*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “EEG Info – Working With Alpha Theta”
Adding Alpha-Theta to an established Neurofeedback training protocol is an effective and powerful way to help your clients address early childhood traumas, maladaptive behaviors, poor attachment, learned fears, phobias and habits. This eyes-closed, deep-state training allows clients to process and resolve deep psychological issues without traumatic re-experiencing.
They discuss:
- Introducing Alpha-Theta to your clients
- How to provide a therapeutic and safe Alpha-Theta environment
- Describing to your clients what to expect in an Alpha-Theta session
- Gauging whether or not your client is ready for Alpha-Theta
- Using guided imagery and relaxation for induction to a deep-state
- Helping your client transition out of an Alpha-Theta session
- Processing the Alpha-Theta experience with your clients
About the Actor
Evelyn Shapero: received her Masters degree in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University. Her Neurofeedback career began as a clinicin in the neurofeedback office of Sue and Siegfried Othmer working primarily with Alpha/theta. Today Evelyn is in private practice in West LA working with children and adults. Caroline Grierson: A California licensed Registered Nurse, Caroline Grierson graduated from the Vancouver General Hospital in 1964 and from the University of Western Ontario in 1966 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Administration. For the first five years of her professional career she was Head Nurse and Clinical Coordinator of the first Coronary Care Unit, at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles where she helped to develop the post-graduate coronary care nurse training program. During that time, she served as Chairman of the CPR Committee and Editor of the CCU Newsletter for the Los Angeles Country Heart Association and trained paramedics and dentists in the techniques of CPR (CardioPulmonary Resuscitation). She was also Publicity Chairman for the newly formed Critical Care Nurses Association. While raising her daughters, she lectured at USC Post Graduate Division and Institute of Continuing Education for Nurses, and served as HealthCare Coordinator at the Bresler Center for Pain Management and Teaching Associate with the Academy for Guided Imagery. Caroline studied biofeedback at the Biofeedback Institute of Los Angeles in 1988 and neurofeedback with Sue and Siegfried Othmer at EEG Spectrum in Encino in 1993. She is BCIA Certified (Biofeedback Certification Institute of America) and is a Senior Fellow in Biofeedback and a Fellow in Neurofeedback. In addition, she is BCIA Certified in Stress Management and a Clinical Associate in the American Association of Pain Management. Caroline has been in private practice doing Biofeedback and Neurofeedback in her own office, Train Your Brain , since 1991 and a member of a Comprehensive Pain Management Program, with Dr Joshua Prager, since 2000. She works with aduts suffering from chronic pain, stress and anxiety disorders, attention deficits, hypertension, cancer and incontinence.
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