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Exploring the Essential Features of “Cyndi Zarbano – Heart and Lung Sounds, 2nd Edition”
Achieving excellence in the care we give is a goal for every healthcare provider. In order to do so, we must ensure that we have the tools to allow for critical thinking to occur. One of the most fundamental tools for success in the medical arena is to have an understanding of the clues we find in our assessments. Cyndi Zarbano discusses pearls of wisdom for excellent assessment skills and be able to explain the: who, what, why, and where’s of extra heart and lung sound clues.
Cyndi Zarbano, MSN-Ed, CCRN, CMSRN
Cyndi Zarbano, MSN-Ed, CCRN, CMSRN, practices at Mayo Clinic in MN as an ICU nurse. Through more than 25 years of clinical practice, she has drawn expertise from a variety of intensive care, critical care, and flight nursing roles. Her insights have been sought in legal cases for the past 12 years. She has acted as a nurse consultant in a variety of cases for both defense and plaintiff, as well as fulfilled the role as a testifying expert in a multitude of cases.
Cyndi has been a requested presenter, speaking to diverse healthcare audiences throughout the country. She engages audiences with her current clinical knowledge, incorporation of evidence-based findings, fascinating nursing experiences, and the interjection of humor to keep learning fun. Cyndi is a veteran of the US Navy having served ten years, earning rank as a Lieutenant Commander (LCDR).
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Cynthia Zarbano is the owner of Clinical Review Consultants and has an employment relationship with Mayo Mankato. She receives a speaking honorarium and recording royalties from PESI, Inc. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Cynthia Zarbano has no relevant non-financial relationships.
Target Audience
Nurses/Nurse Practitioners/Clinical Nurse Specialists, Other Professions
- Analyze 6 extra heart sounds and distinguish what they mean when you hear them.
- Assess the difference between systolic and diastolic murmurs, as well as clues to expected assessment finding with each.
- Analyze 5 adventitious breath sounds and understand the clue and common causes for their occurrence.
- Evaluate voice sounds to confirm pulmonary pathology.
Cardiac Assessment Skills
- Extra Heart Sounds
- S2 Splits
- S3
- S4
- Summation Gallops
- Mechanical Clicks
- Pericardial friction Rubs
- Heart Murmurs
- 4 Systolic Murmurs
- 3 Diastolic Murmurs
Pulmonary assessment
- Adventitious Breath SoundsWheezes
- Rales
- Rhonchi
- Stridor
- Pleural Friction Rubs
- Using Vocal Fremitus to Confirm PathologyBronchophony
- Whispered Pectoriloquy
- Egophony
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