*** Proof of Product ***

Welcome to “Ecommerce Forecasting” by Dave Rekuc, offered through CXL. This course equips you with essential skills and insights to master the art of predicting and projecting e-commerce performance. Explore the world of data-driven decision-making in the realm of online retail.
Exploring the Essential Features of “Dave Rekuc (CXL) – Ecommerce Forecasting“
What You Get:
- The leaky customer bucket and why it matters for projections.
- Projecting with percentiles.
- Overview of creating a customer cohort-based forecast.
- Creating your new customer revenue projection.
- Active customer file metrics.
- Recently acquired customer repeat rates.
- Finalizing monthly inputs.
- Review and refine your forecast.
- Creating faster and easier weekly projections.
- Weekly forecasting feedback loop.
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