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Exploring the Essential Features of “Dani Paige – Sales Page Prep School”
Learn To Write High-Converting Sales Pages & Gain A Repeatable System For Gaining & Delivering Career-Changing Client Projects
Offering sales pages is the quickest way to
hit your financial freeing + schedule freeing goals
Because let’s face it – writing blogs ain’t gonna get you to $10K months.
But my spidey senses say you already know that. You likely know it all too well.
However, wanting to have a high-ticket service
that produce results for your clients…
And actually doing it…
Might feel worlds apart.
Been there. Had every one of those thoughts, too.
Especially the 🐐🐐one.
And after being in this industry for a while now…
I know that all of this is 100% normal and expected.
But let’s uncover the reasons behind why these thoughts keep filling your head.
Because ultimately, it often boils down to three big setbacks
that hold you back from being a high-income copywriter.
Start with your fist held high, and raise a finger, one at a time, if you’ve ever
grappled with these three frusterations during your recent copywriter journey:
You’ve never been taught how to translate copy “rules” into money in the bank
>>> Sure, you know how to write a good headline at this point, and you’ve clearly got a knack for writing….but how does that equate to money? While up-leveling your skills is 1A, there’s still a very prominent 1B – and that’s knowing how to translate those skills into things like valuable offerings, sales processes, and a sustainable online business.
You’ve invested in other programs but don’t feel that much further ahead
>>> If you’ve made it this far as a copywriter already, you’ve likely dabbled in some other courses. And wanting to uplevel your skills is a GOOD thing (see #1!).
But sometimes the growth in other programs is tough – you’re not getting the attention or personalization you need, you’re unsure if your writing is any good because you’re not getting feedback, and often when the mentors’ success is too far ahead of you, they aren’t truly in tune with what’s happening today, in this wild 2023 online market.
You’re second-guessing yourself thinking, “Who am I to call myself a launch copywriter?”
>>> Listen, did you know how to send a proposal prior to your very first client? Did you know what a “freebie” or “funnel” was before you became an online entrepreneur? Likely not. But now that you’re here, these things feel more mainstream to you.
The same thing happens when you delve into launches – the more you immerse yourself, the more you learn, and the more you raise your value… And let me tell you that experience and status can rise quick in the online world. You learn by starting, by doing, and by surrounding yourself with the right people – and each time you’re involved with a launch, you get to take that knowledge and leverage it for your next client. And it just takes one launch to get started 🙂
If you’re on the other side of the screen resembling Katniss Everdeen, then you’re in the right spot.
Here’s where your uplevel begins.
Because at the end of the day…
Sales pages are the most powerful launch asset in the copywriting space, and now YOU can take advantage of them
- Smashing your income cap and freeing yourself with a sustainably profitable business
- Owning a contained offer with clear boundaries – no more re-inventing offers when people keep coming to you for different things
- Establishing stability in your lifestyle and being in control of your income
- Breaking into the conversion copy world and being able to clearly state what you do in a niched down way
- Creating working hours that align with your goals and your personal life
- Offering high-value, high-ticket packages like VIP Days or VIP Weeks with big-impact projects that genuinely excite you
No more max capacity before you’ve even
come close to your income goals
Hey Dani here!
After taking years to learn launch copy, to break into the market, to trudge through the available material online (most of it long and daunting), and then to trial and error it all, I knew there was a gap in the market for learning this stuff.
A gap between streamlined learning and quick implementation, and a gap between expert support, continued feedback, and big-picture business advice.
And that’s why I created it.
You’ll be able to:
- Master the art of writing ethical, conversion-driven sales pages and feel like you officially belong in the launch copy space
Feel more confident in the writing process by learning the ins and outs of a high-converting page, so you can plant your flag in conversion copy and become a more valuable asset for future clients - Build and integrate reliable systems into your business and successfully lead clients through a robust customer journey
Graduate from the blog writing or social captions “phase” and eliminate the need for juggling -and finding!- handfuls of smaller projects (because writing ONE sales page can equate to the price of 15+ blogs!) - Close more sales calls and sign more proposals with improved business skills across the board
Gain training on every element of a launch project – the client getting, selling, securing, and paying! - Gain financially independent VIBES by learning to market and deliver the #1 launch asset that course creators pay good money for
Crank out pages faster and smarter with your own tried-and-true repeatable process that you feel GOOD about - Boost your confidence to Rihanna-level heights when you fuel your brain with copy, launch, and business knowledge, and then put it into action in real time
Translate the step-by-step training and in-the-moment support into making you an indispensable and go-to figure in the sales copywriting domain
Here’s to better-paying clients…
Fewer projects…
Quicker writing processes…
And more scheduling freedom…
All from a highly focused container for you to hop in, gain the skills, get the support, ask all your questions, and then implement it and grow.
