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Exploring the Essential Features of “Dr. Bryan Walsh – The Cell Blueprint Online Course”
Elevate your clinical practice. Help patients get better, faster.
Simplify functional medicine with The Cell BlueprintTM, a science-backed diagnostic tool that improves client and patient outcomes through fast, accurate diagnosis and effective, individualized interventions.
Learn functional medicine online with the Cell Blueprint™ course and diagnostic approach.
Unlock new clinical competencies.
Wow your patients with a holistic symptom assessment framework, personalized care, and effective treatment plans.
Upskill on your own schedule.
Grow your healthcare career on the go with self-paced functional medicine training, available on
any device.
Complex knowledge made simple.
Learn, understand, retain, and apply your new knowledge with clinical training that’s learner-centered by design.
If you like the Functional Medicine Matrix, you’ll love the Cell Blueprint model
If you have a functional medicine or functional nutrition practice and you’re looking for a navigation tool, a guide, or a compass to point you in the right direction of where to go with your patients and clients, then The Cell Blueprint™ is the course that you’ve been waiting for.
You don’t need to be an expert on every single diet, every single test, every single supplement, or even every condition a patient or client might come to you with.
You only need to know how to figure out what’s required to keep cells healthy, and that’s where the Cell Blueprint comes in. The Cell Blueprint is a model that can simplify your practice — and make it better and more effective.
In this course, you’ll learn about all the different things required for cells to make proper amounts of energy, what they need to protect themselves from, and how to create the right environment for cells to function properly.
You’ll also get a three-page, 150-question questionnaire you can give to your patients and clients to pinpoint what area of the cell might be dysfunctional in them, so that you have an idea of where to start. We’ll also give you case studies that show you just how effective this Cell Blueprint model is when put into practice.
The Cell Blueprint is simple
We’re all made up of cells.
Every tissue, every organ, every organ system, and every person is made up of cells.
If the cells aren’t healthy, the person isn’t healthy.
The Cell Blueprint streamlines the diagnostic process by starting with the building blocks of the body and interpreting symptoms in terms of cellular health.
Starting with cellular health allows you to:
- Remove guesswork and trial and error from patient care.
- Reduce unnecessary (and expensive!) testing and bloodwork.
- Correctly isolate underlying imbalances and prescribe interventions.
- Identify and address underlying conditions with confidence.
- Effectively treat imbalances, illness, and disease at the root cause.
- Improve patient outcomes and client satisfaction.
The Cell Blueprint framework provides practitioners with clear clinical direction, empowering them to make informed decisions about which diagnostic tests and health interventions to prescribe.
Functional medicine shouldn’t be confusing or overwhelming
Keeping up with all the latest diets, detoxes, trends and protocols takes a lot of time and energy that you could be investing in improving your practice.
The Cell Blueprint cuts through all the noise by providing a fast, straightforward, and repeatable approach to patient assessment.
The Cell Blueprint framework condenses the process of taking a patient’s history into one comprehensive questionnaire that’s easy to complete and evaluate, giving you the clinical direction you need to handle every functional medicine case with confidence.
Applying the Cell Blueprint has helped our clients improve their health, and it can help yours too.
What is the Cell Blueprint?
Functional or holistic medicine is complex by nature precisely because it aims to heal the underlying disorder and introduce the right treatment plan and lifestyle changes to improve the patient’s overall health.
As you probably know all too well, treating a symptom is easy enough, but identifying the root cause is not.
Most symptoms can be ascribed to any number of health conditions, and it’s all too easy to miss a key detail and mess up a differential diagnosis. That’s why it’s so helpful to have a comprehensive intake process that covers all the bases when taking a patient history, and a diagnostic matrix that offers clinical direction. The Cell Blueprint provides both.
Follow The Cell Blueprint in your practice
Simply plug the easy-to-complete Cell Blueprint questionnaire into your existing client intake process and interpret their responses using the corresponding Cell Blueprint evaluation form.
The Cell Blueprint questionnaire is a three-page assessment form consisting of 150 questions that are evidence-based and easy to answer. The Cell Blueprint patient intake form takes roughly ten minutes to fill out.
The Cell Blueprint evaluation form makes it easy to organize your patient’s symptoms and map them to their cellular blueprint, which in turn helps you isolate the areas of their cellular health that need work.
From here, it’s a matter of applying your expertise to create a personal treatment plan that targets the problem areas identified in their Cell Blueprint.
Who is The Cell Blueprint™ course for?
The Cell Blueprint™ course is for anyone looking to level up their clinical practice through science-based functional medicine.
