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Exploring the Essential Features of “Dojo – The Fight Smart Striking (Week 1-9 & Bonus)”
The Fight Smart Striking Dojo
Creating Highly Skilled Stand-Up Fighters
Here are some kind words that I’ve received
(from folks who have been through the training)
The Best Ever
Hi Trav, I just wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying your courses. I have been following the Striking Dojo for the past two months and I think I’m making great progress. This is the best martial arts instruction that I’ve ever come across.
I bought the Head Movement mp3 a while back and I work on it a couple of times per week. I also have the Leg Locks course, but I’ve not yet had much time to really get onto it yet, although I’m very much looking forward to it.
I am completely new to all of this; I haven’t been in a street fight since I was a kid, which I lost horribly. Although I played ice hockey for 25 years, I tended to avoid the fighting part of it. I had a couple of bigger boys to look after me :-D. I’m really having fun learning the basics of striking and movement.
I’m just training at home alone at the moment but my 12 year old son is starting to show an interest, so I’ve been showing him a couple of moves.
Thanks so much for all your help. I love your coaching style and you never fail to make me laugh.
CheersRichard Cargill
Required Learning
G’day mate William Tweed, owner & developer of Attack & Evade Boxing Techniques here. We’re a Boxing Club in South Australia. I wanted to let you know that we recently went to the state titles and won the novice light weight division. I have to say that your teaching style and knowledge has improved my own teaching qualities & scientific knowledge of the sport & human anatomy. It’s always enjoyable watching how you deliver your tutorials; you’re a straight shooter & entertaining.
This course should be required learning at every martial arts school. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Keep on keeping on!
Kind RegardsWilliam (Bill) Tweed
Attack and Evade Boxing Techniques
Like Crack?
I have done three of your courses in part because you have trained with Oleg Taktarov and Bas Rutten. These guys are legends to me. Anyways anytime I add stuff to my training program that you post for free I buy the course. So I’ve now bought this course as well as the Head Movement and Leg Lock course.
I honestly think that one of your single greatest videos is the footwork video, it should not be free.
Movement is like crack for me. I took karate for about 10 years and always got blasted in the front leg. Now, thanks to you, I can check leg kicks at will. My entire shadowboxing career is based on your stance.
I have read everything from Bruce Lee, James Keating, Joseph Simonet, Kelly McCann, William Cheung, and the list goes on. However, my practice centers around what you teach. This is as much as a compliment I can give any man.
Keep the stuff coming there are guys in the garage training what you teach. Such is the gift of mobility a curse on karate’s 70/30 stance.Jeremy Kosc
Karate Practitioner
An Ongoing Challenge
I’ve been using the Head Movement Program since early summer and I can now give you a more meaningful critique of your programs.
I have used many popular programs including fitness ones. Those programs are good to excellent in their early stages. But once muscle memory takes hold, they become routine and then boring. I find your program to be an ongoing challenge. I can incorporate new combinations to both MP3 workouts based on the video lessons and it will take me years to master the combination of techniques, speed and force.
When compared to internet exercise programs you outperform your competition. Before buying the two programs from you, I tried
some free versions online and my fight gym online boxing lessons. The former is imbecilic and while my fight gym is better, the $9.99 monthly subscription fee is crazy. For what? You KO those two programs. (read more)H. Brian Goh
Thank You
I just wanted to thank you again for the suggestions you had for us. Since we started working on your suggestions, the boy you helped us with has won 1st place in his division at two tournaments. None of his matches were even close. At the last one, he was challenged to fight a second-degree black belt and he is a green belt. He overwhelmed the kid and spent most of his time chasing him around the ring. At both tournaments he was warned by refs that he was too aggressive and was using too much power! That makes me especially happy He’s still more of a brawler than a boxer, but it’s working for him for now.
Cody’s parents are ecstatic to see their son go from an uncoordinated weakling to a competitive kickboxer in two years! He still has a long way to go, but he’s cleaning up the 15-17 year-old division in the state. So, thank you, my friend. I hope your business is going strong.
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/