It’s like hopping into a launch copywriter makeover show – come as you are – and leave as a skilled and worthy sales page writer
How You’ll Jump from Freshman
to Senior With Sales Page Prep School
Week 1 Lauch Copywriter CEO
- Learn how to establish yourself in the launch market and show up as a confident sales page writer
- Discover your roadmap to calling yourself a Conversion Copywriter (or whichever title you choose)
- Learn what makes high-converting sales pages (so you can produce them time and time again)
- Unroll the Business Foundations to transition from a freelancer mindset into a strong, and in-demand business owner
Week 2 Your Unique Sale Assets
- Develop your proprietary framework to sell more pages
- Strengthen your sales calls so they build trust and convert into clients
- Learn to write, deliver, and sign top-notch proposals
Week 3 Finding Clients (for initial momentum)
- Set your business up so you begin finding and attracting course creators and online business owners who respect and pay your prices
- How to stand out in the market without a robust portfolio or sales page experience
- Gain new marketing skills and techniques to solidify higher-paying clients
Week 4 Finding Clients (for sustainable growth)
- Set your business up so you begin finding and attracting course creators and online business owners who respect and pay your prices
- How to stand out in the market without a robust portfolio or sales page experience
- Gain new marketing skills and techniques to solidify higher-paying clients
Week 5 Onboarding Clients
- How to get paid STAT
- Navigate onboarding clients like a high-earning baddie
- Perform Kickoff Calls that start a project off right (and gain access to recordings of Dani’s live Kickoff Calls)
- Gain the skills of managing copywriting projects
so both you and your clients enjoy the smooth process
Week 6 Performing Research
- How to perform research and uncover VOC the right way
- How to book, perform, and master research calls for your clients
- What to do when you don’t have the right research to work with
Week 7, 8, 9 Sale Page Mastery
- Step-by-step and in-depth training for each section of a sales page: proprietary knowledge, swipes, templates, and prompts
- Unlock the entire Double Pop Process for learning to write high-converting personality-driven sales pages
- Continue through over-the-shoulder training, watching Dani’s practice page come to life – with her thinking out loud and editing on the go
- Round out your 15-section masterpiece with continued hand-holding training and step back with excitement from your well-written personality-driven sales page
Week 10 Offboarding Clients
- How to deliver sales pages to your clients
- Transforming all content, including VOC docs, into “wow” client deliverables
- Officially offboard your client with a simple process that gains testimonials and opens doors for more work
Week 11 Sale Page Audits
- Learn how to leverage your new sales page knowledge and use it for another high-paying service – sales page audits
- Discover how to review, improve, and deliver sales page audit services
Here’s How You’re Destined for Success in Your Copywriter Career…
Copy Critiques and Personal Feedback
- Submit your page-in-progress for reviews and feedback on your sales copy
- Gain personal feedback to gain confidence and momentum in your writing
All the Swipes, Templates, and Guides
Reap the bennies of your After-School-All-Access-Pass for unlimited access to The Playbook, Dani’s client examples, swipes, prompts, templates, walk-through prototypes, and all the explanations you could need (with the HOW and WHY behind it all)
Here’s How It All Comes Together
The goal of this accelerator is to provide you with the deep training + mega support, so you can come inside, gain the skills, get the feedback, explode your confidence, and then turn around and offer a new area of high-paying services.
After a Sales Page Prep School uplevel, many students have niched into sales pages, added launch copy, sales page audits, launch strategy, and so much more to their service packages. This one skill has the potential to carve out money-making services online for life.
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/