*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “David Getoff – Optimal Health in the 21st Century”
Attaining Optimal Health
In The 21st Century
David Getoff’s 10-week in-person course with over 30 hours of life-changing information on nutrition, supplements, preventing illnesses, and much, much more
Feb – April 2019
Learn how to feel, live, and be truly well
Attaining Optimal Health in the 21st Century
David Getoff’s comprehensive 10-week (30+ hour) in-person course in nutrition and holistic health.
“Preventive medicine does not mean diagnosing illnesses sooner or earlier, it means preventing them from occurring in the first place.“ – David Getoff
Each class is approx. 3 hours long and is held in-person at Price-Pottenger’s offices in San Diego. Classes also include helpful handouts and ample time for Q&As.
The most comprehensive course ever developed to help you attain and retain the best health you could wish for.
This course was entirely developed by one of America’s most highly respected holistic/nutritional authorities: David Getoff
David has been teaching and updating this course continually for 25 years.
Many individuals and health professionals have taken this course, in person, often numerous times, as it has evolved and been greatly expanded over the past 25 years to finally culminate into this fantastic final course.
This semester-long course was standing-room-only for years at a local college, and is also offered as a 10-session online course.
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/