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Exploring the Essential Features of “Diem Tran – 8 Weeks to Start & Run a Cleaning Referral Agency”
Ressource Content
Welcome to The Cleaning Referral Agency Model
PreviewAbout the Instructor DiemThe Story ofβs (7:54).
Preview to This course is for you| 8 Week Bundle or Separate Lessons (9:59)
PreviewReferral Agency vs. Cleaning Company
Why start| Why start a Referral Agency (6:16)
PreviewStart Up Cost & Monthly Expense (5:47)
Business name, business entity & bank accounts| Business Name, Business Entity & Bank Accounts
Get started setting your expectations | What to You can expect to start at a Referral Agency (5:11)
StartSelecting an Effective Business Name & Domain Name (4:27)
StartSelect Business Entity & Obtain Business License (2:31)
StartOpen 3 Bank Accounts β Whatβs the purpose?| What are they used for? (3:29)
Part 2: Branding a Referral Agency | Logo, Tagline, Website
StartCreate a Memorable Logo & Captivating Tagline
StartWhat to Include Your Website. Consider Converting Sales. Building Trust. Reducing Telephone Time| Consider Converting Sales, Building Trust & Reducing Phone Time
StartQuestions & Answers
What works & what doesnβt (33.09)| What Works & What Doesnβt (33:09)
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