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Exploring the Essential Features of “Dr Emily Splichal – Run Injury Free! Perception, Stabilization & Coordination”
Perception, Stabilization & Coordination
With the constant stimulation of from the ground up impact forces, running places a unique demand on the neuromuscular system.
Join Podiatrist and Human Movement Specialist Dr Emily Splichal as she explores the benefit of foot to core sequencing, barefoot vs. shod whole body vibration (WBV) training, and how the utilization of the Naboso Mat can reduce running-related injuries.
Bonus feature: Integration of Run Injury Free! concepts with Naboso Technology & Power Plate (whole body vibration)
Course Curriculum
Run Injury Free!
- Perception of Impact & Integration Stabilization (74:03)
- Glutei Activation, Foot Typing & WBV (142:39)
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