to take action. I began to invest in myself more than anything else I spent money on (free videos are great, but you really only value for what you pay for). It’s when I began to achieve what I really wanted out of life.
Here’s the thing: There are those who watch other people’s success, and there are those who go out and DO IT themselves. Just think about that if you’re considering trying my method of journaling.
So let me ask…
Why NOT you? Why CAN’T you live YOUR dream life?
Rooting for your success. You got this.
Refusing to settle,
Clark Kegley
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