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Exploring the Essential Features of “Dave Kaminski – Gig Money”
Here’s How Google Defines The Gig Economy
Per Google search – A gig economy is a free market system in which temporary positions are common and businesses contract with independent workers for short-term engagements. The term “gig” is a slang word meaning “a job for a specified period of time”.
Here’s a fun fact about Google and the gig economy – Google now has more gig workers on their payroll than full-time employees.
But wait, there’s more. Back in 2017, the CEO of Intuit said “the gig economy is now estimated to be 34% of the workforce and expected to be 43% by the year 2020”. Furthermore, it’s predicted that the “gig economy” will simply become “the economy”, as hundreds of millions of micro-businesses will replace hundreds of millions of 9-5 jobs.
If you look around, you’ll notice that there are gig workers everywhere. They shop for people, deliver food to people, drive people around and do just about anything else you can imagine.
And here’s an even stranger truth: these days you can become a complete hermit and literally never leave your home. Live ever. And you can do that because gig workers are available to do everything you need.
Here’s My Definition of The Gig Economy
You do small, short-term jobs (gigs) for businesses. The gigs are profitable for you. And when you finish a gig, you forget about it and move onto something else.
You are not married to anything. You don’t deal with an idiot boss, annoying co-workers, annoying customers, company politics, stupid meetings, off-shoring, salary-pruning, cost-cutting or any of the other typical business drudge.
You do a gig. You get paid. You walk away. And you do it all on your own schedule, at your own pace and your own way.
It’s NOT a full-time endeavor, second job, part-time job or any other type of employment.
It’s a gig. You only do the gigs you want. You always get paid what you want. And when the gig is done, you move onto the next one…whenever you want.
In the gig life, you and only you decide what work you’ll do, when you do it and how much you’ll be paid for it. It’s freedom 101.
Here’s The #1 Reason Why You Should Be Doing Gigs:
You Never Know When You’ll Have To Rely On Them
Look, I don’t need to do gigs. I have well-established businesses online and have been earning my living from them for over 20 years.
But since 2005, I’ve regularly done gigs too.
Because you never know when you’ll have to rely on them.
Jobs get lost. Products stop selling. Businesses close. Traffic disappears. Divorces happen. Medical bills popup. And the list goes on of how your income can suddenly disappear or dramatically be reduced.
When that happens, panic sets in and stress begins.
But if you’ve been regularly earning gig money, it doesn’t. You know that you have gigs to fall back on. Gigs that are a proven and reliable way to generate just about any amount of income you need.
Gigs are like a financial security blanket. A backup plan that you can tap into on-demand.
Doing Gigs Is Waaaayyy Easier Than Selling Stuff Online
and You Can Keep Your Full-Time Job Too
Selling any type of product online, whether it be physical or digital, is hard. There’s a lot of stuff you need and even more you need to know.
Graphics, video, copywriting, payment processors, email services, web design, sales funnels, organic traffic, paid traffic and on it goes. Those are just some of the things you’ll need to have (and know how to use) to sell products online.
But the gig life doesn’t require any of that stuff. In fact, most of the time gigs are landed, completed and paid using nothing more than regular email and PayPal.
And let me say it again: gigs are not a full-time endeavor, second job, part-time job or any other type of employment.
You do them because you enjoy doing them in your free time. It just so happens that you’re getting paid for them as well.
With gigs, you don’t have the stress, urgency or expense of “starting a business”. You’re just doing small, short-term gigs for others. Gigs that start to add up. And gigs that typically bring in income far faster than “starting a business from scratch”.
Let’s Be Clear On This From The Get-Go…
The Gig Life Is Not a Full-Time Business, Job or Life Event
And It’s Not About Driving For Uber or Delivering Groceries For Instacart Either
Hey, if you want to drive people around, deliver groceries or pick up other people’s dog poop, those are all fine gigs. But they’re tough to earn a decent profit from and aren’t exactly sustainable. So Gig Money isn’t about any of that stuff.
It’s not about starting a business either. Starting a business requires a lot of time, money, stress and then even more stress. It’s not fun. The gig life is the exact opposite. It requires little time, no money and there’s no pressure or urgency to hit goals or milestones.
It’s also not about making a major life change. In Gig Money, I’ll show you how to keep your existing job and starting profiting from gigs that you enjoy doing in your free time. Read that again – in your free time. You do gigs when you want, they are not something you’re chained to every day.
And it’s not about earning or replacing a full-time income. That’s what people do by trying to go all-in and become full-time “freelancers” (where 99% of them eventually fail). In Gig Money, you’ll learn how to focus on small, occasional gigs that add up over time. No stress. No burnout. No selling your soul for pennies.
Here’s a closer look at what you’ll learn inside Gig Money:
• Where To Find Gigs
• The 2 Types of Gigs To Do
• The 2 Types of Clients To Work With
• What To Charge For Gigs
• How To Get Paid For Gigs
• Gig Growth
• How To Train Clients
• Stranger Danger
• Instant Micro-Gigs
• I Probably Forgot Some Stuff
But Just Know You’re Getting Everything From A to Z
On How To Start Making Gig Money and Start Living The Gig Life
It’s all 100% video training, where I show you exactly what to do and exactly how everything works.
And you don’t need any tech skills whatsoever. Remember, you’re not selling products online, you’re landing gigs, so all of the tech stuff that you’d normally need for selling products goes out the window. You don’t need it.
And because you don’t need it, that means you have close to zero expense to start living the gig life (I say close to zero expense because you may want to spend a few bucks on things I mention, but you don’t have to…it’s entirely up to you).
There’s no faster or easier way to start making money online than doing gigs.
Again, let me be clear, you’re not going to get rich and retire by doing gigs…that’s not the point of them…but you can certainly use gig money to help fund a retirement if you wanted to. And have fun doing it to boot.
All you have to do is take action on what I teach you inside Gig Money. It’s not hard, it’s not technical and only takes the knowledge that you’ll bring to whatever gigs you choose to do.
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