The Cell Blueprint protocol isn’t limited to one profession—it’s a transformative and versatile approach that can be applied to many healthcare disciplines.
Whether you’re a functional medicine doctor or nurse practitioner, an integrative health coach, a fitness pro, or a nutritionist, your clinical practice and your clients can benefit from this holistic functional medicine system.
Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to revolutionize your practice and unlock extraordinary results for your clients and patients.
Learn how to implement the Cell Blueprint with our online learning experience and become a true catalyst for healing.
Who is Dr. Bryan Walsh?
Dr Bryan Walsh is a licensed, board-certified naturopathic doctor who has studied physiology and nutrition for more than 25 years.
Since 2007, Dr. Bryan and his wife Dr. Julie Walsh have operated a private practice and healthcare education company. With more than 40 years of combined experience in health, fitness, and nutrition, they are passionate about teaching healthcare professionals better ways to practice functional medicine.
Why we developed
The Cell BlueprintTM
Being a functional medicine practitioner means sorting through a lot of (often conflicting) information and protocols, much of which isn’t founded on peer-reviewed scientific research.
With so many unscientific diagnostic tools floating around, it’s not surprising that we often hear people asking “Is functional medicine legitimate?”
After struggling with the complexities of functional medicine in our own practice for years, we knew there had to be a better way.
We created the Cell Blueprint to elevate the field and dispel doubt. Every section and symptom included in the Cell Blueprint is directly backed by scientific literature. We left out anything we couldn’t prove with science.
What to expect from this course
01Welcome to The Cell Blueprint™
The first module introduces the Cell Blueprint concept and provides you with a detailed overview of what you’ll learn in the course.
- Start here
- Navigating through the noise
- What is the Cell Blueprint?
- Let’s reflect
- What’s next
02The why: Levels of organization
In this module, we look at why focusing on cellular health is crucial to diagnosing clients and getting to the core of their health concerns. We revisit the fundamental principles of physiology and share our process in developing the Cell Blueprint through a deeper consideration of the levels of organization. You’ll learn about the levels of organization, how the levels of organization inform the design of the Cell Blueprint™ model, and why cellular health is pivotal to the overall health of an organism.
- The foundation
- The fundamentals of physiology
- Check your understanding
- How healthy cells make better communities
- Check your understanding
- What’s next
03The what: What do cells need to be healthy?
Now that we know why cellular health is key to effectively guiding our clients on a path to better health, let’s delve deeper into what cells need to function optimally. In this module, we take a closer look at how to provide the cell with the right stuff to make energy, protect it from things that may be damaging it, and promote a healthy environment in which it can function as it should.
- The Cell Blueprint
- The Cell Blueprint overview
- Check your understanding
- Provide
- Check your understanding
- Protect
- Check your understanding
- Promote
- Check your understanding
- The big picture
- What’s next
04The how: The Cell Blueprint Symptom Assessment
We understand why the cell is key to overall well-being, and we know more about what makes a cell function and healthy. Next, we look at the crux of this course; how we can use this clinical model to determine which area of the cell needs to be treated. In this module, we explore how to analyze the data obtained from the Cell Blueprint Symptom Assessment, and how each score relates to the categories of the Cell Blueprint.
- Using the tools
- How to use the assessment tool
- Check your understanding
- Assessing cell health: Provide
- Check your understanding
- Assessing cell health: Protect
- Check your understanding
- Assessing cell health: Promote (communication)
- Check your understanding
- Assessing cell health: Promote (pH and purpose)
- Check your understanding
- What’s next
05Case studies
In this module, we take a look at three real-life case studies and how the Cell Blueprint helped narrow down the causes of their health concerns. Each case study serves as an example of one of the three Cell Blueprint categories: Provide, Protect, and Promote. This provides an overview of how problems related to each category can manifest. You’ll learn how to use the Cell Blueprint Interpretation guide to assess clients, and which protocols to follow if a certain section of the Cell Blueprint Symptom Assessment reveals a high score.
- Meet Mark, Mary and Ruth.
- Case study 1: Mark
- Check your understanding
- Case study 2: Mary
- Check your understanding
- Case study 3: Ruth
- Check your understanding
- Wrapping up
- Putting it all together
- Let’s summarize
- What’s next
06Final exam
Answer 80% of the questions correctly to complete the course and earn your Cell Blueprint™ badge.
- Final exam
- Tell us what you think
- Claim your badge!
- You’ve unlocked some bonus content!
- Bonus video: Science of the Cell Blueprint Part 1
- Bonus video: Science of the Cell Blueprint Part 2
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