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Exploring the Essential Features of “Digital Vidya – Certified Digital Marketing Master“
Certified Digital Marketing Master Program Overview:
What You Get:
In the Certified Digital Marketing Master program, also known as the CDMM course, we provide comprehensive Digital Marketing training through 44 Modules. Each module, focusing on different aspects, is delivered weekly in multiple online classes.
Modules Breakdown:
- The number of modules varies based on the importance and effectiveness of each domain.
- Digital Vidya’s training approach ensures a deep dive into every aspect of Digital Marketing.
Course Duration:
- Each module is typically covered in one week.
- Multiple online classes are conducted weekly to meet the course duration commitment.
Why Choose CDMM?
- Digital Vidya, with its experience in the training industry since 2009, offers the best-in-class Digital Marketing course.
- Given the online nature of Digital Marketing, learning on this platform is essential.
Hands-on Assignments:
- Duration: 140 Hrs
The real value lies in the hands-on assignments, divided into Module and Case Study assignments.
- Practical Learning:
- Start your online marketing journey by working on your blog (created with our help or existing).
- Apply learned concepts to develop and grow your blog, ensuring practical application of the course content.
Case Study Assignments:
- Unique Approach:
- Identify top Digital Marketing Campaigns.
- Work with implementation teams to design 60 hours of Case Studies & Exercises.
- Assignment Details:
- Create a Business Case Solution for each exercise.
- Practical learning experience ensures the CDMM program stands out among digital marketing courses.
The CDMM course at Digital Vidya offers a comprehensive, hands-on, and practical approach to Digital Marketing training, making it one of the best in the industry.
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