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Exploring the Essential Features of “Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming – Yang Tai Chi for Beginners”
Half price! Relax and stay healthy. Deep breathing relieves your stress, calming your mind and body on a cellular level, and immediately boosts your immune response. This is the most authentic classical Yang form taught with 5 HOURS of detailed instruction of the 108 form. A masterclass in your living room! Learn Tai Chi Step-by-Step with Master Yang. Front and rear view to follow along easily. Bestselling Tai Chi DVD with amazing detail. Tai Chi Chuan is a kind of moving meditation. Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming teaches you the Yang-style form step-by-step, while explaining the meaning of each movement. Yang Tai Chi is the most popular style in the world, practiced by millions of people every day.
Regular practice can benefit your strength, flexibility, bone-density, and muscle mass. The low-impact exercise has been shown to improve symptoms of depression and insomnia, and promote the healing of chronic conditions. Tai Chi will increase your circulation of blood and energy throughout the body, resulting in improved vitality and longevity.
Master Yang instructs the complete Tai Chi form from the front, and shows each movement one-by-one from multiple angles. There is also a rear view of the form that you can simply follow-along with. English subtitles. Dr. Yangβs tai chi lineage can be traced back to the Yang family through Grandmaster Kao, Tao and his teacher Yue, Huanzhi, an indoor disciple of Yang, Chengfu.
Harvard Medical School:: βregular practice leads to more vigor and flexibility, better balance and mobility, and a sense of well-being. Cutting-edge research from Harvard Medical School also supports the long-standing claims that Tai Chi also has a beneficial impact on the health of the heart, bones, nerves and muscles, immune system, and the mind.β 293 mins. DVD (all regions, region 0)
Dr. Yangβs ability is of the same high caliber as his written treatises. βMaster Jou, Tsung-Hwa
Dr. Yang surely follows in the footsteps of the Yang style founder Yang Lu-Chan, who also first studied the Shaolin hard styles and later studied and mastered the soft style of Taijiquan. Dr. Yang stimulates this tradition, which will surely bear the fruit of high achievement within the martial arts. βGrandmaster Liang, Tung-Tsai
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