*** Proof of Product ***

Exploring the Essential Features of “David Abingdon – Alchemy Consulting and Deal Making Masterclass”
The Complete Alchemy Business Consulting & Deal Making PRO Program
with the BONUS Alchemy Franchising System
* I understand that the Consulting, Coaching & Deal Making program covers:
1. Fast Track To Success System
2. The Step-By-Step TALISMAN Consulting & Coaching System
3. Positioning As The Expert
4. The Marketing 101
5. Client Generation
6. Deal Making
7. Joint Venturing
8. Business Capitalisation
9. Business Systemisation
10. Advanced Client Acquisition
11. Buying Businesses For No-Money Down, and much more.
* I will have access to, and be able to download, the mass of tools, templates, manuals, spreadsheets, presentation, checklists and many other resources.
* My massive step-by-step, three volume and 22 module TALISMAN Business Acceleration Consulting System will be available to me for download.
* I will have access to download and use (for personal use only) the following resources and materials:
β Over 40 Training Videos
β 18 Manuals, Guides and Workbooks
β 3 x 22 Module TALISMAN Manuals
β 23 Forms, βHow Toβ Sheets & Worksheets
β 3 Consulting PowerPoint Presentations
β 3 Client Legal Agreements
β Spreadsheets
β Client Generation App
β And, other Training Videos and Resources as they are made available.
* I will also get the ALL of the following BONUSES:
1. The Marketing Strategies Encyclopaedia
2. The Alchemy Confidential Business Audit
3. The Alchemy Business Growth Calculator
4. The Alchemy Sales Training System (As an additional TALISMAN module)
5. Use of the title: Alchemy Consultant
* I WILL ADDITIONALLY RECEIVE THE OFFER BONUS: The Alchemy Franchise System complete with:
β Video Training
β Step-By-Step Instructions,
β Manuals and Guides
β Tools
β Franchising Processes
β Prospecting Systems
β Scripts and Fee sheets
β Sample Agreements
β Templates, Client Questionnaires & Worksheets
β Proprietary Operations Manual Software
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/